Always Wanted Forever

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Always Wanted Forever Page 17

by Sarah Tork

  I’m so proud!

  Fake tear.

  Irina? My partner? Eh, why not...

  Now let’s make this story a little more interesting.

  “That’s right; she’s my partner. When you walked in last night, we were in the middle of hypnotizing him,” I confessed dramatically.

  “But she was practically naked,” Demetria stated, shocked again. It was time to take this thing up another notch.

  Initiating Fucked-Up Vault #303 in my mind, I commanded it to open and spill its madness.

  “That’s right she was…she was…she was using her witch-tits to lure him in!”

  “Devil worship!” Demetria gasped. “But I stopped you!”

  I smiled evilly. “You were too late; if only you had gotten off on the 15th floor with me, you could have saved him.”

  “I could have saved him…I could have saved him! You tricked me…with your sorcery, made me go up to the 16th floor first!”

  “That’s right; I played you with my eyes,” I widened my eyes and twitched my head, strictly for artistic purposes though.

  “Don’t stare at me!”

  Taking a step closer to her, I chanted slowly, “Look into my eyes…look…look at me!”

  “No! No, I won’t!” she screamed, backing into the door, looking desperately at the ground. Anywhere except my eyes.

  We needed to change that.

  “There’s no fighting this, Demetria; sooner or later, you’re going to fall for the power of…the power…” I stumbled to think of something good. Then it hits me. Genius! “The power of the Lesbian Witches Council!”

  Her head snapped up and she gasps as her jaw drops in horror. “Lesbian? NO! No, I won’t be possessed!”

  I did something weird with my hands, jiggling them above our heads. “There, I’ve done it!”

  “What?” she asked worriedly.

  “I’ve sent Irina a message. She’s on her way over here…now!”

  “Irina?” she screeched, confused.

  “Witch–tits,” I quickly reminded her.

  “No!” she screamed again.

  God, she’s making this easy. It’s as if she’s playing too.

  This was fun.

  “That’s right. Soon her naked breasts will be shoved into your face and a ritual that sacrifices your love of cock will take place,” I informed her, looking away dramatically.

  “My love of cock? My love of man…Xander!” she cried in disbelief.

  “Especially Xander! He’ll be gone forever, and the only thing you’ll ache for from now on will be pussy!” I purred breathily.


  “And titties!”


  “Yes! Now look into my eyes!” I demanded, taking another step closer to her.

  “No, I won’t. I won’t let you cast a spell on me!” She melted herself onto the door; even I felt trapped looking at her.

  Why didn’t she just unlock the door and leave if she’s so ‘scared’?

  Whatever! This crazy bitch is not my problem.

  “Are you going to stop me?” I asked.

  “I will. I will do anything to save the love I have for Xander. Your sorcery won’t stand a chance, not against the power of love!” she announced loudly, looking up at the ceiling as if love is there hanging.

  Oh, well, the fun shall continue.

  “Look into my eyes; Irina will be here soon.” I purred breathily again, leaning closer to her.

  “No!” she screamed, looking back down, her curly hair flying over her face. “No!”

  Streams of tears explode from her eyelids and swim ferociously down her face, ruining all her makeup. It’s not pretty anymore. She didn’t look like a fucked-up pageant contestant anymore; instead, she looked like a mental patient who trapped herself in a room filled with makeup and decided it was pretty time.

  Only it wasn’t, far from it. She slumps down the door, landing on the floor on her ass.

  Still crying.

  Jesus, did I do that? I looked at her as she choked on her sobs, her hair now caging her in.

  Fuck, yes I did.

  Okay, bored now, and her screams were starting to give me a headache anyway. I caressed my forehead and sighed. “Alright, alright. Calm down. Fucking hell!”

  “No, lesbian!” she choked out in the midst of her sob.

  I want to laugh, but I hold it in. “Calm, the fuck, down.”

  “I do not want to be a lesbian!” she announced nasally.

  “I was just joking with you.” I reassured, leaning over her.

  “I can’t be a lesbian; I love Xander,” she sobbed. “I love Xander; I can’t love him if I love girls!”

  Fucking hell. And she had her ass planted in front of the door too. Without kicking her out of the way, there’s no way to escape.

  That actually wasn’t that bad of an idea. I pondered for a moment before completely disregarding the idea. I wasn’t that violent or that cruel to abuse a distressed, love-sick fool. I had compassion.

  Really, I did.

  “I’m not a girl to you,” all of sudden she began to sing.

  What the hell?

  Was singing her coping mechanism?

  Holy fuck, I’ve driven her to her breaking point. I was going to be held responsible for her break down!

  “But I’m a woman to me,” continuing to sing behind her curly vines. “All I need is Xander, because I love Xander.”

  “What the fuck?” I snapped in disbelief. “Is that Britney K?”

  “I’m not a girl to you,” she sang again, “but I’m a woman to me.”

  “You already sang that part,” I informed her.

  “All I need is Xander, because I love Xander,” she continued her fucked-up melody. “I’m not a girl to you…”

  I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t look at this bitch anymore. “Yes, I know; but you can’t just repeat the lyrics. There’s more to the song than those two lines. And Britney never sang about loving Xander!”

  I had to get out of here before she started another verse.

  “But I’m a woman to me,” she continued in her low, meek voice. I felt my body starting to have the shakes.

  “Please, I’m begging you, don’t sing anymore!” I cried. “I can’t take it!”

  “All I need is Xander—” she continued again, but loud knocking interrupted her.

  Thank everything good and holy. I sighed in relief.

  “What’s going on in there?” a voice yelled through the door,

  Demetria stopped crying, turning towards the door. “Mother?”

  “Demetria!” someone shrieked from the other side. “Demetria, Mommy’s here!”

  “Mother!” Demetria yelled, struggling to get off the floor in her high heels. She finally got up and unlocked the door, opening it.

  “Demetria!” the older lady in the violet rose dress yelled. She held her arms out and Demetria slammed herself into them, crying hysterically on her shoulder. What a mother. There for her kid, even though her kid was old, probably thirty. She’d raised a thirty-year-old head case.

  “What happened?” her mother cried, then looked at me accusingly. “What did this whore do to you?”

  Ugh, excuse me? I don’t think so!

  “What did you just call me?” I snapped, striding out of the bathroom toward them, and stopping a step away.

  “Don’t you speak to me…and don’t you breathe a word of this to anyone…or else I’ll sue,” she hissed through her teeth as Demetria sobbed on her shoulder.

  Again, excuse me? I don’t fucking think so! I’d had enough with these crack pots threatening to sue me.

  I had no money anyway, but that’s not the point. It’s the principle.

  “You’ll sue? I’ll sue you and your fucked-up, bat shit daughter for harassment and stalking, you stupid bitch!” I snapped at them.

  “What did you just call me?” the mother hissed in disbelief. “How dare you!”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. That’s not
your real name?” I yelled, then faced Demetria. “Demetria, what is your mother’s name again? Oh yeah…Acid Queen!”

  Her mother gasped loudly and pushed Demetria away from her embrace. She took out her cell phone from a pocket next to her ass and dialled. “Charles, get in here now!” she ordered.

  She disconnected and shot me with daggers from her eyeballs. “How dare you!”

  I cringed. “How dare I what?”

  She pointed to her demented daughter. “You…you trapped my precious Demetria!”

  “I didn’t trap her; she came in voluntarily!”



  “Why would she want to trap herself inside the bathroom with the likes of you?” she spat out in disgust.

  And she did it again.

  I was sick of being insulted.

  Fun times were about to resume.

  “Why? I’ll tell you why!” I sneered. “Because…well actually, maybe Demetria should tell you; it’s quite a delicate subject.”

  “What?” The mother stammered, looking at her daughter who had stopped crying. Thank God. “Demetria, what is this whore saying?”


  That’s it, game over!

  “Mother, I have no idea!” Demetria cried.

  “Alright, I’ll come out with it and say the truth.” I said quickly before the mother had a chance to speak.

  “What?” her mother screeched.

  “Demetria and I…we’re in love!” I finished dramatically, smiling brightly at Demetria whose jaw dropped in shock.

  “What?!” the mother cried out hysterically.

  “That’s right, we love each other. In fact, she was going down on me in the bathroom before you rudely interrupted!” I informed her. “And I was really close to an orgasm!”

  “Orgasm…what on earth?” the mother gasped in disbelief, then looked at her daughter in confusion, “Demetria?”

  Demetria shook her head ferociously. “She’s lying. I would never!”

  “I’m not! Smell her breath; I’m sure it smells like my vagina,” I assured.

  “What?” the mother cried again.

  “Mother, she’s lying!” Demetria panicked.

  “Oh, but don’t worry about finding any pubes stuck in between her teeth; I shaved around my cooch this morning,” I informed the both of them of this important detail.

  Her mother’s eyes widened. “Stop talking!”

  Demetria grabbed her throat, “Mother…I can’t breathe!”

  Her mother rushed to her side. “Demetria…baby, breathe; Mommy’s here!”

  Umm, did she just forget that her daughter and I were in love and that she just went down on me in the bathroom? Demetria was good; she’s diverted the attention of her mother.

  She was good….but I was better.

  It’s time to switch it up some more.

  “Hey, what are your views on same sex marriages?” I asked as she tried to soothe her daughter, helping her breathe again.

  “What?” she hissed, looking away.

  “I don’t know. Maybe one day, one day…your daughter and I can get married and have a family,” I explained thoughtfully as if it’s an actual possibility.

  I smiled at her mother, who had her hand to her heart with her mouth opened wide, gazing back and forth between Demetria and me.

  “Mrs. Williams,” a deep voice called from down the hallway. Her head snapped in the direction.

  “Oh Charles, thank God!”

  “Charles! Save us from this lesbian; she’s in love with me!” Demetria added dramatically.

  Wow, for the first time in my life, I’m being taken seriously. But as a lesbian in love?


  Do I look like a lesbian? I’ll have to check the next time I’m in front of a mirror. Maybe it’s my attitude? Aren’t lesbians strong, capable women who take no shit? That must be what they see in me too, right?

  I smiled as Charles gathered Demetria and Mrs. Williams, a.k.a Acid Queen, and hurried them down the hallway.

  “The car is out front?” Mrs. Williams asked worriedly, her voice echoing down the hallway.

  “Yes, it is,” Charles replied.

  “Wait, what about me?” I called out, my arms wide open.

  “Go now,” Mrs. Williams ordered.

  “Hurry!” Demetria cried loudly as Charles pushed them to go faster, their high heels making more noise against the marble.

  “No…stop…please,” I called as they exited the hallway.

  Well, there goes another one.

  Damn it!

  What was wrong with me?

  Tsk, tsk… I was always driving the people I loved away with my antics.

  I guess it was fate. Oh well. But on the plus side, problem Demetria: solved. Surely I scared that crazy bitch away for good.

  Case closed. Sigh…I should work for the President; I’ve got skills.

  I have skills? The smile was wiped off my face. Where was Xander during all of this? He wasn’t here. He had left me alone.

  There was a sinking feeling in my stomach.

  I had skills; specific skills that I used against Demetria and her mother, resulting in their sudden flee.

  And that’s probably what that asshole wanted.

  He planned the whole thing!

  Fury contaminated every inch of my body. I wanted to punch the wall, I wanted to damage something, especially considering it’s his house.

  I pulled my phone out and there was a text waiting for me.

  Xander: Relax. I do something for you, you do something for me. It’s a great thing we have going on here. Call me when it’s done.

  Love, Master Xander

  I couldn’t believe this guy!

  I dialled his number hoping my anger didn’t obstruct my ability to speak. I needed to share some feelings with that asshole.

  “Why, hello there,” Xander purred, picking up after the second ring.

  “You’re a fucking asshole!” I hissed. “You knew she’d be here!”

  “Of course I did,” Xander replied nonchalantly.

  “Then why did you leave?” I asked, flabbergasted.

  “Because, if I had stayed, she would have caused a scene; and knowing you, you would take care of the problem once an altercation between the two of you would start,” Xander explained.

  “You’re messed up; you left me to clean up the mess you created,” I hissed. “You left me clueless and unguarded.”

  “Is that all?” Xander asked.

  “Excuse me?” I hissed again.

  “Is the Demetria situation diverted?” Xander clarified.

  “I scared that bitch miles away!” I announced.

  “That’s fine.” he said.

  “No, it’s not fine; what about me? I’m mentally damaged because of it!” I yelled.

  “Well, I’m sure five-thousand dollars will cure the extent of that damage,” Xander said nonchalantly.

  “Five-thousand dollars?” I gasped. “You’re paying me off?”

  “No, I’m being the generous guy that I’ve always been with you. And it’s about time you realized it,” Xander explained. “Anyway, your part is done; you are free to leave.”

  “Leave?” I repeated, confused. “Where are you?”

  “Oh, I left already,” Xander said.

  “Left already!” I squawked, confused. “Where did you go?”

  “Downtown. I had a matter come up that needed my immediate attention,”

  “Fuck you! One of your fucking whores probably called you!” I accused. “You left me to that deranged lunatic to go fuck!”

  “I don’t see what the problem is. You handled the Demetria issue amazingly and I got something out of it too,” Xander said.

  “You’re so selfish!” I told him.

  “And you have five-thousand dollars because of it,” Xander reminded me. “Daniels will be waiting for you out front when you’re ready to leave.”

  “What?” I breathed. “I ca
n leave?”

  “‘Til we meet again, Marisa,” Xander purred, and then disconnected the line. I pulled the phone away from my ear and stare at it in shock.

  What…just…happened? I leaned against the wall across from the bathroom, completely stunned. My heart pounded ferociously, to a point where I might have a heart attack.

  He left me to her.

  What if she had been really dangerous instead of the crackpot she is?

  I could have died.


  “You lied to me!” a loud voice growled behind me, making me jump. I turned apprehensively, colliding with a pair of angry blue eyes.



  I did not need this shit right now.

  “Liam?” I murmured, shocked. “What are you doing here?”

  “You lied to me!” he repeated, looking apocalyptic. “You are a prostitute!”

  My jaw dropped. “I’m not!”

  “You are; that’s why you were in Xander’s room last night,” Liam accused, his perfectly styled, dark brown hair all over the place.

  “I’m not a hooker!” I stated defensively.

  “Then why did I just hear you accept five-thousand dollars from Xander over the phone?” Liam snapped, unconvinced.


  “It’s not what you think,” I explained, worried now. How am I going to get out of this situation?

  “Oh, really? Then please, do explain,” he spat out, his hand raking through his hair, making it more dishevelled. “I can’t wait to hear the lie you tell me next.”

  Wait a minute!

  Why was I standing here trying to prove my innocence to a guy I didn’t even know, even if I did like him a little.

  I didn’t fucking need this.

  “You know what? I don’t care anymore,” I snapped. “I don’t have to explain myself to you or anyone else.”

  “So you are a hooker,” he said filled with scorn.

  “I’m not!” I cried, feeling tears in my eyes. “But even if I was, fuck you!”

  I quickly walked around him as the first few tears spilled across my cheeks.

  Damn it!

  I made it three steps before his hand grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop. He pushed me to the wall and caged me in with his body. His anger altered as my tears came spilling out and I struggled to get out of his arms.


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