Destined for Dreams

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Destined for Dreams Page 19

by Susan Illene

  Some of the weight lifted from Cori’s shoulders. As much as her phone calls with Bartol had shown signs of him warming to her again, she still worried how it would be when he returned. Sure, she still wasn’t ready to commit to immortality, but she also couldn’t imagine a life without him. It was like there was an empty spot in her heart only he could fill. It had taken this time of being apart before she realized how attached she’d become to him and not just because of the mate bond, but because they’d become good friends before that.

  Cori started to deal another hand, but her cell phone rang. She grabbed her purse and checked the screen—Melena.

  “Hey,” she answered.

  “The cabin is ready,” the sensor replied without further explanation.

  A thrill ran through Cori. “Really?”

  “Yep. Hurry and get over here as soon as you can.”

  Cori hung up and gave Ariel an apologetic look. “Gotta go.”

  “Of course.” The former angel gathered the cards, expression turning serious. “Remember what I said about Bartol. He may be damaged, but he is not beyond repair. Support him in his current journey, and things will begin to work themselves out between you two.”

  Cori stood, clutching her purse. “So I shouldn’t worry about him tracking this demon?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. What he is doing is quite dangerous, and the future is fluid, but let’s just say your mate has an ace up his sleeve if he can believe in himself long enough to use it.”

  As much as Cori wanted to rush to her new cabin, she couldn’t leave after hearing that. “What ace up his sleeve?”

  The former archangel gathered up her cards. “All I’ll say is your mate’s parentage is even more unique than most people know—or even he knows.”

  “That’s it? You’re going to leave me with that?” What could she possibly be referring to that Melena wouldn’t have detected with her abilities? Never mind that Bartol’s aura matched that of all the other nephilim she’d met.

  “I’ve already said more than I should have,” Ariel replied and made a dismissive gesture. “Now go.”

  With a final scowl for her, Cori rushed from the camper and over to Melena’s house. She leaped over a cat sleeping in the middle of the stairs—who didn’t bother to look up from her nap, of course—and kept going. The feline shape-shifter loved lying in inconvenient places just as much as the normal, non-magical breeds. It didn’t matter that she had the intelligence of a human and should have known better.

  Cori entered the guest room where she’d been staying for longer than she’d expected and started gathering her things. She’d packed her bags days ago when Melena and Lucas informed her that the cabin would be ready soon. There had been some delays due to certain building materials not arriving on time, but at least her wait was finally over.

  It took two trips down the stairs and one near fall while trying to avoid the cat that never moved, but she finished loading her Chevy Tahoe. In addition to destroying her home, her ex-husband had caused her to wreck her truck to the point it couldn’t be repaired without spending more than it was worth. She’d managed to get enough insurance money to buy a ten-year-old vehicle for a good price. It had a couple of small dents and a loose rear bumper, but that didn’t bother her. The only thing Cori cared about was that it ran well and handled the harsh winters of Alaska without too many problems.

  Fifteen minutes later, Cori pulled onto the dirt road that led to her cabin. She passed Bartol’s place along the way. Her chest tightened at seeing his home and knowing he wasn’t there. How long would it be until he returned, and how would they handle things once he did? More than anything, she wanted to rebuild the trust and confidence he once had in her.

  The Tahoe bumped along the road, forcing her attention back to driving. It was more treacherous than the highway with snow still packed on it. Cori had to go slowly for what felt like forever before finally reaching her place at the end of the lane.

  She stopped just before reaching the cabin and gawked at it. They’d said they would rebuild her home, but they’d never mentioned adding a second floor or a wide, covered porch to the front. The place had gone from a quaint two-bedroom to a rather large cabin a whole family could live in. The logs gleamed, freshly cut, and the windows shimmered. They’d promised her they wouldn’t spend more than the insurance provided after the fire, but she didn’t see how they could have stretched the money this far.

  Cori shut her vehicle off and climbed out, slogging toward a smiling Melena who waited on the front lawn, snow up to her calves. Her auburn hair blew around her face, and her cheeks were tinged pink from the cold wind, but her blue eyes sparkled.

  “This is too much,” Cori said.

  “Nope.” Melena shook her head. “We did it within budget with a bit of bartering and deal shopping—barely—but the furniture inside is going to be your birthday and Christmas presents for the next three years.”

  Cori’s jaw dropped. “You’re joking.”

  Melena lifted a brow. “Would I joke about something like that?”

  “No,” Cori grumbled, “but you shouldn’t have done it.”

  “Well, it wasn’t just me.” The sensor took her arm and guided her up the slick steps to the front door. “Someone else pitched in, too.”

  They stepped inside, entering a living room that must have gained at least twenty-square feet compared to the old one. The stairs were now set as a divider between the front and back of the house, partially blocking the view into the kitchen where her appliances and counters appeared similar to her old ones. She was glad to see the familiar design since she’d remodeled that part of her previous cabin to her personal preferences. When the place had burned, she’d cried the most over its destruction.

  The living room, though, had changed quite a bit and had a lot more furniture than before. There was a small side table with two chairs, a larger entertainment center, and a huge burgundy rug that covered half the wooden floor. At the center of it all was a set of brown leather couches and a love seat set in a horseshoe pattern with coordinating throws and small pillows that Cori knew could have only been knitted by one particular person.

  “Surprise!” Joy said, hurrying down the stairs in a pair of khaki slacks and a blue button-up blouse. Cori’s mother was in her mid-fifties and still quite energetic. She had curly, gray hair and a slightly plump figure. Their body frames were nothing alike, but she shared Cori’s hazel eyes and pert nose.

  Her eyes rounded. “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  “Making certain my daughter has everything she needs in her new home.” Joy hurried across the living room and pulled Cori into a tight hug. “After all you’ve been through, I wanted to do something special, and Melena was more than happy to let me help.”

  “Traitor,” Cori mouthed to the sensor.

  Melena shrugged and gave her an unapologetic look.

  “We’ve also added a security system,” Lucas said, coming from a side room that appeared to be an office from what she could see through the doorway. It had a desk and a set of shelves in there. “With motion sensors and cameras.”

  Cori pulled away from her mother. “Seriously, guys. This is too much. I really don’t need a lot to be happy, and I can’t imagine what you spent on all this.”

  Melena gave her a soft smile. “If I recall, you went through a lot of trouble for our wedding even though you had almost no notice. This was the least we could do.”


  “And I spend plenty on your sister,” Joy added, waving Cori’s protests off. “This is the first time in years I’ve been able to do anything for you since you won’t visit and never tell me what you need.”

  Her mother and other family lived in Anchorage. It was just a short flight away, but Cori rarely went there. The guilt she’d felt for years after thinking she’d killed her ex-husband had kept her from wanting to be near anyone who knew her from before. Now that Griff was dead by his own hands, most of that weight
had lifted. She still had some regrets to work through, but she was slowly coming to terms with everything that had happened.

  Cori took a deep breath, not wanting to upset her mother. “How long are you staying?”

  “Well, that is something else I need to talk to you about.” Her mother cast a pointed look at Lucas and Melena before returning her gaze to Cori. “But we can discuss that later.”

  The sensor cleared her throat. “We should get going. Emily should be home from school soon, and I need to make sure she does her homework.”

  That was a big lie. Emily was in her final year of high school and dead set on getting into college so she could get away from home. The teenager didn’t need prodding to do her homework, but Cori wouldn’t debate the topic. They’d done so much for her with the cabin that she could hardly argue with them now.

  “Thanks so much, guys.” She gave Melena and Lucas hugs. “I appreciate everything.”

  Melena followed her husband to the door but stopped to wink at Cori. “I think you’ll like the rest of the place after you have time to check it out.”

  She watched out the front window, waiting until her friends were halfway down the drive, before turning to confront her mother. “So why aren’t you saying how long you plan to stay?”

  Joy edged her way to the kitchen. “I need to check on the casserole.”

  “Mom,” Cori dragged the word out.

  Her mother kept going, but raised her voice as she reached the kitchen. “I knew your cabin would be finished soon, and that you’d be stuck here all alone with Bartol away, so I thought it would be a perfect time for me stay for the month and enjoy a vacation with my daughter—through the holidays.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Cori loved her mom, but she needed plenty of notice to brace herself for this sort of thing. “I’ve got work and other things going on.”

  “Yes, dear. I’ve heard all about that.”

  “From Melena?” Would her friend have betrayed her and told her everything?

  “She didn’t give me all the details—she can be surprisingly close-lipped despite my best efforts to pry information out of her.” Joy paused as clanging sounds came from the kitchen for a moment. “Bartol called me before he left on his trip and suggested I come out once your cabin was ready. You would be surprised how many others thought it was a great idea as well.”

  Cori was going to kill everyone she knew and loved. Bartol complained about her conspiring against him, and then he did this? She’d spoken to him half a dozen times on the phone since he’d left and not once had he mentioned it—the coward.

  “You’re not staying until Christmas,” Cori said, entering the kitchen.

  Her mother was making a mess of the place already with pots, pans, and mixing bowls all over the counter and stove. Joy turned to face her. “My house is being remodeled. I can’t go back for a while, so you’re stuck with me.”

  “What about Brenda?” Cori asked, referring to her sister who lived within a mile of her mother’s house.

  “Oh, didn’t I tell you?” Joy ducked her head into the refrigerator. “She’s going with her husband and kids on a skiing vacation to Aspen for the holidays. Unless you expect me to spend Christmas with your uncle Earl, you’re all I’ve got.”

  Cori was stuck, truly stuck. They’d all made certain there was no way out of this visit.

  “Alright, mom. I guess you’re staying.”

  Joy gave her a pleased smile. “I knew you’d come around.”

  Chapter 18


  He stared out of his hotel room in Warsaw, Poland at the thick blanket of snow below, covering the city streets and yards. It was still falling with no end in sight. Cars moved slowly, and the few pedestrians out that evening were bundled up tightly as they shuffled to their destinations. Christmas lights twinkled on a few of the buildings, reflecting their bright colors against the snow around them. Since when had everyone started decorating so early for the holidays? They were a mere week into December and yet he’d been noticing festive scenes all over Europe.

  Bartol had never been to so many countries in such a short period, which made the Christmas decorations he kept seeing stand out that much more. He, Caius, and Tormod had been to half a dozen towns and cities since leaving Budapest, bouncing throughout the region as they tracked down every lead they had. They’d found no definitive signs of the demon, but they did discover evidence of his growing number of followers and their activities.

  At best guess, at least fifty people had died in the last week alone by Haagenti worshipers who killed in his name or compelled innocent humans to sacrifice themselves in his name. Masters of various regions were working non-stop to track down these wayward demon followers and put a stop to the deaths, but there were more converting every day. As far as Bartol could tell, all the demon had to do was touch a supernatural—who wasn’t too old or powerful—and they would fall at Haagenti’s feet, doing whatever he wanted. It was almost as if the demon knew he was being tracked and did this to slow Bartol and the others down, but then again, most denizens of Hell wanted followers. The more they had, the stronger they became.

  He was cursing himself for not learning more on the topic over the years, rather than avoiding it. Bartol had his reasons, though, and still felt they were valid. Demonology was a subject he would have preferred to avoid forever.

  Taking his cell phone out, he pulled up Cori’s name. It was time he called and gave her an update, especially since he’d have to relocate again that night. It reassured her to know where he was at all times, and he’d grown to appreciate her concern. Bartol couldn’t remember the last time anyone worried about him. It felt good—even if he still questioned her feelings.

  “Hello,” she answered on the second ring, sounding breathless.

  Bartol paced his hotel suite. It was nice and spacious, giving him plenty of space to walk. “Are you busy?”

  “Oh, uh…” She gasped in a breath. “Not exactly. It’s just that getting settled into the cabin is still keeping me busy—and so is my mother.”

  He chuckled. A couple of days ago, Cori had been the one to call him complaining about how he’d forced her mother on her. Bartol had warned her never to call him during his trip unless it was an emergency, but he’d suspected his little surprise would draw quite a bit of ire. Cori had been furious. It had gone a long way to assuaging the feelings of betrayal he’d had after she’d conspired with his friends against him.

  “How is she doing?” he asked.

  “Would you like to talk to her?”

  No, he wouldn’t. Joy would keep him on the phone for an hour, speaking about things that made no sense to him. “I don’t have much time.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Cori made a sound of annoyance. “Where are you now?”

  “Warsaw, but I’m leaving for Prague within the hour.”

  She was quiet a moment. “So no luck finding the demon yet?”

  “No, but we just received a tip from Zoe this evening that one of her nerou saw him in a dream, somewhere around downtown Prague. We’re hopeful we’ve finally got him.”

  Zoe had started having her nerou seers take naps during the day and rest more often to help encourage their visions and dreams. The move may have finally paid off, assuming the demon was there in real time or very close to it. They’d have to act quickly to find out.

  “That’s good. But please—don’t get too close. Call Remiel and let the archangels handle it.” Her voice changed, cracking a little. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  His chest tightened. More and more, Cori was opening up to him, showing hints that she truly cared and that maybe her feelings weren’t an act. And with every phone call, he could feel their bond strengthening. Bartol was more determined than ever to finish his job and return to her. There were so many things he wanted to do and say, but he had to wait until they were face to face again.

  “Wouldn’t losing me make things easier for you?” he aske
d, testing her.

  “Absolutely not!” she said vehemently. “I know I’ve said and done some stupid things since this whole mating thing started, but I swear I really do care about you. The longer you’re gone, the more I’ve begun to realize I want you in my life.”

  “Are you certain of that?” He still couldn’t believe his beautiful, sassy mate wanted him. It was easier to believe she had some ulterior motive.

  “Yes,” she swore.

  Bartol wanted to believe her so badly, but he couldn’t let feelings distract him right now. He needed to get on with the phone call before it was time to go. “Are you enjoying your new cabin?”

  “I wish you’d stop changing the subject whenever I try to tell you I care,” she grumbled. It made him smile that he could get under her skin as well. “The cabin is great, but it would be even better if you were here.”

  “How could I possibly make it better?”

  “For one, you could protect me from my mother, which is all your fault.” She paused, and her voice turned sultry. “And for two, I’d let you tie me up in my new bed and have your way with me. This one needs to be broken in.”

  He imagined her naked and tied to the four poster bed that he knew Lucas and Melena had chosen for Cori’s master bedroom. The imagery had him growing so hard his pants became too tight. Bartol hadn’t had much time on this trip to think about sex, but it only took a few words from Cori to make him feel lust like he never had before. The woman was going to be the death of him.

  “When I return, we will consider that option,” he said, tone gruff.


  He almost smiled. “If you behave yourself until then.”

  She let out a light laugh. “I always behave myself, but that gives me good incentive.”

  “Oh, I plan to give you plenty of more reasons to be good,” he said, voice husky. “Next time we speak, I’ll have a proposition for you—possibly involving us naked in your new kitchen.” Bartol could hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth, but he couldn’t help himself. Cori was steadily bringing out another side of him, one phone call at a time.


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