Fire and Ice (Guardians)

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Fire and Ice (Guardians) Page 24

by Paige, Victoria

  Rick didn't seem deterred at all. "Maia, sweetie, I promised myself if we got out of there alive, I was going to give you a piece of my mind. It bothers the shit out of me that you talked me into letting you be the one to take the shot at the tank."

  Maia rolled her eyes and groaned, "Not that again."

  "You castrate a man with your take-no-prisoners approach," Rick said fiercely. "It should be me in that bed, not you."

  Maia's eyes softened. It was not the first time men in her team had felt the need to be the man and protect her when they could. It had been a struggle in the beginning but after her long years at the AGS and having proven herself numerous times she didn't even think of things being a gender issue. Which was why when she made snap decisions, gender was never factored in, just the best person for the job.

  "But didn't my logic make sense? You think I could have dug you out to give you CPR in time?"

  Rick grunted his agreement.

  "By the way, what happened to Lizveta?" Maia asked, changing the subject.

  "She's under DEA custody right now, but I've weighed in and told my superiors to be lenient with her and that she may have been an unwilling participant. They're still investigating, though."

  "No other survivors?"

  "None. Even the guard we tied up. Reznikov's men freed him and he was part of the assault at the lab."

  A look was exchanged between Maia and Rick recalling their discussion about the ethical dimension of taking lives.

  Rick stayed for another half an hour mostly tag-teaming with Derek to reform her "reckless" ways, or what Derek termed a de-indoctrinization from Viktor Baran's ways.

  When Rick finally got up and left, he said, "Hope to see you around, Maia Pierce. Call me if you need a partner anytime. You are one heck of a lady."

  Later that afternoon, Lee Isaac walked into her room. Luckily, Derek had to call-in to a conference with Jack and had decided to do it from his hotel room.

  Lee had his arm in a sling. Maia had been relieved to hear that the bullet had not hit any vital organs.

  He still had a haggard look to his face, suggesting he had not been sleeping well.

  "Maia, Princess," he said in a warm, soft voice. His eyes roamed over her bruised face and his mouth tightened. "I'm so sorry."

  "No, Lee," Maia said firmly. "It wasn't your fault. Sergei Reznikov had been after me for weeks."

  "And he finally got to you because of me," Lee said bitterly.

  "I was supposed to draw him out anyway," she said as she grasped one of Lee's hands to reassure him. "We were able to find the other DEA agent and we've shut him down. Everything turned out for the best in the end."

  "I still don't understand why you can't do something else," Lee said, returning to the argument they had had before the abduction. "I love you, I want to be with you but knowing you put your life on the line each time you go on assignment, that's gonna drive me insane."

  Maia smiled sadly. What could she say?

  Lee cleared his throat and asked, "Are you and Jack ..."

  "Lee, don't do this to yourself."

  "I need to know, Princess," Lee whispered.

  "We're together, yes."

  Lee gave a short mirthless laugh. "He sure looked like he wanted to break my neck a couple of times. He's lucky to have you. Unlucky too."

  Maia didn't say anything, just stared at their entwined fingers.

  Lee pulled his hand away to lift her face to look up at him. "I'm glad you're okay."

  "What are you going to do now that Addison is under investigation?"

  "Move to another club. I'm already fielding offers," Lee replied. "But with my shoulder injury, I'm thinking of going on vacation for a while." He looked at Maia half-grinning. "Wanna come to Bali with me?"

  Maia grinned, "I don't think I can fly anywhere just yet. And I think I'd prefer you to have all your teeth."

  Lee chuckled. "That kind of guy, huh?"

  After another uncomfortable moment, Lee leaned over and gave Maia a long, deep kiss. He pulled back with a grin. "Don't be a stranger, you know where I am."

  With that, Lee turned around and left. He crossed paths with Derek at the door who didn't bother disguising his scowl.

  "He didn't waste any time," Derek muttered.

  "Don't start," Maia warned.

  Derek looked at her innocently. "I'm not. Let's order pizza. Hospital food sucks."


  Jack took the Capital beltway exit towards Baltimore. He'd been in meetings all day and was now stuck in rush-hour traffic. He couldn't wait to get back to Maia but also decided that the delay may have been a good thing. It would probably give him time to cool down.

  He was still seething at the latest information from Derek regarding the truth about Maia's injuries. He had seen the bruising on her abdomen and had been appalled at how bad it looked. The doctor had been more concerned about the head injury after the full body scan revealed no internal injuries; everyone assumed that most of the bruising had come from the blast. And now he found out that Sergei Reznikov had beaten Maia and it made his blood boil. He was impotent with rage because the man was dead and there was nothing he could do in retribution. So now all his anger was directed at Maia, because Rick was right, she had no instinct for self-preservation. It was as if she had a death wish.

  Jack ran down the incidents so far: first was the jet ski, second was setting herself up as bait, third was challenging Reznikov to beat her up and shoot her, and then taking a shot at the gas tank. Other hints of self-destructive behavior included taking down the three thugs at Betty Banning's grocery store when she could have had the choice to stand down. What bugged Jack was that he couldn't say he would not have done the same thing given the circumstances. But why, damn it, did it happen to Maia every freaking time? And that pissed him off.

  She wasn't an adrenalin junkie, she didn't go out of her way looking for danger. In fact she could be mellow and just sit still when she wanted to. Heck, she loved to bake, sit out on the deck, drink tequila and enjoy the sunset.

  Jack thought about the recurring nightmares of her parent's murders. Those may hold the key. He had woken up a couple of more times to those heartbreaking dreams that Maia never remembered. He had never mentioned them to her either. Well, that was about to change now that they could finally slow down and work towards having a relationship.

  When he was a Navy SEAL he had heard stories of soldiers who had been lone survivors of attacks. There was a phenomenon called "survivor's guilt" and he wondered if eighteen years down the road this had been the motivation for Maia's actions, even without her realizing it. If she was still having nightmares, that trauma may not have truly been resolved and was lingering in her subconscious and had been manifesting itself in her decisions. That she should have died eighteen years before with her parents, that she should not be living this life might explain why she was willing to sacrifice herself at every chance she could get. The thought made Jack's blood run cold.

  Somehow he didn't think she would be open to seeing a shrink.

  But there were so many things he wanted with Maia. He felt his chest tighten when he realized he was contemplating a future with her. It would be great if she stayed alive long enough for her to share it with him.

  By the time his SUV pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, he had his anger in check. Now was not the time to go off on her when she was at her lowest. He could wait. He could be patient.

  "Thanksgiving is next week," Jack remarked casually as he handed Maia another slice of pizza. "You're invited too, Derek."

  "What do you mean?" Maia asked in confusion. She must not have been recovering her wits fast enough because she'd been having trouble understanding Jack.

  "Mom called," Jack said, taking a bite out of a slice of pepperoni pizza. "She's been so happy about the end of Brett's protective custody she thinks she could pull off a grand party by next week. She's invited fifty people for Thanksgiving dinner. We're heading to Rich
mond, babe."

  "Okay, okay," Maia said holding up her hands as if trying to figure out something. "Hold it right there." By this point, her voice had risen in pitch. "I am not going to Thanksgiving dinner at your Mom's"

  "Maia, calm down," Jack said softly.

  "No, I won't calm down!" Maia screeched. She started hyperventilating.

  Derek chuckled while Jack tried to control a grin.

  "It's not funny!"

  "Sweetheart, you just annihilated a Russian drug lord and you're panicking about Thanksgiving at my mother's, of course it's funny," Jack said with amusement. He put his pizza down and scooted closer and tried to hug her. She pulled away.

  "I can stay at your apartment, you don't have to worry about me," Maia said in a small voice.

  "Don't worry, I'll be there. You won't be alone with his busybody nosy relatives," Derek added.

  "It's not that," Maia said. "I've met your parents, Jack. They're very traditional. And you're not the type to bring home someone you've only just started dating. How many of your girlfriends have you brought to Thanksgiving dinners?"

  Jack scowled but admitted reluctantly, "Only Claire."

  "See, my point exactly," Maia replied. She chose her next words carefully as Jack's expression started to darken. "Look, I know you'd feel guilty about leaving me at New Park while you take off to go to Thanksgiving dinner at your mom's. But don't. I'm used to spending it alone even if..."

  "It has nothing to do with guilt!" Jack snapped angrily, all the amusement of earlier disappearing.

  Derek mumbled something about leaving them to settle things and retreated out the room.

  "I just want you to be with me," he added roughly, not looking at Maia's eyes. He stared at his feet. "Look I don't know what you are waiting for me to say ... I ... it's too soon."

  "I'm not expecting you to say anything," Maia cut in quickly, her panic returning but for a different reason. She could feel that Jack wanted to tell her something but was struggling with the words. And they were the words she dreaded to hear because they might echo her own feelings. She was falling in love with him and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She was addicted to his presence, to his touch. No man had ever made her feel like this. It made her feel unsettled, like she had no right to these feelings.

  "Oh, for heaven's sake, I'll go then. Sorry for making such a fuss about it." Maia tried to make light of it. "I guess with fifty other people it would hardly be an intimate family affair."

  Jack's eyes shot to hers suspiciously and narrowed. Maia grinned back innocently and called out to their friend. "Derek, you can quit hovering and come back in."

  "Any relative I should steer clear off?" Maia asked leading the subject away from dangerous ground.

  "His Aunt Nat," Derek replied. "She plays the matchmaker all the time. And she's been after Jack to settle down for the past, what? Seven years? Oh, and if Stephanie Locke is there, stay away from her too."

  "Who's that?"

  "She's a long-time family friend, Derek," Jack said exasperatedly.

  "Who's got the hots for you."

  "She was Anna's best friend!"

  "Anna was your sister?" Maia asked.

  Jack nodded. "Steph is like a little sister to me."

  "Oh yeah?" Derek said. "The way she looks at you, I doubt she thinks of you as a big brother."

  Jack suddenly looked uncomfortable, his bronze skin turning ruddy. "Can we drop this? It doesn't matter does it? Maia will be with me."

  "Did anything happen, Jack? With Steph?" Maia asked, because Jack looked like someone had set his ass on fire.

  He sighed. "Last Thanksgiving, she was waiting for me in my bedroom. Naked."


  "We slept together, alright?" Jack said irritably. "It was just that one time and wasn't one of my proudest moments."

  "That's kind of pervy seeing as you thought of her like a little sister," Maia teased as Derek laughed his head off.

  Jack glared at both of them before breaking into a wry grin as he wrapped his arms around Maia in a gentle bear hug.

  He leaned in and whispered into her ear, "Well, you're there and all I want in my bed. I'd like to do the most pervy things to you."

  "Uh, guys, really?" Derek muttered.

  "Get over it, Lockwood," Jack retorted as Maia smothered her laughter in his chest.


  The beautiful federal house was built among the historical townhomes on 35th street in the old Georgetown neighborhood. It had an antique buttery-yellow facade with wrought-iron gates and a brick walkway that led to a covered front porch.

  Maia took out her keys, opened the door and motioned for Jack to walk in. He carried her LV suitcases so they could switch up a few of her things before he took her home to his apartment.

  "Charming place, pricey neighborhood," Jack observed. "AGS must pay you well."

  "The property belongs to Viktor, he lets me live in it in between assignments," Maia said. "He said since it's on my cover anyway might as well make it feel like my own."

  "How long have you had it?"

  "Eight years now, I think," Maia said. "I love this old house. He's even renovated the kitchen for me knowing how much I love to cook."

  For some reason, Jack wasn't thrilled about Viktor renovating any kitchen for Maia. That went above and beyond an employer's duties.

  And as Maia led him to the kitchen where she deposited her keys on the counter, he became more unhappy. The kitchen had top-of-the-line appliances and cabinets and opened through French doors into a surprisingly well-maintained garden. There weren't many blooms since it was autumn but the fall foliage was remarkable.

  "Before you say anything, no I do not take care of the yard," Maia laughed. "Viktor has an arrangement with a landscaping company that makes sure everything is neat and tidy."

  "Viktor sure takes care of you," Jack muttered irritably.

  Maia angled her eyes at him, "Do I detect some disapproval in that tone?"

  Might as well get it out of his system, Jack thought so here goes. "Maia, have you and Viktor had any, uh...any...have you ever slept with him?"

  Maia's eyes widened in horror. Jack felt a wave of relief.

  "Oh my God, ech!" Maia said as she dissolved into a rare fit of giggles. "No, he is like an older brother to me." And then remembering their previous conversation, "And not in the sense you were to Stephanie. Oh, wait until I tell Viktor. Wait, I probably shouldn't. Don't think he's gonna find it amusing," Maia said as if talking to herself. "Not that I didn't have a crush on him at some point in my life. Lots of women find him attractive, so I can understand why you thought that. He's a player though." Then she gave him an appraising look. "Well, you should know."

  Jack grunted. The reason he did not like Viktor was because that man reminded him too much of himself.

  They made their way to the second floor, where her bedroom was located. It had a huge walk-in closet with drawers full of expensive garters, silk panties, bustiers, hose and bras.

  Jack lifted one particularly intricate garter with a finger and raised an eyebrow.

  "I get carried away with those. I love sexy underwear," Maia said.

  "I do too," he said thickly. "Come here."

  Jack didn't exactly wait for Maia to walk up to him and instead, while mindful of her injuries, reached out and pulled her towards him. He lowered his head to kiss her, tilting her chin up gently to receive his probing mouth. He slipped his tongue playfully through her lips and tasted the hints of the chocolate she had eaten right before they arrived. Jack groaned; if he didn't stop now he may lose all control and hurt her. Setting her from him, he murmured, "The things I want to do to you. Seriously, I think you get into all this trouble on purpose to torture me."

  Maia smirked up at him and pulled his head back down to her, "Well, Jack, we can always treat this as extended foreplay." She licked the edge of his lips before pressing hers to him, running her tongue along the edge of his mouth, her other hand heading
south to unzip his jeans. She reached into his boxer briefs and stroked his rapidly growing erection.

  She pushed him against the drawer, driving the pace of their kissing. Jack grabbed her buttocks and pressed her closer to him, her hand wedged between them, her thumb rubbing the silky tip of his cock and driving him insane with desire. Suddenly, Maia whimpered and leaned into him almost with her full weight.

  "Maia, are you all right?" Jack croaked worriedly, snapping out of his haze of lust.

  "Um, dizzy. I guess I'm not in full seductress mode just yet," she murmured apologetically. "Sorry."

  "Hey, it's okay," Jack said stroking her hair. "I enjoy fooling around. But we should take it easy, okay?"

  Maia nodded and sat down on the hardwood floor of her closet while Jack went back to the bedroom to bring in the suitcases.

  "Take your time," Jack got down on the floor beside her, pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. He began stroking the side of her arm absentmindedly. "Just pick out the clothes you want and I'll pack them for you."

  She looked up at him and smiled weakly. Jack felt his heart lurch. God, how he loved her and longed to tell her but he was afraid she would shutdown on him. Did she think he had not noticed her about-face on the Thanksgiving plans because she realized he was on the verge of admitting his feelings for her? It annoyed Jack at first, but he welcomed the respite as he was saved from blurting out his feelings like an inexperienced teenager. The challenge between Maia and himself was their perceptiveness in assessing motivations because they were both trained for that in their jobs. It was hard to hide emotions or intent.

  He was 39-years old damn it. Maybe it was not required to say the words anymore. As the thought crossed his mind, he knew he was a hypocrite. He would like to hear Maia say the words, that she was in love with him and that he belonged to her. Jack kissed her forehead again. Because she certainly belonged to him and he was definitely in love with her.


  Maia's recovery progressed rapidly over the next few days. She was confined to the bed and the couch upon arrival at Jack's penthouse apartment. He occupied an entire floor in one of the city's trendiest apartment building, but despite the amenities of a huge comfortable bed and home theatre in the living room, there was only so much Maia could take for 72 hours of convalescence. This was in addition to the three days she had already spent in the hospital. So she demanded to be let out of the apartment, to which Jack reluctantly agreed.


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