Bittersweet Ecstasy

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Bittersweet Ecstasy Page 45

by Taylor, Janelle

  “Bright Arrow’s wounds heal good. But we can speak of such things later,” she hinted, then began to lift water in her hands and to pour it over his shoulders as she rubbed them gently and lovingly.

  Sun Cloud began to do the same with her, until the washings became caresses and their breathing grew shallow and swift. His fingertips moved back and forth over her parted lips, and she did the same. Their gazes were locked, and they leaned forward until their mouths did the same. As their kisses waxed urgent, her hands played as wildly in his hair as his did in hers.

  He broke their contact to scoop her up in his arms and to carry her to his sleeping mat, which had been unrolled nearby. Their wet bodies stretched out on it and they clung passionately, knowing they were safe from all eyes and all foes. Their hands feverishly roamed and caressed, as if making certain the other was real.

  Desires mounted rapidly and fatigue was forgotten, as was the slowly roasting rabbit. She lay on her back with one hand behind his neck to hold his mouth to hers while the other traveled up and down his muscular back. His hand cupped a breast and softly kneaded it before allowing his fingers to massage the taut peak.

  Snailishly his lips left hers and trailed sensuously down her neck to engulf the tiny bud and to pleasure it. As he shifted his body to permit room to tantalize the other one, she closed her eyes and sighed dreamily, her body alive and eager for the union which awaited them.

  Sun Cloud’s right hand drifted over her sides, stroking her feather-soft skin. His hand entered the dark triangle between her thighs and he located the peak there which was taut and ready for his deft labors. He worked pervasively on her body until it was squirming with delight and hunger, and he was more than willing to comply when she urged him to enter her womanhood. He knelt between her legs, lifted them, and guided his shaft into the entreating darkness.

  Their gazes fused once more as he entered and withdrew, this position allowing him to look at her tempting flesh and radiant face as he created blissful sensations at this contact and view. Their gazes drifted to where their bodies were united and both watched the beauty of it for a time. When she reached for him, needing to feel their flesh and lips against each other, he released her legs and gently came forward to lie upon her.

  Singing Wind’s legs overlapped his and she matched his thrusting pattern. They kissed greedily and sought release from this rapturously tormenting siege upon their senses. Even though they craved this intoxicating attack and could allow it to continue forever, a victory was needed and desired. Their respirations increased and they joined swiftly. As if a flower bursting instantly and magically into full bloom, their releases came in glorious splendor. They plucked each petal and savored its beauty, continuing until love’s blossom was bare and they seemingly lay on a soft and tranquil bed of its discarded petals.

  They savored each other’s kisses and caresses until their trembling bodies and erratic breathing calmed. Sun Cloud leaned away and looked down into her dreamy gaze and flushed face, which exposed her contentment. His gaze shifted to her lips, which revealed how urgently she had worked for this moment of sweet ecstasy. Her body was relaxed and her oncetaut breasts were soft. She was so irresistible, but hadn’t he known that for years? He had been foolish to wait so long before admitting this truth and claiming it. But all things had their seasons, and this one belonged to them. She was his now, completely his, and forever. Such happiness loomed before them, and he was eager to capture it and to savor it. “Micante petanl,” he whispered as his mouth covered hers once more, for she was the fire in his heart.

  Suddenly she sniffed the air and jerked her head toward the fire. She laughed merrily and retorted, “What you smell, my love, is the fire eating our rabbit.”

  Sun Cloud glanced at the meat which was burned to a crisp. They had been so consumed with each other that they had lost all reality of their surroundings, even control of their keen senses. He began to chuckle. Their gazes met and they shared more laughter.

  Sun Cloud went to remove the ruined meal from the holder which he had constructed from supple branches, as green wood was hard to set aflame. He tossed it away, scolding himself for such a waste of the Great Spirit’s creature.

  He returned to kneel beside her and said, “I must hunt us more food, my love. We must eat and rest; our journey is long.”

  Singing Wind sat up and snuggled against his stilldamp chest. She murmured provocatively, “You are all the food I need this sun and moon. We can feast upon each other, then rest before our journey home.” Still nestled against his chest, she tilted her head to look up at him, to send him a seductive smile.

  Sun Cloud’s heart seemed to catch in his throat as his senses engulfed her. He replied huskily, “You are the perfect match for me, Singing Wind. I am glad you chased me and captured me,” he teased.

  “Since you are my prey, lie down so I can feed this hunger for you which never seems appeased for more than a short time.”

  Laughing, he lifted her in his strong arms and carried her back to the creek. “First, we must wash our food; then, I will prepare it with the blaze which now burns within my body and my heart. I love you, Singing Wind; you belong in my Life-circle forever.”

  “As you belong in mine. I told you I was destined to join the Oglala chief. Until all ceases, we shall live together as one. I love you, Sun Cloud; I love you.”

  Their lips fused as they realized this was no longer stolen ecstasy, for it truly belonged to them, and always would.

  Their journey home took several days, for they halted many times to play like happy children or to make love passionately. They did not want to worry others with a lengthy absence, but they needed to savor every moment of this special time together, for much work awaited them after they reached home.

  Rebecca stood within the circle of Bright Arrow’s embrace as they looked at the large and colorfully decorated tepee in the center of camp, the one which all women had gathered about joyfully to construct for their new chief and his wife. The Oglala chiefs feathered standard was placed in the ground beside the open flap, and many skilled warriors had painted the coups of Sun Cloud on the hides which formed his new tepee. Everyone was pleased with the results of his tasks and was eager for their new chief to see it, for the council had met yesterday and voted.

  Members of the tribe and of other tribes had placed countless gifts inside the tepee, to reveal their joy at the impending union of the son of Gray Eagle and Shalee with the daughter of Brave Bear and Chela. A big feast was planned to celebrate the selection of their new chief and his joining. Food was being gathered and prepared. The music and dancing were planned. Berry wine was ready. The camp was clean, and the people waiting. It seemed as if everyone, no matter the age or sex, performed a task for these two happy occasions.

  Rebecca shifted in her husband’s arms to meet his gaze. It had been over a week since his wound and injuries, and they were healing nicely and quickly. For days they had talked and laughed and made love. She had learned of Jeremy Comstock’s departure for St. Louis, along with James Murdock; she hoped Jeremy understood her feelings and forgave her for deceiving him. When she had visited Powchutu’s death scaffold, a curious glow had filled her, for she knew he had found lasting peace. The news had spread quickly about Sun Cloud’s successful strategy and the truce following it, yet she knew how deeply her love was disturbed by his misplaced trust in Silver Hawk.

  “You must stop worrying about Sun Cloud. He will capture Silver Hawk and punish him. You did not see his evil, my love, but you were not alone. All trusted Silver Hawk and believed him. You must not be so hard on yourself. It was all a part of Grandfather’s plan.”

  He smiled at her and nodded. “That is why I can finally accept it. He is dead, for I can feel his evil missing. I have not known such peace and joy since before you were lost to me. So much has happened since the last full moon, but all is as it should be. I have my love; my lands are at peace; my father has been avenged; and I have my chief’s bonnet. See, I was
not totally mistaken,” he jested.

  “Our lives have followed many thorny paths and many lovely ones. It is so good to be home again,” she whispered and snuggled against him, careful of his healing body.

  He put his arm around her shoulder and guided her toward their tepee. “It is the rest period, my love. Come and lie with me.”

  Rebecca laughed as he laced the flap and walked toward her, a walk which said his confidence was restored and his strength was returning rapidly. She removed her garments and waited for him to reach her. He dropped his breechcloth along the way, so their naked bodies touched intimately as they embraced and kissed.

  They made love leisurely and blissfully, then slept for a short time. After bathing in the river, they dressed and returned to camp, just in time to receive guests.

  As tears flowed down her cheeks, Tashina raced forward to hug her mother tightly. The waiting to come home, after she had learned of her mother’s survival and return, had been tormenting. Although she knew the whole story from her husband, Soul-of-Thunder, she coaxed her mother to repeat it once more, just in case something had been omitted. Rebecca urged her youngest daughter to tell her all about her romance and marriage to the handsome male at Tashina’s side.

  After the women had embraced several times and exuberantly exchanged tales, Windrider and Bonnie “Sky Eyes” Thorne came forward to reveal their elation at Rebecca’s return. Between joyful tears, Rebecca embraced both affectionately, then hugged each of their children, immediately noticing how muscular and handsome and virile Sky Warrior had become during the past year. She was glad her daughter had married the son of Windrider, for both were unique males.

  When Little Feet and Thunder Spirit joined the laughing group, she and her sister hugged and whispered about their new lives and this happy occasion. As Rebecca placed her arm around Bright Arrow, he drew her close to his side, as if he could not endure her absence very long. Little Feet and Tashina went to stand at either side of their reunited parents, clasping their hands before and behind them to form a circle of shared love. After releasing each other’s hands, the two women joined their husbands and nestled close to them.

  The merriment seemed contagious, for White Arrow and Pretty Woman strolled over to where the smiling couples were standing and talking. His aging gaze walked slowly over the group and he smiled. He watched his son Thunder Spirit and was glad to observe his happiness and peace, for he and Little Feet were well suited and it suited him to have his son joined to the granddaughter of his best friends Gray Eagle and Shalee. He would miss those two terribly, but he would watch over their sons and grandchildren for them.

  Flaming Star returned from his hunt and came to see what was going on in the center of camp. He grinned at Rebecca, then clasped forearms with Bright Arrow. Suddenly, giggling children surrounded Flaming Star and he leaned forward to scoop up Buckskin Girl and to ruffle the dark heads of his two sons. Soon, the little girl wiggled to get down, for she wanted to race off to play with White Arrow’s second set of children. Flaming Star glanced at his father and smiled, for they were very close.

  Everyone was in a good mood, ready to celebrate the joys of living and loving. Bright Arrow’s gaze scanned the group around him and his heart surged with deep emotion. All of them had been touched and loved and influenced by Gray Eagle and Shalee, and they would never be forgotten. He had vowed to send word through Sturgis to Powchutu’s son, Stede Gaston, to let Stede know all about his father’s life and death, and to let Stede know about his true heritage. His gaze met White Arrow’s, and he realized how closely their thoughts and feelings matched. Now that his father was gone, White Arrow would be the one to give him guidance. They smiled and nodded in understanding.

  A hunter galloped into camp to send up the signal that Sun Cloud and Singing Wind were approaching, and the Oglalas quickly dropped their tasks and rushed forward to greet their new chief and his future mate. They cheered loudly and merrily as Sun Cloud dismounted agilely. Then Thunder Spirit stepped forward and helped Singing Wind from her horse’s back, and they exchanged grins.

  Sun Cloud eyed the lovely and smiling Rebecca, then hugged her tightly. “It is good to have you home again, my sister.”

  Sun Cloud embraced his brother and queried him about his health. When Bright Arrow told him he was fine, and ecstatically happy, Sun Cloud greeted his friends and people. Grasping Singing Wind’s hand and pulling her to his side, he announced, “I wish to join the daughter of Brave Bear this moon. Do my people accept her?”

  A cheer arose and all shouted, “Han, han. Yes, yes.”

  Bright Arrow revealed the news of the vote making

  Sun Cloud chief, then placed the bonnet made from his many coup feathers upon his head, and was glad Mind-who-Roams had completed it and had handed it to him to carry out this thrilling duty. He asked everyone to make a path so Sun Cloud and Singing Wind could see the generous gift from their people: the beautiful tepee with the Oglala chiefs markings. “All is prepared for your joining and our feast. It is good to have you home safely, my brother, and my chief.”

  Sun Cloud looked around at all of his friends, loved ones, and people. His eyes were misty and his voice was choked with deep emotion as he said, “My people are generous and kind. I pray I will be a worthy chief like my father Gray Eagle and his father Running Wolf. This is a good day for living and for joining. My heart swells with joy and pride, and I fear it will burst from fullness.”

  Bright Arrow suggested, “Come, let the ceremonial chief join you to your chosen one, then our celebration can begin.”

  Sun Cloud squeezed Singing Wind’s hand and pulled her forward. “It is time, my love,” he whispered near her ear. “Are you ready?”

  Singing Wind looked up at him and smiled. “More than ready, my love,” she replied, for the bitter demands on all of their lives were over, and only sweet ecstasy loomed before them. She entwined her fingers with Sun Cloud’s and they approached the area where their lives would be joined as one, just as their hearts were bound as one.


  Dear Reader:

  On page 394 of my novel Savage Conquest, an error was made which many of you have questioned. The original text read as follows, beginning with line seven:

  “Sun Cloud had told Miranda how the chiefs bonnet had left the bloodline of Gray Eagle. When he (meaning Sun Cloud, not Gray Eagle) was fifty-five, he (Sun Cloud) was wounded critically (not slain). The chiefs bonnet was passed to his (Sun Cloud’s) son, Night Stalker, but only for two years until the grim 1854 massacre (when Night Stalker was slain). With Bloody Arrow only five and Blazing Star only eight (both too young to become chief), Sun Cloud resumed (took back) the chiefs bonnet until Crazy Horse won it…”

  I am sorry this confusing error slipped by.


  are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  850 Third Avenue

  New York, NY 10022

  eISBN: 978-1-4201-2726-3

  Copyright © 1987 by Janelle Taylor

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the Publisher and neither the Author nor the Publisher has received any payment for this “stripped book.”

  Ninth printing: March 1996

  Printed in the United States of America




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