This was the moment Marisa had been waiting ten years to enjoy.
It felt even better than she’d dreamed. The scientists were all waving their hands in the air, desperate to quiz her about the solar panels. Or possibly to invite her to lunch! She wasn’t sure which. But she couldn’t wait to find out.
Dr. Palindrome cleared his throat, quieting the crowd. “Now, I’m sure you all have a lot of questions for Dr. Moran—”
“Morice,” Marisa corrected him, with a confidence that surprised even her. “Sorry.”
“Not at all! Morice! Right! My apologies. But before we get to the questions, let’s not forget Dr. Vasquez. Have you got something for us that’s even more amazing than a solution to all of mankind’s energy needs?”
“I think I do,” said Dr. Vasquez. “I’ve invented a time machine.”
She whipped the sheet off her giant box, revealing a six-foot-tall, five-foot-wide contraption made of metal and glass.
The room exploded with noise as fifty-seven scientists and a janitor went completely bonkers.
We would like to especially acknowledge our Education Director Quinton Johnson, whose brilliant pedagogies underlie the Mystery Creation Zone, and without whom the Story Pirates would not be teaching creative writing in such a dynamic, engaging, and effective way.
We would also like to thank the following friends, colleagues, and champions (in no particular order): Stephen Barbara, Rhea Lyons, Derek Evans, Charlie Russo, Sam Forman, Adrienne Becker, Laura Heywood, Allen Hubby, Eric Cipra, Jon Glickman, Natalie Tucker, Nicole Brodeur, The Drama Book Shop, Geoff Rodkey, Jason Wells, Joanna Campbell, Danielle Chiotti, Gimlet Media, Simon Shaw, Maggie Pisacane, Mark Merriman, Marcie Cleary, Mara Canner, Brandon York, Bekah Nutt, Jennifer and Geoff Wolinetz, Austin Sanders, Louie Pearlman, Meg McDermott, Will Cooper, Jess Boonstra, Amy Gargan, Bailey David Johnson, Lynn Weingarten, and the hundreds of thousands of kids who have sent us their stories since 2004.
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