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by Poznanski, Toby

  Suddenly, Jennifer couldn’t breathe or think. All that registered in her mind was that strong, muscular body pressed against her side. What in the world was she going to do? She loved the way he made her feel when she was close to him. Admired. Protected. What would it feel like to be loved by him? She could feel her body quivering at the thought. Calm down, she told herself. This could be a good chance to know him a little better.

  “Ah, um . . . I thought I’d hail a cab.” Jennifer handed him the folded note. The address was written on the outside.

  “Okay. Let’s give it a try.”

  Ryan hailed a cab and talked with the driver. Jennifer watched as the driver’s eyes widened noticeably when he read the address. No longer able to keep out of the animated conversation, Jennifer walked up. “What’s going on?”

  “No tourists go here,” the driver explained. “She put spell on me if I take you.”

  “Easy buddy,” Ryan soothed. “You can let us out a block away. She’ll never know how we found the place.”

  The driver shook his head and paused, looking at Jennifer’s enticing red laces. Slowly, a smile crept across his face as he eyed her excited face. “Okay mon. Get in.”

  * * *

  “Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Woll of bat and tongue of . . .”

  “Ryan! Behave yourself!” Jennifer laughed as they walked away from the old frame house. The elderly woman who lived there had given her a number of unique recipes along with a few voodoo rituals. With a little tweaking, the recipes would result in fabulous dishes. Just this visit alone would fill one whole chapter in her new book. Jennifer was thrilled. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and mischief. “Otherwise, I know a few spells to try on you.”

  Ryan smiled and lowered his head to kiss her cheek. “I think you already have. Do you deny it?”

  “Absolutely,” she answered with resolve. “Wait ‘til I turn on the full force of my irresistible charm.”

  “Have mercy!” Ryan took her hand and turned down a side street that led to the beach. “On the way back to town, we can walk along the water’s edge and look for sea shells.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Jennifer pushed her sunglasses further back on her nose and broke into a run. “Catch me if you can,” she yelled and headed for the water. She didn’t dare glance back to see Ryan; it might slow her down. She raced across the beach and skidded to a stop at the water’s edge where she leaned over panting. Ryan stopped directly behind her, not even winded. It was just too disgusting. Didn’t the man even sweat?

  “Would you like a soda?” he asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” she breathed. “Preferably a Coke or Pepsi.”

  “Come on. There’s a concession stand up ahead.” Ryan smiled and pulled her close, holding her around the waist while they walked in companionable silence. “Are you ready for lunch?”

  “Not yet.” She looked up at Ryan as they reached the concession stand. “Are you hungry?”

  “Getting there, but I can wait.” Ryan turned to the teenager behind the counter. “Two Cokes, please. With plenty of ice.” He dug into his pockets, pulled out several bills, and tossed them on the counter. When the girl returned with the sodas, she grinned her pleasure. Ryan winked at her and picked up the drinks. Handing one to Jennifer, he teased, “I am under your spell, madam. Your wish is my command.”

  “I wish,” Jennifer murmured.

  “Did I detect a note of sarcasm?” Ryan asked as they headed down the beach toward town.

  Jennifer swallowed the cold liquid, filled with fizz and flavor, savoring the moment. It tasted good and refreshing, sparing her a little time to gather her wandering thoughts. “No. Not really.” She took a deep breath and ventured on. “I would just like to get to know you better.”

  “That’s easy,” he responded. “Just ask me anything you want to know. Truthfully, there’s not much to tell.”

  “Well, tell me about growing up. I heard that you have lots of brothers.”

  “Five. Our mom died when I was five. I don’t remember much about those days. Mike was just a baby and my Dad had just graduated from law school. We didn’t have much money then, but we had each other. Dad got married again, but it didn’t last very long. The way my older brothers tell it, the lady liked being married to a lawyer, but she didn’t realize how little money he made as a beginning attorney. So she walked. For some reason, I thought it was my fault that our new mommy left, but Dad sat me down and told me not to worry, that it wasn’t anything that I had done.”

  “Oh, how sad.” Jennifer wondered at the confusion of a little boy who had been deserted twice by the women in his family.

  “I got over it quick enough. After all, I had four older brothers to keep me busy and to take care of me.” Ryan smiled. “They couldn’t cook worth a damn, though. I promised myself that when I grew up, I would own a restaurant and eat my meals there every day.”

  “That was a worthy goal. What happened?” Jennifer sipped at her drink, thinking that she would love to own her own restaurant. A gourmet restaurant where the menu changed from day to day depending upon her whim.

  “I learned to cook. Better than they could. After that, food didn’t seem so important anymore. Besides, I got into body building and, after college, decided to make a business of it. I had some ideas and it looks like they are paying off.”

  “Your Dad must be very proud of you.”

  “I think so.” Ryan took a final drink from his cup and tossed it into a nearby trash can. “So now you know all about me.”

  “Actually, I know more than that,” she teased.

  Ryan looked into her sparkling eyes. “Okay, I’ll bite.”

  “I just bet you do,” she crooned.

  Ryan laughed and pulled her to him. His hands caressed her shoulders before he gently pushed tendrils of hair from her face. “Just what was that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re an accomplished lover.”

  “Well, there is that,” he answered with complete masculine confidence. “What else?”

  “Mike told me that you were engaged once.” She watched his face, but his expression didn’t change. “He also told me that Exercisetech is your only mistress. I find that incongruous with your obvious interest in women.”

  “Really, what else did he tell you?”

  “Nothing.” Jennifer noticed that he didn’t deny any of it. But his face closed up and his voice sounded a bit strained. She knew she was treading on dangerous ground and was probably aggravating him by probing.

  Ryan shrugged and started down the beach. “That about covers it.”

  * * *

  To Jennifer’s way of thinking the Eagle and its companions didn’t look like much. It was hard to believe they were multimillion dollar racing yachts that had actually won the famous Regatta. But savvy tourists gladly plunked down their money on a daily basis for a chance to be in the 12 metre America’s Cup Regatta and a member of the working crew on one of the three sailing yachts. Jennifer still wasn’t sure this was her idea of fun. It’s just that the boats seemed so small and so . . . so slippery, even though there were braces on the floor for her feet. The grip of the winch she was working wasn’t tacky, as it, in her opinion, should be. So her hands kept slipping off the handle when she and her partners were grinding fast. (Or was it winching fast?) Everything was wet, including her clothes from the froth of the waves and salt spray. It seemed to her that every time they rounded a mark, the yacht’s masts almost touched the water. The keel was the only reason they didn’t all end up in the brink. And the tacking . . . good grief, you could lose a hand or an arm, if you weren’t careful. On top of that, there was a mean angry cloud coming their way, so they would be racing in a downpour.

  Just as soon as the Captain relieved her, she was going to resign as crew member. There were others waiting to be crew members and she wanted someone else to have a chance too. The male tourists, however, didn’t appreciate women working. Oh n
o. They wanted to win and they were quite vocal about it! Her only comment, “Come on guys, this is supposed to be a fun vacation,” had been met with groans and boos. But she figured her money was just as good as theirs, so she ignored them. Of course it helped to have Mr. Gorgeous standing beside her daring anyone to cross him.

  Luckily for her, the Captain yelled out a command and her shift at the winch was over, but she knew Ryan would not be relieved. He was too valuable with his finely honed body and superior strength. Speaking of Mr. Gorgeous, there he was, shirtless, working one of the grinders. God, he looked magnificent with his biceps and triceps flexing away. Jennifer settled back to admire and photograph the scenery.

  A light rain started, but she could hear the rush of the downpour coming across the water. The heavy rain would soon be here. As she clicked frame after frame of Ryan, she realized how truly magnificent he was. All that strength and power was visible to the naked eye—an exciting commentary of a man at peace with the elements. She found herself longing to press her body against the hard planes and angles of his. He would be warm and welcoming. Somehow she knew. She also knew after experiencing him her life would never be the same. At that moment, he seemed to sense her scrutiny. He looked up from his concentration and smiled at her. A cocky raucous smile that melted her defenses and took her breath away. All she could do was smile back, yet she felt he had just captured her soul. From the change of expression on his face, he must have felt it to. He looked slightly shocked and Jennifer could tell he was trying to regain control. Amid screams and laughter, cold rain covered them, pounding the yacht and its occupants. Ryan turned back to his work while the Captain called out orders.

  Excitement filled the atmosphere. The end of the race was nearing and the Eagle was coming up from second place to take the lead. Everyone around her yelled words of encouragement to the men at the grinders and winches. She took a few more pictures as their craft slid into first place and won the race. Cheers went up. Jennifer looked toward Ryan. He straightened his tall frame and opened his arms to her, waiting for her to fill them. She rushed over to him and pressed her body against his. The rain pelted down as they held each other, but she was hardly aware of its sting. She had never felt safer and more secure. Ryan’s heart was pounding along with hers, and the thrill of victory filled her.

  At the touch of his hand beneath her chin, Jennifer tilted her head up and looked into the dark passionate eyes of the man she loved. His mouth came down to capture hers in a gentle kiss before he hugged her one last time. “We’re heading back to the marina. It’s time for a victory celebration.”

  Jennifer didn’t answer. She just rested her head against his shoulder while members of the crew called to the occupants of the other two yachts. Over the laughing and joking, Jennifer could hear the voice of Sheila and Mike calling to them. Ryan waved, but Jennifer just smiled. She sighed, closed her eyes, and finally admitted to herself that she was falling in love. Even the rain couldn’t take away the beauty of these moments. As if in agreement, Ryan pulled her closer and kissed the top of her hair.

  Just as quickly as it had come, the rain began to slacken. Soon there was nothing but mist and sunshine. The yachts reached the shallow waters of the bay, where the crews transferred to a power boat and headed for Bobby’s Marina. When they finally reached the pier, Jennifer was drenched; tiny rivulets of water ran from her hair. Feeling slightly rebellious and even more contrary, Jennifer mentally refused to wrap herself in a towel. Let them look, she thought, enjoying for the first time the appreciative looks from all of the men.

  Ignoring the easy smiles from the men, Jennifer followed Ryan to a table set up near the door of the gift shop. Ryan turned and handed her a glass of rum punch. “Try this, Jenn, you’ve earned it.”

  “Thanks.” Eager and thirsty, she drank the whole glass. “Can we take the punch inside the museum and gift shop?”

  “I think so.” Ryan laughed. “But you don’t have any more.”

  “Well?” she demanded with a smile.

  “Honey, you smile like that, and I’ll get you anything you want,” he answered.


  “Really.” Then he kissed her, a wet greedy kiss that curled her toes, before he walked off to retrieve more rum punch.

  “Boy, your crew really came through at the end there. I thought for sure we would win with all those Exercisetech men onboard. Even Mike was shocked.”

  At Sheila’s amused voice, Jennifer turned and studied her friend. Her wet halter top was plastered to her breasts and her straw hat was ruined. “You look like the winner of a wet T-shirt contest.”

  “Thanks,” Sheila laughed. “You don’t look so put together yourself.”

  “Where’s Mike?”

  “Checking out the museum. We’re catching the water taxi back to the ship in a few minutes.” Sheila walked over to a trash receptacle and tossed in her hat. “Coming with us?”

  “No. I have plans.” At least she hoped she did. Jennifer smiled as Sheila went to pair up with Mike.

  “Staring off into space already?” Ryan handed Jennifer a glass of rum punch and steered her into the gift shop. “We’re going to get matching racing caps. My treat.”

  “Great. I want a red one,” she sipped her punch, “to match my laces.”

  Ryan laughed and placed a bright red America’s Cup racing cap on her head. “Fits perfect.”

  “I’ll take it,” she countered happily.

  “I come along with it,” Ryan teased. “How do you feel about that?”

  “Desired,” she teased back.

  Ryan grabbed the visor of her red cap and tugged gently. “A perfect match,” he breathed before lowering his head to kiss her.


  A perfect match. Ryan’s husky voice still echoed in her ears. Three little words that had her dreaming dreams and spinning fantasies of the future. A perfect match. Those sweet words were a promise sealed with a kiss. Jennifer was filled with joy and anticipation. Ryan did feel the same way she did. Tonight she would meet him for an intimate dinner at the steakhouse and after that he would make slow, sweet love to her. How wonderful to be introduced to love-making by a gentle and caring man who was also an expert.

  Jennifer toweled off from her nice hot shower and began to rub her favorite moisturizing skin cream onto her body. She looked up from her body massage when she heard a card slip into the door’s card reader. Sheila stepped inside. How in the world did she do it? Sheila was dressed in a straight shift with tropical fish adorning it, her hair was neatly braided and her make-up, what little she used, was perfect.

  “You are a mess, Sheila,” Jennifer teased just to be contrary. “You look like you just got out of bed.”

  “My, my. You are so astute,” Sheila countered. “Not only did I just get out of bed, but I had a wonderful time in it. Thank you very much.”

  “You’re incorrigible!” Jennifer tightened the towel around her, finished soothing the cream over her feet, and stepped to the closet to pick out some clothes.

  Definitely pleased with herself, Sheila beamed. “I know. Now, Jennifer, do you mind telling me why you are in the cabin instead of with Ryan?”

  “He said he had something to take care of,” she answered. “Which is for the best, because it gives me time to get ready for dinner. I’m meeting him later.”

  “So that’s why he showed up at Mike’s cabin. Naturally, we didn’t answer the door.” Sheila plopped down on her bed and sighed. “I’m going to take a nap. It’s been a long day. By the way, you can have the cabin all to yourself tonight. I’ll be staying with Mike.”

  “Oh. Does he know about this?” Possibilities raced through her mind, but she really didn’t want to have Sheila interrupting the best experience of her life, regardless of how innocent. It would probably be safer to make love in Ryan’s cabin, but she would feel more secure in hers.

  Sheila kicked off her shoes and settled back on the bed. “Of course not. I never tell a man what I hav
e planned for him. After all, that would give him too much time to figure out a way to object.”

  “Are you saying that Mike is controlling?” Jennifer asked. Now there was a clash of personalities, if she ever saw one. Talk about controlling. Sheila was one manipulating woman, even with her. Not that she minded terribly. Sometimes Sheila’s aggressive nature came in handy and sometimes it was a real pain.

  “Oh, yeah! But then he can’t hold a candle to Ryan.” Sheila smiled as she dropped her little bomb. “Have you bedded him yet?”

  Embarrassment flooded her neck and face with a flush of red. “Must you always bring up sex? You are so horny!” Jennifer slipped into a robe before crossing over to the vanity. After running a brush through her hair, she set the blow dryer on low and began to style her hair.

  Sheila shook her head and gave Jennifer a secretive smile. “No. I’m not horny. I’m sexually focused.”

  “Oh good. I’ll remember that next time you want me to go on a cruise with you.” Jennifer finished drying and styling her hair. What had Sheila meant when she implied Ryan was controlling? It seemed like an unfair assessment. Was there a connection between being controlling and not making love to her? Granted, he had been the one to pick the place and time for their intimate encounters, and except for that first night, the encounters had been much too public for them to make love. It seemed Sheila had a valid point. Was he avoiding complete intimacy and why? Here she had been dreaming of lovemaking instead of facing reality. She set the brush down on the vanity and looked at Sheila through the mirror. “You win, Sheila. Why doesn’t Ryan want to make love to me?”

  “I don’t know, but I do know you have been trying to seduce him. Very skillfully, I might add. While I don’t have a solution, I would absolutely love to have your problem.”

  Jennifer’s eyes widened as she turned. “You’re crazy. Did you know that?”

  “Who? Me?” Sheila laughed. “At least I’m not afraid of the chase. In fact, I enjoy every minute of it!”


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