by Caldwell, Mia

He continued pleasuring my ankle as I mulled over his question. I never did that in front of anybody before. But Devlin didn’t feel like just anybody. He really felt like my man now. I wanted to please him more than anybody I’d ever met, so I let the last of my inhibitions slip away.

  I was already spread open pretty far, with my foot in his hand and my leg raised to his eye-level. I locked eyes with his and bit my lower lip as I slid my fingers into myself. My own wetness aroused me, driving me to play with my tits with the other hand. I closed my eyes and allowed my head and hair to fall back, swaying my hips back and forth as I fucked myself.

  When I glanced downward through my eyelashes at Devlin, he was stroking his own cock while he watched me. That made me even hotter. Massaging my own creaminess onto my clit, my entire pussy began heating up from the friction of my own unrelenting fingers. I grabbed Devlin’s wrist to steady myself as my gyrations became more and more frenzied. I dug my nails into his skin and called out to him:

  “Devlin, I’m coming! Oh fuck me I’m coming! Fuck me again please!”

  My knees began to buckle and I fell forward, right into his lap. He immediately snatched me up in his powerful, tattooed arms and carried me over to the balcony. I leaned over the railing, slightly shivering in the exhilarating coastal breeze that blew over every inch of my naked skin. I drank in the panoramic view of the bay one more time. My senses were heightened as I eagerly spread my legs and tilted my ass skyward, in preparation for Devlin’s magnificent cock.

  The metal barbell grazed my pussy lips, and I braced myself for what, literally, was to come. Devlin slid the rest of his dick into me slowly and carefully positioned himself at just the right angle to ensure my comfort. Once I gave him the green light, he began drilling my well with all the expertise and precision of a Texas oil man. Devlin Danes was one talented fucker, indeed!

  With each and every slap of his sizeable balls against my ass, he drove me further and further over the edge of ecstasy and almost right over the edge of the balcony, as well. He worked his nimble hands up and down my tummy and tits as he rammed me from behind, adjusting his speed, rhythm and intensity according to my degree of moaning. He was truly a fucking maestro!

  Soon, I could feel his climax building with each stab of his masterful cock. My multiple orgasms were pushing me to the brink of insanity. I screamed Devlin’s name and begged for his release.

  “Devlin, cum in me baby! PLEASE fucking cum!”

  His formal military training was evident once again, as he followed my order and came on command. And boy, did he cum. What a trooper! He cried out, “Oh Cali, fuck oh Cali!”, and released such a powerful blast, he almost shook me out of my shoes. We both gasped for air as we tried to catch our breath. I heard the sound of my heart pounding in my ears. Devlin made a few more halting stabs into my throbbing slit and finally pulled out.

  My soldier boy lightly kissed my shoulders as he clung to my back. I hugged the balcony railing and smiled, feeling the warmth of his juice trickle down my legs.



  Fucking Cali doggy-style out on the balcony, with her wearing those red shoes was absolutely mind-blowing. I was so glad we had returned to the room like we did. What an incredible morning! I had already worked up a hardy appetite for lunch.

  We showered quickly and put our new outfits back on. Now that we were actually looking at ourselves, side by side in the mirror, we had to admit we looked a little like tourists in our tropical “resort-wear” but it just added to the craziness of the weekend. Out of the blue, I remembered that I was without wheels. I really didn’t want Carl chauffeuring us around the beach so I called up my good buddy Matt, over at VIP Car Rentals, and requested he send over a convertible Ferrari Spider.

  Cali had been trying to tame her braids during my phone call to VIP, so she missed the conversation. She had no idea when we walked outside, that the exotic car parked in front of the hotel was our set of wheels for the day. But when Matt handed me the key fob, I thought she was going to piss her panties with delight. She squealed uncontrollably as she climbed into the Spider.

  “You know, I hated having to leave that fabulous suite, Dev, but this car is a pretty great consolation! Oh my god, it’s incredible! So, what beach do you wanna hang out at today?”

  “I thought the beach out in front of the Hotel Del would be nice. The little patio café at the hotel is great for lunch, when we’re ready to eat. I’m already hungry, how ‘bout you? I have a feeling, by the time we cross the bridge and drive through all the traffic on Orange Avenue, I’ll be starving.”

  “I’m already quite hungry too. I have a pretty large appetite, in case you haven’t noticed.”

  Cali grabbed my thigh and gave me an exaggerated wink, to make sure I caught the double meaning behind her words. But she didn’t need to. I got it; she meant food and sex. And indeed, I had noticed.

  I was still one lucky bastard!

  I was cruising across the Coronado Bay Bridge in a fucking Ferrari on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, with a gorgeous, horny woman who was hot for me! Could it even get any better? I was determined not to fuck it up? I vowed to keep all paranoid thoughts out of my mind as I shifted gears and headed over to the Hotel Del Coronado.

  After handing my Ferrari key fob over to the valet, Cali and I cut through the dark paneled interior of the historic hotel and made our way out to the café patio overlooking the ocean. Sunday brunch was still in progress, so we gorged ourselves on a shameful amount of seafood, fancy desserts and unlimited mimosas. We nabbed a table with a perfect view of a wedding that was taking place outside on the lush grounds of the resort. Cali got all teary-eyed as the bride and her dad walked arm-in-arm out to the gazebo.

  We were wearing our newly purchased bathing suits under our clothes, so after lunch we headed out to the powdery, white sand beach to soak up some sun. Cali’s smokin’ hot body, which was barely covered by her tiny turquoise bikini, turned the heads of every guy around us, as she slid out of her flowered sundress. I felt just as many sets of eyes on me as I removed my shirt. We stretched out on our new beach towels and lathered each other up with sunscreen.

  I started to playfully slide my fingers inside the tiny triangles of her bikini top as I lotioned up her chest but she immediately put a stop to it by grabbing my wrists. She scowled at me, and silently shook her head in disapproval. I tried doing the same thing to her ass while I was rubbing the sunscreen into her lower back but she flipped around and took me to task for that too:

  “Devlin?! What are you doing? We’re at a public beach! Cmon!”

  Why was she talking to me like that? I was just trying to have a little fun with her. She really pissed me off!

  “YOU c’mon, Cali! You’re layin’ here, virtually naked in that little suit. You’re practically begging for me to fuck you right now. Nobody can see what we’re doing right now… Are you just pretending you’re not interested? Are you just being coy, like last night? How am I supposed to know what you really want?”

  “What do you want, Devlin?” she asked quietly.

  “I just want to have a little fun…” I replied.

  “What about just enjoying the beach with your girlfriend?”

  I gave her a crooked smile. “Girlfriend? Is that what you are now?”

  Cali’s eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m sorry… I… What did I say wrong?”

  “I need a minute, Devlin,” she said as she hopped up and ran into the surf. I puzzled for a moment, watching as she swam out into the waves a short distance. I stood up and walked to the edge of the incoming waves, puzzled…

  It was only once I reached the water that I realized the danger she was in. She was the only person in the water. As I stepped out, the ocean tugged at my feet harder than expected.


  I shouted, but she didn’t seem to hear me over the crashing waves. I followed her into the water and swam hard as she was swept further out. My knee ached, but
I couldn’t let the pain stop me.

  She had turned back to shore, but I could see she was struggling. Her little angry swim in the ocean had just become dangerous. She was trying to swim straight back toward the beach against the riptide and I could see that she recognized her mistake. The current was dragging her further away! I dove under the surface and kicked hard, ignoring my knee and forcing myself forward as fast as I could. A moment later I had grabbed her with an arm.

  “Follow my lead,” I shouted, angling us away from the beach and toward a rocky outcropping further down the shore. I kicked hard, paddling with one arm sideways to the current. She kicked with me, propelling us along. We were making headway. A few minutes later we had reached a point where we could both touch the ocean floor. I stood her up, wrapping her in my arms like a ragdoll. Shit!

  “Cali, talk to me. What the hell are you doing? You almost got yourself killed.”

  “I just wanted to be left alone for a few minutes… I’m sorry…”

  “You could have drowned out there! This beach has one hell of a riptide. You have any idea how many people end up swept out to sea?”

  “I said I’m sorry… Stop yelling at me…” she said, her eyes full of tears once again.

  “Look, I don’t know what I did wrong… Last night… Today… It has been amazing…” I began.

  “You just want to have a little fun,” Cali replied, staring at me. “I thought maybe I meant something to you… That I was more than just a little fun… I thought maybe we could turn this into a relationship…”

  “Jesus Christ… I didn’t mean it like that…” I said exasperatedly.

  “I’m the one who keeps sending you mixed messages. You’re right. How are you supposed to know what I want? So, you know what? I want you to fuck me right now. That’s what I want. Right here in the water. I don’t care. Lets just have a little fun… Just do it. I don’t know what the hell made me think I could ever really fit into your world, anyway. I should have realized I would never be anything more to you than just another gouge in your tattoo. So let’s just have one more fucking carefree fling before you throw me back into the sea.”

  Cali’s chest was heaving up and down as she breathlessly spewed her words of anger at me. Just a fling? She thinks she is just a fling to me? Her words cut me to the core of my being. I held her in my hands and kissed her long and hard...

  And when I pulled back, I saw it. The doubt still filling her eyes… That was as far as I went. I grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her out of the ocean behind me.

  “Let’s go, Cali.”



  Devlin drove the Ferrari like a crazed maniac all the way back to my house. He wove in and out and across all lanes of every street and highway, ignoring the traffic laws like none of them applied to him. Driving back across the Coronado Bridge was the worst, since I couldn’t stop picturing us careening over the edge and plunging into the bay. I would have been terrified for my life if it wasn’t for the fact that he seemed extremely skilled at high-speed, high performance driving. Was there anything he didn’t do well?

  We barely spoke the entire ride home. I got out of the car at the curb, he said, “Good-bye, Cali.”, without looking at me, and then he drove off. And that was it. Who the hell does that? Devlin Danes does that, that’s who. Both my heart and spirit were completely crushed as I headed back up the garden walkway, feeling like a used piece of garbage. Less than 24 hours earlier, those lovely flagstones beneath my feet had felt like the beginning of a promising path to a real relationship with Devlin Danes. Relationship!? HA! What a joke!

  Huey, Louie and Dewy greeted me at the front door, with their usual yapping and wet sloppy kisses. I could see the glow of my mom’s bedroom lamp leaking out from under her door. I poured myself a large glass of Cabernet and headed down the hallway toward my own room. Momma heard me and called out:

  “Cali, honey? Come on in here and tell me all about your date, sweetie.”

  There was no way that was happening. I just wasn’t up to it. Not even close. I yelled back to my mom:

  “I’m exhausted mom. We’ll talk in the morning, okay? Good-night.”

  “You’re going to bed already, sweetie? It’s only seven-thirty! That must’ve been quite the weekend! Good-night, Cali. Sleep well.”

  I downed my Cab without even really tasting it and cried myself to sleep. My body was still salty, sandy, and sticky from what should have been a fun day at the beach. Showering would just have to wait till morning.

  During the night, I woke up frequently and had some really weird dreams. In one of them, there was a shark with a metal ring through its nose that was trying to bite my legs off while I was swimming out at sea. Kesha showed up, just in time, paddling a kayak, and eating crème puffs. She hit the shark on its head with a shovel and threw it’s carcass onto her boat, which had suddenly turned into a Navy battleship. She yelled out to me in a pirate voice, “Aaaargh you okay matey?” and sped off.

  Fortunately, I awoke in the morning to find both of my legs still perfectly intact. My mom’s coffee smelled good, and I could hear her singing happily out in the kitchen. Heading for the shower, it suddenly occurred to me: It was Monday! And I was supposed to see Devlin today at four, for his physical therapy! Holy Fuck! No Way!

  I immediately called Kesha and told her to cancel all of my appointments for the day. I told her I was sick, which wasn’t really a lie. I really was sick; sick in the head; sick to have ever gotten involved with that asshole.

  Nothing was ever going to be serious with him. He was after a bit of fun, just like Deshawn… Just like every guy I’d been with. I got what I wanted about six years late: a one-night-stand with Devlin Danes… And it ended pretty much exactly how I imagined it would.

  Part of me felt bad for letting Devlin compromise my work ethic but another part of me said, “Fuck it! You never call in sick ! You’re due for a day off!”

  The swollen face in the bathroom mirror, staring back at me, had horribly red, puffy eyes. I couldn’t possibly go to work, even if I wanted to. The hot shower and soap felt great on my dirty skin, but it failed to make me feel clean.

  I wrapped myself up in my fluffiest robe and prepared myself for the dreaded “motherly interrogation”. Momma was sitting in the breakfast nook with two cups of tea steaming in front of her on the table; one of them was obviously poured for me. Mom knew. No doubt about it. She had probably heard me crying last night. She didn’t waste any time either, or mince any words. My appearance in the kitchen instantly set off her tirade:

  “What did that fucking little asshole do to you?! I’ll rip his balls off!”

  “He didn’t do anything to me, mom. I did it to myself. You had him pegged right from the start. Everyone warned me about him. But I didn’t listen. I didn’t follow my own instincts. And I have nobody to blame but myself. I played with fire and I got burned. Simple as that. End of story.”

  Momma stretched her arms out to me as I headed over to her. I sat down on her warm lap, buried my head into her shoulder and cried my eyes out. Mom comforted me just like when I was a little girl. Before we knew it, our three furry friends were surrounding our feet and licking our ankles. They could obviously sense something was wrong and came over to soothe us. And it worked. Their rough tickly tongues made us both start giggling through our tears.

  “Do you need me to stay with you a bit this morning, Cali? If you need to talk some more, I can go in a little later, since Joyce and Stacy are both there.”

  I had the best mom in the world. She would do literally anything for me. Including actually ripping Devlin’s balls off. But, I really didn’t feel ready to talk about the gory details of our weekend, yet.

  “No, mom. That’s not necessary. Thanks for the offer though. I love you so much mom. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Maybe I could come by the shop later and we could go out for lunch?”

  Mumsy suddenly got the weirdest look on her face, like s
he had just realized she left the water running in the tub all night long.

  “Oh shit!! I can’t believe I forgot about that!”

  “What is it, mom? What’s wrong?”

  “I can’t have lunch with you today. I already have a lunch date, honey. You’ll never guess who he is, either.”

  “He? You have a lunch date with a “he”? That’s great mom. Do I know him?”

  “It’s Richard Danes. I’m having lunch with Devlin’s father. Can you believe that?”

  Richard Danes?! I couldn’t believe my ears. She could have knocked me over with a feather, with that declaration. I really didn’t know what to think about it, at first. But, upon further introspection, I decided I was completely disgusted by the idea.

  “Mom, Richard Danes? You’re having lunch with Congressman Richard Danes? How in the world did that happen?”


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