What's Your Pleasure

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What's Your Pleasure Page 10

by Marie Haynes

  Joe glowed with pride. Suddenly, inspiration hit her.

  “Well, then, my kind Masters,” she said humbly, trying to keep a giggle from bubbling out, “perhaps as a proper submissive, I should earn my keep.”

  She saw the shock in Vincent’s eyes and watched as he fought to keep his expression stern. Nathan, not bothering to hide his amusement, lay on his back on the bed and laughed uproariously.

  Grinning, she scrambled up to kneel between Nathan’s legs. She bent her head and began a slow, sensuous series of licks up his thigh. At the same time, she raised her hips high and wiggled her ass. Vincent took the hint and gave her bottom a quick, light smack.

  “Stay there a moment. I’ve got a handful of condoms on the dresser,” he instructed.

  Normally, Joe would have answered, but her mouth was full of Nathan’s balls. Knowing it was rude to speak with her mouth full, Joe simply wiggled again and continued with her business. Nathan began playing with her hair. She heard Vincent rip open a condom as she worked her way up Nathan’s shaft.

  She made a low, growling sound in her throat, feeling Vincent’s cock touch the entrance of her open, wet tunnel.

  She wanted more. She wanted everything. She opened her mouth wide, devouring Nathan’s thick cock. At the same time, Vincent plunged deep within her, his hands holding her hips. Her eyes flew open, and her muscles contracted tightly around Vince.

  “Watch the teeth,” Nathan warned, his hands heavy on her shoulders.

  She began to tremble slightly, moving her head up and down, worshiping the beautiful rod in her mouth, keeping rhythm to Vince’s insistent pounding. Nathan moaned, lifting his hips to match her movements.

  Vincent never slowed his thrusting into her body, but his hand came down in a resounding smack, first on one cheek then the other. She jumped a bit, lifting her mouth from Nathan’s throbbing manhood. Nathan grabbed her head, forcing her lips back onto his stiff rod. He kept his hand there, grasping her hair, lifting and pushing, forcing her to suck deeply, paying homage to the man he was.

  Joe thought she’d lose her mind. The stinging warmth on her ass, Vincent’s cock within her and Nathan’s in her mouth were almost more than she could bear. Never had she felt such sensations. She knew her body had been made for this, for the total giving and receiving of pleasure. With this realisation, her body shook. Nathan pushed her head down, holding it, and her lips tingled with the prickly hair surrounding his beauty. Her lips were becoming numb and her jaw ached, but she didn’t want to let go.

  “Fuck!” Nathan whispered.

  His breathing became ragged, and Joe pumped her head up and down, savouring his flavour. He tugged hard on her hair, bringing tears to her eyes as he shot his load of sweet, sweet cream down her throat.

  Her muscles contracted around Vincent. She heard his rapid breath and felt him expand within her. He gave one mighty thrust, burying himself in her welcoming nest as he joined her in an earth shaking orgasm.

  She collapsed between Nathan’s legs. Wisely, he had lifted her head, removing his cock from her sharp little teeth.

  Vincent placed a hand on her abused bottom. “Nicely done, little one, nicely done,” he complimented then stepped away to removed the filled condom.

  Joe could do no more than sigh and nuzzle into the comfort of Nathan’s legs.

  “You certainly do know how to earn your keep, Blondie,” Nathan murmured. “You want to crawl up here and rest a bit?”

  Too exhausted to reply, Joe simply shook her head and snuggled deeper between his legs, wrapping her arms around his thighs. She felt perfectly content right were she was, encased in the warmth of his body, the scent of his manhood close to her face. She heard the shower again and knew Vincent was cleaning up and thought she probably should as well, but she just didn’t have the energy to move.

  Nathan gently petted her head, her neck, her shoulders.

  “Just relax for a while, baby,” he soothed. “I’m not finished yet, and I’m pretty sure Vince will be up in a bit for round two, also.”

  When his hand brushed over her wrinkled skin, Joe opened her eyes and stiffened. Nathan must have felt this, because he hesitated a moment before continuing.

  “You’re beautiful, Blondie. Tits the perfect size to fit in a man’s mouth, fabulous ass, small waist, legs that don’t stop,” he said in a quiet voice. “But lots of women have that. What they don’t have, though, is your strength.”

  Joe turned a bit, lifting herself up on her elbows to look at him, her eyes brimming with tears.

  “That damned scar that you’re so hung up on ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of. It’s part of you, part of your strength.” He lifted his head a bit to look at her as he continued. “And any bastard tells you otherwise is just a fuckin’ moron.”

  “Oh, Nathan,” she cried, letting the tears flow. She climbed on top of him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “You makin’ my woman cry?” Vincent asked, walking into the room balancing three glasses of water.

  “Careful, Vince, or she won’t be your woman for long. I’m pretty sure she’ll see the light soon enough, dump your sorry ass and hook up with a real man,” Nathan teased, sitting up and reaching for the water.

  Joe glanced up quickly at Vincent then grinned, seeing his big smile.

  “In your dreams,” he sparred back.

  Nathan lifted the glass, emptying it in one long gulp, before answering.

  “Can’t argue with that,” he agreed.

  Joe sat up and reached for a glass of water. Rather than handing it to her, though, Vincent held it to her lips, tipping it so she could drink. Only when her thirst was quenched did he drink himself. Exhausted, Joe curled up and promptly fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Feeling warmth on her neck, Joe reluctantly opened her eyes. She allowed herself a self satisfied grin as Nathan dropped tiny kisses along her shoulder.

  “You ready for round two, Blondie?” he whispered in her ear.

  She turned her head to answer, but before she could, Nathan wrapped his arms around her, pulled her on top of his body and covered her mouth with his. He lifted her hips and positioned himself. Joe squealed. He raised his own hips and pushed her down, plunging deep within her still wet body in one hard thrust. She arched her back, placing her hands on his chest.

  “Jesus!” she shouted. Suddenly, her eyes widened in fear. “Nathan, did you put on…”

  “Yep. Right before I woke you,” he answered as he began swirling his hips in a maddening rhythm.

  Of course you did, she thought. Nathan looked out for her safety as much as Vincent did. She should have known he’d have put on a condom without having to question him.

  Relaxing a bit, Joe began to mimic his rhythmic dance with her own pelvis. Her hands explored his hairy chest. Not that it was too hairy, she noted. Just the right amount of hair and muscle. Nathan, she realised again, was one hundred percent masculine. Bending her head, she began to kiss his neck and chest, her pussy so full she thought she might split open.

  She felt the bed shift and turned her head to find herself looking directly into Vincent’s eyes.

  “Starting without me?” he asked, his eyes darkening with passion.

  “No, I—” she began

  “Don’t talk,” he commanded quietly.

  Joe nodded. While his words might be harsh, his tone held the promise of pleasure.

  Nathan lifted his head a bit and nipped at one nipple.

  “Oh!,” she squeaked in surprise.

  “Stay focused,” he warned, “or you’ll be sorry.”

  Grinning, Joe opened her mouth to answer but, noticing the warning look on Nathan’s face, decided to use it for other things. She lowered her body, offering Nathan her lips. His tongue probed deeply into her mouth while his cock continued to burrow inside her pussy. She felt Vince’s hands on her ass cheeks then something cold rimming her anus.

  Her eyes widened, and she started to rise up. Surely they wouldn’t want a dou
ble penetration!

  Both Nathan and Vince placed hands on her back, pushing her on top of Nathan’s strong chest. Nathan pushed deep and stayed. Her thighs shook with pleasure tremors.

  Vince inserted a finger into her tight little hole. She squirmed, expecting pain but experience only a pleasant fullness. He worked his finger around a bit then added a second, stretching and massaging her muscles until she loosened in acceptance.

  “She’s ready,” she heard Vince say.

  He placed the tip of his condom-covered cock at her second opening while Nathan began a slow, steady movement. Joe squirmed with anticipation. Could she do this? Both men were so big, she wasn’t sure.

  Carefully, Vince eased himself into her anus, allowing her body to accept him. As he pushed deeper and deeper, Joe experienced some pain. She savoured it. She thought her body would break in half before he became fully encased within her. When he was, though, he remained still for a moment. Nathan kept his steady rhythm.

  Vince kissed her shoulder and whispered in her ear, “You good to go now?”

  Unable to speak, Joe nodded and was rewarded by a deep rumble that could have been laughter coming from Vince’s throat.

  He moved his hips. In and out. Nathan continued to pump into her, his breathing becoming more and more ragged as he strove to maintain control. Vince countered his friend’s movements so Joe felt like a piston engine, first one cock and then the other pumping into her.

  The trembling in her thighs magnified, filling her belly. The pain had transformed into something more. Something so beautiful and warm that it consumed her. She knew, she just knew, that she would burst into flame any moment now and die a happy woman. Her muscles clenched, milking the two cocks.

  “I’m goin’ soon,” Nathan warned.

  “Me, too,” Vince answered.

  Joe squeezed her eyes shut and allowed the feelings to wash over her. She heard a male voice cry out and felt her hips held in a crushing grip. Another voice joined the first. The two rods inside of her expanded just before the explosion.

  Joe threw her head back as far as she could and squeezed her arms around Nathan’s neck. She was unsure if she screamed or not, but bright sparks flashed in her brain as wave after wave of passion crashed over her quivering body. She dropped her head, letting it rest against Nathan’s chest, surfing, slowly descending to earth.

  Vincent rolled off her back, relieving her of his weight.

  After a few moments, Joe felt Nathan slip out of her dripping pussy. She lifted herself off his luscious body, closing her eyes and snuggling between these two wonderful men. Her last thought before drifting off to sleep again was that life couldn’t get any more wonderful.


  No Place

  Like Home

  ½ oz amaretto

  ½ oz. Irish Cream

  Mix together, shake with ice and pour into a shot glass.

  “I’m home!” Cain shouted, slamming the door open.

  Joe laughed. Cain always announced his arrival with exuberance. She knelt down, giving the boy a big bear hug.

  “Your snack is on the table,” she said, helping him shrug off his school backpack.

  “Yeah! I’m hungry,” he yelled, scampering into the kitchen and sitting at the table. He gulped down a mouthful of milk and shoved half the peanut butter sandwich into his mouth.

  Joe sat across from him and frowned. “Hey, kiddo, we’ve talked about your eating too fast. You’ll get a tummy ache again.”

  Cain immediately dropped the sandwich back to his plate and turned a bit pale. “I’m sorry, Joe,” he said in a quiet voice.

  Her heart contracted. Would he ever overcome his fear of making a mistake? Smiling, she assured him, “That’s okay. I just don’t want you to get sick.”

  Cain returned her smile then continued eating his snack at a more sedate pace. Joe leaned her chin on her hand and watched the boy for a bit.

  He’d come to live with her in July. Things had been a bit rocky at first, but eventually he had settled into a routine. Now, three months later, he loved his new school and had made several friends in the neighbourhood. Vince had shifted Joe’s hours at the bar so she worked early afternoons and Friday nights. Vince’s parents had insisted on becoming Cain’s babysitters and jealously guarded their Friday nights and Saturday mornings with the boy. Whenever Joe and Vince wanted a few private hours together, the Milos were always willing to spend time with the little boy. Joe couldn’t have asked for better people to watch over Cain.

  Occasionally, Cain’s nights were still plagued with disturbing dreams, but these were becoming more and more infrequent now that he was feeling secure in his new home.

  “I’ve got some good news for you, Cain,” she hinted, watching him carry his dirty dishes to the sink.

  “Really? What?” he asked.

  “Why don’t you sit on my lap, and I’ll tell you,” she invited.

  Cain hesitated. “You know, I’m getting bigger now.”

  Joe laughed. “That’s exactly why I want you on my lap. Pretty soon, you’ll be too big.”

  Cain grinned and willingly hopped up to perch on Joe’s knees. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around the little boy.

  “What’s the news?” he inquired.

  “Your papers came today,” she said.

  Cain’s big eyes peered up into her face.

  “You know what that means?”

  Cain shook his head.

  “It means, silly, that now you’re legally mine!” She hugged him tight.

  Cain wrapped his arms around her neck and held on. Suddenly, though, he pulled away with a serious look in his eyes.

  “Can I ask you something, Joe?” he whispered.

  “Baby, you can ask me anything, you know that.”

  Blinking back tears, he looked up at her and said, “Do you think Mommy would be sad if I called you Mommy now?”

  Joe felt her own eyes grow hot with tears.

  “No, Baby. I don’t think your Mommy would be sad at all. I think she’d be happy,” Joe answered with a catch in her throat.

  Cain smiled, put both of his small hands on her cheeks and gave her a big, sloppy kiss.

  “Who’s that kissing my woman?” a deep, growling voice demanded.

  Joe glanced up to see Vince leaning against the open kitchen door.

  Cain giggled. “Hi, Vince.”

  “Hey, Big Shot. I see Joe told you the good news,” he said, ruffling Cain’s hair.

  “Yep, so now she’s not Joe anymore,” the little boy informed him.

  “Really? So what is she?” Vince asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

  “She’s Mommy!” Cain proudly announced. “Hey, maybe you can be my daddy?”

  “One big change at a time, okay Buddy?” Joe answered. In truth, Vincent had asked her to marry him, but she wanted a bit more time with just Cain before making that leap. Vincent understood, despite the building pressure from his mother.

  “Okay,” Cain accepted happily. “Mommy, can I go watch cartoons now?”

  Joe lifted him off her lap, kissing the top of his head before giving him a gentle push in the direction of the living room.

  She watched her son trot happily into the other room before looking up at Vincent, whose eyes also glistened. He said nothing, simply held out his arms. She stepped gratefully into his embrace, dropping her head onto his shoulder.

  She had found her home.

  About the Author

  I live a very busy and stressful life, being the mother of two teenage boys, a wife, teacher and caretaker of elderly relatives. Nonetheless, I find relaxation and escape from life's difficulties in my writing.

  I've wanted to be a published writer all my life but have not had the courage, until recently, to actually submit my writings anywhere. I was raised in a VERY conservative, Catholic family in a VERY conservative Mid-Western small town (St. Louis is the closest city!) I've always been a bit of a rebel - wanting to forge my own path, state my ow
n opinions. Erotic romances give me an outlet for both.

  I've always enjoyed writing poetry, but I am finding even more fulfillment in writing erotic stories. What else do I love to do? Cook, eat chocolate, drink wine or Jameson, listen to Celtic music and entertain friends.

  Email: [email protected]

  Marie Haynes loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at http://www.totalebound.com.

  Also by Marie Haynes

  Conquest of a Fairy

  Tasting Pleasure

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