Taming the Heiress

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Taming the Heiress Page 4

by Tiffany Graff Winston

  He even threatened me, saying he would cut off my trust fund if I didn't give it a try.

  Which is probably why I made my first mistake ... Because I may have gone on a little teensy itty bitty date with Cristiano in the end, just to make my father shut up.

  As handsome as he was, I hated the fact that he was so possessive, a true alpha male. Sure, I like someone who is dominant, but I'm not up for someone dictating my every move, which he apparently thought he had the right to.

  And as disastrous as the date was, at least I could tell my Dad I tried.

  What I was not expecting was that my father and Cristiano would conspire against me and actually announce our engagement without even fucking asking me.

  And the best way to find out about that is not being cornered by paparazzi while you're being kissed by a man who is decidedly not your fiancé.

  But I should have known it would happen, what with my father's assistance.

  I'm speechless, though, and I don't have a word to say to Kaiden who is looking at me like I completely betrayed him. I gasp for air like a fish out of water, not knowing what to say.

  "Kaiden," I finally manage, but he raises a hand in the air, smiling ironically.

  "Is it true?" he asks simply, and I'm rendered speechless. He waits for a split second, but then he demands an answer again. "Is it?"

  His voice is rising and we're still surrounded by paparazzi, intent on capturing everything that happens between us on film.

  "It ... might be," I finally say softly, and the broken look in his eyes ruins me. "But it's not what it seems like! It's not like that at all!"

  He waves a hand in the air dismissively. "I don't care, Francesca," he says tiredly. "I can't deal with this anymore. I just ... I thought we had something special, you know?"

  We exchange glances as the cameras click around us, and my heart beats wildly in my chest. "Please," I whisper softly, but he doesn't wait for me to go on.

  Kaiden Hunter, whom I've hated, wanted and craved all in the space of a few weeks, walks out of my life once and for all.

  Chapter 10


  I wallow in self pity for weeks.

  I don't even know why.

  Here's a girl whom I haven't even had sex with ... the most I've done was touch her, but damn, it felt so good. Feeling her on my fingers, kissing her pouty lips. It drove me insane.

  I've never been one to commit. And I never thought I would. That's why it hurt even more when it all went down - knowing she was cheating on someone else with me.

  The tabloids and gossip sites have been full of photos of her lately. After the initial scandal of being caught kissing me, she went back to that Italian guy.

  Cristiano. His name alone makes me want to break his teeth.

  Because as much as I try to convince myself that I don't care ... I do. I want her for myself, want to feel her warm lips on other parts of my skin. I want her touch, her love, her attention.

  And I've been robbed of all of that by some dude named Cristiano, for fuck's sake.

  What hurts the most is the fact that she didn't even try to explain.

  After we went our separate way in that alley, she didn't try to make contact with me once. Didn't call, didn't e-mail. She still hasn't accepted my goddamn Facebook friend request, for fuck's sake.

  And s much as I tell myself I don't care ... Even I don't believe it.

  Francesca DeMarco is on my mind all day, every day. And I don't see that changing any time soon.

  I'm finally dragged out of my apartment by an old friend, Angus. Instead of being happy about finally heading outside though, I'm plagued by memories of our terrible double date with Angus and Emma, where I met Francesca.

  Then again, I would probably be thinking about her if I saw a gum wrapper on the floor, somehow tying it in with Francesca. Fuck, I'm doomed.

  "You have to get it together, man," Angus tells me with a sigh while we down our beers in an uptown bar. "You can't keep going on like this."

  "I know," I grumble. "But there's just ..."

  "No, Kai," Angus says sternly, sighing heavily. "Listen, she's just a girl. I know she's gorgeous, beautiful ... I know you keep thinking about her. But listen, there are so many girls out there. You'll find someone else."

  "But ..." I start, rubbing my eyes tiredly. "I don't want anyone else."

  And it's true. All I want is her, Francesca ... The Italian beauty with legs for miles, silky locks and a pouty mouth that makes me go wild just by looking at it.

  Just then, I make up my mind. "Listen, Angus," I say hurriedly. "Thanks for the drink. I need to get going. There's something I have to do."

  He grins at me from across the table. "You're a goner, man ..." he says.

  I smile back at him, my mind already making up a plan. "She's worth it," I say truthfully, almost jogging out of the bar.


  I don't waste any time.

  I call Emmalee, Francesca's friend, and even though it takes me ages, I manage to convince her to give me the address I need. I go home and take a quick shower, standing in front of my wardrobe for three times longer than I usually would.

  Finally, I pick a more formal outfit - for me, at least. I go with jeans and a shirt, and I reckon I look pretty good. I slick my hair back in an old-fashioned style, even though I still have the same haircut.

  Then I take a deep breath and ask my driver to take me to Manhattan.

  The traffic is awful, but for once I am thankful, taking the extra time to work on my plan. We finally arrive at our destination half an hour later, and I stumble out of the car.

  I walk straight into the building and up to the receptionists desk. The woman looks at me uncertainly, asking who I'm here to see.

  "Gianni DeMarco," I say, my voice more sure of what I'm doing then my mind.

  "Do you have an appointment?" she asks me doubtfully.

  "Tell him it's about his daughter," I say confidently, and she gives me another unsure look, but ends up dialing a number. My heart skips a beat as she exchanges a few short words with the person on the other line.

  She finally sets the phone down and gives me a tight-lipped smile. "Mr. DeMarco is in a meeting, but you're welcome to wait in his office," she tells me.

  And that's all I need.


  You would think Mr. DeMarco would be out of his meeting sooner than in three hours. I've been sitting in an uncomfortable chair for hours while his assistant keeps eyeing me and shooting suggestive remarks my way.

  If I have to reject one more cup of coffee and an invitation of 'a tour of the kitchen' complete with three winks, I'm going to go insane.

  But then finally, mercifully, the door opens, and in walks a tall, broad shouldered man. He looks nothing like Francesca at first sight, but as I jump up hurriedly and look at him closely, I can see the resemblance.

  It's in that defiant chin, the high cheekbones. They're definitely related.

  "Mr. DeMarco!" I say, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.

  The man looks at me blankly, shuffling through a stack of papers, his glasses perched on the tip of his nose. "Do I know you?" he asks without interest.

  "My name is Kaiden Hunter," I say in a hurry, desperate to have his attention.

  And that definitely does it, because he sets down a stack of papers on his assistant's desk and gives me a look that could kill. "You better come in my office," he says sternly, and I feel like I have to go to the principal's office.

  I follow him into the other room sheepishly, immediately impressed by the beautiful view he has. I'm about to comment on it and his nicely decorated office, but he gives me a death glare and I just decide to shut up.

  He motions for me to sit down and I do as he says.

  I almost have a feeling I can smell something of Francesca's in the air. That sweet scent of honeydew is present, like she was here only a few hours ago.

  But I think it would be best not to mention that to Francesca's D

  "Why are you here, boy?" he says at that moment, looking at me like he's heard it all. And with a daughter as gorgeous as Francesca, I'm sure he has ... Though I keep hoping he'll make an exception in my case and actually do what I ask him.

  "Mr. DeMarco, I want to date your daughter," I jump straight to the point.

  "My daughter is engaged," he says, plain and simple.

  "I know," i say softly. "But I ... I don't think he's the right man for her."

  He looks at me doubtfully. "And what makes you think that?"

  I lean forward. "Have you ever been in love, Mr. DeMarco?"

  He looks thoughtful for a moment, but finally, he nods. "I have ..."

  I give him an encouraging smile, and finally start to explain myself. "I think ... I think I might be in love with your daughter."

  The admission takes a lot out of me, but DeMarco just stares at me, like he's waiting for me to go on. So I do exactly that, pouring my heart out to the man whose daughter I just realized I love.

  "Listen, I'm not an expert. I've never been in love before ... I didn't even realize that's what it was until I started talking about it. But there's something about her. The way her eyes light up when she sees me, the way she holds her head when she knows she's right."

  I sigh heavily.

  "I know I don't know her that well, but sometimes you just feel and know that it's right. And I do, this time around. She's special ... so special. I hope you'll let me have a shot with her."

  "She's engaged," Mr. DeMarco repeats like a broken record, and those words make me realize how stupid this whole endeavor is.

  But somehow, I just can't let it go.

  "It's not too late," I say passionately. "I just need another chance to make it right ... Make her see she belongs with me, and not some guy who shares a name with a prissy soccer player."

  I hear a snort and I look at the man in front of me with surprise. He's actually stifling back a laugh, and it's infectious, so I start smiling as well.

  "So," I say. "What do you say? Can I have another chance with your daughter?"

  His face slowly breaks into a smile. "I don't know. Why don't you ask her yourself?"

  I look at him with confusion, but then I hear movement behind me and I turn around quickly. And there she is ... my beautiful, perfect girl.

  I get up quickly, strolling towards her and stopping only a few steps away from her. "Were you here for all of that?" I ask her softly.

  Her eyes are glassy and her mouth is not pouty for once, instead, the corners of it are being pulled up by an involuntary smile. "Yes," she says, just as softly as I did.

  "Did you hear ... what I said?" I ask, my grin spreading.

  She nods simply, and shuffles from one foot to another.

  "And what about that guy ... Cristiano?" I continue, this question being the most important of them all. She sighs heavily and I prepare for my heart to drop, but instead, she looks at her father over my shoulder.

  "Care to explain, Daddy?" she says with an amused smile.

  I turn around to look at Mr. DeMarco, who actually looks embarrassed for a second. "Well," he begins hesitantly. "I may have ... jumped the gun on that one. I set her up with Cristiano ... I thought he was a good guy! From an Italian family, you know?"

  He looks at me for affirmation and I just give him a blank look, so he finally sighs and looks away.

  "Francesca ... My daughter never agreed to marry him. It's just something I cooked up," he says apologetically, smiling like that's going to fix everything.

  "What?" I ask angrily. "How could you do that?"

  His eyebrows rise and he looks at me sternly. "Are you objecting my decision, boy? I thought you wanted a shot with my daughter."

  I clear my throat and am about to apologize, when he laughs heartily, comes around the desk and gives me a slap on the back, so hard I nearly topple over.

  "You have my blessing," he says, laughing again. "I like you, boy."

  I grin right back at him and am about to turn around to Francesca, when he grips my shirt and pulls me closer. "No sex before marriage," he says sternly.

  I look at Francesca over his shoulder and her wicked smile lets me know she has something entirely different in her mind.

  Chapter 11


  We have to sit through lunch with my father for two freaking hours until he finally lets us go. He takes us to The Four Seasons, which we're both underdressed for, but there's no talking Dad out of something when he's decided ... as has been proven over and over again today.

  But my Dad's presence doesn't stop Kaiden from playing footsie with me under the table, and I keep blushing as hit foot brushes up against mine.

  Finally, my father says goodbye, but not before giving us both stern looks. And then, mercifully, Kaiden and I are left to ourselves.

  "Hey," he says softly.

  "Hi," I reply with a light flush of my cheeks, and then we just grin stupidly at each other while an awkward pause descend. "So ... you want to go back to my place?"

  "I have a better idea," he says with a cheeky grin. He pulls something out of his pocket and dangles a hotel key in front of my eyes.

  "What ... when did you get that?" I ask hesitantly.

  "I went to the bathroom, remember?" he says, his voice promising something much more interesting once we get to room 521. "So ... want to come with me?"

  I think it through for a split second, but I'm already laughing and nodding at the same time. He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the elevators in the corner of the hall.

  We try to be civil as we wait for the lift to get to the lobby, and then we quickly go inside, Kaiden blocking the entrance with his body so no one else can get in.

  "Oh, so sorry! No place left in here, my apologies," he says in a fake Australian accent and I have to fight back my laughter until the elevator door closes.

  But as soon as that happens, I realize we're finally alone ... and we're going to do something I've wanted to happen since I first set eyes on Kaiden on our double date, as much as I tried to deny it.

  He comes closer to me slowly, hesitantly. And finally, he pulls me closer, crushing our bodies together. I can feel his hardness through his jeans and it makes me instantly wet.

  "Fuck, Francesca," he whispers in my ear hoarsely. "I've been waiting for this for too long."

  "It' been a month," I say, smiling softly against his ear. "Are you that impatient?"

  His hands find my ass and he lifts me up suddenly as I shriek with surprise. "When it comes to you?" he asks me, gently biting my ear lobe. "Definitely."


  We get to our hotel room, laughing nervously as we enter. Kaiden has to try the key card three times before we finally manage to get in, and we're in a beautiful hotel room.

  Looking at each other nervously, I only have a split second to realize this is actually happening. I'm finally here with him ... and I know I'll let him have all of me right here, right now.

  Tentatively, I step towards him and he wraps his arms around my body so softly, like I'm made out of porcelain. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to," he whispers softly in my ear.

  I giggle, and he looks at me with surprise in his eyes.

  "You've got to be kidding, Kaiden," I say. "I've been waiting for this for a month and I'm not about to-"

  He silences me with a long, hard kiss. It's demanding more, more and more out of me, draining me of any complaints and banter I might've thought I had in me.

  I whisper his name against his lips and he takes my hand, slowly guiding me toward the king size bed in the middle of the bedroom. He sits down on the edge of the bed, pulling closer, his hands resting on my hips.

  Our eyes lock together and his gaze asks me whether it's okay to go on. I give a small nod of my head and accompany it with a smile, and slowly, he slides my skirt down, revealing my naked legs and the silk lace thong I'm wearing.

  "Fuck, baby," he groans. "You're perfection from to
p to bottom, aren't you?"

  I blush lightly and help him take my skirt off, and then my top follows until I'm standing in front of him in just lingerie. He drinks me in like I'm a sight to behold, so I cover my body self-consciously.

  "Not fair," I complain. "I need to see you too ..."

  He grins widely, obeying my request immediately. He gets up from the bed, raising his hands, and I pull of his shirt, my body rubbing against his rock hard chest.

  He's chiseled to perfection, his abs packed and muscular, his shoulders broad, the muscles in his arms flexing as he throws his shirt on the floor.

  With trembling fingers, I reach for his jeans, undoing the button and the zipper. I look into his eyes and my heart skips a beat as he takes my hand and helps me pull them down.

  His boxers are straining against his hardness, and I can't help but gasp lightly when I see how big he is. It's my first time getting a good look at him ... and I can't quite look away.

  "Come here, beautiful," he beckons me over, and I crash my body against his, landing on top of him on the bed, the situation reminding me of what happened in his bedroom.

  I immediately feel myself growing wet for him, already for his thick cock, even though it's not even out of his boxers yet.

  He kisses my collarbone, his kisses light and fleeting, driving me insane with the want for more. Kaiden slides a bra strap off my shoulder and I moan when his lips hit the sensitive area of my décolletage.

  "Lower," I beg in a raspy voice.

  His lips move slowly to my bra cup, moving just above the fabric. "Here?" he teases me, licking slowly at the sensitive spot.

  "Lower," I beg again, trembling with the expectation of his lips on my breasts.

  He moves my bra out of the way, unsnapping it in a split second and throwing it on the floor. He looks right into my eyes as his lips find my pebbled nipple, taking it in his mouth.

  "Feels good?" he asks me, lapping at my hardened buds.

  I moan in response, pressing my body against him, until I'm straddling him. I feel his cock stirring underneath us, so long and thick I wonder how it will even fit inside me.


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