by Caldwell, Mia

  I started going out more with my girlfriends to get my mind off things. We spent a lot of time enjoying the downtown, Gaslamp District club scene. And we pretty much became regulars at this place called Mobey’s. The summer after my freshman year, it seemed like we hung out there every weekend.

  The first time I saw Devlin Danes, I was hooked. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, but he didn’t notice me at all.

  And good GOD was he gorgeous!

  He stared off with dark mysterious eyes, his dazzling smile, and his lush lips… There was something oh so sexy and masculine about a permanent 5 o’clock shadow. And that body. Holy shit, that body: Linebacker shoulders and a perfectly round tight-end. Elaborate tattoos of mythological creatures snaked their way out of the sleeves of his noticeably taut t-shirt.

  The buzz around the bar was that he was doing Navy SEAL training over on Coronado Island. At the time, I wasn’t exactly sure what that duty entailed, but it sounded like something that was pretty rigorous. Devlin certainly had the physique for it. Every square inch of his body was hard chiseled muscle.

  Of course, he had a perpetual circle of beautiful girls around him and on him; usually hanging onto his bulging biceps. He had a reputation for being a notorious playboy and I didn’t doubt any of the stories I had heard about him. He was the exact kind of guy that every good girl’s mother warned her to stay away from. My momma called them “manwhores”.

  Devlin Danes tormented me week after week, without even knowing it. I kept my distance from him, and watched him from afar; well, not that far. From just across the bar patio, actually.

  I hated that cocky prick. I didn’t know him, but I hated him because I secretly wanted him and I knew he would never give me the time of day. Sometimes, he would look my way, but he always seemed to gaze right through me rather than at me.

  Once, when there was an empty chair at my table, he asked me if anyone was sitting there. I was so excited because I thought he actually wanted to sit next to me! When I told him the seat wasn’t taken, he swooped it away and gave it to some slutty-looking girl who was hovering around his table. I saw him leave with her at the end of the night, and secretly wished it was me.

  Every time I saw Devlin at Mobey’s, my desire for him pushed me to the brink of madness. For the sake of my own sanity, I tried to convince myself that I didn’t want to be one of “those” girls on his arm, anyway. He was a typical player. Not my type at all. I hated players. He was nothing like the guys I usually dated. Nothing like Deshawn at all………..

  Thinking back on everything, that was probably what appealed to me most; Devlin Danes was the exact opposite of Deshawn in every way. After the way Deshawn broke my heart, I needed something different.

  Devlin practically oozed sex out of every pore, and emanated a raw animal magnetism. People were drawn to him - both men and women. He was like a circus ringmaster – the action revolved around him. And no doubt there was quite a few people willing to jump through hoops just to be in Devlin’s circle. He crackled with electricity and reeked of danger.

  I hadn’t completely admitted it to myself at the time, but things weren’t all that good between me and Deshawn even before I caught him cheating. We had dated through most of high school and everyone assumed we would marry… But I knew better.

  Deshawn wasn’t right for me…

  He barely gave me the time of day when we weren’t together in bed… When I caught Deshawn cheating on me with some girl from one of his economics classes, I guess I should have seen it coming… I couldn’t really hold it against him as much as I wanted to. We were barely even together at the time… But the break-up was still sad and emotionally crushing.

  I needed to move on.

  The next time the girls and I went out to Mobey’s, my goal was to erase Deshawn from my mind by getting completely tanked and getting Devlin to notice me. I spent hours getting a weave, put on extra makeup, and walked out the door in my sexiest, slinkiest red dress. Over the course of the evening, I not only lost track of how many cinnamon whiskey fireballs I drank, but most of my inhibitions as well. My bawdy behavior attracted the attention of quite a few men around me. And wouldn’t ya know it? BINGO! For the very first time, Devlin Danes noticed me. I mean really noticed me!

  I could almost feel the heat of his eyes on me, virtually burning a hole in my dress. Once he captured my gaze, he immediately started making his way across the crowded patio over to my table. His eyes never deviated from mine and his walk was slow, purposeful, and determined. Twenty seconds after introducing himself, he was already whispering sexually suggestive things into my ear and running his lips down my neck.

  He was obviously used to women not only welcoming his advances but throwing themselves at him, as well. I had a feeling very few women said no to Devlin Danes. He continued with his shockingly bold moves, trailing further down my skin with his luscious lips, as he gently kissed my cleavage and cupped my breasts like they were exquisite treasures to behold.

  I don’t remember the exact words he was saying to me, but they were outrageously brazen. I recall giggling nervously and acting coy when he grabbed my ass with both hands. The exact type of behavior I hated in other women! I was stupidly enjoying his utter disrespect for me. UGH! But I didn’t care. I loved every bit of attention that he gave me.

  The whole thing would’ve been against my better judgment if only I had had a shred of any that evening. Devlin was turning me on and stirring feelings in places that had never been stirred. I invited his strong hands to roam freely all over my body. Nothing was off limits. Then I felt his fingers slide between my thighs and lift up directly and firmly into my hot folds. He began rubbing the silky fabric of my dress back and forth and up and around into my slit. I had never felt anything so erotic in my life.

  At that moment, I craved him so badly it physically hurt. A wild fling was in order, but I found myself having second thoughts. Would one night with him be such a bad thing? I was torn on what to do, but that didn’t last long.

  Devlin’s power of persuasion finally won me over when he told me his naval unit was being deployed to Afghanistan the next day. The possibility of him not returning was very real. I’d most likely never see him again, either way. He pressed his massive dick against my inner thighs as he waited for an answer. My moistened panties and ultra-horny body made the decision for me and it wasn’t long before we were in a downtown hotel room…

  And that was all I could remember.

  I blacked out.

  I woke the next morning to find Devlin Danes missing in action.

  I never saw him again.

  My explanation to Kesha did not include the part about me debasing myself with him in the bar and hotel room. I still couldn’t bring myself to talk about that night with anyone. I down-played the whole evening in the story that I told her. I made it sound more like he was just your typical handsome and conceited dickhead whose advances I rejected.

  The truth was, my humiliation and embarrassment had left a permanent scar on my soul. It was hard to admit, even to myself, that I had allowed myself to be taken in and used by such an obvious player and he didn’t even say goodbye.

  I was a cliché. He had his fill of something exotic and he left. I was the girl who falls for the macho guy and ends up nothing but another one of his conquests. A notch in the bedpost.

  Wasn’t that exactly what I expected?!

  I hated myself for acting like a fool and then feeling like a victim… I knew what I was getting myself into right from the start: One no-strings-attached night of wild sex with a guy I didn’t know and would never see again. Not only that, but I had actually encouraged it. Hadn’t I used him too?

  I just wished I could remember any of it… Maybe that would have made it better…

  So we spent one night together. So what? Other people do that sort of thing all the time.

  Other people do.

  Not me. I betrayed myself... And now, I was going to have to see this guy again,
and treat him with professional courtesy to boot? That was going to be quite the Oscar winning performance!



  Bayside Fitness was only a fifteen minute drive from my house. I pulled into the parking lot in my BMW M6 Coupe and chose the space closest to the entrance displaying the PacificMed sign above it. No need to walk any farther than I had to.

  I checked-in at the front desk of the gym a few minutes early, and the receptionist immediately dialed PacificMed to relay the fact that I had arrived for my appointment. She was a voluptuous cutie pie who told me to sign in, take a seat, and someone would be with me shortly. I couldn’t help but notice that she was sending me all the obvious signals that she was interested. She had clearly made a point of leaning forward over the counter way farther than she needed to, in order to point out the sign-in sheet. She knew her gorgeous tits would fall out of that low-cut blouse……..

  “And what’s your name, my little lovely?”

  “Tiffany Daniels. Here’s my card……..”

  I decided I would seriously consider adding Tiffany to my lineup. She certainly looked fuck-worthy enough. I felt her eyes on my ass as I headed for the nearest chair next to a large potted plant. I couldn’t help but smile with self-satisfaction. That chick definitely wanted me.

  Down the hallway, a tall and strong looking black woman walked toward me. For a moment, I thought she was my therapist since her polo shirt had a PacificMed logo on it, plus she was looking directly at me like she was gonna introduce herself. But then she just continued walking right past, heading straight through the double doors and out to the parking lot.

  I skimmed the covers of the various magazines that were neatly arranged on a nearby table. A Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition caught my eye, so I rifled through its pages for a bit. It was then, while deep in concentration, that I was suddenly overcome by a vision… A vision that captivated me in a way I couldn’t fully process.

  It was almost like I witnessed it in slow motion. The angel walking toward me actually took my breath away for a split second; maybe even two.

  She had thin and dark braids that bounced with each step she took. Her breasts swayed gently under her sky blue polo, and her white khaki shorts contrasted beautifully against her dark, extra-long, extra-toned, deliciously shapely legs. My eyes quickly carried back up, stopping themselves on her luscious and glossy lips as she lifted her clipboard.

  She was stunning. I suddenly became religious:

  Please God, let this be my therapist.

  “Devlin Danes? Hi, I’m Cali Jamison, your physical therapist.”

  Thanks God! I owe you one!

  We shook hands and she said something else like “Follow me” or “Walk this way” but I couldn’t be sure because I got lost in the hypnotic pools of her big, striking eyes. She had an indescribable sexy innocence about her. I couldn’t wait to corrupt this little thing…

  She turned, and I let her get in front of me so I could watch her firm, juicy ass bob back and forth as she walked and pointed out various areas of the facility. The tour was being wasted on me. I was already intoxicated by the scent of her coconutty-vanilla perfume. All I could do was nod and sound stupid:

  “Uh huh.”

  “Yeah, cool.”

  “Uh huh.”

  We eventually made our way back to her PacificMed office. She told me to hop up onto the therapy table, handed me a clipboard with a pen attached and directed me to fill out the patient information forms.

  “Uh huh. Okay.”

  I already knew this time around I’d be taking my physical therapy very seriously... Oh fuck me, I was in heaven!

  I struggled to fill out my own basic data and medical history. My mind had turned to mush and I simply just wanted to sit and stare at her. Every couple of minutes I tried to inconspicuously sneak peeks over the top of the clipboard, but I know she caught my gaze at least twice because both times she asked me if I had a question.

  When she bent over in front of me to pick up a pillow that had fallen off the massage table, my imagination ran wild as I pictured us fucking in various places around her office and therapy room. Oh, how I wanted to take her for a spin on that wheeled, leather chair.

  By the time I finished filling out the forms, my dick was rock-hard and ready to explode. I tried, in vain, to distract myself with other thoughts: Magazine swimsuit model?.... No…. Voluptuous receptionist?......... No………. Fuck! Didn’t I have any nonsexual references?



  It was all I could do not to stare at Devlin Danes as he filled out his paperwork. I wondered why this guy had me in such a tizzy. I was obviously still drawn to him, but I really didn’t feel like it was the best time for self-analysis. Bottom line: I was a professional and I needed to act like one.

  But seeing him again, after all these years, caused all my childish insecurities and anxieties to flood back into my consciousness. Sure, it had been a long time, and I changed my hair… But he didn’t even recognize me! Was I really so forgettable?

  Relax Cali. He’s just a dumb manwhore……

  That night happened six years ago…

  I needed to get a grip. More importantly, I needed to not refer to my clients as “manwhores.”

  Maybe it was good that he didn’t remember me. That would save me some embarrassment. I knew I had to get my emotions in check. Still, it was all I could do to keep myself from freezing up every time he glanced over. I didn’t think it was possible for him to get any more gorgeous and sexy than he was six years ago. But I sure was wrong, because he sure as shit did.

  I wasn’t the only one who noticed. While I was giving him the obligatory gym tour, you could’ve practically heard the sound of every lady’s bottom jaw dropping open as he passed by.

  There was also something decidedly different about him, now. I wasn’t sure what it was, though. Maybe it was his eyes. They looked softer and kinder, somehow. And his demeanor seemed much more pleasant and relaxed than I remembered. Hmm……..I thought I had caught a whiff of booze on his breath a little bit ago. He was also noticeably a bit tongue-tied and flustered. Was he drunk?

  That thought made my heart sink. Devlin Danes was coming to me for help. If he’d turned to drinking to help dull the pain, that was going to make everything harder.

  It didn’t matter. I was going to get control of myself and I was going to help this man…

  He was still hot as hell and I was still hot and bothered. But I could never really truly be interested in him again.

  Not after what happened that night.

  He was probably still just as cocky and arrogant and full of himself as he was then. The exact kind of guy I can’t stand. People don’t change. Not like that.

  I watched him out of the corner of my eye, as he gripped the clipboard with his tanned, masculine hands. I could almost remember how they felt that night at Mobey’s, holding onto my ass, full of sexual desire. Perspiration began to bead up between my breasts as I imagined him cupping my tits once again……Oh my god! How in the world would I be able to do physical therapy with this man?

  I was a whole mess of emotions as he finished writing. Devlin Danes had given me one of the best nights of my life, and it had been meaningless to him. I wasn’t going to let that slide. I’d help him rehabilitate from his injuries, but that was as far as I was going to go.



  It had taken all of my will to deflate the hard-on I had acquired from gawking at Cali’s superb ass.

  “All done. Here you go… Cali Jamison. That sure is a pretty name.”

  I made sure I flashed her my sexiest smile while I let her name roll slowly and sensuously from my lips. And then I made sure my hand brushed against hers as I handed the clipboard back to her.

  I was determined to snap out of my speechless mode. I needed to get control pronto if I ever hoped to bag this baby doll. There was no doubt in my mind that I would h
ave her. It was just a matter of when.

  All in good time…

  I took a deep breath and calculated my next move.

  “So, I noticed you were babying your left leg, Mr. Danes. I see your knee replacement surgery was almost three months ago. You still have pain and stiffness?”

  Just hearing the word “stiffness” come out of her moist, pouty lips. I kept hoping she wouldn’t be asking me to stand up any time soon, because parts of me were already responding again. Fuck this girl had an effect on me.

  “Yes, I do Cali. Quite a bit, actually. And…. I prefer that you call me Devlin, please.”

  My attempt at friendliness went mostly ignored. She simply shot me a very cold, no-nonsense look and then hit me with a barrage of questions designed to shed light on why my recovery was not progressing the way it should. I could have told her straight up why, but I allowed her to proceed with her little investigation.


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