Home > Other > CRUISE TO ROMANCE > Page 17

by Poznanski, Toby

  “Great. It just isn’t the same without her.” Ryan felt his pulse go up a notch. He would have a chance to see Jennifer and talk with her. But what he really needed was a plan. A plan to win that sweet funny chef’s trust and love. But how? He’d better think of something fast. Tomorrow they would be spending their last day of the cruise in the Bahamas. Sunday they would be in Ft. Lauderdale, and the cruise would be over.

  Sheila turned and looked past the empty chair next to her, to the Captain. “What time tomorrow will we be reaching the Bahamas?”

  “The Ocean Goddess will be anchored off the Southern tip of Eleuthera by six. I expect to clear the ship by seven. Anxious?”

  “Oh, yes,” she answered eagerly. “First Jennifer and I are going sailing, then we’re going to do some paddle boating and snorkeling before the barbeque, all courtesy of Mike Treymont.”

  Ryan watched as Mike colored slightly and shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He was willing to bet Mike didn’t want Helga knowing he was spending all of his time with Sheila, but she didn’t look at all surprised.

  “That’s very generous of you, Mike.” Helga replied in a calm cool voice.

  “Not hardly.” Mike laughed and winked at Sheila. “I lost a bet.”

  “Care to tell us what the bet was?” Helga’s tone was decidedly indifferent, Ryan thought. Could it be she already knew about the bet? It wouldn’t surprise him to know Jennifer had confided in Helga. They seemed to be simpatico. Ryan could feel the adrenalin rush the moment he glanced to Mike. How dare he bring up something so personal in public?

  Mike was focusing on Ryan while he answered. “Let’s just say that I didn’t realize my big brother was having such a good time on this cruise.”

  Ryan glared hard at Mike. One more comment and he would personally throw Mike out of the dining room, Captain or no Captain. He failed to see the humor that both Sheila and Mike seemed to enjoy. However, it was obvious that Mike wasn’t through.

  “I learned a valuable lesson by making that bet.”

  For the first time Helga laughed, a short laugh communicating her disbelief. “What would that be? That gambling is expensive?”

  “No. Ditch the arrogance if you’re going to gamble. Even a sure thing can let you down.”

  Ryan leaned back in his chair and met his brother’s eyes with an icy gaze. He wasn’t much for underlying messages, but Mike’s was loud, clear, and unmistakable. He, Ryan Treymont, the paradigm of integrity, had screwed up royally and disappointed his younger brother. The brother that had worshiped at his heels for years. Now he felt even more rotten. Mike had warned him more than once that he couldn’t control life and situations. Too, Mike had warned him against romancing Jennifer without telling her about Diane, but he’d thought the less said the better.

  Somewhere between St. Kitts and St. Thomas, he’d lost control over his relationships with both Diane and Jennifer. He hadn’t realized how set Diane was on marrying him. She had him pegged as a young rich CEO on his way up. A man she intended to have. While he understood her assessment, he was disappointed in her execution. She didn’t know when the game was lost, or when to fold. Diane overestimated his affection and his patience.

  Even though he’d sent Diane packing over her threats of financial ruin, he regretted having to hurt her. He knew he’d hurt her ego, but certainly not her heart. Not like Jennifer, his Jennifer. The woman who cared for him, not his pocketbook. He wanted her back, warm and willing. What would it take?

  No sooner than his thoughts formed, she was there, being seated between Sheila and the Captain, completing the circle, smiling brightly at everyone. Everyone but him. He didn’t care how many foolish bets she had made, she wanted him, in her arms and in her bed. The thought of her spending tomorrow with Sheila and Mike while he remained on the sideline filled him with irrational jealousy. Well he was going to make his presence known. He wasn’t going to let her avoid him. Not tomorrow. Not tonight.

  While the waiter cleared the table, and served the main course, Ryan listened to the easy banter between friends. Mike turned to him and asked, “What plans do you have for tomorrow?”

  “I thought that I would join you and the ladies,” he answered, enjoying the look of annoyance that crossed Jennifer’s face.

  “Sure. You’re welcome to come.” Mike grinned and added, “But you’ll have to pay your own way.”

  Ryan laughed and took a bite of his fish. Geez. It was spicy. Determined not to criticize Jennifer’s dinner, he reached for his water glass and drank the icy liquid to soothe the burning in his mouth. “You should try a banana boat ride,” he suggested.

  Jennifer shook her head when Sheila gave her a questioning look. “I don’t think so. Riding a big yellow banana, along with seven other people, while being towed by a speed boat, just isn’t my style.”

  “Afraid of being bounced off?” Ryan taunted.

  “Yes,” she admitted. “But if the rest of you want to do it, don’t let me stop you.”

  “Aw, come on, Jenn,” Sheila coaxed, “it will be fun.”

  At her silent protest, Ryan agreed with Sheila. “Let’s all do it. Think of it as a bronco ride. The one with the longest ride wins.”

  Suddenly, Jennifer seemed interested. “What’s the prize?”

  “A romantic dinner with the person of choice tomorrow night?” he offered.

  “Not good enough.” Jennifer thought for a moment. “If I stay on longer than you, then you must leave me alone the rest of this cruise.”

  Ryan didn’t like her prize one bit, but if she could be outrageous then so could he. “I’ll agree to that only if you agree to spend the rest of the cruise with me, if I win.”

  Jennifer glared at him. The sheer audacity of him! Not only was he embarrassing her, he was casting unwanted attention on the two of them. That she had started it with her demand that he leave her alone was lost on her at the moment. Jennifer was acutely aware of the whole table, including the Captain, awaiting her answer. That provoked her even more. Somehow she would manage to stay on that rotten banana longer than he. She forced a nonchalant smile and answered, “Now there’s a challenge I just can’t resist. You’re on.”

  Although she agreed, he could see she wasn’t happy about his conditions. What really riled him though was that she wanted him to leave her alone. Without thinking, he took another bite of ginger dolphin. This time it wasn’t a little too spicy, it was just plain hot. He swallowed hard and once again reached for the ice water. He glanced around the table. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal and no one was drinking water. No one, that is, but him. That observation made him a little uneasy, but he dismissed his suspicions almost as quickly as they materialized. Jennifer might be angry, but she wasn’t vindictive. That decided, he set down his fork. He could talk until time for dessert.

  When the waiter removed their plates and served her Rum Surprise Brûlée, Jennifer glanced over to Ryan and wondered why he didn’t finish his fish. It was delicious, baked to perfection with its flaky meat and delicate flavors. But Ryan didn’t seem to care for it. That was too bad, but she couldn’t please everyone, even though when she planned the dinner, she’d planned it with Ryan in mind.

  Thank goodness Chef Ruscelli had been anxious to help her prepare the meal. Much to her surprise, the chef had paid close attention to her instructions and had followed through without complaint. Without his invaluable help, she would still be back in the kitchen instead of at the table with the Captain and her friends.

  The Captain cleared his throat and beamed at Jennifer. “I know that I speak on behalf of all of us when I say, thank you for this truly delicious meal.”

  “I’m glad everyone enjoyed it,” she answered amid the compliments from the others. “Enjoy the brûlée. It’s called Rum Surprise. Each brûlée has a different flavor designed to compliment the rum.” Jennifer leaned toward the table and took a spoonful of the rich creamy dessert. It tasted wonderful. She closed her eyes and savored the exotic flavors. But her re
verie quickly came to an end when she heard a gasp and strangling sounds. She looked about and saw Ryan holding his mouth and gagging.

  The Captain stared in shock, Helga sat with her mouth open, and Sheila giggled.

  Mike jumped up and hurried over to Ryan. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?”

  “First the dolphin, now the dessert,” Ryan gasped. “She’s trying to poison me!” He rose from his chair with as much dignity as he could muster, and rushed out of the dining room.

  Mike looked over at Jennifer. “What did you do to his dessert?” Without waiting for an answer, he went running after Ryan.

  Jennifer was too stunned to speak. What did she do? Nothing! What was wrong? Why were they blaming her? Nothing was wrong with the brûlée.

  “Way to go, Jenn. What a great way to get at him! What a payback!” Sheila laughed.

  Helga smiled at the Captain. “Such theatrics. I, for one, am going to finish my dessert.” With that she reached for another spoonful.

  Jennifer turned to the Captain. “Truly, I didn’t do anything to his fish or to his brûlée. How could I possibly know which servings the waiter would place before him?”

  The Captain nodded his agreement. “Quite right. However, we must get to the bottom of this and make sure Mr. Treymont is all right.” After issuing orders to a nearby officer he motioned for the waiter to bring Ryan’s brûlée over. “Perhaps, you would care to taste this?”

  Jennifer nodded and dipped her spoon into the brûlée.

  “Careful, Jenn,” Sheila giggled. “It may bite back.”

  “Very funny.” Jennifer glanced over to Helga who was finishing hers.

  With a look of satisfaction, Helga put her spoon down and announced, “Delicious!”

  Still not certain, Jennifer licked the edge of her spoon. Her mouth tingled and burned. After she swallowed, she felt a slight drawing inside her mouth. She thought for a moment as she identified flavor after flavor. There was one she couldn’t identify, but it was familiar. Then the light dawned. “Oh, no. It can’t be. It wasn’t on my list of ingredients.”

  “What’s that?” the Captain asked.

  “I think its mulling spices and a guavaberry hot sauce.” Jennifer was shocked. “The combination would make the mouth draw and burn at the same time.”

  “How in the world . . .” the Captain began.

  “Whoever did this must have thought the tastes of the spices and hot sauce would blend with the rum.” Jennifer felt confused. “Who would be clever enough to disguise the hot sauce with the rum? Why? Why would anyone want to ruin such a nice dinner?”

  “Why, indeed!” The Captain stood and motioned to the maître d’ before bowing slightly to Jennifer. “Ladies, have a good evening. I will get back to you on this sometime tomorrow. Right now, it’s time for me to visit the galley.”

  “Don’t worry, Jenn,” Helga told her as they rose from the table. “Everything’s going to work out fine.”

  “No. It’s not,” Jennifer insisted. “Ryan is going to hate me.”

  Sheila put her arm around Jennifer’s shoulder and grinned. “Look at the bright side. At least you are getting what you wanted. He’ll probably never speak to you again.”

  Jennifer gasped. That was so insensitive, even for Sheila. “Ooooooo . . .” Jennifer gritted her teeth and stomped off feeling quite indignant. But not quite fast enough. As she hurried away she could hear Sheila laughing and telling Helga that the sparks were really going to fly this time.

  * * *

  Helga leaned against the railing of the Sun Deck and watched as waves broke away from the bow of the ship creating iridescent crests and a trail of fluorescent foam glowing in the moonlight. The ocean was dark and mysterious tonight---and so very lonely. Helga sighed heavily. The breeze chilled her and she shivered slightly. Before she could step back to go inside the ship, strong arms encircled her.

  Mike held her against him and whispered close to her ear, “I came to say good-bye.”

  Helga closed her eyes tightly and held back her tears. It wouldn’t do to let him know that she was hurting.

  “Look,” Mike began. “I know that I have teased you unmercifully, baited you, and aggravated you. But I just wanted your attention.”

  “Well,” Helga said with a quiet laugh, “you certainly managed that.”

  “Yeah. I guess I did.” Mike rubbed her arms gently. “I know that you think you are too old for me. God knows, you’ve certainly told me enough times. But I can’t help but think how wonderful we would be together.”

  Helga smiled to herself, but didn’t answer. She leaned more against him and rested her head against his shoulder.

  “Helga . . . I only have tonight. Tomorrow we’ll be in Eleuthera and you’ll be on duty all day. I’ll have family and friends all around me.”


  “And I want you so much that it hurts.” He turned her in his arms. “Helga, please.”

  Helga smiled up into his face. “I could give you this night, Michael Treymont, then you will say good-bye. What are you thinking?”

  “That I’ve finally found the woman I’ve been searching for,” he said earnestly. “Somehow we will work out the details. I’m serious, Helga. Please let me love you.”

  “Then you will come back to me?” Helga slipped her arms around his neck and settled against him. “You will find a place in your life for me?”

  “I will,” he promised, then gently kissed her lips before leading her away.

  * * *

  Jennifer straddled the big yellow banana boat and grasped the handle in front of her. The boat was really a large inflated tube shaped like a banana. She was thigh-high in water where her legs and feet dangled over each side, making it nearly impossible to grip the slippery banana with her legs. She could see how easy it would be to be bumped off. In her mind it didn’t matter if she fell off first, she wasn’t going to spend any time with Ryan. Nope. None. Even if he actually wanted to after last night.

  Seeing him board the ship-to-shore tender with Mike this morning had been a shock. She hadn’t been expecting to see him or the closed look he gave her. Now he sat quietly behind her as if she were a stranger. Well, let him give her the frosty treatment. As Sheila pointed out, he would probably never speak to her again anyway.

  Mike and Sheila sat in front of her, joking and laughing like a couple of kids, while they waited for the speed boat to tow them into deeper water.

  “You okay back there?” Mike called.

  “I’m fine,” Jennifer answered. “Just don’t rock the boat!” She placed her hands on his waist and leaned forward. “Whatever you do, don’t turn around,” she ordered.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he countered with a laugh. “Here we go!”

  People yelled and others cried out encouragement as the speed boat took off trailing the passenger laden banana boat behind it. Jennifer gripped the sides of the banana with her legs as tightly as she could. The banana boat bounced and bucked with each swell it encountered. The passengers laughed and called out to one another as the ride gained momentum. Jennifer felt herself being bounced up and down, but she could handle that. It was the sideways roll that had her worried.

  Suddenly, the speed boat turned and the banana boat was forced to cross its wake and almost immediately re-cross it. In the turmoil and flurry of cries, she could feel herself slipping off, but a firm hand from behind caught her waist and steadied her. Once she was back in place, she wiped her wet palms down her bathing suit trying to dry them as best she could. No sooner than she gripped the handle in front of her, the boat began buck up and down in a series of staccato bumps and rolls designed to unseat even the most agile. People screamed around her. She could hear the sounds of water splashing as person after person went flying into the ocean.

  Both Sheila and Mike were missing from their seats in front of her. Oh, no! The realization struck her that only she and maybe Ryan behind her were left on the back of the boat. The banana boat careened to the right
and she felt Ryan’s hands holding her waist as she became airborne. Within a few seconds she was plunging into the water, plastered against a hard unyielding body. Ryan held her tightly against him, taking the brunt of the impact, as the water splashed around them. She held her breath and tried not to struggle while speed and weight carried them deep. Then she could feel Ryan’s powerful body propelling them toward the surface. Her mind urged her to kick her legs, and kick she did, joining Ryan in an intimate and lifesaving underwater dance. When they broke the surface she gasped for air, delighting in the feel of it filling her lungs.

  “Are you all right?” Ryan asked between pants.

  “Oh, yes. Are you?”

  Ryan laughed—a low throaty laugh that reassured her. “I’m fine.”

  Jennifer turned toward the island and began swimming back to shore with slow, confident strokes. Ryan joined her, keeping her pace. Within a few minutes, she was able to stand on the bottom and walk the rest of the way in. Jennifer wondered at Ryan’s silence. He seemed satisfied to walk along with her. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she loved him and his presence threatened her composure. She knew the best way to handle the situation was to go off on her own. But first she wanted him to know she hadn’t tried to ruin his meal last night.

  “Ryan,” she began when she reached the hot sand, “about last night. I didn’t tamper with your food. I don’t know who did or why, but it wasn’t me.”

  “I know.”

  “You know?” Jennifer headed for her beach bag under the palm trees. “How?”

  “Mike and I had a little impromptu meeting with the chef. He confessed that he put cayenne pepper on my ginger dolphin and some spices and hot sauce in my brûlée.”

  “Chef Ruscelli? But why? Did he tell you?” Jennifer grabbed her bag and towel and waited impatiently while Ryan searched through the mountain of Mike’s belongings. When he retrieved his gear, they walked off together, oblivious to Mike and Sheila waving to them near the volleyball net.


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