Grounding Gracus (First Wave Book 6)

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Grounding Gracus (First Wave Book 6) Page 30

by Mikayla Lane

  Gracus on the other hand, had walked up to Ivint, Scaden and Reven to report for duty. “Sirs, I’m ready for duty if you can get me a lift to the Adaria,” Gracus said.

  He was a little surprised when the three men just stared at one another. He looked to Scaden who ran a hand through his hair before speaking.

  “Yeah, Gracus… well there’s quite a few reasons for it… and not all of it has to do with your multiple vehicle crashes here on the planet, or the two flat spins you took during a drop… or even the accidental drug overdose…,” Scaden said, trying to find the words.

  “You’re grounded, boy,” Reven said bluntly.

  Gracus’s mouth dropped open in stunned shock. He’d never thought to hear those words until he was an old man. Not while he was in the early stages of his career! What the hell!

  “Sir…,” Gracus began, looking at Ivint for why he was being grounded.

  Ivint cut him off. “Don’t stress it, son. We have other plans for you. You will understand the reasoning later, but it is not something we will go over right now. What we need now, is more important than you being on that ship,” Ivint said, looking around to make sure they weren’t overheard.

  Gracus looked curiously at Scaden and said through their private path on the Shengari’, “What’s going on?”

  Scaden shook his head and answered, “We’re not saying anything through the Shengari’ either, in case Tricia or David has learned how to listen in like Lara does.”

  Gracus nodded his head, understanding the secrecy the men were employing around the others. He could definitely get on board with it too. He was just as sick as the other men at the thought of what Tricia, Jax and David were planning to do. By themselves, with only the hybrids. And he knew damn well that Grai would kill them all for letting his pregnant mate put herself in any kind of danger. Gracus would feel the same way if it was Rebecca over there plotting with Jax and David.

  He looked up as Rebecca walked over to him and he put his arm around her, holding her close as she looked up at him. “I feel so helpless and useless standing here doing nothing. I wish we could help,” she admitted quietly.

  Ivint Torenson looked around the room, noting everything that was happening and who was doing what, developing his own plans as things progressed. He looked over at Gracus and Rebecca. “Don’t worry, the rest of us will be just as busy, the moment they leave,” he said cryptically.


  Tricia leaned over the table and pointed at the map with one hand while she rubbed her back with the other. Damn, if her feet hadn’t picked a bad time to swell, while the back spasms ran wild. She felt Tristan’s hand on her back and immediately the spasms stopped.

  She leaned down to kiss her tired son. “Thank you, baby,” she said as she brushed his bangs out of his eyes.

  When he started grunting at her and pointing to the table, Tricia laughed and stood. “I get it, I get it. We can cuddle later, after we get daddy.” She couldn’t agree with him more.

  Gibly was walking on the table and pointed to the trail to the cave entrance. “They knew we were there. The energy told them,” Gibly said warningly.

  That got Tricia’s attention. “So, that means we can use the same energy against them,” she said, more to herself than anyone else.

  David turned to her, trying to figure out where she was going with this. “How do you mean?”

  Tricia looked between David and Jax. “You felt it when we got here. The closer we are to the ley line, the more power I can feel rushing through me. And the baby feels it too,” she said, rubbing her anxious daughter.

  David was still confused, even though he could also feel the energy rushing through his body. “But, how do we use it against them, if they’re using it to?”

  Tricia sighed and shook her head. “I honestly don’t know yet. But, I’m going to find out when I get to that cave entrance. Are you guys ready?” she asked a stunned David and Jax.

  David was getting ready to freak out when Tricia held up her hand. “Don’t even try it. Any of you,” she said as she looked around at the stunned and silent room.

  When Ivint looked to speak she pinched her fingers together and his lips sealed against his will, as she faced the room. “I will not hear anything other than an affirmative response to what I ask and I’m not asking for anyone’s opinion. You can help me, or stand aside, but I will do what I have to do to get him back. To get them all back. And if you’d rather be the one to face my hormonal wrath, instead of the idiots holding my mate… then try me,” Tricia said.

  When the room was still silent, of their own free will, Tricia leaned down to kiss her son. “Hey my little warrior. I need you to stay here while I go get…,” Tricia began, but Tristan began to freak out on her.

  He bucked wildly back and forth against the chair, rocking so hard that Tricia was afraid he was going to hurt himself, and screaming and grunting the whole time as he pointed back and forth between him and his mother.

  Tricia held him close as he calmed a little and Gibly walked over to her on the table top and grinned. “The little warrior wants to go,” Gibly said.

  Tricia looked at the cat in surprise before she looked at her small, but very brave boy. “Oh baby… your daddy would be so proud of you. But, you need…,” Tricia began, but Tristan threw another fit.

  Gibly chuckled while Tricia threw him a frustrated glare and tried to calm the boy again. It only made Gibly laugh harder. “If you want to take the energy from them, you must take the warrior,” Gibly said.

  “What the hell does that mean?” David asked, getting frustrated over the situation.

  Gibly sat at the end of the table, near Tristan and Tricia and smiled at the boy. “In the other realms, where the child lives, within his own mind, he is a king,” Gibly said, as if proud of the boy.

  Tricia looked at the cat like he’d lost his mind. “But, in this one, he’s a small boy, who could get hurt just climbing the trail!”

  Gibly cocked his head to the side and looked at Tricia curiously. “You see only the boy, trying to learn this world, while he exists in others. You need to try and see the warrior that thrives in those worlds, who is looking for a way to make you understand how to help him thrive in this one,” Gibly said, almost chastising her.

  Jax snorted. “Damn Gibly, could you be any more vague!”

  Ivint finally spoke up, “Alright, don’t you think this has gone far enough when you’re thinking of taking a five year old boy into a war?”

  The room again erupted into verbal chaos, the shouting and opinions flying around the room in a heated rush as each side wanted their opinion heard on the matter. In the end… it didn’t matter. By the time everyone cooled down, it was too late.


  Tricia huffed up the last few steps of the trail and leaned forward to rest her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. Damn, if the walk didn’t feel like it broke her back. And her feet! Hell, those things were so big they could fit in clown shoes, she thought with a sigh as she straightened up and took Tristan’s hand as Gibly trotted up to the entrance.

  Tricia walked right up to the hybrid’s that were currently guarding the cave entrance and immediately silenced and immobilized them, not in the damn mood for more protests. Instead, she walked around the entrance with Tristan, feeling the ebb and flow of the energy lines that were intersecting the area. The strands were much heavier and thicker here. Some strange… foreign. Others were more familiar. As if the strands to more than one place were using the same energy line.

  Gibly smiled and said, “Now you understand.”

  Tricia smiled at her son. “You knew didn’t you?” she asked, already knowing the answer before he nodded his head vigorously and grunted at the entrance.

  Tricia stood and faced the cave entrance as she felt the disturbance in the air around them and looked up. From the other side of the mountain came ships. Ships that didn’t belong to their people. Tricia knew as she turned to see her own fighters de
scending from the sky behind her, that she would have one chance. One chance to save them all, or die with her son trying.

  Tricia looked down at her little warrior, took his hand and whispered, “I love you, baby.”

  Tristan, looked away from his mother, his free hand gesticulating wildly in the air, creating golden swirls of energy that stayed suspended for a few seconds before disappearing.

  The little boy’s body began to vibrate as his hand began to move so quickly that Tricia was having a hard time following it. Moments later, he jerked away from his mother, ran to the entrance and placed his palms on the mountain.

  Tricia began running to him as the rock began to crumble around his little hands and the mountain began to shake beneath their feet. It stopped the moment Tristan pulled his hands from the mountain, leaving the door open.

  The little boy climbed over the pile of rocks and debris in front of the door and walked calmly inside the cave, his right hand furiously drawing symbols in the air as he walked, the lights coming on inside as he did. As Tricia, Gibly and a dozen Sibiox followed the boy inside, she heard a large crack and rumble from behind her. They broke into a run as the rock crumbled beneath their feet.


  Within the depths of that mountain, a very special, and powerful little boy, was proving why it was never a good idea to make assumptions about people, when you have no idea just what they may be capable of.

  To my Readers:

  No bears were harmed in the making of this book! All joking aside, I should have known when this book “wrote itself” that it would turn out to be a much larger story than I had planned. Dare’s book as well as Grai’s started out this way. I will be labelling this thing all to hell as a PART 1, in order to discourage those who hate cliffhangers, to avoid it until True Traitor is released.

  Because this ended up being a heavy two-parter, I will not be doing Mikal next, but will do Part 2 instead. Mikal will be released in October.

  But, on a bright note, by the time you read this, I should already be halfway through Part 2 and praying for an early release. I’m also dying to find out what happens!


  Coming in Late July 2015

  True Traitor

  True Demetrios had no idea that such a stupid mistake could turn so disastrous. Until she awakened in a strange room, naked beneath silk sheets, with a devastatingly handsome man staring at her. With every whispered word and every charming smile, True finds herself sinking further under his spell.

  Leif Erikson had long ago given up hope of finding a mate. As the son of the legendary explorer, he had enough on his plate just living up to his father and grandfather’s expectations. So, when his mate literally walks in his front door, he’s stunned and immediately captivated by the spirited woman.

  But a war wages around them, one side led by a man with thousands of years of rage and hatred that has only built over time. A Valendran legend. Fiorn Erikson. The other side by a pregnant mate, and her small, but special son, who want their loved one back alive, along with their people.

  Caught between two sides in a war they didn’t choose, and hours away from a hybrid Armageddon, True and Leif must decide if they will choose their love or their people. With Grai’s life and the lives of the hybrids resting in their hands, will one or both, become a… True Traitor?




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