“You should go out there and back up Erik.”
“Yeah, I should.”
Instead, he walked over to the couch, put both hands on the cushion behind her head, and bent to kiss her.
It was hard and demanding, and she wanted to melt into the couch and let him follow her down. Her stomach clenched, her heart stuttered, and she reached for his shoulders to hold him to her, kissing him back with as much passion as he put into it.
Groaning low in his throat, he made her shiver in response as she opened her mouth to his tongue. He flicked it against hers, teased and taunted, making her shift restlessly on the cushion, an ache building low in her gut and radiating to her pussy.
When he pulled away, his cheeks flushed and his eyes intent, she smiled up at him, stroking one hand against his cheek.
“I’ll get Erik to take her back to his place, but I’ll make sure he’ll be back tonight. We have plans for you.”
She smiled, a little of that weight leaving her chest. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good. I don’t want the night to end yet.”
After another brief, hard kiss, he turned and stalked out.
Leaving her alone with her jumbled thoughts.
By the time Keegan got back to Erik and Kat, they were huddled over a file, side by side on the couch.
Stopping in the shadows of the hall before they noticed him, he watched as they discussed…whatever they were discussing so intensely. Kat had a law degree that she used to defend her father’s consulting firm from whatever sludge might be tossed its way. And since Arthur Riley consulted with some of the richest men in the country, she made a healthy amount of money and wielded a fair amount of power. What business exactly Arthur consulted on, Keegan had never understood completely.
And because of the nature of her work, Kat had never wanted to talk about what she did. At least, not with him. And since she didn’t understand what he and Erik did, they hadn’t talked about that either.
What the hell had they talked about when they’d been together?
Damn if he could remember.
He only remembered that when they’d decided to call off their engagement, months before the explosion, there’d still been a lot of hard feelings between them. Keegan had hang-ups he freely admitted to. Kat had hang-ups she couldn’t bear to think about much less talk about.
Even so, he’d loved her. He’d thought their hang-ups would eventually work themselves out if they loved each other enough.
Turns out neither of them had.
A lot of blame to go around. And it’d put Erik in an awkward position that Keegan had always regretted—
Erik’s head snapped up and his gaze latched on to him, eyes gleaming in triumph.
Shit. He knew that look.
Keegan wanted to turn around and go back to Jules.
But it was Kat who spoke first. “I apologize for showing up unannounced, Keegan. I didn’t mean to screw up your plans.”
Her expression held no hint of the disgust he remembered seeing on her face the last time they’d spoken, which had been at Erik’s bedside after the last operation two years ago. Obviously Erik had said something to her about her earlier comments.
Or maybe not, if the surprised look on Erik’s face was any indication.
“If you don’t mind lending Erik your car,” she continued, “he can take me back to my hotel.”
“What hotel?” Erik said. “You don’t have to stay at a hotel. You can stay with me.”
Kat shook her head. “I don’t want to interrupt your…life.”
Grimacing, Erik sighed. “Kat—”
“Take the car and take her where she wants to go.”
Keegan just wanted her gone. Yeah, he sounded like a prick, but at the moment he didn’t care.
Kat’s mouth tightened into a scowl at his callous tone, and Erik rolled his eyes in exasperation, but Keegan didn’t want to deal with her. Not tonight. Old wounds and regrets would make him bitter, and that’s nothing he wanted to bring to bed with Jules.
And he wanted her in his bed. So far, they’d only been in Erik’s.
Why the hell that mattered didn’t make sense, but then Keegan didn’t want to examine his feelings right now.
He’d already pulled the keys out of his pocket and had them dangling from his finger. The anger he thought he’d worked out of his system years ago burned like a dull ache in his gut.
This time, though, it wasn’t directed at Kat… Well, maybe that wasn’t exactly true. He was pissed off that she’d just appeared, like a bad memory he wished he could erase.
But there were other issues… Issues he didn’t want to deal with now.
With a ragged sigh, Erik stalked toward him and grabbed the keys.
Then he leaned in and spoke low enough that Kat wouldn’t hear them. “I’ll be back as soon as possible. Try to keep it together until then.”
“I’m not in danger of falling apart.”
Erik just stared at him. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Kat didn’t look back as Erik waved her toward the kitchen. Keegan stood there, listening as the door closed, as the engine started and the garage doors opened.
He couldn’t help but look out the front window to make sure Kat was in the car with Erik.
Yeah. Maybe Erik did have reason to be worried about him.
Which just made him all the more irrational.
Fuck. He should take Jules home because she wouldn’t want to be around him when he got like this.
She’d gotten a glimpse of him in one of these moods two nights ago at the reception. When he’d fucked her in that closet. He’d attributed his behavior to alcohol, but maybe he just needed to be honest and admit that that person was a part of himself he tried so damn hard to keep under wraps.
Jules stood in the hall, watching him, her expression curious.
Closing the distance between them silently, he watched her watch him with a steady gaze. She didn’t look worried or frightened or even concerned. She looked like she knew exactly what he wanted. And was fine giving it to him.
If she hadn’t, would he have stopped?
Luckily, he didn’t have to think about it because the second he wrapped his hand around her neck and drew her against him, she tilted her head back and let him consume her.
Her hands settled on his chest, fingers spread across his pecs, her warmth seeping through his shirt. She didn’t push him away, which probably would’ve made him grab her closer. No, she stroked him through his shirt, making his nipples peak under the cotton.
Wrapping his free arm around her waist, he plastered her lower body against his, pressing his already throbbing erection against her lower stomach.
He thought about shoving her dress up to her hips and pushing down her panties, but he didn’t want this to be a repeat of the reception. If he got her skirt up, he’d have his fingers inside her in seconds and would be hell-bent on making her come. And it’d be too damn fast.
So he focused on kissing her. On her soft lips beneath his and the firm mounds of her breasts pressed against his chest. He heard her breath hitch as his tongue pressed against her lips, demanding entrance. Wanting to taste her. Needing her to give up everything to him.
He felt his need to dominate rising like a tidal wave. He should pound it down, keep it contained. Part of him knew that’s exactly what he should do.
Another part of him wanted to say, “Fuck it,” and release the reins.
At the thought, they slipped a little farther from his reach.
He fucked her mouth with his tongue, her neck bent back and her lips parted, giving him access. The hand on her neck tightened for a second before he made a conscious effort to loosen his grip. Still, he couldn’t let her go completely.
He wanted more.
Pulling away, he felt her lips cling to his for a moment before she retreated and blinked up at him.
“Take the dress off.” His voice sounded like a growl, deep and demanding. “I don’t want to rip it.”
She hesitated, as if she’d heard something in his tone or seen something in his expression she didn’t like. That millisecond pause made his pulse throb through his body, made his blood boil.
His hands threatened to tighten into fists at his sides so he shoved them in his pockets, out of sight. He’d never hit her, never hurt her. He’d rather throw himself in front of a bus. But he might’ve reached for the dress himself. And yeah, he would’ve ripped it off.
In the next second, she pulled her hair over her shoulder and turned to present him with her side.
“I need help with the zipper.”
Looking over her shoulder at him, she didn’t smile. But he definitely saw heat in her eyes.
He took a deep breath before he reached for the tiny tab mostly hidden in the side seam of the dress. Tugging it down, he watched the dress gape, revealing a hint of black lace before she turned back to him and began to shimmy the dress down her body.
The black lace was her bra, which cupped her breasts with half moons of fabric that left almost nothing to the imagination and made his mouth water.
He would’ve reached for her then but she bent slightly and his gaze slid down the graceful line of her back before he heard the slither of fabric as the dress fell to the floor. She snagged it before it lay in a complete heap then held it out to him with her index finger.
“Got somewhere I can hang this?”
Swallowing hard, he tried not to let his tongue hang out of his mouth.
She stood before him in that black lace bra, a pair of matching panties that were more string than bikini, and thigh-high stockings that magically clung to her legs without the aid of a garter belt.
And then there were the black patent leather, spike-heeled pumps.
The bra made her breasts look like they were about to fall out, the panties made him want to fall to his knees and lick them, and the shoes… Hell, the shoes made him want to lay her on her back so he could grab her ankles in one hand, hold her legs up to his shoulders, and pound his aching cock into her.
“In the bedroom.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “And that would be where?”
“Up the stairs. Door to the left.”
He saw her gaze dart around the room until she found the floating circular staircase that could’ve been mistaken for a work of art. The ebony risers seemed to magically hang in midair around the center marble column.
When her gaze returned to him, she shook the dress at him until he reached for it.
Then she turned and headed for the stairs.
His mouth dropped open at the sight of her walking away from him. Her panties didn’t cover her ass completely, and the creamy skin between the thigh-high stockings and those panties practically called out for his hand to either smack her or stroke her. He didn’t know which. Maybe both.
He watched her cross the room and begin to climb the stairs. At the first bend, she caught his gaze and crooked her finger. His lips curved in a smile that had a hard edge to it.
Oh yes. He definitely wanted to smack that ass.
He didn’t want to rein himself in. Didn’t want to hold anything back. He’d been doing way too much of that lately.
With her dress clenched in his hand, he stalked to the stairs. She’d started up again as soon as he’d moved but he caught up to her midway. His eyes followed her ass the entire way.
By the time she reached the top of the stairs, his jaw was clenched so tight, he thought it might crack if he tried to speak. His hands had tightened into fists, crushing her dress. He’d get it dry-cleaned for her. Good as new.
He just hoped he didn’t destroy it before they got to the bedroom. Hoped he didn’t destroy whatever feelings she had for him when he got her on his bed. Because he was in a mood to dominate. Wanted to throw her over his lap and spank her ass then he wanted to fuck that ass.
He recognized the desire for what it was, knew his life had spun a little out of his control tonight, and he didn’t like that feeling.
Rein it in.
Fuck that. It’s all he felt like he’d been doing for the past few years. Reining it in. His emotions, his fears, his insecurities.
And now was definitely not the time to let them fuck with his head.
Jules didn’t need his shit. Not on top of everything else. Hell, Erik couldn’t deal with his shit either.
That meant he had to rein it in.
“Whatever you’re thinking, I’m not sure I like it.”
They’d reached his room and he hadn’t even realized it. As she pushed through the half-open door and into his space, she looked around like she’d never seen anything so interesting.
Walking to the bed, she stood by the side of the king mattress that had never been shared with anyone other than a few one-night stands.
Which was just so fucking pathetic. Erik had never joined him with a woman here. Their threesomes had always taken place at Erik’s.
He forced those thoughts out of his head. “I’m not thinking of anything other than getting you in my bed.”
She glanced over her shoulder with a wry smile. “That’s bullshit, Keegan. But I’m going to let it slide for right now.” Now she turned to face him completely. “Come here.”
His hand clenched on the dress. “I don’t think you want to give me orders right now.”
Her gaze narrowed, and he knew she was trying to figure out what he was thinking, trying to decide how to handle him.
Before she could come to a decision, he laid her dress on the nearest piece of furniture then closed the short distance between them and wrapped his hand around her neck.
He felt her still beneath his hand, almost like a deer in the headlights. But he didn’t see any fear in her eyes.
If he had, he would’ve torn himself away and locked himself in another room until this burning lust passed and he could make love to her without wanting to spank her ass until it was bright red.
“What do you want?” Her question was almost a whisper, her gaze interested.
He paused, fighting the need to tell her exactly what he wanted.
“Keegan.” She lifted one hand to stroke his jaw. “Just say it.”
“I want you.” He barely got the words through his gritted teeth.
Her mouth twisted in disappointment as she pointedly glanced at his crotch. “I can see that. Tell me what I can’t see.”
He felt the muscles in his jaw jump, saw her try to figure out what he was thinking. “I want something you might not want to give.”
“Try me.”
Chapter Two
Fascinated, Jules looked into Keegan’s eyes and saw something she hadn’t seen there before. Something that made her heart pound.
Keegan had always seemed like the stable one, the one who planted his feet and didn’t sway even in hurricane winds.
Last night at the reception, he’d shown a crack in that façade.
Tonight…that crack had widened.
And her excitement grew.
She’d already soaked through her panties and now she felt a fresh rush of moisture slick her sex. She wanted to clench her thighs against the ache between them. Wanted Keegan to throw her on the bed and ravage her.
And yes, she meant ravage. The way he looked right now… she loved it. It made her feel wicked and wild and a little dirty.
Considering all she’d already done with Keegan and Erik, a session of one-on-one should be almost routine.
But nothing with either of these men could be considered routine.
Keegan shook his head, as if trying to shake out his thoughts. “Maybe we should wait until Erik gets back.”
“No.” She took another step toward him, closing the distance so that her breasts just brushed against his chest. “No, I don’t want to wait. I want you, Keegan.”
His jaw continued to clench, a muscle jumping under the skin. Sh
e wanted to lick it, bite it. He looked like he wanted to bite her, too.
He cut off when she put her hand over his erection straining against his pants.
“Come on, Keegan. You know you want—”
Grabbing her by the shoulder, he spun her around until she was facing the bed. Then he plastered his body against her back, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“I know exactly what I want,” he whispered in her ear, his breath making her shiver with desire. “I want you bent over this bed with your legs spread so I can stand and fuck you, hard and fast. I want you to come so hard it’s almost painful. Then I want to fuck you again, with you on your back this time, staring up at me with your ankles at my shoulders. And then I want your ass. I want you to beg me to take your ass.”
Her lungs had tightened with excitement to the point that she could barely breathe. Her mouth hung open and her throat was so dry, she could barely swallow.
She was almost glad he couldn’t see her face because she was worried he might mistake her intense, almost painful desire for shock.
Yes, she was shocked but not in a bad way.
She was shocked because he’d finally let go.
And she couldn’t wait for him to start.
“Then what are you waiting for?” Her voice could barely be heard over his labored breathing. “Fuck me, Keegan.”
She heard him growl, felt the rumble of it against her back. And then she felt him move.
One hand moved to her shoulder, pressing her down until her chest hit the mattress. Her head turned to the side as he kicked her feet apart just enough that he could stand between her legs.
She wanted to wriggle back against the cloth-covered erection she felt brushing her ass, but the second she started, he smacked her ass with his palm.
She sucked in a sharp gasp as sensation rushed through her body from the point of contact. Her nipples tightened, her clit swelled and her pussy clenched.
Good god, she felt…amazing. The sting hurt but… It hurt so damn good.
She sucked in a breath, moaning through her clenched teeth.
“You have the most beautiful ass.” His voice had gotten deeper. Harder. “I love the way my handprint looks on your skin.”
An Indecent Proposition Part IV Page 2