Loving a Forsaken Earl: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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Loving a Forsaken Earl: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 27

by Aria Norton

  "Indeed. Relationships would be much simpler that way, wouldn't they? But then again, I suppose they would be much duller as well."

  Thomas nodded. "Yes, I suppose you're right. I think you're going to make a marvelous preacher, Joshua. When do you leave for your new post?" Joshua came back to London with the exciting news that he had got the parish. Abigail was planning to leave with him and help him set up a house while he settled into his new life. That is, if Thomas could not convince her to stay and become his wife.

  "Thank you. I owe it all to you, my good man." Joshua held up his glass in a toast.

  "You won the position on your own merit. I only set up the interview. I am glad I could be of service. I will miss you when you leave the big city, though."

  Joshua laughed. "I shall not miss London one bit. But before I go, we need to figure out a way to help Abigail get over this silly nonsense and agree to marry you. Now, I have an idea..."

  Thomas leaned forward as Joshua laid out the plan that would hopefully win Abigail over. As Joshua explained, he grew more and more nervous. He could only hope that it would work.

  Chapter 41

  Abigail sat in the parlour, languishing in the corner near the window. A steady rain had been falling all day, and now a heavy fog blanketed the city. She let out a frustrated sigh, unable to focus on the book in her hands. "I thought it was supposed to be summer. I am sick to death of this foul weather."

  Joshua looked up from his newspaper, taking the pipe out of his mouth. "My, aren't we testy this evening? I have not seen you turn the page in over an hour since we sat down. Could it have to do with the illustrious Lord Brampton?”

  Abigail slammed the book shut and stood. "I don't want to talk about him."

  "Perhaps we should, anyway." He folded the newspaper and took a puff of his pipe, sitting back in his chair. "You're in love with him, Abby. Admit it. And don't tell me that you're mad about the supposed bribe, which I have told you countless times did not occur. You're angry because you think he's still in love with Sarah. If he was, I can guarantee they'd be married by now."

  "It wouldn't be proper for them to marry now. Her marriage was just annulled a week ago." Abigail wrapped her arms around her middle, knowing that she was being unreasonable. Her stubbornness would not allow her to concede, though. For some reason, she had to hold out. Her pride would not allow her to give in to Thomas's pleas.

  "You know he doesn't love her the way you accuse him of doing. He loves you. You're just too churlish and mule-headed to see it." Joshua stood, leaving his pipe on the end table. "I know you two have been through a lot over the last few months. But don't let your love go to waste. Don't get to the end of your life, full of regret and wondering what might have been. You have to seize your happiness now, Abigail. You and I both know that you will never be happy with anyone else while Thomas lives." He softened, wrapping her in a hug. "I love you, little sister. Don't hold onto your pride. It's very cold and lonely on the moral high ground."

  Abigail let her tears start to fall. "How can I face him now, brother? I've made a complete fool of myself…"

  Suddenly a knock sounded at the door, and Abigail moved away from her brother. He let her go and went to answer the door. "It's alright, Mazzie. I'll get it," she heard Joshua say. This was very odd behavior for her brother.

  Abigail turned towards the door, curious as to who would be calling so late in the evening. "Hello, Lord Brampton. So good of you to call."

  Abigail's heart nearly stopped. She looked for a way of escape, but the only way out of the room would put her face to face with Thomas. She knew then that Joshua had set her up. Her legs felt like they would give out beneath her, and the room started to swim around her. She wasn't ready to face him!

  "Good evening, Joshua. Is Miss Abigail at home?" She heard his deep, soothing voice sound from the foyer and nearly fainted. Of course, he knew she was at home. Where else would she be? She squared her shoulders, purposing not to make a fool of herself and melt into tears as soon as she saw him.

  "Yes, right this way. I'll call for some tea," Joshua said, ushering Lord Brampton into the room. Abigail's heart skipped. She had missed him so much, wishing that he would come even though she had spurned him at the courthouse the day before. Now that he was here, she didn't know what to say. Her throat went dry, and she swallowed hard to try and get the lump in her throat to go away.

  Thomas took off his hat and laid it on the end tables, never taking his eyes off her. He made his way towards her, and she backed further into the corner. She had not the courage to speak, for fear that she would embarrass herself.

  "Abigail," he nodded, never once looking away from her. He stooped only when he was inches from her. "I have to talk to you."

  "I… I can't…" She didn't have any more excuses.

  "Listen to me, woman. I love you and I know you love me. I wanted to ask you to marry me at the cottage, but I didn't get the chance. I don't care a fig for Sarah, not in that way. Now, are you going to believe me, or am I going to have to show you?" He took her in his arms and lowered his face to hers until their lips were inches apart. "What's it to be?" he whispered. Abigail could barely hear over the beat of her own heart. It was time to let go of the past hurts and fears. He loved her, truly. She could see it shining from his eyes. Her eyes welled up with tears. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he pulled her closer.

  "I love you," she whispered.

  "So, you'll marry me?" he asked, holding his breath.

  She smiled through happy tears. "Yes, I'll marry you."

  She didn't have a chance to say anything else, for he cupped her face and covered her lips with his. Her face filled with heat as he kissed her, long and slowly. When their lips parted she blinked, taking a few seconds to catch her breath. "I love you so much, Abby. Let's get married tomorrow."

  Joshua laughed from the doorway. "I don't know if we can pull it together that soon. Mother will want to be involved after all."

  Abigail laughed, the weight of grief lifted off her shoulders. "I suppose she will."

  "You'll have to come back to London to perform the ceremony, Joshua," Thomas suggested.

  Joshua blanched. "No, thank you. Besides, you'll need a bishop or something with your status. I will be here for the wedding, of course." Abigail laughed at her brother. He had never liked speaking in front of large crowds. A country life would suit him.

  "Well, then. Will you agree to be my best man?" Thomas asked. He held Abigail's hand, no doubt wanting to make sure she didn't run away again. But he needn't have worried. She wasn't going anywhere.

  Joshua's eyes filled with tears. "It would be my honor." They shook hands, and tea was served.

  "Oh, Betsy, we have the most wonderful news!" Abigail said and told her that she and Thomas were to be married. "Thomas, would you be in need of a marvelous cook?"

  Betsy blanched. She had been desperately looking for a job ever since they had returned to London. But she had been unable to find anything yet. Thomas looked at her and smiled. "I am. You'll also need a maid and I could use another footman."

  Abigail beamed at him, thankful that she would not have to say goodbye to Mazzie and Betsy and Henry. She went to his side and kissed his cheek. "Thank you!"

  She talked with Betsy for another moment and then rejoined her fiancé and brother. Her fiancé! She could hardly believe it.

  They spent the rest of the evening dreaming and planning for the wedding. "Where am I going to stay until the wedding? Joshua is leaving tomorrow?" Abigail asked, putting a damper on their happiness. "I can't plan a wedding from Chesterfield!"

  Thomas put up his hands as if to tell her to calm down. "I shall ask Sarah and her parents if you might stay with them for the next month. I'm sure they will agree."

  Abigail found it odd that he would suggest she stay with his ex-fiancée. "Won't Sarah feel uncomfortable? I've taken her place, after all."

  Thomas kissed her cheek. "She let go of that place a long time
ago. And her parents will love you, I'm sure of that."

  Joshua yawned and stood up. "Well, I'm sure you would love to sit up and talk all night long, but I have a long day tomorrow." Thomas stood as well, shaking Joshua's hand.

  "Of course. I'll go around tomorrow and talk with Sarah and her parents myself." Joshua nodded and headed for the stairs.

  "I'll see you out," Abigail said. She followed Thomas to the door, her brother watching from the stairs. Thomas turned on his way out, waiting to place his hat on his head.

  "Until tomorrow?" he asked.

  "Until tomorrow." He leaned down and kissed her, and she wished that he would never let her go. However, Joshua cleared his throat, and Thomas pulled away. "I'm glad you fought for me," she whispered.

  "I would do it all again if I had to. But please, try not to run away before the wedding. I don't think I could live through that twice."

  Abigail leaned up and kissed him this time. "I'll never leave you as long as I live."

  "Come on now, you love birds. That's enough for tonight." Joshua rolled his eyes and laughed at them. Thomas gave her one last kiss and bounded down the steps to his carriage. Abigail waved from the top step, her heart bursting with the fullness of her love for him.

  She closed the door, a dreamy look in her eyes, and then halted when she saw Joshua still shaking his head at her. "Women," he huffed teasingly.

  "What is that supposed to mean?"

  "Oh, nothing." He winked at mischievously as they made their way upstairs. He left her at her bedroom door, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "I'm happy for you, sister. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

  "Thank you, Joshua." She opened her door, letting out a contented sigh as she closed it. She was going to be married. There had been a time when she thought it would never happen. And now, in only one short month, she would be Lady Brampton.


  Sarah nearly fell out of her chair with excitement when Thomas took Abigail around to her house the next day. "Oh, my goodness! I am so happy for you both!" she said when Thomas told her the news that they were engaged. "And of course she can stay here with us. We shall be glad to have her, won't we Mother?"

  Sarah's mother beamed at Abigail. "Of course, we will. It is the least we can do for the young woman who helped rescue our daughter from that awful man!" She offered Abigail her hand and gave it a squeeze. "You may stay for as long as you like."

  "Are you sure? A month is a long time..." Abigail tried to argue, but Sarah and her mother would have none of it.

  "Nonsense. We will be overjoyed to have you stay with us. Besides, Sarah is wonderful at decorating. That is, if you need help with your wedding plans."

  "I don't want to impose, but if you do need help, I would be glad to offer any assistance you may need," Sarah offered.

  "That is very kind." Abigail looked at Thomas.

  "Well, it seems that it is all settled. I'll send the carriage for her things and have the delivered later this afternoon." Thomas went to give instructions to his new coachman. His old coachman had been sacked and was never heard of again, good riddance.

  Sarah came to sit next to Abigail, taking her hand. "I am so glad we'll be able to spend some time together before you're married. I think we might have been friends growing up if we had met before now."

  "Well, we shall be friends now, won't we?" Thomas came back into the room, and she felt the need to cry, so full was her heart with joy and love for this man.

  Abigail smiled, "Indeed we will."


  Thomas woke up to the sound of a dove cooing outside his window. He opened his eyes slowly, smiling as he stretched his arms above his head. The day of the wedding had finally come. He was marrying the love of his life today, and he could not wait.

  Jumping out of bed, he rang for his valet, who brought up a tray of tea and a light breakfast. He dressed in his morning coat and suit and headed downstairs. The guests would be arriving at the church in an hour, and he wanted to be ready.

  Betsy met him at the door, smiling. "Anxious to be off, Sir?"

  "Yes. Is everything going smoothly for the wedding breakfast preparations?"

  "Yes, My Lord. Everything will be perfect when you and Lady Brampton arrive." She gave him a good-natured wink and went back downstairs. He bounded down the steps and climbed into the carriage beside Joshua, who was already waiting.

  "Good morning, old chap. How do you feel? No signs of cold feet yet, are there?" Joshua teased.

  "None in the slightest." Thomas grinned. He felt like a giddy schoolboy. "Did your mother and aunt arrive safely? I had not heard."

  "Yes, they are with Abigail now, no doubt driving her mad with stories of 'poor, dear Frederick.'" Joshua mocked his aunt's high-pitched voice.

  They shared a laugh. Thomas would endure Abigail's aunt's voice, as long it meant he was with Abigail.

  They soon arrived at the church, and Thomas took a deep breath before climbing down from the carriage. "Ready?" Joshua asked as they straightened their coats before walking into the church's side door.

  "I have never been more ready for anything."


  Abigail sat at the vanity, looking at her reflection as Sarah placed a string of lavish diamonds around her neck. "A gift from Thomas. They arrived this morning. Aren't they exquisite?"

  "They are beautiful," Abigail breathed. She could still not get over the fact that she would be the wife of an earl in less than an hour.

  She stood and turned before the full-length mirror, taking in her light blue silk gown. Blue was Thomas' favourite colour. She hoped that he would be pleased when he saw her walk down the aisle.

  "Thomas will be floored when he sees you in this dress," Sarah said, guessing at her thoughts. Sarah was not yet starting to show her pregnancy. She still suffered from occasional bouts of morning sickness, but it had got much better over the last week.

  "I shall miss having you around the house all the time." Sarah hugged her, and Abigail breathed a sigh of contentment. She would have never thought that she and Sarah would become friends, but they had.

  "Come now. It's nearly time, and we should get to the church." Sarah's mother ushered them out of the room and down the stairs to the waiting carriage.

  The streets were lined with well-wishers, with white bunting blowing in the breeze above the shops. She waved the cheering crowd and smiled at the children who wished her well.

  When she arrived at the church, butterflies started swirling in her stomach. This was it.

  The coachman helped her down, and her brother met her at the door. He would walk her down the aisle and then stand next to Thomas as his best man. Sarah would stand next to her as her maid of honor.

  The organ music began as she entered the church, and she smiled up at her brother. "I hope Mother and Aunt Beatrice didn't pester you too much this morning?" he whispered as they went into the church.

  "Lady Thorne gave them jobs to do so I could get ready in peace," Abigail said, a mischievous glint in her eye.

  "What a brilliant woman." He winked as they came into view of the sanctuary. Everyone turned and smiled at her. But her eyes were on Thomas' back. He was waiting for her at the altar, the bishop standing in front of him.

  Thomas turned as she came up next to him, and Joshua gave her away. His eyes held all the love in the world for her.

  "In the presence of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we have come together to witness the marriage of Thomas and Abigail..."


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