Home > Other > CRUISE TO ROMANCE > Page 11

by Poznanski, Toby

  He glanced down to the plush carpeting featuring pink shrimp, crabs, and starfish and wondered, not for the first time, how quickly the news of his affair would spread among the men. Right now, he was angry. Almost too angry for words. He would love to wipe that smug expression off Mike’s face, but this was not the time and place for a physical fight. But it was coming. When he looked up, Mike was watching him, waiting for him much like a patient cobra waits for its prey.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing sleeping with Jennifer?” Mike asked in a low ominous tone.

  Ryan bristled. He instantly resented his brother’s intervention. “It’s my business, Mike, not yours, so butt out.”

  “Ordinarily, I would. But I happen to like Jennifer. She deserves better than what you’re giving her.” Mike leaned toward Ryan. “I’m willing to bet she doesn’t know you’re thinking about getting back together with Diane.”

  Ryan could feel his anger bubbling to the surface. “Yes, thanks to you, dear brother, she knows that Diane wants to get back together with me. So what?” Who was Mike to become Jennifer’s champion? “I’ve told you, keep out of this. I mean it Mike. I don’t interfere with your personal relationships—don’t interfere with mine.”

  Mike sat back and studied Ryan for a moment. “Sorry Ryan, but I can’t. I’m right in the middle and I don’t like it any better than you do.” He sipped his coffee and watched Ryan’s anger mount. “You’re falling in love with Jennifer, and you are toying with the idea of renewing a relationship with Diane. You may even talk yourself into believing you still love Diane. That’s not good. I know you only too well. You’ve got your life all logically charted, from your marriage partner to your children, and probably through old age. Guess what? Life just doesn’t go according to plans. When are you going to see you can’t control everything and everyone? One day all that control is going to backfire on you.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Mike. Your behavior has certainly not been exemplary. Here you are playing with Sheila when you really want Helga. I don’t see you going after her. Instead, you’re stringing Sheila along with that colossal ego of yours. Maybe you should try being more responsible,” Ryan retorted.

  “Maybe, but we’re not talking about me now, we’re talking about you. I hate to see you make a mistake and end up with the wrong woman, but if that’s what you think will make you happy, then I’ll stay out of it. But I won’t let you hurt Jennifer in the process. It’s that simple. Back off.”

  “Back off? That won’t hurt her? Keep out of this, Mike.” Ryan tossed his spoon down on the table, his appetite gone. “I don’t want Jennifer hurt either. You do anything to cause her the slightest pain, and you’ll answer to me.”

  “Then end it with Diane and I’ll back off,” Mike stated calmly.

  “You’ve never liked or approved of Diane,” Ryan accused. “Why not? What has she ever done to you?”

  “I would tell you, but I don’t want you slugging me in public,” he answered with a grin.

  That Mike didn’t like her was no secret among the brothers, but none of them knew why. Mike, the carefree playboy, usually kept his opinions and business to himself, hiding behind his charm and good looks to escape heavy-duty talks or situations. Ryan paused, and for the first time realized his brother really had a reason for his aversion to Diane. “It’s time, Mike. Why?”

  “Diane came on to me after you two became engaged.” Mike frowned, then added, “More than once.”


  “And nothing.” Mike glanced out the window before continuing. “Do you really think that I would sleep with your girlfriend behind your back?”

  “Of course not.” Ryan rose from the table. As far as he was concerned, the conversation was over. He’d heard enough. “I’m heading back to my cabin for my diving gear, see you on the pier in thirty minutes.”

  Ryan turned and strode out of Neptune’s Court, once again missing the humor dancing in his brother’s eyes.

  On the way back to his cabin, Ryan mulled over Mike’s confession, wishing that he didn’t believe him. He felt disloyal to Diane by believing his brother, but he wasn’t surprised by the revelation. Considering he had found her in another man’s arms, he would believe anything Mike told him. Diane was young and extremely beautiful. After he broke off the engagement, he wondered if he’d been too hard on her. Maybe she’d just wanted to be sure she was making the right decision before committing to him.

  Regardless of Mike and his threats, he didn’t believe Mike would interfere. It was totally out of character for his easy-going brother. In spite of Mike’s demands, he definitely intended to enjoy Jennifer’s company. She knew theirs was a short-term romance and she still wanted him. Since Jennifer was a lure he could no longer resist, he wanted to spend more time with her. She was sweet and funny. Her quick intelligence never ceased to amaze him. They could share good times together without getting hurt. He would have to be more careful and keep a close eye on his passionate nature. He was an accomplished lover, for heaven’s sake. Only a novice would act as desperately as he had last night. Time to take his own advice and act responsibly. Seducing virgins was not his forte. But now that he had seduced one, he needed to make things right and fun for her.

  Mike was wrong though, he wasn’t falling in love with Jennifer. Nope. Not him. He was much too experienced to fall in love with a first timer who would want to enjoy a number of relationships before she settled down.

  Ryan slipped the key card into the door and entered his cabin. The steward had already cleaned the suite and left the sheer curtains drawn to help keep the air-conditioned cabin cool. The suite was one of the best the ship offered. The bedroom held a queen-size bed and had a separate sitting room with a sofa bed and fireplace. The hot tub could be accessed from the bedroom and the large adjacent balcony as well as from the sitting room. He thought of how wonderful it would be to bring Jennifer here and make love to her in the privacy of this elegant stateroom.

  The temptation was great. It would make their time together romantic and memorable. For a few minutes Ryan fantasized about how he could set the suite up to be a lovers’ hideaway. The thought of Jennifer here, on his bed, naked and wanting, made him hard. There wouldn’t be any more unwanted guests to embarrass them. A light, simple love affair was just what they both needed, he decided.

  With that decision made, Ryan felt an easing of the anger and tension boiling beneath his deceptively calm exterior. He changed to his swim trunks and pulled loose-fitting deck pants over them. He slipped on his shirt and found his underwater camera, wishing that Jennifer was going along. What a lovely distraction! After Ryan gathered his diving gear he called Jennifer’s cabin, but there was no answer. Too late. She’d probably left for the island by now. Well, he would see her later. With that thought, he grabbed his gear and headed out the door.

  * * *

  Jennifer was delighted at the history and beauty of Basseterre, the capital of the island of St. Kitts, British West Indies. It was a picturesque Caribbean town with traditional Georgian architecture and exotic tropical plants abounding. She spent the morning hunting for spices, discussing recipes, and enjoying the peaceful calm and tranquility of the town. After lunch, she purchased a tour that took her and a handful of camera toting tourists out to Old Road Village, where it has been reported that Christopher Columbus landed on his second voyage to the New World in 1493. After a brief stay at the village, they continued on through fields of waving sugar cane to the Lodge Great House and Botanical Gardens.

  Jennifer marveled at the Lodge, virtually untouched for nearly 300 years, where she explored the rooms and viewed the original styled furniture. But her favorite moments were in the botanical garden where she discovered more than forty species of Hibiscus. She tried to envision herself living in St. Kitts on the sugar plantation, but couldn’t. No, in spite of her domesticity, she was definitely a modern woman.

  Holding her shopping packages close, she disemba
rked the minivan at the pier and generously tipped the knowledgeable guide. The trip was just what she needed to dismiss the emotional distress created early this morning. By getting her mind off her friends, she felt a welcome relief. Shopping for spices and discussing recipes left her feeling renewed. As she walked up the gangway, she wondered what she needed to do to get her emotional equilibrium back.

  She smiled at the young crew members in their crisp white uniforms when she reached the security checkpoint. One crew member took her cruise card and inserted it in a computer that checked her photograph and cabin information. Another slipped her purse and packages through X-ray. Within moments, she was escorted past the checkpoint to the elevator bank where she waited for the next available elevator to take her to her deck.

  The answer was simple, she decided, when she stepped into the elevator and studied her toes until reaching her deck. Concentrate on her book. That’s why she came on this cruise in the first place. Cooking and creating made her happy. It was foolish to look to others for one’s happiness. At the chime, she stepped out and headed for her cabin. Jennifer wished she had more time alone to regroup and plan. She should have never gotten involved with Ryan in the first place. He was much too sophisticated and experienced for a woman like her.

  Inside the cabin, Jennifer tossed her bundles on an easy chair, turned to the dressing table, and looked at her reflection. Her face was flushed from the heat, her soft brown eyes sparkled with excitement from day, and her hair was tousled and wind-blown. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought she had just gotten out of bed after a couple of hours of vigorous lovemaking. Well, that just wasn’t in the cards for her. Not on this trip. She just spent the most incredible night of her life with a wonderful sweet man. But she wasn’t fooled. It was just sex. No love, no commitment, no happily ever after.

  She, the innocent virgin, the domestic mouse, had turned into a self-assured young woman out to fulfil her needs with the man she loved, and had forced the issue. She, the plump little cook with the voracious appetite, had succeeded in seducing an unwilling man. Unwilling for whatever reason, she was leaving him alone. No more seductions. Chef Jennifer, had better things to do!

  Jennifer laughed at her silliness, stripped off her clothes, and headed for the shower. Tonight she planned to eat alone, go to see a movie, and turn in relatively early. It may not sound like the most fun, but it was a plan. Soon she would talk to the galley’s big cheese, Chef Commendatore Mario Ruscelli, and firm up the date for that wonderful meal for the Captain. That her friends would be invited was of no consequence. They could decline if they chose to do so. She couldn’t care less. It was a big ship and not all that difficult to stay out of each other’s way.

  Getting over Ryan should be easy. After all, this was a business trip. She was going to do what she did best—create recipes. Her memory for taste sensation was truly exceptional. Somehow she was instinctively able to blend delicate flavors with the unusual. It was her trademark. With her cooking skills she could create some of the most delicious and tantalizing recipes anyone ever experienced. Jennifer sighed and turned on the shower, allowing the warm water to sluice over her body. Unfortunately, she thought, she would never be able to create a recipe for romance.

  * * *

  Up at the crack of dawn, Jennifer walked the sports deck for her daily exercise. Helga was already up and exercising her small class of early-bird passengers. At the end of her two-mile walk, Jennifer paused to watch the exercising on the deck. When Helga motioned for her to join in, she eased in behind the others. Helga looked beautiful in her bright white shirt and Bermuda length shorts. Her long blonde hair was carefully styled in a French braid and she wore no makeup to enhance her golden tan.

  Jennifer looked down at her own outfit and decided she didn’t look half bad. She now sported a white sailor-styled top and navy boy-leg short shorts. She was even tanning slowly and evenly from short periods in the sun. Careful to avoid the afternoon sun as Helga advised, Jennifer used a sun screen and only allowed herself to be exposed during the morning hours. It must be the fresh air and exercise, because Jennifer felt healthier than she could remember ever feeling before.

  Much too soon the class was over and Helga made her way over to Jennifer. She smiled her beauty queen smile at Jennifer, but this time Jennifer didn’t feel intimidated by her statuesque beauty.

  “Good morning, Jenny. How was your day in St. Kitts?”

  “Glorious!” she answered. “It was a beautiful place to visit and I discovered some new recipes that I can experiment with and probably add to my new cookbook.”

  “That’s wonderful. I hope you will autograph one of your books for me when it comes out.”

  Jennifer laughed. “Of course.”

  Helga walked to the deck railing and rested her arms on the teak grip. “How is the romance coming?”

  “Not good. But the clothes we bought and the advice you gave me are wonderful.” Jennifer gazed out over the ocean. She could see nothing but water against blue sky for miles. “A short-term love affair is really all he wants.”

  “So, he is fighting the attraction?” Helga smiled. “Sometimes that is a good sign.”

  Jennifer studied her for a moment before answering. Who knew what went on in a man’s mind? She was tired of analyzing his actions and reactions. Every time she tried to second-guess where a man was coming from, she was wrong. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want a reluctant lover.”

  “Good. It is very good for you to know what you want and stick with it.” Helga straightened and faced Jennifer. “Perhaps next time will be better. Don’t doubt it, Jenny. There will be a next time. You are a beautiful caring woman. Any man would be lucky to have you.”

  “Thank you. There will definitely be a next time,” she said with confidence, “I just don’t know when.”

  Jennifer looked at her friend and smiled. It would be a long time before she met another man who made her feel alive the way Ryan did, but she must believe that he was out there somewhere. She knew she was in love with Ryan, and that would never do. He may be attracted to her, and wanted her passionately, but he didn’t want to love her. What had started out as a fun way to garner a little experience had taken a serious turn. She should have known that she couldn’t handle a casual affair. Experienced or not, she wanted love. Love and marriage and babies. Nothing else would do.

  Helga returned Jennifer’s smile and spoke softly. “Something is wrong. I know only a little bit about Ryan Treymont and a lot about men. Ryan is definitely taken with you. He exhibits all the signs of a man falling in love.”

  “I thought so too, but I guess that I’m wrong.” Jennifer replied sadly.

  “The trouble with experienced men is that they fight falling in love. It represents an end to their fun and games. Usually, they don’t want to give up casual sex at any cost. It is hard to read Ryan and that arrogant brother of his, but I did credit Ryan with a certain amount of maturity.”

  “Sheila told me that Ryan’s ex-fiancée is pursuing him. Do you think he could still be in love with her?” Jennifer asked.

  “There is that possibility,” Helga replied gently.

  Jennifer shook her head and fought back tears. It was so obvious, yet she had missed it. How could she be so naive? She had been so proud of herself for not chasing him and yet, that’s exactly what she had done.

  “It might explain a lot,” Helga said. “Why else would Ryan hold himself apart? How did Sheila find out about this?”

  “Mike, of course.”

  “Perhaps I could make some discreet inquiries to find out,” Helga said hesitantly. “Asking Mike anything would be particularly troublesome, of course.”

  “Why?” Jennifer asked. “Mike, of all people should know.”

  “True. It’s just that I don’t particularly like him. He is such an irresponsible playboy. Ordinarily, I refuse to carry on a conversation in excess of two minutes with him, but for your sake, I will try.”

You don’t have to do this,” Jennifer said. “It’s not necessary.”

  “It may take me a few days, but I will find out. Mike comes in every morning to exercise and he always seeks me out. I suspect that he does it just to aggravate me. Either that or to hone his charming seduction skills on me, an older woman. I haven’t been able to dissuade him, so it’s time to turn his actions into our advantage. Don’t worry, Jenny. If I can help, I will.”

  Jennifer smiled before turning away. “Thanks Helga, but I don’t think it’s going to matter now.”

  * * *

  “Good morning, beautiful.” A familiar masculine voice captured Helga’s attention. She turned from her client and smiled at Mike, then motioned to the woman that it was time to enter the mineral pool. As soon as the woman entered the pool and relaxed on the marble bench, Helga made her way over to Mike.

  “A little far away from the spinning machines, are you not?” she asked.

  “Well, now—there’s the problem. I can’t spin and talk to you too. That is, unless you want to join me.” Mike stood in an arrogant stance, braced for her rejection.

  Helga smiled. “Actually, I was going to do that. I didn’t get my workout finished this morning.” Helga watched an incredulous look flash over his face before he controlled his surprised response.

  “Would you be able to join me now?” For a moment, Mike looked uncertain.

  Certainly not the response she would have expected from a playboy, Helga thought. “Yes, for a while.” She walked over to the door where she picked up a towel off an end table, then headed for the gym. Confident that Mike was following behind her, she continued on to the spinning machines, stopping at her favorite. From this vantage point she could see the vast and beautiful sea spread out in front of her.


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