Home > Other > CRUISE TO ROMANCE > Page 3

by Poznanski, Toby

  “Not at all.” Jennifer sat down on the edge of her bed and slipped on her matching aqua sandals. “As a matter of fact, I’ve decided to take the bet and win, or at least give you a good run for the money.”

  “Wow!” Sheila laughed. “Good for you. Still, I think you should come to dinner at the Captain’s table tonight. Mike and his brother are salesmen for Exercisetech. Remember the group of ‘perfect abs’ men we saw? Every one of them is an Exercisetech salesman. They’re trying to sell the company’s equipment to the cruise line.”

  “What are they doing on this cruise and why so many?” Jennifer reached for her evening purse and slid her cabin door key card inside along with a lipstick.

  “They are training the gym and spa staff on the equipment. While they are on board, they will be introducing the interested passengers to the equipment and also help design individual exercise programs for them.” Sheila took out a pink halter top with matching calypso pants. “This would be casual chic with a sheer blouse over it.”

  “It’s beautiful,” Jennifer admitted. She wished she could wear such revealing outfits. On her they would be too much. Oh, well. “Look Sheila, I do appreciate the fact that you included me in your plans, but I really want to meet this man tonight.”

  “I understand. If you should change your mind, we’ll be in the Naples Dining Room. Dinner is at seven.” Sheila walked over and hugged Jennifer.

  “Thanks,” Jennifer said, “but I won’t change my mind. Not this time.”

  * * *

  In the brightly lit lounge area next to the massive doors to the Venetian Dining Room, Jennifer’s eyes sought out every passenger sitting at the cheery little coffee bar. No one there remotely resembled Ryan Treymont. She sighed and sank back further into her chair positioned next to a wide window, allowing her a panoramic view of the ocean at sunset. The ocean appeared as restless as she. Although the ship’s stabilizers ensured a calm ride, there was nothing calm about her at the moment.

  Jennifer sipped her gourmet coffee while she watched the white caps and fluorescent foam then checked her watch for the tenth or eleventh time. No Ryan Treymont. There would be no Mr. Gorgeous smiling at her over a glass of wine promising her a night of romance. Stood up by the man of her dreams. Jennifer tried to smile, but couldn’t find any humor in the situation. At least he wasn’t here. He couldn’t know the embarrassment he was causing her now. What should she do? She could eat alone or go downstairs to the Captain’s table and eat crow with Sheila watching. Not that Sheila would say anything. Jennifer just didn’t want to see pity in Sheila’s eyes. Oh for heaven’s sake, Jenn, she told herself. Get over it. This is a cruise and a fabulous vacation. It should be a happy time. Even if she didn’t win the bet, she could certainly enjoy herself.

  Jennifer rose from her chair and headed for the stairway. Hey, with Helga’s help, she might attract a terrific lover. After all, stranger things had happened. She giggled and grabbed the banister of the stairs. She might as well admit it—love was in the air!

  * * *

  Ryan followed Sheila’s surprised look to a young woman in an aqua silk dress following the head waiter to their table. She had soft ash blonde shoulder length hair and enormous blue eyes with sooty lashes. Her cream complexion with slightly pink cheeks stirred him. Not to mention those killer lips that were tensed in a tentative smile. A feeling of anticipation curled inside him. Maybe the evening wouldn’t be such a bust after all.

  He was still angry with Mike for not showing up to talk to him. Mike had avoided him all afternoon, failed to meet him at six, and tonight acted as if nothing was wrong. After twenty minutes of attempting to be civil in front of the Captain, Ryan was feeling the strain. Mike’s look of delight at meeting the young woman didn’t help his mood one bit, but he managed a smile and rose from his seat while the introductions were made. The waiter pulled out the empty chair to his left and she slipped in next to him, a whiff of exotic perfume accompanying her. Heaven couldn’t be this good, he decided as thoughts of Mike faded and his senses filled with Jennifer.

  She looked a little flushed and he could see a pulse point at her neck throbbing away. Had she been in a rush to get to the table on time, or maybe she was affected by his nearness? It had to be a reaction to him, he told himself. Women seemed to enjoy his presence and his attention. Tonight he intended to enjoy hers. “Relax,” he whispered to her, “we haven’t ordered yet.”

  Jennifer smiled and nodded, wondering what twist of fate had them at the Captain’s table together after he had the gall to stand her up. Of course, he wouldn’t know that, but she did. Oddly, she felt rejected even though he didn’t know her. What sort of man was he? Now she wished she hadn’t taken the bet. She looked away just as the waiter handed her a menu. Perfect time to focus her thoughts somewhere else.

  Once she decided on her choices for dinner, she studied the dining room. Elegant appointments gleamed in the light cast by crystal chandeliers. Tables were placed at discrete distances to allow most diners the luxury of not being overheard during normal conversations. Waiters wore formal attire with an Italian flare to match the ambiance of the dining room. Paintings featuring Italian artists hung in strategic locations, while softly lit statutes adorned small alcoves.

  By the time the waiter finished taking orders from the others, Jennifer knew how to approach the evening. After ordering a salad and lobster, she turned her attention to Sheila. “Sorry to be late, Sheila, I lost track of the time.”

  Sheila smiled. “Too bad. I thought that I had all of these handsome men to myself. Looks like I will have to share after all.” Sheila leaned toward the Captain and whispered while Mike and Ryan beamed.

  Amazing! How does she do it? They were Sheila’s for the asking, Jennifer thought with a jealous pang. Sheila always has the men around her loving her every word. Jennifer frowned as she thought back to the many times she’d seen Sheila in action. Most everything Sheila said was simple, no hidden meanings (if you didn’t count the sexual overtones), no profound statements, no philosophical musings. Finally, it hit her. Of course. Every word out of her mouth was sincere and somehow the men sensed that. No wonder they loved having Sheila around. Sheila flirted, but she never, ever chased. On top of that, Sheila was sweet. Oh, boy! She could take lessons from Sheila too. Jennifer turned to Ryan and studied him for a moment. No time like the present to start.

  Jennifer smiled at Ryan as he turned to her, looked directly into his eyes, and held his gaze. She watched quietly in awe as a flash of interest kindled within his dark depths. A slight flush crept over his skin and his smile broadened. Wow! This flirting was heady stuff. She might just get the hang of it with a little practice. Preferably with this gorgeous hunk sitting next to her. “Sheila tells me you are a salesman for Exercisetech. It’s great equipment once you understand how it works.”

  “You’re familiar with Exercisetech?”

  “I owe my job to those wonderful machines.” Jennifer laughed as Ryan raised his eyebrows. “I’m a columnist for our newspaper back home. When I was trying to find a way to distinguish my cooking column from the rest, I came up with an idea to combine it with exercises. My editor explained to me that everyone exercises and that I needed a new angle. I started researching the Internet and found that the company you work for not only has the most up-to-date equipment, but also designs and programs machines for the individual customer. Sort of a designer machine for the affluent, if you must. I studied the exercises and machines and began mentioning them in each of my articles. My column became a hit. My editor bought one of the individually designed machines and lost forty pounds. Better still, the owner lost fifty pounds and gave me a bonus.”

  “I’d say your ingenuity paid off.” Ryan studied her intently. She didn’t look at all like she worked out. She was soft and smooth with the healthy look that came from being young. But she didn’t have the well-defined muscles of someone who made exercise a regular part of their weekly routine. Dare he ask? “How often do you work ou

  Jennifer blushed. “I don’t,” she answered defensively, “I don’t have time. I have a column to write, new recipes to discover, and two books to write. When would I have time to exercise?”

  “Sounds like you are a very busy woman.” Ryan gave her a teasing look. “I’m surprised that you have time to cook.”

  Jennifer laughed, but before she could answer the Captain cut in. “Sheila told us that you are writing a cookbook on Caribbean cooking. Perhaps you would like to meet our chef and trade secrets?”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful. I brought my manuscript with me, so I already have some delicious recipes that I would be happy to share.” Jennifer gave the Captain a wide smile. He was a handsome older man with a cheerful face. He was dressed in a formal white uniform with four gold bars and a rising sun insignia on each shoulder. Earlier she’d learned the Captain was born in England and lived in London with his family when not at sea. Amazingly, he had commanded ships on Baltic, Pacific, Mediterranean, and South American cruises as well as Caribbean. It was going to be exciting to talk to such a cosmopolitan man.

  “Sounds delightful. I’ll arrange a meeting for you,” he answered.

  “I think she should cook our dinner one night, or at least supervise some of those delicious recipes.” Ryan encouraged, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

  Jennifer gasped. “Ryan!”

  “Mm.” The Captain looked from Ryan to Jennifer and back again. “Quite right, Ryan. We have a professional at our table. What a nice opportunity to enjoy the best. Would you honor us, Jennifer?”

  Good grief. With such a compliment, how could she refuse? “Caribbean cooking it is,” Jennifer agreed and felt a shudder rush through her body as Ryan grabbed and held her hand beneath the table. This was proving to be an exciting night. How thrilling to plan and supervise dinner for the Captain and her new friends. This was her time to shine. Something she could do with the utmost of confidence. Something she could do that Sheila couldn’t. If the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, and not just an old wife’s tale, she was well on her way.

  “Come dancing with me after dinner.” The sound of Ryan’s voice close to her ear sent sparks of desire all the way to her toes. She nodded and smiled at Sheila who sat watching the interplay between them. Sheila gave her a smug look and laughed at something Mike said to her. From their demeanor, Jennifer knew Sheila would be with Mike tonight. Ryan was hers, at least for the evening. She knew it. She knew it as well as her own name. At last, a lover. Not just any lover. One she picked out and conquered. What a feeling!

  * * *

  Dancing with Jennifer was every bit as perfect as Ryan thought it would be. Her full curves moved gently against him as they danced to soft island music. Bringing her to this deserted lounge boarded on brilliant, he decided. Tucked away near the library and the card room, the secluded Golden Seahorse Lounge was the perfect hideaway for lovers. Quiet enough for talking, the lounge promised romance with its ambiance. Its small dance floor depended upon indirect lighting from ceiling to floor aquariums filled with beautiful tropical fish and delicate seaweed and plants. Ryan pressed her closer and inhaled her exotic scent. He couldn’t remember when he’d been satisfied this way, just holding a woman. He sighed deeply, pressing his cheek against her hair.

  Jennifer lifted her head away from Ryan’s shoulder and marveled at the adoration on his unguarded face. That sultry look alone was enough to give her the courage to slip her hand up his neck into his hair and gently guide his head down to her. Those exciting lips were only a breath away when she felt his body tremble. Suddenly she had to kiss him, to feel his lips pressed against hers, tasting her. She stretched up on her toes to close the distance between them. With a soft groan, he willingly obliged her. His mouth was hard and demanding, sending currents of liquid fire through her. Suddenly, she couldn’t breathe. Weakened by the kiss, her knees gave way, but his arms held her tightly against him. His mouth left hers to nuzzle her neck, then burn a trail down her skin to her breasts. As she opened her eyes and gasped for breath, Ryan pulled back and smiled.

  “Maybe we’ve had one margarita too many.”

  “Oh, no. I don’t think so,” she whispered. While he steadied her on her feet, her mind was racing. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop. At this moment, she was overwhelmed with sensations. Unfamiliar sensations. Wonderful sensations. What a kiss!

  “It’s getting late and I have an early business meeting. Let me walk you back to your cabin.” Ryan slipped his arm around her waist and gently eased her toward the door. He cursed himself silently. He almost lost all of his control right there on the dance floor. What was it about Jennifer that had him behaving so out of character? She was an attractive woman and he wanted to get to know her better. But he needed to slow down. It wouldn’t do for her to think he was only interested for the physical attraction. That was only part of it. She was intelligent and funny and at the moment, just a little tipsy.

  As they walked to the elevator bank, Ryan glanced around them. Thankfully, they were alone. All he needed was for Mike to see him kissing Jennifer anywhere in public and he would never hear the end of it. Mike would happily forget any rules applied on this trip. Not that Sheila hadn’t already helped him break most of them.

  “Port or starboard?” he asked when they exited the elevator on the Aloha Deck.

  “Aloha 429. That’s on the starboard side,” she murmured in a wistful tone. Each step toward the cabin reminded her that her special night was coming to an end. An end that was disappointing. Short of throwing herself at him, she doubted there was anything she could do to generate that wild passion they had shared on the dance floor. He certainly seemed to have cooled off quickly, she thought, while he slid the key card inside the slot on her door.

  “Thank you for a lovely evening,” she took the card from his hands and slipped inside the cabin without a backward glance.

  Ryan stood there as the door silently closed in front of his face. She hadn’t even said goodnight nor had she tried to kiss him. Could she just walk away? Well, he couldn’t. Without thinking, he knocked hard on the door. “Jennifer!”

  After a few moments, the cabin door opened. She stood there, one hand holding the door back, the other holding an earring. “What is it?” she asked testily.

  He stood there dumbfounded, his mind racing as he responded to the tone in her lovely voice, and suddenly all the pieces came together. She was the lovely little spitfire. The woman he stood up. The woman who had intrigued him and haunted his thoughts all day. Without thinking he touched her hair then gently moved it behind her ear. “You missed a spot.”


  He leaned close and whispered softly, “I distinctly see a little bit of green mud behind your ear.”

  Jennifer gasped as he pulled her close. As the door began to close, he pressed her against it, keeping the door from completely closing. His breath tickled her ear, just before his lips captured the lobe. “What do you think you are doing?” she asked breathlessly.

  “I want a goodnight kiss.”

  “Oh.” She could scarcely breathe as she stood, unable to move, unable to stop the trembling of her lips as she waited in anticipation for his lips to meet hers. Slowly he lowered his head and gently kissed her lips.

  “Thank you for such a nice evening,” he said, then kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m sorry that I stood you up tonight. The Captain rescheduled our business dinner and I didn’t find out until late. I didn’t know your name or how to find you.”

  “I waited for you,” she murmured, lulled into submission by his tender touch and masculine voice.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure that you would even show and I had no idea what you looked like.” His hand caressed her cheek. “My company’s future was at stake. I’m really a pretty decent guy.”

  Ryan tilted her head up and kissed her lips, her face, her eyes. Everywhere his dangerous lips touched, her body burned. His sweet caress made her want to
beg for more. Over the incessant pounding of her heart, Jennifer struggled to make some sense of what he was saying. “Your company?”

  “My company---I own Exercisetech.” Ryan smiled down at her. “I’m the slave driver boss that your friend, Sheila, told you about.”

  Jennifer shook her head and smiled back. “She didn’t.” Was he going to continue kissing her or not? Hopefully, he would stop talking and take her into his arms. She wanted more of him---and she wanted it now.

  “Forgive me?” he asked, then rained a trail of kisses down her neck, over her collar bone, to the soft indentation at the bottom of her throat. “Jennifer, you haven’t answered,” he teased over her muffled groan.

  “What?” she managed. Why was he talking? Sensations were rioting through her body at warp speed. She pressed herself against him and pulled his beautiful face down to hers.

  “Forgive me?” he persisted.

  “Yes. Oh, yes,” she breathed. “Now kiss me!”

  This time when his mouth covered hers, there was no talking. Only the pressure of his full lips upon hers. His tongue began a journey of its own, teasing her lips, finding the hot depths of her mouth, tasting the moistness of her kiss, and tempting her beyond reason. When he finally pulled away, she felt lost. Lost in a sea of sensation and delight. “Please,” she whispered, “please . . .”

  Ryan groaned and dropped his arms. “It’s time to say goodnight, Jennifer,” he whispered as he pushed the cabin door open for her. “Sleep well. I’ll see you some time tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, then,” she answered, then turned and stepped inside the cabin.

  Ryan paused at the doorway, wishing he could follow her inside. He hated to leave, but he knew it was for the best. He needed to work off the excess energy and he needed some space. Jennifer was devastating. His brain was mush and his emotions were in turmoil . . . and to think he’d only wanted a goodnight kiss.


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