Sold!..To The Highest Bidder

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Sold!..To The Highest Bidder Page 13

by Reese Gabriel

  Rainier grabbed my nipples now, twisting them fiercely. “Show me your arousal,” he demanded. “Show me that you are ready.”

  My hands slid like marauding invaders over my belly towards my bubbling, volcanic box. I had just reached the fringes of my fine haired bush when he gave the nipples an extra twist. “Think carefully before you proceed,” he warned. “You have a chance, right now, to walk away. Just say ‘no’, and we will end things here. But if you continue, it will be on my terms. What you’ve seen so far is child’s play; what happens next is more than you could dream of.”

  The pressure did not ease, and yet he was looking into my eyes, awaiting the word. “Say it,” he taunted. “Tell me ‘no’ and walk away, forever. You and Krissy, neither one of you ever crossing my path again. Ever. Say ‘yes’ and you are one step closer to the abyss.”

  Here it was again; another gamble, another chance to win the girl’s freedom and my own. This time, I wouldn’t even have to whip her, just step back from my own pleasure. But how could I do that, now that I’d come so far? Krissy would have to take care of herself. Besides, I hadn’t lost yet—there was still the original bet and as near as I could tell, if I kept holding out as I was, I’d have Rainier by the balls in a little over three weeks.

  “Yes,” I winced, unable to bear the mounting pressure. “I want to stay with you. Tonight. Let it be tonight.”

  Rainier slapped me hard across the face. “Liar!” he thundered.

  I crumpled at his feet. Head to the floor, my hand trembling, I boldly did what my heart commanded, dipping my hand into my sopping cunt. The scent of my womanhood filled the room as I held my fingers up for his inspection, glistening. “You see?” I cried. “This is what you do to me. I’m yours, you’ve made me your own.”

  “You’ve learned nothing,” he declared harshly. “You’ve made no progress at all. You are duplicitous, Emerald. You lie to me and to yourself. By the time I return, I expect you to be gone.”

  He turned on his heels and walked out. Panic filled me and confusion, too. Wasn’t this what I wanted—to get under his skin and force him to admit I was a person just like him? Hadn’t I finally put him off balance and made him retreat for once? Why, then, did I feel so horrible, like I’d betrayed my own father?

  As you can probably guess, I never did leave. Nor had I in any way caused him to lose his cool. The whole thing was another of his infernal tests. It was three hours before he came back, and the whole time I lay naked in his bed, under his covers. The bed smelled just like him, strong and masculine, with a hint of aromatic musk cologne. I was in heaven, my nude body luxuriating in the rich, Egyptian silk. Once or twice I even dozed off.

  It was the sound of chains that awoke me. The noise was coming from the hallway. I saw Rainier, in shadow, leading a nude girl on all fours, her wrists and ankles shackled. It was Krissy. Her head was hung low and she bore fresh stripes on her backside. A leash hung from her collar and ran back loosely between her legs. Rainier wasn’t holding her lead, though she was following him as if he were.

  “Why are you still here?” he asked me coldly.

  I sat up, gathering the top sheet above my breasts. “I—I needed to see you again. We haven’t finished with each other.”

  He looked at me and frowned, his eyes lost in unknown calculation. “That much is true.” When he next spoke, his voice was gruff and imperious. “Lower the sheet, Emerald. I warned you, if you stayed in my presence, you would have to follow my rules.”

  I let the material fall, bearing my breasts. “I am yours, Gustav,” I replied boldly. “I’m in your bed to prove it. Wet, ready and available.”

  Rainier shook his head. “You think this is a game, Emerald. You couldn’t be more mistaken.” His long fingers snapped crisply. “Get up, woman. It’s time you learned a lesson.”

  I rose shakily to my feet. The evidence of my arousal was thick between my legs, caked on my thighs. Running my hands through my matted hair to restore myself to some semblance of attractiveness, I awaited his pleasure.

  “You are going to be my instrument, Emerald,” he declared, yanking the top sheet from the bed. “Up!” he commanded harshly now to the chained girl at his feet.

  Obediently, like the whipped cur she was, Krissy crawled onto the massive bed resuming her position on all fours.

  “She’s a lovely little thing, isn’t she?” Rainier crooned, smacking the girl’s upturned arse. “You’d like a piece of her yourself, wouldn’t you?"

  I shook my head vigorously. “No, don’t say that.”

  Rainier studied me and laughed. “Open the nightstand, my dear and look for a black belt.”

  I’d expected to find something with which he would beat Krissy and I. What I found instead was a different instrument of punishment all together.

  “Put it on,” he said as I dangled the insidious strap-on dildo in the air.

  My mouth went dry as I beheld the massive black shaft, mounted on the front of the belt. Surely he did not intend for me to use this on little Krissy?

  “Put it on,” he repeated, his tone containing a hint of menace. “Unless you’d like to be onthe receiving end yourself?”

  My fingers tingled. I felt numb as I moved the belt to my waist. “This is wrong,” I managed to exclaim even as I cinched it tight against my skin. “I—I’m not a lesbian.”

  “I never said you were,” he countered. “There’s a strap that fits between your legs. Do you see it? That’s right. That’s what holds it in place. It attaches to the back. Like that, yes. Good.”

  My cunt lips swelled against the thin strip of leather as I secured the apparatus in place. Looking down I saw that I was, for all intents and purposes, a man.

  “Does that turn you on, Emerald?”

  “Yes,” I whispered in shame, unable to lie.

  Rainier stepped behind me, reaching round to caress my breast even as he delved once more into my private thoughts. “It makes you wonder why you’re so aroused doesn’t it? The question is, are you turned on by the idea of fucking Krissy, or of having to obey me in doing something that disgusts you?” He squeezed tight, compressing my engorged nipple. “Or is it a little of both?”

  I groaned against him, my head dropping back against his shoulder. I didn’t want to be a man. I wanted Rainier to fuck me. I wanted to be on that bed in Krissy’s place. I wanted the collar, the whip marks. I wanted my cunt exposed and ready for use.

  “Be my instrument, Emerald,” he said for the second time, nibbling my ear as he spoke. “Punish her for me. Can you do that?”

  “Yes,” I heard myself promise. “I will.”

  A finger inserted itself into my rectum. “Be merciless,” he whispered. “Fuck Kristine as I myself would.”

  I was dispatched with a loud crack of his palm against my twitching, convulsing buttocks. Brandishing the artificial cock, I moved to the bed, taking my place behind my one-time client. “Krissy,” I told her, more to ease my own conscience than to alter her position. “Just relax if you can. It will go easier that way. It’ll be okay, honey, I promise.”

  Liquid fire ripped across my back. It felt like Randy’s crop, only he’d never hit me there before.

  “I didn’t say to talk, Emerald, I said to fuck.”

  Tears brimming in my eyes, I clambered to insert into Krissy the device that was attached to me. The head menaced the girl’s puckered lips. She was wet, aroused and as unable to resist Rainier’s sadistic little game as was I myself. Still, I hesitated.

  “No more!” I screamed as the lash found the meat of my behind. “I’ll do what you say.”

  Krissy moaned into her gag as I shoved the cock inside her. She accommodated the bulk of it in one thrust, adjusting her cleaved thighs. The sound was obscene: a squishing, liquid-wet suction kiss. As I pulled out, the same was heard again in reverse. How was it that men did this? I tried to think. How did they find their stride when they were fucking a girl, opening and pummeling her as she submitted helplessly? There was a
rush, a strange thrill as for a split second I imagined I was one of them. A taker. A possessor of cunts.

  A natural master.

  “Faster, Emerald. Ride her to orgasm,” Rainier demanded, his nonplussed voice backed by the ever-present threat of another slice from the crop.

  I grit my teeth as I fucked the very girl I was supposed to be helping. She was soft and pliant under me. I was hungry for her, wishing we could be body-to-body, woman-to-woman.

  “All women have a secret desire to lay with each other,” a patient had once told me. He was a porn addicted misogynist whose values had disgusted me to the point where I’d had to refer him to one of my male colleagues.

  Could it be the man had some grain of truth in his blow hard nonsense?

  “You’ll come along with her,” Rainier informed me, grabbing hold of my hip as though it were some bit of property. “Do you understand?”

  “Y—yes,” I spit, my female status rudely restored to me by the presence of invading fingers reaching under the belt to my sex. “I understand.”

  “Tomorrow,” he offered, twisting his index finger over my clit, even as I maintained my assault, “you will dance at the club.”

  The club. I thought of the poor creatures on the stage, whipped and humiliated, and of the waitresses, forced to their knees to suck, and of Jasmine, made to run to find a man to paddle her, forced to expose herself at a public table. And Trixi in the alley, who at a word from the manager, lowered herself to the ground, crawling like a dog in the filth.

  And Krissy herself, playing the part of me, the butt of every male guffaw as she is jerked like a puppet on a string, made a fool of and stripped so she can be shoved down on her knees, a man’s hand in her hair while everyone cheers. The perennial bitch getting what she deserves; that’s what she represented. And now she was getting it from me, too.

  I heard her panting, her bound, drooling mouth reaching skyward. No mercy, Rainier said. We came at once, she and I. Her with the plastic shaft imbedded in her crotch and me with a man’s fingers in me. He gets no resistance from either one of us as he manipulates and controls us both, like marionettes. Me, functioning as an extension of his own cock inside the girl, and she herself, serving as the vessel, a twin hole to my own cunt.

  Come, bitches, I hear him cry, the words too deep for speaking. Yield yourselves, bitches, one and all. And indeed, I cannot argue that very woman is just like us; every one of us someone’s whore, our mouths saying no, our heads shaking no, while in our hearts, we want some man to be too strong for us, to come and own us.

  Rainier was that man for me. I would be his, I vowed to myself. It was only a matter of time.


  Sometime later that night it was me in the bottom position. Rainier was over me, his cock plundering my insatiable hole while, on the floor, rolled into a ball, a sated, sleeping Krissy lay like a kitten at her master’s feet. He’d had no need to chain her to the bed; she wasn’t going anywhere. Nor would I were I given the chance. I was where I wanted, doing what I’d dreamed of for so long.

  “Gustav,” I cried, wrapping my arms round his strong neck. “Hold me, fuck me. Never let me go.”

  He paused midstroke, speaking the words that still burn in my heart.

  “You will become chattel, Emerald, do you understand what that means?”

  I arched my back, wanting him fully inside me once more. “I do,” I spouted far too quickly. “I do.”

  “No,” he shook his head gravely. “You do not.”

  He finished me off in several measured strokes. From the expression on his face, I could not tell if he’d come himself. I only knew that for me, the world had opened like a chasm, my soul spilling out, my deepest secrets revealed to him, nothing held back, nothing in reserve.

  “Get dressed,” he told me when I’d subsided. “You will be taken home now.”

  “I—I want to stay,” I sniveled, my voice scarcely more potent that that of a small child.

  Rainier rolled to his side. “Your arguing betrays you, Emerald. You will leave now.” He snapped his fingers. “Krissy, get your cunt up here.”

  I know the coarseness of his command to the girl, and its hurtful timing was directed at me. How I hated the man!

  “I don’t know,” I declared, pulling the dress over my head, “what you want from me.”

  “I want you to leave. Go to the door. A man will be waiting in the hall.”

  As always, he was insufferably smug, assuming I’d accept everything in silence. Why was a man in the hall and had he been there all along? And had Rainier himself known I was still here when he came back with Krissy? Had he known he’d fuck me then throw me out at precisely this time?

  Probably; who knows. What difference did it make? I’d been had again, literally and figuratively. He’d raised the bar, taken everything from me again and left me feeling woefully inadequate. I’d get no sleep that night, and he knew it. I’d be beside myself, going over and over the events, figuring what I’d done wrong, trying to guess what he’d been thinking and how I could please him.


  Sweat soaked, tossing in my sheets is indeed how I’d ended up that night. Driven home in sulky silence by a faceless driver, I half wondered, half wished the man had some secret instructions to drive me out to the country, to lay me over the hood of the car and rape me. It wasn’t to be. That would have been too easy, too merciful.

  I wish I’d sworn at him that night to show my anger. Isn’t that a funny thing to say? Here I was in my bed, counting down what I knew were the final hours of my freedom, and all I could think of was that I should have sworn at him to his face, made some last dig before I inevitably crumple before him and it’s too late.

  What was he doing now, anyway? I pictured him lying on his back right now, his fist balled in Krissy’s hair as she slobbered over his penis rousing him for the umpteenth time. He probably wasn’t doing anything of the sort, and yet I couldn’t help what I felt and imagined.

  As always, the control was his. The terms. The game. I was merely a player. He was the rule maker and referee all rolled into one. For now, the only certainty I had was that tomorrow I would dance once more at the club, my naked or near naked body a commodity for the pleasure of hard working men.

  When at last I fell asleep, there were dreams. Unspeakable ones in which I was already a slave, cringing, obeying. Jerry was in them, and Trixi and Jasmine. At one point, I was on a pirate ship, chained in the hold, being visited by drunken men, one after another. Each took his turn before yielding to the next. By the time they were done, I was covered in sperm, my gaping hole aching for more.

  At one point in my life, it would have been classified a nightmare. As it was, given my new self, it turned out to be one of the sweetest dreams I’ve ever had.

  Chapter Eight

  “It’ll be okay, doc! You can do it!” Krissy reassured me in the dressing room the next night, her hand on my back as I slumped over the makeup counter. “Just find that sexy spot inside you and go there. Shut everything and everybody out; it’s just you, doing what feels natural. In your own little world.”

  “Imagine that,” I laughed miserably looking up at our reflections in the mirror. “The patient counseling the doctor.”

  Krissy smiled with wisdom beyond her years. Much as I hated to admit it, Rainier had been good for her. She was so much calmer now, so much more focused. I, on the other hand, was incredibly scatter-brained. Unable to think straight. Rainier had sent a car for me, to bring me to the club at seven. He wasn’t in it himself nor had I seen him since my arrival. Jerry was waiting for me with a predatory grin.

  ‘Soon’, the man’s expression was saying. ‘I’ll have my way with you soon.’

  I didn’t want sex with the flat nosed manager, or anyone else. I wanted Gustav. His attention. His love. His cock.

  “It’s no use, Krissy,” I shook my head. “I’ll never be able to do this.”

  Pushing my chair back, I rose to my feet, ready to
walk out. My attire consisted of a blue g-string, halter-top and a short skirt. It was a raunchy outfit, designed for quick removal.

  Krissy grabbed my shoulders. “Yes, doc, you will. Because you want to. Just like me.”

  I studied the intense glare, altogether too deep for a teen. “Honey, don’t look at me like that. I’m a grown woman, I’m not going to. . .”

  Krissy’s tiny hand dove beneath my skirt, silencing me with a hand over my scantily covered mound. “You’re wet, aren’t you?” she challenged.

  I lowered my eyes. “Leave me alone, Krissy.”

  When I tried to push her back, she hooked a finger inside me, verifying the matter for herself. “Don’t be ashamed,” she purred. “You’re a female. We’re all made this way.”

  I pulled my lower lip between my teeth. She was getting to me. “Don’t,” I pleaded, turning my head as she reached up to nuzzle my neck.

  “I heard about your little bet,” she whispered, standing on tiptoe to nibble my earlobe.

  I stiffened in anger. “He had no right to tell you.”

  “He had every right,” she countered, tapping a rhythm over my hungry clit. “He is our master.”

  I seized her wrist, yanking it away from me. “Yours, Krissy. Not mine.”

  She smiled cat-like as I held her hand over her head. Such a lovely creature in her silver sequined panties and bra, both designed for easy tearing.

  “Tell yourself that enough, doc, and you might believe it.”

  I let her go, allowing her to sashay from the room, her pert buttocks shaking insolently in my face. To think I’d wanted to risk everything to save someone like her!

  “Bitch!” I cried, revealing my own petty female nature. “Spoiled brat! He could never love you!”

  Krissy was replaced in the doorway by Jerry. The earlier smirk was replaced by a hardness, an underlying menace. “You should be getting ready, Emerald.”


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