by Caldwell, Mia

  “Devlin Danes, you cocksucker! You think I don’t know a brush-off when I hear one?! You have some fuckin’ nerve! You think you can just run away over to there? Where d’ya think you’re gonna hide? Behind a fuckin’ exercise ball?”

  My embarrassment continued, as she followed me over to the bench, shrieking obscenities the whole way in her annoying Brooklyn accent. She wasn’t gonna let me off the hook that easily. I glanced back across the gym to see if Cali was watching this disgraceful episode, and she sure as shit was. She had a look of complete revulsion on her face as she tried to maintain some old guy’s therapy session. Unfortunately, Sandy caught me looking over at Cali and that really set her off.

  “Oh I get it now! You got your eye on little miss chocolate tits over there and you don’t want HER to know you been fuckin’ me on the side!”

  Sandy looked back and stared in Cali’s direction.

  “It’s been weeks Sandy, and you’re the one who broke it off,” I replied, trying to mitigate the damage.

  “You know what? Go ahead. Have fun asshole. I hope your pierced dick rusts and falls off!!”

  Sandy snatched up her towel and water bottle, and stormed off to the nearest exit.

  All eyes were on me now, so I just shrugged my shoulders, and mugged my best “I have no idea what the fuck that was about” look. Most of the people around me seemed pretty amused. Except Cali.

  She wasn’t smiling at all. She looked exactly like a woman with her nose out of joint. And who could blame her? She had been humiliated at work in front of clients and colleagues. It appeared I had fucked up again; big time. I had no idea what I could possibly say or do to make things right with her. I headed to the locker room to splash some cold water in my face and give it some serious thought.



  Somehow, I had successfully managed to maintain my composure while I finished up the exercises with my very elderly client. Mr. Clemons was 84 years-old and had probably seen just about everything during his long life on Earth. He had been completely unfazed by the ridiculous TV reality-show antics that had just unfolded in front of us at the gym.

  Not me though... I found crazy shit like that to be extremely unsettling. Thankfully, the last time I saw that kind of high drama displayed was when my college roommate Sheryl and I came upon her boyfriend, Tim, getting blown by some slut in the school parking garage.

  Sheryl went completely ape-shit, cussing and ranting like a lunatic. Then, she reached into the car window and ripped out a handful of hair from Tim’s head and ran off through the quad…

  I escorted Mr. Clemons out to the lobby and headed back down the hall to my office. I happened to cross paths with Kesha as she was taking a woman over to the stretching mats. Her facial expression told me that she had already caught wind of all the tawdry details from the buzz that was making its way around the facility. I felt like I wanted to crawl under the nearest rock and hide for a few weeks until it all blew over.

  I was definitely going to hear about this later… That wasn’t the worst part though… As I walked, a few words kept rolling through my head…

  “I hope your pierced dick rusts and falls off…”

  Did he really have one? I honestly didn’t even want to think about something like that… But it was too late. The mental picture had been planted in my brain. Great! Just what I needed!

  No sooner had I parked my butt in my leather swivel chair and removed the dick pic from my head, when the king dick himself appeared at the door to my office still wearing his stupid “who me?” smirk.

  I thought back to the nasty, slutty woman making a scene just minutes ago. I guess he hadn’t changed. This is the kind of trashy woman Devlin attracts? Worse yet – this is the kind of trashy woman he’s attracted to?

  It was all too revolting. My first instinct had been correct. Devlin Danes really was a manwhore. And to think I almost got involved with him.



  I apprehensively slunk into Cali’s office and closed the door behind me, not fully knowing what to expect. Would she be furious? Annoyed? Repulsed? Or some combination of the three? She had been degraded in her work place. That was for certain. The look of total disgust on her face, as I entered, told me all I needed to know: Start groveling and apologize profusely! No gettin’ around it though, two apologies in two days… I’d filled my quota for the next decade.

  “I’m sorry about what happened out there. It’s not what you think.”

  “How you conduct your personal life is no business of mine. Our relationship is strictly professional and I’m not here to give you relationship advice. I’d just prefer if you keep your drama out of my Gym… Now, if you could please hop up onto the therapy table, Mr. Danes…..”

  I climbed onto the table and reclined but this time she placed a cold compress on my knee, which was probably her not so subtle way of sending me a frosty message. Here, have some freezing ice, you sleazy mother fucker!

  I needed to talk this out.

  “I know it looks bad, but Sandy and I… We haven’t seen each other for weeks. She broke it off with me and got back with her ex. I’m sorry about what happened, but there won’t be any more drama.”

  Cali’s beauty actually intensified as her eyes blazed with anger. I wanted to get inside her in the worst way. My cock stirred and then hardened like a plank, as I watched her full, firm breasts heave with fury.

  “Sandy? Is that her name? Well she sure didn’t sound like an ex. And her hands on your ass didn’t look casual.”

  “C’mon, Cali. You must have plenty of weird, jealous ex-boyfriends randomly showing up and bugging you in public. Don’t tell me you haven’t broken a few hearts.

  “Oh yeah, a shit load! If you can count three guys as a shit load. And no, they do not randomly show up in public places and “bug me”!

  Did she just say three men? Three men? I was completely stunned by her admission. How could that be? A woman that hot? Cali was indeed a different kind of woman; she was a long-term woman, that’s what she was. I wanted her even more now, if that was even possible.

  My teeth were beginning to chatter, so I started to remove the cold pack from my leg. She responded with a light slap on my hand which stopped me from doing so. She was still trying to freeze me out, but the slap had had the opposite effect on me. It made me extra hot for her. Imagining her strong but sexy palm slapping my bad-boy ass was driving me completely insane now.

  “I’m making changes. Sandy belonged with the old Devlin. I was trying to hide from my problems, but I’m not running away from them anymore. She’s not the kind of girl I need in my life.”

  “And what kind of girl do you need, Devlin Danes?” she asked sarcastically.

  The cold was penetrating deep now, dragging me back to a time I’d rather forget.

  “You’re shivering… Are you okay?” Cali asked.

  I closed my eyes, the sweeping mountains of Afghanistan stretching off in my mind.

  “A few weeks after the first time we met, I was up there clearing Taliban out of caves and looking for Osama… Nobody tells you how cold it gets in Afghanistan… Up there in the mountains, a billion stars above you... The cold gets inside you. It never goes away…”

  Cali was silent, the ice pack pressing harder into my leg.

  “You start holding onto anything that brings you a bit of warmth. Any little thing that can keep the flame burning inside.”

  I opened my eyes, catching her hazel orbs and holding their gaze.

  “You were my flame.”

  She seemed taken back, but she quickly recovered.

  “You barely knew me… You didn’t even recognize me when you saw me again!”

  “That made you perfect. I didn’t know you… Didn’t know your flaws or your fears… I couldn’t remember the contours of your face or the way your cheeks dimple when you smile. That’s not what I was holding onto… It wasn’t who you were… It was how you made m
e feel.”

  Cali moved her hand and thoughtfully replaced the cold compress with a soothing hot pack. She didn’t just leave it balanced on my knee either. She gently rested her hand on top of it and held it in place, which I took as a gesture of kindness. Her expression softened and her lips gently parted as she stared deeply into my eyes without a word. She batted her dark eyelashes a couple of times, and slightly shook her head in a way that seemed to say, “What am I going to do with you?” Finally, she let out a sigh.

  And that did it. I couldn’t resist that juicy pouty little mouth for even one more minute. I impulsively pulled her down onto my chest and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. And Cali kissed me back! Fuck did she kiss me back! And the kiss went on forever. We couldn’t seem to stop. We relished each other’s tongues and sucked on each other’s lips like we were partaking in some sort of sumptuous, orgasmic feast. It was incredibly sensual and Cali was incredibly passionate.

  The heat pack had fallen onto the floor but her hand was still resting on my leg. I took the liberty of sliding it up onto my pulsating cock. She grabbed hold of it with gusto through my gym shorts, but then, to my surprise, she slowed the action way down. Tentatively, she felt the contours of it with her fingertips; pressing on it slowly and deliberately. She raised herself up off of me a bit and a quizzical look came over her face.

  “So, you really do have a pierced dick?”

  I reached down into my shorts and lowered the waistband below my balls, fully exposing the “monster” with the circular barbell in its mouth. The type of girls I usually fucked were never shocked by the sight of it. But Cali wasn’t that type of girl, and she was visibly taken aback.

  She gasped and wrinkled nose. She squinched up her face like she just saw someone hit their thumb with a hammer.

  “Oh my god, Devlin! Didn’t that hurt?!”

  I hadn’t heard her question at all; only my name, finally being uttered again by this most heavenly of goddesses. It was the most joyous sound I had ever heard.

  “Can I… Touch it?”

  I nodded.

  Her hands were back upon me, testing, touching my girth and feeling their way around my prince albert. I reached out and pulled her closer, my hand tugging her shirt upward and exposing her flat and sensuous stomach.

  “That feels good,” I whispered, watching the way Cali licked her lips.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she replied, still drawing long soothing strokes along my shaft.

  “No, we shouldn’t,” I said, my hand sweeping down over the incredible curve of her hip. I gripped it tightly, spinning her around and loving her little gasp as she let go of my cock.

  Fuck… This girl was going to ruin me.

  I stood up from the table, inspecting her body as I pressed her to bend over the second massage table. She complied, her ass standing proud and making my dick throb with anticipation. I rolled her shorts slowly downward over the hump, enjoying every inch of flesh as it became exposed.

  “We aren’t supposed to do this,” Cali said as I spun her round, bending her over the massage table. Her glistening wetness came into view, framed in the gap between her toned thighs. I kicked her legs apart and brought a hand against her inner thigh. Sliding it upward until I’d found the promised land.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I said huskily, my fingertips working their way between the folds.

  “No… Please don’t stop…”

  She was on her tiptoes, chest flat against the table as I found the delicate nub. Sounds of pleasure poured quietly from her lips as I drove her closer to the edge. In this room, time had ceased to exist. I took my time.

  I wanted more.

  She had the most sensuous hips and they were working themselves as she squirmed against my hand, spreading her legs even wider. I slipped a finger deeper into her tight, wet slit, enraptured in her sweet nectar.

  She arched her back and cried out my name. I could only hope her office was as soundproof as it appeared. I could already tell this one was a screamer.

  “Oh Devlin! Please!”

  Oh yeah, those were definitely some words I’d been waiting to hear her say. I’d been waiting six years…

  I pulled my hand back, gripping her hips and bringing my dick up between her thighs. It pressed against her from below, teasing her with its girth and the piercing at its tip. I drew back, the head lining itself up with her sensuous tunnel. My body pulsed with raw sexual energy. With just one little push, I’d finally make us one… Silence filled the room as we both held our breaths.

  The sound of the doorknob turning brought the world rushing back. Cali’s body went tense and I was frozen in place.



  Devlin and I both froze. My whole body practically screamed out in sexual frustration.

  “Cali? Are you in here? Are you okay?” It was Kesha’s voice.

  I whispered to Devlin, “Don’t move.”

  “Yeah, Kesha. It’s me…. I’m okay. …Are you alone or with a client?”

  “I’m alone Cali. Why?”

  “Kesha, could you do us a… uh…….I mean, could you do ME a favor and just wait out in the hall a minute? I need a moment to, uh, finish up.”

  “Sure, Cali. No problem.”

  I heard her footsteps head toward the door. I knew Kesha had to suspect something unseemly was going on.

  “And whatever you do, please don’t let anybody come in!”

  “Your wish is my command, girlfriend.”

  I pulled myself away from Devlin, quickly pulling my shorts back into place. What the hell was I thinking? I’d went from being angry with him to almost letting him fuck me in my own office!

  “What are you doing?” Devlin asked, as if he expected us to continue.

  “You don’t know Kesha. She’ll be outside that door with an ear to the wall,” I whispered back. “We can’t do this...”

  I was totally mortified and embarrassed for the second time that day. What must Kesha think of me? Responsible business partners did not behave like this. My actions were totally disrespectful. I dreaded having to face her.

  “This…. This shouldn’t have happened. I’m a terrible friend and an even worse physical therapist.”

  “I have to disagree. You are hands down the best PT that I have ever had, Cali.”

  Devlin didn’t even try to wipe the patronizing smile off of his smug face. He really couldn’t see any possible repercussions or shame from what had just happened. Did he have any conscience at all? Did it even matter? I’d almost had sex on a table in my own unlocked office during business hours? Was I nuts? He was already causing me to do things that were not my style and not in my best interest…

  Except… Getting his dick inside of me…that was definitely in my best interest!

  “I hate to short-change you on your therapy session again, but I really need you to go so I can talk to Kesha.”

  “Well, just so you know………I’m not finished with you. Not by a long shot. I’ll call you later.”

  Devlin kissed me long and hard on the mouth like he had some sort of debt to collect at a later date. Then he ran his hand down the curve of my ass and gave it a slight, playful squeeze, before opening the door to the hallway. He strutted past Kesha and gave her a ridiculous salute, like she was his military superior; like the cocky bastard he still was, and always would be.

  Kesha gave him a WTF sideways glance and rolled her eyes.

  “Can I come in now? Anybody else hiding behind the curtains in there?”

  She sat down at her desk and looked up at me, awaiting an explanation. I tried to read her emotions. She didn’t seem mad at all. Strangely enough, she looked rather amused.

  “Kesha, I know this looks bad, because it is bad. I’m so sorry. There’s no excuse for my unprofessional behavior. I don’t know what came over me. Please forgive me. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

  “Oh come on, Cali. You gotta lighten up girlfriend! I know exactly
what came over you! Or rather, WHO came over you. Probably, ALL over you! Devlin Danes, that’s who!”

  “It wasn’t like that,” I started, but Kesha cut me off.

  She was practically squealing with laughter and spinning around in her wheeled chair with glee. What a relief. I felt like the luckiest girl in the whole world to have a friend and partner like her.

  “So did you see it? Is it true? Is his pecker pierced? What did it feel like?”

  “Yes I saw it and it’s pierced alright. I didn’t get to try it, though. Somebody came in and interrupted things. I won’t mention any names……KESHA!”


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