The Playboy s Proposition

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The Playboy s Proposition Page 13

by Leanne Banks

  “You like it?” he asked, pulling her against him as he looked out at the ocean.

  “Who wouldn’t?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Relaxing has never been my forte,” he said. “I’ve received solicitations like this before, but I ignored them. Who has time for trips to the Cayman Islands?”

  She saw a lostness in his eyes and her stomach twisted. “Has it ever occurred to you to take a vacation?”

  “I’ve taken vacations. Mountain climbing, scuba diving…”

  “No, I mean a real vacation where you actually relax,” she said. “Maybe even, heaven forbid, sleep late and ditch your workout for one whole day.”

  His lips twitched. “Not really.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me? I wonder what it would take to get you to sleep late,” she said.

  His eyes darkened. “Try and find out.”

  After a night of lovemaking, she felt him stir in the morning. Determined to keep him from getting out of bed, she rolled on top of him, still half-asleep. “Nuh-uh,” she said. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  She opened her eyes to find his sleepy eyes staring back at hers. “How are you going to keep me here?”

  “One way or another,” she said and pressed her mouth against his for a long kiss.

  His hands skimmed over her buttocks. “You’re cute when you’re slee—”

  She wiggled lower, sliding on to his hardness, taking the words from his mouth. “Ohhhh,” he said.

  She began to ride, forcing her eyes to open so she could see the ecstasy on his face. He wrapped his hands about her hips again, guiding her, distracting her. She was supposed to be in control, but he took it from her.

  Soon, her pleasure splintered from her and she squeezed him tight within her. His gasps of pleasure fed hers and she climaxed just as the sun peeked through the horizon.

  Seconds, minutes, hours later, Michael slid his leg over her. “Lord, woman, what time is it?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care,” she said.

  He chuckled, nuzzling her head. He shifted her slightly then swore. “It’s eight-thirty. Do you know the last time I slept this late?”

  “Not last weekend,” she said.

  “That’s true,” he said, rising. “The last time I slept this late, I was thirteen and sick with strep throat.”

  She waved her hand upward and he caught it. “What do you want?”

  “To feel your forehead to make sure you don’t have strep throat,” she said.

  He chuckled and lifted her hand to his mouth instead. “No strep throat. What do you want for breakfast? There’s staff downstairs waiting for our order.”

  She sighed. “Sometimes, I want no staff,” she said. “I’m good with a bagel.”

  “We’ll do that next visit. What do you want this time?”

  “Scrambled eggs, blueberry pancakes and crisp bacon,” she said.

  “That’s a little more than a bagel,” he said.

  “Yeah, well if they’re dying to fix breakfast…” she said and suddenly felt guilty. “Scratch that,” she said. “I’m okay with toast.”

  “Liar,” he said. “Bella wants pancakes. Bella will have pancakes.”

  Crap, she thought. She’d better not get used to this.

  After breakfast, she and Michael explored the house then changed into swimsuits to sun on the private beach. Michael wasn’t the type to sit still, so he read for a while then dragged her into the water.

  She stared at her feet next to his, marveling at how clear the water was. Tiny fishes swam between their legs. “Omigosh, this is amazing.”

  “Look farther out,” he said, pointing to where the water was deeper.

  She spotted larger, multicolored fish and a dolphin jumping. “It’s so calm and clear you don’t even need to snorkel.”

  “One of the reasons I like it here,” he said.

  “How often have you been?” she asked.

  “Just a couple times. Always business,” he said. He tugged her deeper into the water and dunked her.

  She gasped as she returned to the surface. “Why did you do that?” she asked, swatting at his muscular chest. She may as well have been a fly.

  “You looked like you needed to get wet all over,” he said, grinning as he pulled her against him.

  “How about a warning next time?” she demanded, wrapping her legs around his waist because it seemed like the natural thing to do.

  He shook his head, his dark eyes glinting in the sun like black diamonds. “Too much fun taking you by surprise,” he said and took her mouth before she could protest.

  With the water and Michael’s arms surrounding her, she felt herself sinking under his spell. What a magical moment to be with him. Away from everything but each other.

  Seconds later, she felt her bathing-suit top slip from her body. “What—”

  Michael grinned like a demon and moved away from her.

  “You,” she accused, going after him, but he was faster. “Michael,” she called. “Give me back my swimsuit.”

  “In a while,” he said. “Since we have a private beach, you can go topless.”

  “Some other time,” she said, swimming toward him.

  “I dare you,” he said.

  She stopped and groaned. “Oh, don’t say that.”

  “Ah, so you can’t turn down a dare, either,” he said, reminding her of how she’d challenged him to help paint the community center.

  “That was different. You got to keep your clothes on.”

  “And burn my hands,” he said.

  “True,” she muttered, still reluctant. She met his gaze, for once nearly carefree and she realized she would do just about anything for him to stay that way instead of tortured and mired in guilt.

  Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. I can do this, she told herself. I can do this. She opened her eyes and walked forward, biting her lip as her upper body broke the surface of the water. Even though Michael had seen her naked too many times to count, this just felt different.

  She couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “Never let it be said—”

  He swooped her into his arms, his chest covering hers as he carried her into deeper water. “I really didn’t think you’d do it.”

  She gawked at him. “You dared me. What am I supposed to do?”

  “Remind me to never let you around any other men who like to make dares,” he said gruffly.

  She looked at him. “I’m selective,” she said.

  “Keep it that way,” he said.


  T hey returned to Atlanta on Saturday in time for Bella to attend the wedding of a college friend. The trip to Grand Cayman had been amazing. She’d never seen Michael in a fun mode before. It lifted her heart and made her want to see more of that from him.

  As they returned home, however, she saw him pulling into himself more and more. They parted ways at the private airport. He tucked her into his limo and she returned to her apartment.

  Dressing for the wedding, Bella couldn’t help wondering about her own future. What did Michael want from her? She couldn’t believe he wanted marriage, yet she knew he didn’t want her to be involved with any other man.

  She drove to the church where her old friend CeCe was married then went to a country club for the reception. She smiled as CeCe danced first with her new husband and then her father. A bite of nostalgia prodded her at the memory of her own father, whom she’d never known, and her mother, who had died.

  “They look happy,” a male voice said from behind her.

  She turned at the sound of Stephen’s voice and nodded. “They do.” She glanced over her shoulder at him, looking for his fiancée. “Where’s your fiancée?”

  He met her gaze. “Where’s your friend? Michael Medici?”

  “We just got back from Grand Cayman. He had some work to do,” she said.

  “You’re traveling in different circles these days,” Stephen said. “Michael Medici’s pretty high o
n the food chain.”

  “You’re traveling in different circles now, too,” she said. “Excuse me—”

  “No,” he said, blocking her way. “There’s no reason for us to be awkward. You and I have known each other too long. Let me get you a drink.”

  She took a deep breath and looked at his familiar blond hair and blue eyes and relaxed. This was Stephen. She’d known him a long time. He’d been important to her and now he wanted to be her friend. The sting of longing she usually felt for him was absent.

  “Okay,” she finally said. “White wine,” she said.

  “I know that,” he said with a smile and left to get a drink for her.

  Shortly, he returned with a beer for himself and a glass of wine for her. “How did you like Grand Cayman?”

  “It was amazing. The water was so clear,” she said.

  “And Michael, what is he like?”

  She tilted her head to the side. “Complex,” she said. “One time I think I’ve got his personality nailed, then seconds later, I learn more about him.”

  “Hmm,” Stephen said.

  “What about your job?” she asked. “Are you liking it?”

  “I like being employed,” he said and paused. “Britney is a means to an end.”

  She gasped, shocked at his response. “But you do love her.”

  He shrugged. “In a way, I guess,” he said, lifting his beer and taking a long swallow. “But I’ve never gotten over you.”

  Dismayed by his declaration, she shook her head. “I thought you had fallen in love with Britney.”

  “In a way,” he repeated, covering her hand with his. “But you know I’ve loved you forever, Bella.”

  “But you broke up with me.”

  He shrugged again. “I knew Britney could help me get ahead. But you and I had something special. There’s no reason we can’t continue.”

  She blinked. “Not if you’re engaged, we can’t.”

  “There’s no reason you and I can’t enjoy each other. After all, you and Michael are enjoying each other.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “If you and Michael can have an affair, why can’t you and I?”

  “You are engaged,” she said.

  “If you’re willing to give yourself to Michael, why wouldn’t you give yourself to me?” he asked, taking her hand and pressing his mouth against hers.

  Bella jerked away, turning her face. She stood, barely holding back the desire to throw her wine in his face. “Again, because you’re engaged. Michael is not.”

  “Bella, you’re Michael Medici’s mistress,” he said. “I can afford you now, too.”

  “No,” she said, nauseated by Stephen’s proposal. “Never.” She turned around and walked right into Michael’s hard chest.

  Michael looked at her and Stephen with a scathing glance. Bella opened her mouth to explain, but Michael turned toward Stephen.

  “Leave her alone,” he said. “You left her behind. She is with me now. If I hear of you bothering her again, your current job could suddenly disappear.” He turned to Bella. “Let’s go,” he said and escorted her from the room to the front door. “How could you let him touch you?”

  “I didn’t want to. He took me by surprise,” she said.

  “You must have known he would be here,” Michael said, his jaw twitching.

  “I didn’t,” she said. “It’s true that Stephen is friends with this couple, too, but I didn’t know if he would attend. I was sure his fiancée would be with him if he did.” She paused a half beat. “Besides, if I were intent on getting together with Stephen, why would I have invited you to come with me this afternoon?”

  “Let’s go back to my house,” he said and waved for the valet. “I’ll take you.”

  “But my car,” she began.

  “I’ll send a driver for it,” he said.

  With Stephen’s insulting remarks, the event had already been ruined for her, so she was all too happy to leave. The drive was silent, and Michael’s brooding disposition made the air in the car so thick she could hardly breathe.

  As soon as they arrived at Michael’s house, he whisked her up to his bedroom. She hated for him to be upset, but she didn’t feel she deserved his wrath. “I realize it may have looked damaging, but you have to believe I didn’t invite his advance. You shouldn’t be angry at me.”

  He took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring with emotion. “I’m not angry at you. I’m furious with Stephen. What the hell gave him the idea that he could treat you like that?”

  She shook her head, but her stomach sank. “He seemed to have figured out that you and I have an arrangement. This is what I was afraid of, that people would find out that I could be bought.”

  Michael sliced his hand through the air. “Under the right circumstances, everyone can be bought.”

  His assessment only made her feel worse. “Actions can be bought, but emotions can’t.”

  “You may have agreed to our affair to help your aunt, but things are different. Can you tell me that the only reason you’re with me is because of your aunt?”

  The oxygen seemed to disappear from her lungs. “You know I can’t,” she whispered.

  He pulled her against him. “Damn right you can’t,” he muttered and took her mouth. The passion between them exploded, burning boundaries, excuses and denial. Perhaps a part of her had sensed from the beginning that Michael would change her life. Perhaps the passion they’d shared in the beginning had been a clue and she’d run from it, run from him, because he was a hard, complicated man. How could she ever hope to win his heart? If he even possessed one.

  With no holds barred, he stripped off her clothes and his and imprinted his body against hers. He made love to her from head to toe, bringing her to ecstasy again and again. It was as if he wanted to mark her as his woman.

  But how could that be possible? He’d always made it clear their relationship was temporary, with no messy emotional ties. She couldn’t deny it any longer. She felt a part of him. She craved his happiness, his safety, his wellbeing in a way she’d never experienced with Stephen.

  The knowledge rolled through her like thunder. She loved Michael.

  “I want to wipe the thought of every other man from your mind,” he muttered against her as his muscular body pumped into her. “I want you to know that you belong to me.”

  Panting from their wild lovemaking and her own realization, she buried her head against his throat, damp with sweat from his restraint.

  “I know,” she said. “I know. I love you,” she whispered into his ear. “But will you ever belong to me?”

  He stiffened and thrust inside her one last time, his climax written on every cell of his body and echoed on his face.

  Her heart hammered as they collapsed in each other’s arms. Had she really said that? Had she really uttered the three words? Had she asked him if he would be hers? She waited, holding her breath. Maybe he would give her the words she secretly longed to hear. Maybe he would tell her that she had become so important to him that he would never let her go.

  Michael stroked her hair. “Go to sleep.”

  Her chest twisted with disappointment. When had this happened? When had he consumed her? And how was she going to survive knowing he didn’t love her?

  She fell into a troubled sleep, but awakened when she felt the absence of his body. He was working out as usual, she thought. Her body craved more sleep, but a part of her craved seeing him more. She glanced at the clock, estimating he was fifteen minutes into his routine.

  Dragging herself from the bed, she splashed her face with water and brushed her teeth then wandered down the hall to find him on the elliptical, his back to her. Knowing he still had free weights to go, she waited on the couch in their suite and leaned her head back against the wall.

  Michael doubled his workout. He had never felt this way about a woman. He could have easily punched Bella’s former lover in the face. Perhaps he should have. Maybe it would ha
ve gotten his completely alien possessiveness for Bella out of his system. The woman was having a very odd effect on him. Lord knew, he wasn’t the type to take a vacation, let alone really enjoy a vacation home, but spending time with Bella without the constant press of work appealed to him. When in hell had that happened?

  He didn’t know what the solution was. He refused to give her up, but he wasn’t sure how to keep her. She was a woman full of passion and heart. He wanted both, but he didn’t possess much of the latter, and hadn’t for a long time. Giving up his heart had been necessary for survival. If he didn’t care, then he wouldn’t hurt. If he didn’t hope, then he wouldn’t be disappointed. Most importantly, if he didn’t count on another human being to be with him, then he would know how to stand on his own. Always alone.

  He finished his free-weight repetitions and returned to the suite. He spotted Bella asleep, propped on the couch. His throat tightened with an odd emotion. She looked so sweet and vulnerable.

  He bent down beside her and just looked at her for a long moment. Her dark eyelashes fanned out from ivory skin with just a little pink from the Cayman sun left in her cheeks. He felt a stir of pleasure at the memory of how much she’d enjoyed the short trip. He’d already made an offer on the house. He would take her again and other places, too.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” he said, touching her soft cheek.

  She stirred, looking up at him with sleepy eyes. “Hi,” she said in a husky voice.

  “Hi to you. What are you doing out of bed? This is no time for angels. This is the time of demons,” he said. It had long been the hour he’d chased the demons from his mind.

  “I didn’t want you to start work without getting to see you,” she said, lifting her arms.

  Unable to refuse her, he sat on the couch beside her and held her. “I do have work to catch up on, but I won’t be in the office all day.”

  “That’s good,” she said and looked up at him. “I’m going to visit my aunt today. I feel like I should check up on her to make sure she’s okay.”

  “Any reason to believe otherwise?” he asked.

  “No, but she was such a faker when I was overseas, I’m determined to keep tabs on her now.”


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