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by Poznanski, Toby




  A Ravensbook Romance

  Text copyright ©2015 Toby Poznanski

  All Rights Reserved

  Ravensbook Publishing Co.

  ISBN: 978-0-9861562-1-2

  For Stephen














  “A book without sex is like toast without butter!”

  “Oh, pul-leeze!” A warm tropical sun caressed Jennifer Mitchell’s skin where she basked by the ship’s solarium pool. Enclosed in air-conditioned comfort, the solarium rivaled the most beautiful of tropical rain forests. Lush trees and plants of varying shades of green, sat clustered about the glass enclosed deck while Birds of Paradise, Anthurium and flowering Bromeliads peeked through thick ferns, lending a jungle air to the delightful garden. Sounds of water splashing and people laughing blended with the Caribbean music playing softly in the background. The calypso band, tucked away in a corner by the pool bar, played a unique blend of island magic and American romance. Jennifer turned from her manuscript on cooking, island style, and smiled at her best friend. “Don’t you think of anything else?”

  “Not if I can help it,” Sheila giggled. “You should try it some time.”

  “I have,” Jennifer lied, “and it’s terribly overrated.” She stretched lazily and settled deeper into the cushioned lounge while her best friend openly stared at her with an incredulous look. The garden atmosphere and cool temperatures of the solarium kept Jennifer comfortable while reading and analyzing recipes. It was the perfect place to work on her new book on Caribbean cooking. With the soft music and intoxicating scents of jasmine and frangipani filling the air, she felt as if she was already on one of the Caribbean islands breathing in its cool, fresh air, and sampling its exotic recipes.

  “Then you’ve never had a good lover.” Sheila sat up and threw her legs over the edge of her lounge to get closer. In a confidential tone she continued, “Now you’ve got the chance. This cruise ship has some good looking single men abroad. Get to know a couple and try it out. You’ll never see them after the cruise is over in two weeks. It’s the greatest opportunity to experiment that you’ll ever get.”

  Jennifer wrinkled her nose in distain at the thought and wondered how in the world she ever became best friends with Sheila, a pert little blonde with a quick smile and a body that shouted “Hey, guys, look at me!” She pulled the bodice of her blue maillot higher and lowered her eyes to her manuscript. How could she confess the embarrassing truth that she had never had a lover? Besides, she wasn’t on this trip to find romance; she was here on business. How could she possibly write a book on Caribbean cooking if she’d never been in the Caribbean to sample the authentic dishes of the islanders?

  She looked up at Sheila with a quick frown. Thanks to Sheila’s friendly persistence, she had agreed to this cruise vacation. But she truly intended to work. Getting the contract for two cookbooks was the break she had been hoping for. Nothing was going to interfere with her success and her deadlines, not even the handsome men on board. She shook her head slightly. This morning during embarkation, it looked like a Mr. Universe convention was about to board. Heaven help her, but those men were gorgeous specimens of the male animal.

  Sheila reached out and placed her hand on Jennifer’s arm to comfort her. “Okay, so you don’t like the idea. Maybe you should think it over. Life’s short and all you do is write cooking articles for the newspaper.”

  “I’m a columnist,” Jennifer corrected trying not to think of how lonely she often felt. “Not only that, you know that I’m under contract for two cookbooks: one on Caribbean cooking and one for on-the-go singles. I have deadlines to meet. It’s important to be serious about my work. That’s what this cruise is all about. I thought we agreed. I work. You play.”

  Jennifer tried to smile. She couldn’t deny the lure of Sheila’s suggestion. She loved her work and her cooking. She glanced down at her body and winced. Okay, maybe she loved her cooking just a little too much. But this was a business trip---well---sort of. Except for the complete makeover she’d signed up for after pouring through all the cruise ship’s brochures.

  “When was the last time you had a date?” Sheila asked softly.

  Jennifer squirmed in the ensuing silence. ‘Seven months’ was not going to pass her lips. After all, she had her pride. So what if she had a hard time meeting eligible men? She never, well . . . hardly ever, came into contact with single men that she had anything remotely in common with. Sheila knew that only too well. Sheila, on the other hand, drew men to her like bees to honey. Although she hated to admit it, Jennifer wished a few of those men would show her some of that flirty attention they showered on Sheila.

  “I rest my case, Jenny. If you don’t do anything else on this cruise, find yourself a lover.”

  A lover? The thought both enticed her and frightened her. She didn’t think she had the nerve to make love to a man she didn’t know well. Nor was she positive that she wanted to. A few college romances certainly hadn’t left her with the skills to interact with a man romantically. She had survived on her quick wit and sense of humor. In fact, None of her romances fell into the steamy type. Truthfully they were little more than affectionate friendships with young men who knew as much about romance as she did about sports. Which, of course, was nothing.

  Jennifer watched Sheila smile and look around the solarium before resting her gaze on a group of young men across the pool from them. Obviously, they had been in swimming. Droplets of water glistened on their wet bodies as they moved in the filtered sunlight. Their discussion appeared animated and friendly, their comradery enviable. Sheila was already sizing up the men and their lover potential.

  Jennifer looked over Sheila’s curvy seductive body. No doubt about it, Sheila was beautiful. On top of that she was charming and light-hearted. As far as Jennifer knew, there wasn’t a mean bone in her body. They had been friends ever since Jennifer moved to Ft. Lauderdale from Pennsylvania three years ago. Never once had she felt uncomfortable and out of place with Sheila. Until now. Sheila was making her face her own feelings of inadequacy, and she didn’t like it one bit. But Sheila was right in her analysis. Jennifer often longed for strong arms to hold her, but she always bore in silence her romantic dreams and unfulfilled needs. It was her own fault if she’d never had the experiences she secretly wanted.

  Growing up the youngest in a family of beautiful women hadn’t been easy. She’d realized at an early age that she couldn’t compete with her two older sisters. Their mother, still a size six in her forties, had handed down her sparkling personality, her delicate bone structure, and her golden blonde hair to her two sisters, Kara and Naomi. But not to her. Uh-uh. No quicksilver personality for her. Just average bones and light brown hair that her mother often referred to as ash blonde. Not that she was complaining. She did have a flawless complexion and sooty eyelashes like her father. Surely someone with a little talent could help her make the best of her looks. That’s why she had chosen to have a makeover aboard ship. It seemed a perfect way to slide into a new look without all of her family and friends making too much out of it.

  Sheila gave her a speculative look. “Okay. So you can find a lover if you want one. Prove it.” She glanced toward the men she had been watching. “You’ve been eyeing that hunk over there since we boarded this morning. The one in the black bathing suit with the royal blue
trim. The first one of us to bed him gets this trip all expenses paid by the loser.”

  “What?” Jennifer choked out. Had she heard her correctly? “No way.” She glanced across the pool to the group of men joking and laughing. He was there. Mr. Gorgeous, himself. She’d noticed him earlier at the embarkation counter right before they boarded. A hot flush covered her chest and face. Had she been that obvious?

  “Not willing to put your money where your mouth is?” Sheila teased. “What’s the matter? Chicken, Jennifer?”

  Jennifer tossed her manuscript aside and tried to hide her embarrassment. “No.” Another lie, she thought. What would it be like to be held by a man like him? Her body warmed as she admired from a distance his lithe strong body, his dark hair flecked with gold from the sun, and his air of self-confidence and sophistication. He looked to be a few years older than she was and in excellent physical condition. A light spattering of hair covered his broad chest and his well-defined muscles gleamed beneath the suntan oil he was lavishly spreading over his body. His face was nicely carved, with generous lips and dark eyes outlined with even darker lashes. He had one little dimple that teased at the corner of his mouth when he smiled that cocky smile he flashed at her this morning. Mr. Gorgeous was enough to make any woman, regardless of age, go faint.

  Shaking her head, Jennifer once again glanced at her body and grimaced. At twenty-five, she was borderline plump. Gaining weight came with the territory, she told herself, knowing that she just liked to eat a little too much. Oh, well, she sighed. It was too late to lose ten pounds to attract Mr. Gorgeous. She turned to Sheila. “You would win hands down,” she admitted reluctantly.

  Sheila stood up and shimmied into her cover-up. “Where’s your spirit of adventure? Take the bet Jennifer. You’ve got until dinner to make up your mind.” With a tone of caution, she continued. “If you don’t want him, I do. But if you think he’s worth the effort, then try. I’m not spending my two weeks with a cookbook.” She smiled knowingly at Jennifer. “I’m going to take a walk. See ya.”

  Jennifer watched her friend walk away with a lively sway to her hips. Sighing heavily, Jennifer wondered if maybe Sheila was right. A good lover would certainly boost her self-confidence up a few notches. It didn’t take too much imagination to realize that. The cruise really was the perfect opportunity to meet a couple of interesting men. The truth was, she would love a chance to get to know Mr. Gorgeous. What was the worst that could happen? He wouldn’t be interested? Well, it wouldn’t be the first time. Having been upstaged by her sisters many times, she knew the risks. But there were other men on board who would be willing. Of that, she had no doubts. Maybe it was time to unpack her courage and go after what she wanted.

  Jennifer had planned to change her image and her single status along with it. She just hadn’t expected everything to happen so fast. Jennifer couldn’t find a good reason to put it off. The opportunities were now. The thought was exciting and compelling, though she wished that Sheila had found someone other than Mr. Gorgeous to go after. It wouldn’t be easy, but she was willing to try.

  Jennifer glanced down at her watch. Her first appointment at the spa was only minutes away. Thank goodness. If she was going to try to compete with an accomplished flirt, she would need more ammunition than what she presently had. She swung her legs over the edge of the chaise lounge and stood up. There wasn’t an ounce of glamour in her, but maybe by tonight there would be. With a determined set to her shoulders, she picked up her beach bag, stuffed in her manuscript, and headed for the spa and fitness center. She couldn’t bear to think of Sheila together with the man of her dreams. It was time to stop playing second string to Sheila. She would take that bet and do her best to win it. Mr. Gorgeous, look out!

  * * *

  “I need a complete makeover. The works.”

  In the lavish reception area of the ship’s Lotus Spa, Jennifer rose from her soft easy chair and handed her clipboard containing all her personal information and beauty goals to the shorter of the two women standing before her. A small water fountain bubbled atop the reception desk and the sweet scent of gardenia drifted through the room. The pale peach walls framed classical style oil paintings of sensuous women enjoying the luxury of ancient Roman baths. But what really took her breath away was the stately Swedish-looking therapist she had just been introduced to. The woman was tall and tan, with high cheekbones and full lips. Of course, she had a figure to die for. Was there some unwritten law that all blondes were beautiful? Or just Swedish blondes? Maybe she should skip the fat wrap and just do her hair platinum blonde.

  Ms. Sweden laughed softly and gave Jennifer a long telling glance. “My but you are anxious. Care to tell me why?”

  Jennifer felt her face color with embarrassment. She wouldn’t quit now; she just couldn’t. “Um, well . . . there’s this hunk on board and I, uh . . .”

  Ms. Sweden nodded, took the clipboard from the receptionist, and motioned for Jennifer to accompany her. Looking closely at Jennifer as they walked deep into the quiet corridor elegantly decorated in soft golds and greens, Ms. Sweden confided in a low voice, “You’ve come to the right place, Ms. Mitchell. Most women don’t realize they need help.” Then she smiled. “You’re one of the lucky ones. You’ve got plenty to work with.”

  Jennifer tried to return her smile. It wasn’t easy asking a beauty queen for help. “Oh, I’ve got plenty alright!”

  Ms. Sweden laughed. “May I call you Jenny?”

  “Please. What is your name?”


  Oh, no! Jennifer rolled her eyes upward and cringed inwardly. This was going to be much worse than she expected.

  “Don’t worry Jenny; we’re going to get you out of that awful blue bathing suit and into a moisturizing mud wrap.”

  “Mud?” Jennifer frowned. “I thought I could get a shrink wrap or something to make me look thinner.”

  Helga took her by the arm and turned her into a room filled with plants, tropical flowers, and a small sparkling pool. “You don’t need to lose weight Jenny. You need to learn the art of romance. That lucky man you’ve decided to attract doesn’t care about pounds. It’s the image he’ll go for. You must learn to project a new attitude of poise and confidence. Of course, you’ll learn that here.” Ms. Sweden pointed to a small dressing area. “Now strip.”

  “Strip?” Jennifer squeaked, feeling her face flush and her heart sink to her toes. She wasn’t crazy about anyone seeing her body, but especially not the gorgeous woman next to her.

  Ms. Sweden nodded. “First you will soak in the aromatherapy mineral pool for about twenty minutes. I’ll be back for your massage and mud wrap.”

  Speechless, Jennifer turned and peeled off her ‘awful blue bathing suit’ as the beauty queen left the room. Momentarily she dangled the shapeless suit in front of her. “I didn’t think it was that bad,” she muttered to herself. Tossing her suit over a wooden rack beside a large window with wood louvers tilting up, ensuring privacy while allowing in light, Jennifer inhaled and held her breath. Then slowly releasing her breath, she absorbed her surroundings. Lush green plants and small flowering trees filled the room. Fragrant orchids hung from pots suspended from the ceiling. In the center of the room the sparkling mineral pool beckoned. When she walked to the edge of the pool, her womanly reflection glistened and mocked her gently. Jennifer stepped into the pool feeling delightfully feminine, slowly immersed herself, and settled on a curved bench beneath the surface of the water. I could get used to this, she thought, as jets of warm mineral water flowed over her naked body, leaving her skin tingling with wickedly delicious sensations.

  A few years ago, she only toyed with the idea of indulging in such sensuous luxury and becoming a woman that men desired. Over time though, her own desires took on an energy of their own. More and more she craved the love and admiration of a special man. One who would find her irresistible and funny. Delightful and sexy. She wanted change, but wasn’t sure how to accomplish it without appearing ridiculous
. After reading the cruise ship’s brochures, she knew she could, with a little effort and polish, become the sophisticated woman she dreamed of being. Maybe not overnight, but with a little practice, she too could learn the art of romance.

  Romance! It was here in spades. What a feeling! Thoughts of Mr. Gorgeous surfaced as she relaxed against the smooth marble bench. What was it about him that she found so attractive? At embarkation, he was with a small tour group of men. They all had athletic builds; they all radiated vital energy that caught the notice of the women around them. Attention from any one of them would have flattered her at one time. But not now. Mr. Gorgeous was special. She knew it to the very depths of her soul. Never would she have believed it, had she not experienced the incredible attraction. There was no way she was going to let Sheila have him. At least, not without trying.

  The main problem was that she wasn’t quite sure how to try. First she had to meet the man and find out his name. Short of throwing herself at him, how did she get his attention? Then keep it? What would Sheila do? With a sigh, Jennifer decided to swallow her pride and ask a pro. If anyone knew, Helga would.

  * * *

  For at least thirty minutes, Helga’s artful massage had stolen her ability to think. Now Jennifer lay covered in mud while Helga finished up with her feet, carefully covering each toe with the sticky substance. Relaxed and luxuriating in the feel of the warm mud, Jennifer sighed and wiggled her toes. This was truly heaven. “Just what is the mud going to do for me? As wonderful as it feels, I can’t imagine how it could be helping me.”

  “The mud is a specially formulated blend of exfoliating botanicals including lavender, chamomile and rose petals. It includes ingredients gathered from the depths of the rain forest and mixed with French seaweed.” Helga covered her with warm sheets and tucked them around her body. “This holistic mud wrap helps eliminate toxins and smooth cellulite as well as moisturize your delicate skin. Once you rinse off, you will be impressed with the contouring of your lovely body.” Helga’s voice soothed over Jennifer as easily as her hands had.


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