Always Wanted Forever

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Always Wanted Forever Page 27

by Sarah Tork

  Hell no, he had no shame!

  “You’re at a party with your colleagues, have some humility.” I warned, bumping my shoulder into his.

  “But it’s too much fun, especially now that I know you’re going to be around me all night. I don’t think I can hold myself back.” He smirked.

  “If you don’t stop that shit, I will say something nasty to your dad and Cheryl. I’ll embarrass you.” I threatened quietly.

  “Then I’ll just have to punish you later, my way that is.” He cocked an eyebrow.

  I snorted. “You could try, but you’d fail. You’ve met your match Mr. Barns.”

  He grinned, tightening his grasp on my arm. “So it seems.” He stared at me intensely until a deep voice broke through.


  We glanced up, following the voice to Xander’s father, who stared at us with a smile. “Excuse me gentleman.” Xander’s father said to the group of suits surrounding him, pulling Cheryl around her waist toward us.

  “Father, how are you?” Xander shook his hand and then turned to kiss Cheryl on both her cheeks. “Happy birthday, Cheryl.”

  “Thank you, Alexander.” she gushed, pouting her glossy pink lips.

  “Who do we have here?” Xander’s father asked, grinning and staring at me.

  “Father, Cheryl, I’d like to introduce my personal assistant, Marisa Gellys.” Xander introduced.

  Not knowing what to do, I held out my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Barns.”

  He laughed and shook my hand, eyeing Xander. “Alexander, you didn’t mention your personal assistant was incredibly beautiful.”

  I felt my face heat up again as his hand squeezed mine.

  Xander laughed back. “I’ve been keeping her a secret. She’s my trusted little sidekick after all.”

  “Oh really?” Cheryl pursed her lips and cocked a thin black eyebrow. “How nice.”

  That was about as genuine as her lips. I smiled back nevertheless as I pulled my hand back and shook Cheryl’s hand. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say Mr. Barns.”

  “Well father, Cheryl. I need to whisk Marisa away and introduce her to a few more people this evening.” Xander said, pushing me away.

  “Nice meeting you.” I smiled at Mr. Barns and then to Cheryl, whose eyes narrowed on me.

  “Why was Cheryl giving me weird looks?” I asked Xander once we were out of earshot.

  “Oh, don’t mind her. She wants my cock for her birthday.” Xander explained, nonchalantly, making me stumble.

  My eyes widened as his arm rounded my waist, stopping me from falling. “What? But she’s your dad’s mistress.”

  “She’s been after my cock for the last two years, and she knows about my mom. Do you think she honestly cares?” Xander sneered. We came up to a group of men and women, standing around a table filled with a selection of desserts.

  “Work time.” he whispered.

  He cleared his throat. “Eugene?” he called as we stood behind a short, round man who was balding. He wore a brown suit jacket and a pair of dark jeans.

  Eugene turned around slowly, shoving the rest of a green macaroon into his mouth. “Alexander, you actually came.”

  “Don’t I always.” Xander smiled slyly, making my eyes roll at the dirty innuendo. I knew the second Eugene made that comment, Xander would have responded like that. “Eugene, I’d like to introduce my date for this evening, Marisa Gellys.”

  Eugene’s brown eyes widened as he stalled chewing. He gulped and put his plate of tiny desserts down on the table. He held out a hand. “Nice to meet you again.” he stuttered.

  I smiled at him. “Nice to meet you again Eugene, or Mr. Franklin?”

  “Please call me Eugene.” he panted and then looked past my shoulder. “Will you look at that, Rompkins from accounting is here, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “Of course.” Xander said, moving out of the way. Eugene smiled nervously at us, then grabbed his plate and rushed away without another glance.

  “What happened?” I asked Xander, staring at the back of Eugene striding quickly across the room to a tall, dark haired, skinny man in a fitted maroon suit. “I just asked him one question.”

  Xander chuckled. “You did more than that. That question reminded him of a few things he should have thought of last night, before swallowing the pill I sent for him.”

  “What else?”

  “What do you mean?” Xander’s eyes narrowed.

  “You said a few things, you just said one. What were the rest of the things he should have thought of before taking your drug?” I asked, eying the tiny desserts, my mouth slobbering at the gorgeous sight of them. I was starving and had yet to eat anything today.

  “Drug is a harsh word for what I gave him. It was merely a relaxer. Anyways, what I meant was his sense of responsibility was pushed to the back burner last night.” Xander explained.

  “Sure, whatever you say.” I muttered, not caring anymore. The only thing I cared about were those beautiful cakes, they were calling me to eat them. “I’m fucking starving.”

  “Awe, how rude of me, I should have fed you before.” Xander said ‘seriously’.

  I snorted, glancing away from the desserts to him. “You would have fed me? You must have me confused with big titty Cheryl. Your cock wouldn’t be a meal for me, hell, it wouldn’t even count as a taster.”

  “And that’s a damn shame.” Xander smirked and I bumped my shoulder into his shoulder.

  “Stop being nasty, I’m about to eat.” I smiled, reaching for a plate and loading it with a selection of goodies. I shoved a tiny Black Forest cake into my mouth and had to fight the urge to moan loudly from how delicious it was. Chocolate, cherry glaze, whip cream amazingness!

  “I’ll leave you to your dessert gorging. I’ve got to make a few rounds in this room before I can sit comfortably without a care in the world and eat desserts.” Xander sighed.

  “Oh,” I muffled, chewing and gulping down the rest of my cake. “Were you looking for some words of empathy from me, big boss man? Because now’s not really a good time.”

  His eyes narrowed on me. “Always the funny one Marisa, aren’t you?”

  “You’re damn right I’m funny.” I smirked, holding out my plate in his face before pointing it to one of the empty high table’s. “I’ll be there, eating, comfortably, without a care in the world. Alright boss?”

  “Remember,” he said quietly as I headed towards the table. “You’re on a mission.”

  “I remember.” I told him. He nodded and walked away, joining a group of more suits, instantly making them laugh in the first few seconds of joining their conversation.

  “He’s the life of the party.” I murmured to myself, picking up a green macaroon and examining it.

  How do they make them green? I wondered when someone stopped right beside me and cleared her throat. “Who’s the life of the party?” a familiar voice asked.

  I shoved the macaroon in my mouth, feeling my face heat at an unprecedented rate. I turned slowly, coming face to face with an overly pouty Cheryl.

  “Hi.” I gasped quietly, grabbing another green macaroon.

  Her green eyes narrowed on me, giving me a death glare. “You and I, we need to talk.” she hissed.

  I looked away and closed my eyes, groaning quietly. Not another fucking one!


  “Excuse me?” I asked, narrowing my eyes back at her, dropping the macaroon back on my plate.

  She checked around her, making sure no one was around, before facing me with a scowl. “What exactly do you think you’re doing here?”

  “I’m eating cake.” I said slowly, pointing to my plate. “Cake is good.”

  “I know. I selected them and had them imported from ‘Pearls Bakery’ just for my party. What I mean is, what the hell do you think you’re doing here?” she screeched quietly, her face slowly matching her hair.

  I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what she was talking about
since she failed to specify why she was so angry with me.

  So I answered the same way as the first time. “I like cake, a lot. I saw people at the dessert table filling their plates with cake. They like cake, I like cake. I grabbed a plate and took some cake for myself. I thought it was okay.”

  “You think this is all one big joke. You’re playing me right now, aren’t you?” Cheryl fumed, her nostrils widening.

  “I can see up your nose, you need to trim those nose hairs.” I informed her nonchalantly, eyeing my macaroon again. It looked good, and lonely.

  “You disgusting little cock roach, how dare you. This is my party, how dare you insult me.” she hissed, clenching both her hands tightly.

  “How did I insult you?” I jerked my chin back, still eyeing the macaroon, wondering when she’d go away so I could eat it. Hopefully soon, because my stomach’s starting to growl and she did not want to be around me when my hunger pains start taking over.

  Angry Marisa will come forth and take no prisoners, not when she’s hungry, not when there was yummy cake right in front of her and she couldn’t eat it.

  “You said my nose was big.” Cheryl stated quietly. “I don’t have to tolerate this kind of behavior. I’m going to have you removed from my party.”

  What was her fucking problem? What the hell did I do to her? I was just standing here, minding my own business, about to enjoy another bite of cake.


  I was being treated so unfairly, there was probably a fucking telethon on PBS collecting donations for innocent victims like myself.

  Victims of cake hate crimes.

  It’s a real problem.

  Really, it was.

  “Fine, do whatever you want. Just leave me alone, so I can enjoy the rest of my cake.” I informed her, reaching for my macaroon with glee.

  Yay, back to business.

  All of sudden, before I had a chance to grab anything, my plate was yanked away. My jaw dropped, horrified. I followed the pasty white hand holding my desserts captive back to Cheryl.

  That bitch!

  Did she want to die on her birthday?

  Because it seemed like it, the way she was acting.

  “These cakes are not for you.” she hissed, dumping the plate in the trash right behind us. She retuned back to the table, smiling smugly, like she got me good.

  Ugh no!

  I took a moment to collect myself, before I did something irrational.

  The moment did nothing for me. This bitch needed a few lessons on manners. And what better way to teach her, than in my usual style when dealing with people like her.

  You know, the dumbass kind.

  Let the ass ripping commence.

  I leaned into her, practically snarling. “Bitch, do I disturb you when you’re sucking cock?” I asked her, quietly. She gasped and her puffed out lips opened wide, giving her duck lips.

  “No,” I answered for her, before hissing out her main infraction. “Then why the fuck, are you disturbing me when I’m eating cake?”

  She jerked her chin back and eyed the space around me.

  I leaned closer and whispered. “Jesus Christ! Cake eating 101, fucking hell. Where are your fucking manners? Who raised you? You’ve ruined cake!”

  Cheryl’s nostrils flared again. “Excuse me, this is my party.” she hissed, crossing her arms.

  “Don’t I know it, I’ve been informed of your status.” I smiled slyly at her, leaning back.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” she hissed.

  “It means, I fucking forgot to buy you a birthday present. Then again, what do you buy an older woman/side piece like yourself? How about a package of adult diapers or a shiny new cholesterol monitor? The good thing is, I can find all of those things at Shoppers Drug Mart, right next to the blood pressure machine in the back, next to the pharmacy.” I informed her, stifling a huge laugh.

  She shook her head, quickly disregarding what I had just told her. Which was a damn shame, because I wanted to know, out of all those products, which one had caught her interest.

  I was being serious.

  Really, I was.

  She leaned forward, eyeing me deathly. “Stay away from Lexy.”

  I jerked my chin back, smirking at her nickname for Xander. “Lexy? That’s a girl’s name.”

  “No it’s not, it’s unisex and it’s adorable.” she snarled quietly.

  I winked at her, nodding my head like I ‘agreed’. “Okay.”

  She let out an exasperated breath, looking away as she fluffed her long hair. “I don’t even know why I’m having this conversation with the likes of you. You’re disposable. I’ll have you fired in no time.”

  I tilted my head to side, cocking an eyebrow. “How? Are you that good at sucking cock, that old daddy would force Xander to fire me because of it?”

  Her eyes widened. “Xander?”

  “My nickname for him.” I informed her smugly.

  “He lets you call him Xander? Only Liam calls him that.” she stuttered.

  “Yeah, well we’re close like that.”

  She shook her head, like nothing made sense anymore.

  Yeah, I do that too!

  “It makes no sense.” she hissed, looking repulsed.

  “Why, because your ‘Ho’ calculations didn’t pan out like you anticipated. Why don’t I recalculate for you then. Your loose, floppy vagina, plus your big fake ass titties, multiplied by the easy access you have available around the clock.” I pretended to calculate everything by counting my fingers. “You know what that equals to? It equals to nothing, because you’re nothing.”

  She pursed her duck lips, and her body visibly shook from anger. “I can’t believe Lexy brought you to my party. You’re a lunatic.”

  “Then go ask him, see whose side he picks.” I told her, holding my arm out, motioning for her to go for it.

  “You won’t get away with this.” she hissed one last time before stalking away.

  “I won’t get away with what? I didn’t do anything to you.” I muttered to myself, eyeing the empty spot on the table, where my dessert plate was sadly missing.

  This was ridiculous!

  That bitch violated the first rule of cake eating 101. You never, ever, disturb a hungry bitch while she’s eating her cake.

  And now there was no more cake, not unless I went and grabbed some more.

  It’s a tough job, but I was willing to do it. I made my way back to the dessert table, mentally envisioning what my new plate would look like. I was too busy daydreaming about my new plate of goodies, I didn’t notice when servers come out and begin clearing the table before I could get to it.


  I rushed around groups of people trying to get to the table faster. But it was too late. I was too late. All the cakes were gone.

  The servers quickly cleared the rest of the table, and then brought out platters, placing them side by side on the table.

  This is so unfair. I thought, staring glumly at the covered platters.

  Well, fuck that bitch. So what if they took all the cake and brought out more food. I was glad they took it away. I didn’t want to eat anything at her stupid party anyways, not if she picked it all.

  Besides I had a job to do.

  I scoured the room, searching for a short, balding, round man in a brown suit jacket. “Eugene, where are you?” I murmured to myself. From the corner of my eye, I saw the covers being pulled off the platters, quickly resulting in a stampede of guests rushing toward it.

  That’s when I found him, rushing about in the midst of the stampede. “Hey Eugene!” I called, waving at him. His eyes bugged out at the sight of me. He grimaced at the sight of my waving hand and quickly looked away, pretending as if it didn’t happen.

  What did I do to this guy?

  It’s like I scared him away.

  So what if I knew he took drugs, it wasn’t like he ran someone over last night and I witnessed it.

  Something weird was going on, because there was n
o way a guy would freak out just because he took a drug.

  I needed to get to the bottom of things.


  I scoured the room looking for Xander, spotting him not too far away smiling at one of the servers. I shook my head, he really had no shame. I strode quickly to him, circling around groups of people, not taking my eyes off Xander as he winked at the poor girl who was now struggling to hold her tray of drinks. I was so focused on Xander, I bumped into someone.

  “I’m sorry.” I told the person before getting a look at them.

  “That’s okay.” A familiar voice said. “You can bump into me anytime.”

  “What?” I muttered, turning and coming face to face with Liam.

  “Liam!” I gasped.

  “We meet again.” He cocked an eyebrow. “What’s the rush?”

  I stared past his shoulder at Xander, who was still wagging his eyebrows at the poor server. Why was she still serving drinks around him? “Nothing, I just needed to find Xander.”

  “You need to find Xander?” he repeated slowly.

  “Yeah, I’m here with him.” I told him.

  “Well then, I wouldn’t want to keep you from him.” he snipped, quickly striding away.

  Wait, what?

  What did I do now?

  I shook it off and headed towards Xander. I needed some answers.

  “We need to talk.” I demanded, coming to a stop right in front of him. He sighed sadly and broke eye contact with the stumbling server.

  “What now?” he muttered, clearly exasperated that I ruined his latest conquest. “Can’t you see that I’m busy? And don’t you have a mission to complete?”

  “That’s what I need to talk to you about, in the hallway. Now!” I demanded, pushing him towards the exit.

  “You’re going to explain right here, right now.” I ordered him outside the private room in the hallway. “I haven’t said more than a few words to Eugene, but every time I’ve come anywhere near him tonight, he looked at me like he saw a ghost.”

  He hunched over and rubbed his face, chuckling. “It worked better than I could have ever imagined.”

  “What worked? The drug thing? He thinks were going to expose him?” I probed, feeling my stomach churn uncomfortably.


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