by Jeff Chang
“Mr. President,” 28
Mtume, James, 275
MTV, 244–245, 320, 418–419
Mubarak, Aliyah, 292
Mudd Club, 148, 149, 151, 169, 174
Mudie, Harry, 35
Muhammad, Elijah, 100, 105, 106, 224, 254, 258
Muhammad, Khallid Abdul, 253, 263–264, 333, 343
Muhammad, Sister Ava, 254
Muhammad, Tynetta, 403
Mujahid, Imam, 364, 365
Mulder, Fox, 439
multiculturalism. See polyculturalism, hip-hop culture
Munson, Thurman, 8, 19
Murphy, Eddie, 235, 249
Murvin, Junior, 28
Music In Action, 326
Mutabaruka, 275
“My Boy Lollipop,” 26
“My Posse,” 300
“My Summer Vacation,” 335, 342
NAC, 143
Nate Dogg, 316
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 221, 222, 248, 400
National Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership, 402
National Black Police Association, 396–397
National Black Political Assembly, 279
National Guard, 310, 371, 375
National Political Congress of Black Women, 451–452
National Rifle Association (NRA), 396
National Urban League, 274–275, 307
Nation of Gods and Earths. See Five Percenters
Nation of Islam and Black Muslims, 9, 46, 100, 106, 223–225, 239, 252, 258, 263–264, 265, 268, 284–285, 310, 333, 360, 362, 383, 400–401. See also Farrakhan, Louis; Malcolm X
Nation of Millions. See It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
Nazi symbolism, 102
Ndegeocello, Meshell, 445
neoconservatives, successes of, 220–221
“neo-soul” marketing stragegy, 445–448
Neumann, Dolores, 198
Never Mind the Bollocks, 320
New Orleans, Louisiana, 25, 389
“New Rap Language,” 133
Newton, Huey, 47, 248, 254, 334, 462
New Wave/No Wave movement, 148
New World Order, 437–439, 457
New York City. See also South Bronx; South Bronx gangs
Bensonhurst incident, 292–293
blackout of 1977, 15
Central Park “wilding” rampage, 277–278, 289
Crown Heights riots, 294
economy of, 16, 135, 145, 177–178
graffiti crackdown, 181
graffiti culture, 122–123
Howard Beach incident, 225–228, 277
Jackson, Jesse, 265–268
Korean shopkeepers, 293–294
Long Island, New York Black Belt, 232–239, 271, 274 (See also Black suburbia)
Ocean Hill/Brownsville school district, 222–223
New York City Breakers, 139, 192, 193–194
New York City Police Department
hip-hop culture, 134–136
repression by, 455–456
South Bronx gangs, 62–63
Stewart, Michael case, 194–198
New York City school system, South Bronx gangs, 52–54
New York City Youth Services Agency (YSA), South Bronx gangs, 54, 55, 61, 62, 63
“New York Rapper,” 303
New York Yankees, 7–8, 9–10, 18–19
Nia, Sadiki, 441
Nicaragua, 209, 302, 439
“Niggaz 4 Life,” 416
Niggaz With Attitude (NWA), 306, 318–321, 325–329, 343, 393, 416, 419
nightclubbing, 168–170, 173–177
Nightmare on Elm Street (film), 234
“Night of the Living Baseheads” (video), 263–264, 280
Niney the Observer, 35
Nisperos, Dominique, 462
Nixon, Richard M., 14, 217, 313
Noguera, Pedro, 215
“No More Tears (Enough Is Enough),” 131
Norman, James, 285, 294
North, Oliver, 396, 428
Notorious B.I.G., 413
“No Vaseline,” 414
“Numbers,” 172
“Nuthin’ But a ‘G’ Thang,” 316, 419, 420, 421
NWA. See Niggaz With Attitude
O’Brien, Guy “Master Gee,” 130
O’Bryant, Aaron, 79–80, 83, 84
Ocean Hill/Brownsville school district, 222–223, 267
Ohio Players, 264
OJ Cabs, 127, 132
O. K. Harris Gallery, 143, 155
Olmos, Edward James, 382
O’Malley, Walter, 10
“Once Upon a Time in the Projects,” 332, 343
O’Neal, Dee Dee, 311
“One in the Chamba,” 398, 428, 429
“On the Beach,” 30
Operation Hammer (LAPD), 323–325
Organized Konfusion, 418
Original Concept, 231, 239, 243, 419
Osby, Greg, 271
O’Solomon, Otis, 311
Ossie, Count, 24, 25
Outkast, 437
“Over Like a Fat Rat,” 257
Ovitz, Michael, 382
Owen, Frank, 231, 331
Ozomatli, 462
Pablo, Augustus, 36
Pabon, Jorge “Popmaster Fabel,” 115, 117, 169, 204, 205
Palestinian intifada, 267
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 266
Palmer, Robert, 275
Palmieri, Charlie, 64
Palmieri, Eddie, 41, 65
The Paragons, 30
“Parental Advisory” stickers, recording industry, 393
Paris (rapper), 398–399
Parker, Alan, 276
Parker, William, 308, 310
Parks, Gordon, 192
Parks, Rosa, 403, 452
Parr, Russ, 303
“Party for Your Right to Fight,” 272–273
Pate, Johnny, 79
Patriot movement, 438
Patterson, Lorenzo “MC Ren,” 318
P-Diddy. See Combs, Sean “Puffy, P-Diddy”
“Peace Treaty,” 381–382
“Peace Treaty Special,” 37
Peanut Butter Wolf, 418
Pebblee Poo, 101
Peco, Henry, 364–365, 386
People’s History of the United States (Zinn), 437
People’s 36, 37
Perez, Richie, 47–48, 95, 354
Perkins, Wayne, 27, 28
Perlmutter, Nathan, 266
Perot, H. Ross, 394, 395
Perry, Anthony, 366
Perry, Lee “Scratch,” 28–29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39
Persian Gulf War, 343, 437
Petrie, Daniel, 99
Phair, Liz, 447
PHASE 2, 153, 175, 184
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 209
Phillips, Kevin, 220
Picker, David, 192
Guy “Master Gee,” 130
Pierce, Paul, 433
Aaron, 79–80, 83, 84
PINK. See Fabara, Sandra “LADY PINK”
Pink Floyd, 304
PJAY, 182
“A Place Called Africa,” 34
“Planet Rock,” 170–173, 179, 190, 201, 241, 416
Platt, Tony, 28
“Play That Funky Music,” 411
Pleasure (DJ unit), 237
Plotnicki, Steve, 184
police. See Los Angeles Police Department; New York City Police Department
“Police and Thieves,” 28
police associations, Ice T, 396–398
anti-apartheid movement, 215–220
anti-gang measures, 322–325
Black leadership, 268–270, 273–276
Black militancy, 279–280
culture wars, rap music and, 392–394
devolution, 321–322
drug addiction, 205–209
Farrakhan, Louis, 223–225
graffiti culture, 122–123, 181, 202–203
hip-hop cul
ture, 413, 450–455, 464–465
Jackson, O’Shea “Ice Cube,” 335–337
Jamaica, 31–34, 36–37
King, Rodney riots, 374–379
Los Angeles, California, 387–392
media monopolies, 439–445
neoconservatives, 220–221
New York City, 16, 222–223
NWA, 325–329
Public Enemy, 251–255
race relations, 264–268, 394–398
rap music, 247–250
South Bronx, 8–9, 16–17, 167
South Bronx gangs, 45–48
Stewart, Michael case, 194–198, 201, 202
War on Youth, 455–457
Pollack, Phyllis, 326
polyculturalism, hip-hop culture, 421–422
Polygram, 399
Poon, Eddie, 322
Popmaster Fabel. See Pabon, Jorge “Popmaster Fabel”
Potter, Maximillian, 410
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 8–9, 273
Powell, Bud, 147
Powell, Colin, 449, 450
Powell, Kevin, 424
Powell, Lawrence, 368
P.O.W.E.R. (gang), 95
Powers, Ben, Jr., 259
Powers, Steve “Espo,” 74
Prashad, Vijay, 421
Pratt, Elmer (Geronimo ji Jaga), 312
Prince, 191, 302, 393
Prince Far I, 35
Prince Whipper Whip, 186
print media, structural changes in, 415–417
Priority Records, 317, 399
prison system, 304–305, 334
Professor Griff. See Griffin, Richard “Professor Griff”
Profile Records, 184, 203
Promise Keepers, 401
Prophets, 249, 310, 311
Proposition 13, 314
Proposition 21, 456–457, 464
Proposition 184, 391
Proposition 187, 464
Proposition 209, 391
“Proud to Be Black,” 241
Pryor, Richard, 208, 276
“P.S.K.,” 210, 211, 236, 242
Public Enemy, 15, 231, 232, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251–253, 260, 261, 263–264, 268, 270, 272–273, 274, 275, 277, 278–292, 294–297, 335, 342, 394
“Public Enemy #1,” 242, 246, 256
publishing industry, graffiti culture, 160–161
Puerto Rican Socialist Party, 52
Puffy Combs. See Combs, Sean “Puffy, P-Diddy”
Pumpkin, 133
“Pump Me Up,” 178
“Pump That Bass/Live (Get a Little Stupid…HO!)”, 242
“Pungee,” 344
Purple Lords Party, 47
“Pusherman,” 13
“Put It in Your Mouth,” 446
Quayle, Dan, 268, 396, 399
Queen Latifah, 445
Queen Lisa Lee, 101
Quiñones, 153, 184, 185, 193, 198–199, 200, 203
race relations. See also anti-apartheid movement; anti- Semitism
anti-apartheid movement, 215–220
anti-racism movement, 217–219
Bambaataa, Afrika, 100–101, 105–106
baseball, 8
Black leadership, 268–270
Black suburbia, 233–236
Carter, Alprentice “Bunchy,” 342
Civil Rights movement, 2, 215, 221–223
Do the Right Thing (film), 276–279
Farrakhan, Louis, 223–225
hip-hop culture, 151–152, 154–155, 168, 413, 418–419, 425, 448–450
Howard Beach incident, 225–228, 277
Jackson, O’Shea “Ice Cube,” 335–337
Los Angeles, 307–309, 322, 338–341, 345–346, 357–358, 368–378, 387–392
media, 340–341
New York City, 145, 292–294
politics, 264–268, 394–398
Public Enemy, 251–255, 296–297
rap music crossover, 243–246
real estate, 233
social class, 270–273
South Bronx gangs, 53
Rachal, Charles “Q-Bone,” 383
black, 250–251
media monopolies, hip-hop culture, 439–443
Rage Against The Machine, 462
Raising Hell, 209, 211, 245
Rakim Allah (William Griffin, Jr.), 215, 228, 233, 256, 257–259, 260–261, 274, 303, 319, 321, 350
RAMMELLZEE, 153, 156, 158, 160, 169, 183, 187, 199, 200
rap music. See also hip-hop culture
Black militancy, 248–249
Black radio, 250–251
Black suburbia, 236–243
culture wars and, 392–394
evolution of, 228–229
mainstream culture, 203
politics, 247–250, 396–398
racial crossover, 243–246
recording industry self-censorship, 398–399
reggae and, 23, 39
violence, 241
“Rapper’s Delight,” 129, 130–132, 151, 185, 237
“Rappin’ Duke,” 210
Rappin’ (film), 192
Rapping Black in a White World, 311
Rare Earth, 76
Rare Essence, 408, 409
Ras Michael and the Sons of Negus, 37
Rastafari, 23–26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 36, 37, 39
“Rastaman Live Up,” 37
Rauschenberg, Robert, 153
Ravitch, Richard, 161, 181
Ray Dog. See Scott, Raymond “Ray Dog, Benzino”
Reagan, Nancy, 194
Reagan, Ronald, 38, 167, 177, 178, 194, 217, 220, 221, 223, 241, 247, 248, 302, 314, 315, 321, 379
real estate agents, 233
“Rebel Without a Pause,” 260, 261, 264, 268, 269
Reckford, Verena, 24–25
recording industry. See also specific labels and companies
hip-hop culture, 129–134, 184, 194
hip-hop self-censorship, 398–399
Jamaica, 26–30, 38–39
legal battles, 178–179, 190, 396–398
“Parental Advisory” stickers, 393
rap music, 203–204
Red, 178
Red Alert, 172
Red tour (Black Uhuru), 334
Redwood, Ruddy, 30, 79
Reed, Adolph, 267
Reed, Shaka, 101
dub, 34–38
rap music and, 23, 39
record industry, 27–28, 38–39
record production/sound systems, 28–30
Reid, Duke, 29, 30, 38
“Release Yourself,” 175, 256
“Renegades Chant,” 190–191
“Renegades of Funk,” 190
renegade theme, 190–191
REO Speedwagon, 304
repetition, 263
“The Return of Public Enemy,” 246
Revenge of Da Badd Boyz, 429
Revival Zion, 25
Revolution of the Mind, 263
Reynolds, Simon, 252, 254–255
Rha Goddess, 445
rhythm-and-blues, 25
Richie, Lionel, 418
Ridenhour, Carlton “Chuck D,” 130–131, 231, 232, 233, 237–238, 239, 240–243, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250–255, 258, 259–261, 263, 264, 269–270, 271, 272, 273, 275–276, 279–292, 294–297, 319, 321, 332, 346, 362, 425, 443
Ridenhour, Judy, 235
Ridley-Thomas, Mark, 386
Riefenstahl, Leni, 278
Riley, Boots, 437, 448
Riley, Teddy, 408
riots. See also violence
Los Angeles, California, 309–311, 368–378
South Bronx, 15–16
Roach, Max, 147
Delight,” 129, 130–132, 151, 185, 237
Robbie Rob, 118
Duke,” 210
Robbins, Corey, 184
Roberts, Ed “Ed Lover,” 419
Robertson, Robbie, 447
Robeson, Paul, 221–222, 279, 280
Robie, J
ohn, 172, 190
Robinson, Bobby, 132, 133
Robinson, Jackie, 7, 8–9, 10, 273, 276
Robinson, Joey, 129–130
Robinson, Randall, 216, 217–218
Robinson, Smokey, 73
Robinson, Sylvia, 129–130, 132, 178–179
Rock, Chubb, 260
Rock, Pete, 418
“Rock and Roll!”, 260
Rock City Rockers, 137
“Rockit,” 229
“Rockman, Rockman,” 210
“Rock Music,” 260
Rock Steady Crew, 110, 117, 137, 139, 140, 155, 156–158, 159–160, 161, 162–163, 169, 175, 182, 192, 193, 194, 205
Rodgers, T., 363
Rodia, Simon, 358
Rodney, Walter, 31
Rodrigues, Luis, 386
Rogers, Norman “Terminator X,” 247, 260
Rohrabacher, Dana, 375
Rolling 60s Crips, 302
Rolling Stone, 175
Rolling Thunder Writers, 119
Rollins, Sonny, 170
Roman Kings, 40
Romeo, Max, 34, 35
Ron-De-Vu, 300
Rosado, Johnny “Juice,” 247
Rose-Avila, Magdaleno, 459
Ross, Dante, 175, 418
Ross, Ricky “Freeway Rick,” 208, 209, 302
Roth, David Lee, 393
“Roxanne Roxanne,” 210
Roxy, 173–177, 184, 188, 244
RSO, 398, 429
Rubin, Rick, 204, 231, 243, 244, 245, 246, 281, 399
Ruddock, Osborne “King Tubby,” 29, 35–36
Run DMC, 203–204, 209, 211, 218, 231, 234, 239, 241, 245, 246, 251, 255, 303, 358, 408, 417, 447
Rush Artists Management, 243, 245, 255
Saddler, Joseph “Flash,” 80, 111–114, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 136
Saddler, Theodore “Grandwizard Theodore,” 114, 128, 174, 185, 186
Sadler, Eric “Vietnam,” 247, 394
St. Ides 8 Ball malt liquor advertising campaign, 350–353
Salsa International/Mary Lou Records, 64
Salt-N-Pepa, 408, 445
Samoan gangs, 301
Samuels, David, 347
Sanchez, Alex, 458–463
Sanchez, Oscar, 459, 460, 462
Sandiford, Cedric, 226, 227
Sandinista!, 154, 246
Sandinista government (Nicaragua), 209. See also Nicaragua
San Francisco, California, radio in, 440–443
San Jose Mercury News, 439
Sarko, Anita, 188
“Satta Massa Gana,” 34, 36
Savage Nomads (gang), 48, 53, 54
Savage Skulls (gang), 42, 43–45, 47–48, 49–50, 53, 54–55, 63, 104
“Say it Loud (I’m Black and I’m Proud)”, 77, 253
Scarface label, 399
Scharf, Kenny, 147, 180, 198
School Daze (film), 249
Schoolly D, 209, 236, 239, 242, 245
Black suburbia, 234
California, 314, 345, 391, 463–464
South Bronx, 52–54
Schulberg, Bud, 310
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 396