Always Wanted Forever

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Always Wanted Forever Page 29

by Sarah Tork

  There were too many.

  Which meant it really was expensive.

  “Just try it on first. Anyways, you’re not paying for it. The price will be okay with him. He gave my manager a cap. This is nowhere near it.” The sales assistant assured.

  “Okay, I guess I could try it on.” She held the jacket open and I slid my arms through it. I turned, facing the mirror. Once I took in my entire reflection, my jaw dropped. “Wow.”

  “Dude,” The sales assistant began to say, and then checked around her before continuing. “You look fucking awesome.”

  “Really? Thanks…err?” I stalled.

  “The names Betty.” She smiled, pointing to her nametag.

  “Thanks Betty.” I grinned as my phone chimed loudly.

  “Ugh-oh,” I muttered, pulling the phone out of my bag, staring at the screen.

  “Is it the sugar daddy boyfriend?” Betty screeched ditzy like all of a sudden, making me laugh.

  She probably wasn’t allowed to talk to customers like that. But I didn’t care. It was funny. She was spunky and I liked it a lot.

  “No, it’s the sugar daddy boss.” I chuckled, replicating her ditzy airhead tone.

  Xander: Agent M…I’m calling you in. A short brunette is currently stalking me inside my hotel. Somehow she’s managed to sneak her way to the fifteenth floor. I need you to come and get her out without making a scene. I’ve sent Daniels to pick you up.

  “Great.” I muttered.

  “You look worried. Is there a problem at the office?” Betty asked, fixing her dark red hair into a tight bun.

  “Yeah, I’m being called in to work. There’s an issue with one of his old girlfriends.” I groaned, tucking my phone back in my bag.

  “You fix his shit?” Betty grinned, wagging her eyebrows playfully.

  “I’m a special consultant that deals specially with cases like these.” I smiled slyly at her.

  She nodded like she got it. “Oh, I get it. Bossy got himself into a little trouble. What he do? Open his mouth and say something stupid to one of his lucky ladies?”

  “Yeah, something like that. Anyways, I should get going. I’ll think about the jacket. I think it’s a little too expensive.” I sighed, staring at my reflection sadly. I took the jacket off and handed it back to her.

  “Why? He’s making you work on your day off. You might as well get overtime.” She held up the jacket. “This is your overtime.”

  She was fucking right. I’ve been through hell and back. Today was supposed to be a chill day where I could relax and shop a little without any worries of being mentally abused by one his past or present ‘Ho’s’.

  I fucking deserved that jacket.

  Betty was right.

  I grinned at her, taking the jacket from her hands. “You’re a Genius, Betty.”

  Her brown eyes widened as if I’d just called her something out of the ordinary. She quickly shook it off and grinned slyly, showcasing her pearly whites. “Don’t I know it.”


  After settling the bill for the leather jacket, Betty took off the tags, put them all in the shiny shopping bag and held the jacket open for me to slide it on.

  “You have to wear this, like now.” She grinned as I slid my arms through the sleeves.

  “You are absolutely right, it would be a tragedy if I didn’t wear this beautiful piece the second it became officially mine.” I smirked, adjusting my shoulders.

  “Especially in that skimpy tank top, girl, what were you thinking going out in just that?” Betty’s eyes widened, staring a bit too long at my chest. “Was it for the sugar daddy boss?”

  “You could say that.” I smirked. “It did what I needed it to this morning.”

  “Duh,” Betty whispered, leaning in. “Bitch, you got yourself a leather jacket, I’d say, it worked better than you could have ever imagined. Work it girl, got no shame in that.”

  My jaw dropped. “This jacket was overtime, because I worked hard. Remember, it’s my day off and he’s making me work?”

  She smirked and waved me off. “Alright, I hit a cord. I’m not serious, I’m just playing. You look awesome though and yeah, it’s totally worth the overtime.”

  “Yeah,” I checked my cell. “Well I should get going, a psychotic clinger awaits me.”

  “Hey can I see your phone for a second?” Betty asked.

  “Sure,” I handed it to her and she tapped at the screen for a few seconds before handing it back to me.

  “What did you do?” I asked, confused as I stared at the screen.

  “I put in my number, we should totally be friends.” Betty smiled. “And because your life sounds interesting, especially what you do for living, I need people like you around me. I need a good laugh every now and then.”

  A friend?



  “Really?” I asked, stunned by her honesty and forwardness. I hadn’t had a serious friend in a while.

  What was going on these past few months? I’d been going without friends for a good while, but then all of a sudden recently I had Xander and Betty wanting to be a part of my life. For reasons I still didn’t get.

  I guess I was more fabulous than I thought.

  “Really.” Betty jerked her chin back, the sparkle in her eyes indicating she found my question funny. “Text me, please, I need to know what happens. Actually, it’s a requirement. It’s all I’ll be thinking about.”

  “Okay,” I told her slowly. “I will.”

  “Good.” she said. I gave her one last nod and left.

  That was interesting. I thought as I exited the building, noticing the black SUV right in front on a very busy Bloor street west. Daniels popped out of the driver’s side, quickly rounding the car to open the back door for me.

  “Hello Ms. Gellys.”

  “Hello Daniels,” I gave him a small smile. “Duty calls as always.”

  “Yes it does.” Daniels said as I slid into the back.

  “If it’s alright with you, we’ll be heading to the Ogall Hotel right now?” Daniels asked after he slid into the driver’s side and fastened his seatbelt.

  “Lead the way Daniels, a headache…I mean work awaits.” I grumbled, rubbing the leather fabric on my sleeve.

  “Very good.” Daniels said, quickly maneuvering the SUV through busy downtown traffic.

  Even with busy traffic, we made it to the Hotel in less than fifteen minutes.

  “I got the door Daniels.” I told him before he’d get out and open my door for me. I was sure he had things to do and cars were already lining up behind ours, awaiting valet.

  “Wait, Ms. Gellys, if you could go to the front desk. Just tell them your name and they’ll give you a key to his room.” Daniels said as my hand stalled on the door handle.

  “Got it Daniels, head to the front desk I will. See you later.” I exited he car and entered the Hotel. I went to the front desk and told the male concierge my name. He handed me a key card in an envelope and I took it without another word to him. I gave him a nod and headed straight for the elevators. I knew where I was going.

  Xander said she was on the fifteenth floor, trolling around for him.

  Hopefully, this was going to be fast.

  On my way to the elevators I quickly scoured the busy lobby for Xander. I couldn’t find him. He was probably chilling somewhere getting his dick sucked, waiting for me to finish his dirty work.

  Why didn’t Hotel Security handle this?

  I guessed it was because word traveled fast around here and the news of his latest stalker would have been music to Liam’s ears, making its way to their father’s in lightning speed.

  I was here to protect his dirty secrets from getting out, especially from Liam, whose motives were becoming clearer as the days went by.

  That asshole.

  Calling me a whore…shows how much he knew.

  Shit Liam! I worried, remembering all of a sudden that the both of them ran this hotel with their father. Li
am could be in this lobby right now and I might run into him.

  I had already run into him this morning and that was more than enough. It took everything I had not to lay into him in my usual style. He was lucky we were in public.

  Or else.

  You know.

  My style.

  His neck.

  It would have been messy and very, very disturbing.

  I would have probably gone to jail again for disturbing the peace with my choice words for that douchebag.

  Ugh….I can’t believe he called…or implied I was a whore again.

  He knew that I wasn’t.

  And why the fuck was this bothering me so much?

  I shook off the horrible sting and pressed the elevator button. When the elevator doors opened, despite the many bodies walking around me, no one else waited for an elevator. The door opened completely and I held my breath, feeling a sense of Deja view hitting me.

  I felt like I’d been here before.

  Probably in that crazy dream I had a few weeks ago. I shook it off and waited as the passengers exited out, entering after, all alone. Once I was on the fifteenth floor, I scoured the hallway nonchalantly, not wanting to make my presence known in case she was stalking him in the hallway.

  The hallway was empty, except for a Maid’s cleaning cart parked right outside his room.

  Maybe she left. I thought as I scoured the hallway one more time for the brunette stalker before heading to room 1502, his usual room. As I stood in front of his door, there was a ‘Do not disturb sign’ hanging on the doorknob.

  If the sign was still up, why was there a Maid’s cart right outside his door? I pulled the key card out of the small square shaped envelope and entered it inside the key slot. Once the door light hit green, I slowly turned the knob and pushed open the door at a snail’s pace.

  “Hello?” I called, peering through as I opened the door all the way. The suite was similar to the one from his room in Ottawa. A large living room with a plush white leather sectional, a mini bar and flat screen television hanging off the wall. Right beside the living room was a pair of double doors. One door was closed completely and the other was resting against the frame.

  “Hello? Xander are you here?” I called out again and heard someone gasp from behind the close doors.

  Who was that?

  The brunette stalker?

  The Maid?

  My jaw dropped…or was it….Xander, the brunette stalker and the maid, getting it on?

  I shook my head slowly, praying silently that scenario wasn’t what I was about to walk into. Xander knew I didn’t like walking into that shit, especially with what happened that weekend.

  He didn’t have a death wish as far as I was concerned.

  Hell, I gave that bastard a nice tap on the balls this morning. There’s no way he would pull a stunt like this….no way.

  Not unless he wanted me…to turn…psycho too.

  I slowly made my way to the door and my hand paused on the doorknob.

  Here goes…please don’t let it be disgusting!

  I opened the door and sighed in relief when I saw the Maid using a feather duster around the side tables. “Hi.”

  Her body instantly stilled, after a few seconds she slowly turned around, showing me how young and pretty she was.


  She cleared her throat. “Um, this is Mr. Barns’ room.”

  “Yeah.” I told her, narrowing my eyes. “I have a key to it.”

  Her eyes widened and that pushed the red stalker button in my brain, making it shine bright.

  Ladies and gentleman….let me introduce to you…Madam Brunette Stalker.

  “Why?” she croaked and the feather duster dropping from her hand.

  I’d shocked her.

  I gave her side smile and entered inside the room. “Because, I’m his fiancé and that’s what people in relationships do, they share rooms.”

  Her jaw dropped. “What?”

  “Are you done?” I dropped the shopping bag to the floor and my leather bag on to the table.

  “Am I done what?” She gulped, looking horrified.

  “I mean, are you finished cleaning?” I asked her, taking off my fabulous leather jacket, hanging it off the back of one of two chairs.

  Her bottom lip started to ripple as she blinked her eyes away. I guess something got stuck.

  “But I’ve never seen you around?” she said, doing her best not to sound like she was about to cry.

  “That’s because I just got into town. I’m from Ottawa, just like Xander is.” I explained, even though I didn’t have to.

  She was a nosy one.

  I was on the cusp of getting her out of the room and out of Xander’s life, once and for all. I’d better nip this baby in the butt.

  Ohhh, a baby!

  I patted my stomach lovingly and gazed her smiling. “Ohhhh, wow…. that was intense.”

  “What was?” she murmured, gazing at my stomach.

  “The baby kicked.” I sighed.

  “The baby?” Her jaw dropped again. “Mr. Barns and you are having a child.”

  “Yes.” I smiled as if I were a woman in love, looking into the far distance as if he was there….. being smacked around.

  It was beautiful… sigh.

  “But…but!” she stuttered.

  “But what?” I jerked my chin back, scowling. “Are you done in here…. Maid?”

  Yeah…. that was low….. but I had things to do and she needed to leave so I could. Her jaw clenched and I swear I saw water in her eyes. She nodded and dropped her gaze, rushing quickly out of the room. But not before some last words.

  “I’m sorry I disturbed you.” she whispered on her way out.

  “No problem.” I said as my gaze followed her as she exited the room. She shut the door behind her, but the door closing wasn’t enough of a barrier to mask her loud sniffles. All of a sudden a strangled cry echoed through, along with multiple loud gasps, as if she were having trouble breathing.


  She wasn’t psycho like the rest of them….but that didn’t mean she wasn’t as crazy about him. What did he tell these girls to make them feel like this for him?

  If he was just honest, right from the beginning….none of this would happen. Not unless he did and these girls just chose not to listen, thinking that their growing love for him would be enough to warrant a change in heart from him.

  Little did they know.

  I didn’t think Xander Barns did commitment.

  Not now…hell…maybe not ever.


  I grabbed my jacket off the chair and slid it back on. I grabbed the empty shopping bag and my purse. “Well that was harder than I thought it was going to be.” I murmured to myself, stepping into the living room only to jerk back in shock. “Oh my God!”

  My jaw dropped at the sight of Liam lounging casually in a crisp navy blue suit, tieless and his white button down open at the top. His blue eyes flamed at the sight of me.

  “What are you doing in here?” I exclaimed, holding a hand at my beating heart.

  He raised an eyebrow. “I could ask you the same thing.” He stood and sauntered to a halt right in front of me. “What are you doing in Xander’s suite?”

  “I have a bad bladder. I had to use the bathroom.” I lied.

  He looked at me like he didn’t believe me. “We have facilities in the lobby you could have used.”

  “Well, that’s an easy answer. I don’t like using public bathrooms, you know dirty toilet seats and all. And I’ve used his before so, I called big pimp boss daddy a while ago and he told me to use the one in his suite. Got me my own key card and everything, so problem solved. Anyways I’ve got shit to do.” I tried to step past him, but he blocked my way.

  “I own this hotel.” Liam stated, stepping into my personal space. I moved backwards until my back hit the wall. He comes to a stop an inch away from me. “Is that anyway to speak to the boss?”

  I sn
eered, dropping the shopping bag and my purse to the floor, crossing my arms over my chest. I may have squeezed out my boobs a little more, you know, to use whatever advantage I had to make him stumble. His eyes practically bulged at the sight of them. These babies always got me out of trouble. “Don’t you mean one of the bosses?”

  He pushed his body into mine, his chest moving over my crossed arms, pushing into my boobs. “That’s where you’re wrong,” Liam hummed, amusement in his eyes. “Baby, I’m the only boss here.”

  I blinked, feeling my breathing become shallow again, I pushed him back slowly and he obliged by taking a small step back, leaving barely an inch of open space between us. “Good for you.” I practically squeaked. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” I tried to step past him, but he leaned into me again, now pinning my entire body with his….hard body. “What do you think you’re doing, Liam?”

  He took a step back again. His eyes hardened as they peered into mine. “He drives me crazy.” he murmured, as if it pained him to. “My mind was all over the place, because of him. I didn’t mean to call you_”

  “A whore.” I answered for him, feeling anger from the night before surge my veins. I glanced at my jacket for a few seconds then looked back up at him. I knew what I had to do. “Do you like my jacket?”

  He looked confused for a second. “It’s nice.” he answered, not looking at my jacket. He pushed his body into mine again and my arms dropped from the force of him. We were now touching chests. I could feel every hard muscle….everywhere. I’d have to be a fucking robot not to feel desire right now.

  Fuck, it’s been a long time since I’ve had sex. It felt fucking crazy. My senses were about to burst out like fireworks.

  He was making me feel…crazy. I needed a way out…like now. I had shit to do and he needed to be taught a lesson anyways. Marisa style. “Your brother bought it for me.” I whispered, my eyelids drooping.

  Liam’s jaw clenched, pushing his body deeper into mine, making me blink from the feeling it shot up in my woman junk area. Shit. “Did he now?” he growled, lowly.

  I inhaled a deep breath and bit my bottom lip. “Yeah,” I whispered, sensually. “You know why right?”


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