Silverback Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 10)

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Silverback Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 10) Page 11

by Harmony Raines

  The hairstylist arrived ten minutes later, and worked her magic. As soon as she had finished Suzie’s hair, she applied her makeup, and then Elizabeth helped her to dress. One by one, the bridesmaids all changed into their dresses too. With the help of Melanie, who made a surprise visit to check that everything was OK, they were all ready by the time the wedding cars pulled up outside. Although by now, everyone’s nerves were beginning to show.

  Elizabeth dressed quickly and styled her hair, then she fetched the bottle of champagne she’d brought from the fridge. With some effort, she popped the cork, and poured them each a small glass, hoping to soothe any last-minute jitters.

  “To steady your nerves.” She handed each of them a glass. “I have lemonade if Ruby isn’t allowed any champagne.”

  “She can have her first taste of champagne,” Fiona agreed as she took a gulp of her drink. Who would have thought an old dragon would get nervous? After everything Fiona must have seen and done in her life, Elizabeth had expected her to be cool and calm.

  “Thank you,” Ruby said, and took a sip. “I can see why it’s called bubbly.” She rubbed her nose.

  Elizabeth stepped forward, and said, “I just wanted to say something.” She took a deep breath, a prickle of apprehension sneaking up her spine as they all looked at her. “I want to thank you all for being here for Suzie. And Suzie, I just want to tell you how proud I am to be your mom.”

  “To Suzie,” Fiona said, raising her glass.

  “To Suzie,” they all repeated, and then took a sip of champagne.

  “And to us,” Ruby said, taking another sip.

  “To us,” Fiona joined in. “Who should be leaving.” The bridesmaids collected their small bouquets and their purses, before finishing their champagne.

  “We don’t want to be late either, Suzie.” Elizabeth’s nerves were building up inside her, the pressure getting harder to push back down. She could no longer think of the wedding as being a future event. What if her legs wouldn’t work when it was time to walk down the aisle?

  “Mom?” Suzie said gently. “Everything OK?”

  “Yes. Why?” Elizabeth looked down at her hand, it was shaking enough that her champagne swished around in the delicate flute glass, which she wasn’t sure she could finish. “I’ll be OK.”

  But would she?

  “OK, girls, let’s go. Harlan is on his way too.” Fiona directed the girls toward the door, but before she left she pulled Elizabeth to one side. “You can do this, Elizabeth. Just look ahead as you walk down the aisle, eyes on Kit. Focus on him, and how much you love Suzie. Feel that love swelling inside you like a great big bubble.”

  “Thanks, Fiona. I’ll give that a try.” Elizabeth nodded, and took in a slow inhale, which she released through her mouth.

  “Good. We’ll be there, right alongside you. We’re all willing you to find the strength you need. Not one person wants to see you fail, everyone there loves Suzie and Kit and wants this to be a special day.”

  Everyone there. Elizabeth felt the pressure mount, but she managed to say, “Thanks, Fiona.”

  “You’ll do great.” She hugged Elizabeth, who went tense, but then forced herself to relax. This was an unusually affectionate display from Fiona. She was feeling nervous too. “We’ll all do great.”

  “We will.” Elizabeth caught Fiona’s arm as she went to leave. “Thank you. For everything, I know Suzie considers you a good friend and colleague.” She let go of Fiona’s arm, but the dragon shifter stayed put.

  “It works both ways, I am not the easiest person in the world to be around.” Fiona shrugged. “I have been called bossy in the past.”

  “Well, I’m just so happy you are here on Suzie’s special day, you share it with her.” Elizabeth moved her attention away from Fiona, and watched Suzie laughing with Sapphi and Ruby.

  “Who wouldn’t? We’re dragons.” Fiona’s reply would have sounded conceited if it were not accompanied by a wide nervous grin.

  Dragons. Elizabeth giggled nervously, which then erupted into a laugh. “Sorry. Nerves. Who would have thought, my daughter getting married, accompanied by four dragon shifters?”

  “Mom.” Suzie walked across the room toward her. She’d recognized the way Elizabeth was laughing, on the verge of hysteria. “Breathe.”

  Elizabeth took a deep breath in, and let it go slowly. Then did the same again, several times. “I’m OK now.”

  “Good.” Suzie’s face filled with concern. “Just keep breathing, I’ll see Fiona and the girls out. Then it’s our turn.”

  Elizabeth nodded and kept her attention on her breathing. It was a skill she had mastered over the years, a way of coping. Unfortunately, it didn’t always work, and she could feel the bubble of excitement in her getting ready to pop. If it did, she might never regain her composure. She might let Suzie down after all.

  She couldn’t let that happen. She wouldn’t let that happen.

  “Are we good?” Suzie had waved her bridesmaids off, and now it was their turn. She took Elizabeth’s hands, staring at her mom with some concern.

  “Let’s go.” Elizabeth followed Suzie outside, where she breathed in the fresh mountain air. She occupied her brain by breaking down all the scents she inhaled. When she got to damp earth and pine needles, she thought of Dean, and how much she wished he was here.

  Somehow she made it to the car. Her mind fixed on her hand, firmly clasped in Suzie’s, and the thought that Dean would be there waiting when they arrived. He’d promised.

  “Do you remember that beach vacation we took?” Suzie asked, as the car left the foothills surrounding Bear Creek and headed to the wedding venue.

  “Yes. The one to Carlingford-by-the-Sea?” Elizabeth smiled as she pulled the memories from somewhere deep in her mind.

  “We spent the whole week on the beach, digging in the sand, learning to surf, badly.” Suzie looked up at the roof of the car. “Whenever I get nervous, that’s my special place.”

  “It was our first proper vacation.” Elizabeth went over the memory in greater detail. “The ice cream cones!”

  “Dipped in chocolate. I thought the vendor was a magician.” Suzie chuckled and then sighed. “That is just one of so many memories you gave me. One of the many times you stepped out of your safe place. I know how difficult it was for you. But you did it.”

  “I wanted you to have a happy childhood.”

  “And I did.” Suzie hugged Elizabeth as the car drew up in the driveway of Karen and Scott’s house.

  “You’ll crush your dress,” Elizabeth warned.

  “I don’t care. If I have a crease in my dress in the photographs, it will remind me of this moment, here with you.” Suzie pulled back, tears in her eyes. “Thank you.”

  Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat. This was a goodbye. A letting go. The final duty of a mother.

  “Thank you for being my daughter.” Elizabeth dug deep, and finally found the strength she needed. “Now it’s time for you to be Kit’s wife.”

  The car door opened and Dean’s voice said, “Are we ready?”

  “We are.” Elizabeth slid to the edge of the seat and took the hand Dean offered. While on the other side of the car, the chauffeur was helping Suzie.

  Fiona, Sapphi, and Ruby had been joined by Storm, who looked incredibly adorable in her flower girl dress, and Samuel, who looked cute in his tiny tux. They were all ready.

  “I’ll go take my seat.” Dean kissed her cheek, but Elizabeth reached for him, and pulled him back.

  “Why don’t you walk with us?” Elizabeth said, needing him next to her.

  “No, I…”

  “That is a great idea. Please, Dean. I want you to be a special part of my day.” Suzie looked at her mom. “You are part of this family too.”

  As they entered the garden and walked between the seats filled with friends and family, Elizabeth kept her head high, and her focus on Kit, whose smile was brighter than the spring sun. She took strength from the two people she loved most
, Suzie on her right, and Dean on her left.

  Her knees didn’t give out, her feet didn’t stumble. And her heart didn’t break when she watched Suzie take Kit’s hand. As she turned, she caught a glimpse of Karen and Scott, they were so happy, it made her heart fill with love. More love than she thought it could ever contain.

  She wasn’t losing a daughter, she wasn’t simply gaining a son-in-law—she was gaining a family.

  Chapter Eighteen – Dean

  “You did it.” Dean passed her a glass of champagne. “How do you feel?”

  “Like a balloon about to deflate.” The wedding ceremony had drained her emotionally. Elizabeth had felt her strength revive after the wedding breakfast, but that strength had slowly seeped away as the afternoon turned to evening, and twilight descended.

  Dean chuckled. “We could make a break for it as soon as Suzie and Kit leave.”

  “Do you think anyone will mind?” Elizabeth asked hopefully. Suzie and Kit were leaving for the airport at nine o’clock. She would love to slip away at the same time and sink into her bed and sleep for a week. Or at least until tomorrow. She’d promised to come and help Karen tidy up.

  “No, it’s been a long day. Even Karen looks as if her smile can’t last much longer.” Dean took Elizabeth’s hand. “Want to dance?”

  “I don’t really…” She met his eyes, and he saw the fear there drop away. “I’d love to dance.”

  Dean kissed her lips, and then whispered in her ear, “I’m incredibly proud of you, Elizabeth.”

  She blushed and ducked her head. “Thank you.”

  Dean drank the rest of his champagne, and Elizabeth did the same, wrinkling her nose as the bubbles fizzed in her throat. Taking the glass from her, he placed it on a table, and then turned back to her with a slight bow.

  “May I have this dance?” He held out his hand and she slipped hers into it, her fingers closing around his. Leaning forward, he kissed the back of her hand, and then stood up straight. “I have waited for this moment for a long time. My mate.”

  “How much have you had to drink?” Elizabeth asked, hiding her smile behind her hand.

  “Not a lot. I plan to take you home, and make sure you’re safely tucked up in bed. So I stayed sober.” He waved his hand over himself. “This is me drunk on love.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes darkened, her smile disappearing, as a solemnity fell over her. “I love you too.”

  Dean’s expression clouded, and a hunger for his mate was all-consuming as he stared at her. Despite all the people in the wedding tent, he only had eyes for Elizabeth. It was as if the world had slipped away, even with the music gone, replaced by the steady thrum of the blood pumping in his veins. It was the beat of life.

  Taking a step toward her, he placed his hand on the small of her back and pulled her close. “Those are the sweetest words I’ve ever heard.”

  “I mean them.” She nodded, her eyes misted with tears. “I truly love you.”

  Dean kissed her lips, lightly at first, but then his passion took over and he kissed her with a hunger he could barely control. But he did control it, suddenly becoming aware of where they were. He broke their kiss, and pulled back, leaving Elizabeth breathless, her face flushed.

  “Sorry, I got a little carried away.”

  Elizabeth put her fingers to her lips. “Don’t apologize.” She ducked her head. “Will you stay…tonight?”

  The breath left his body as if he had been punched in the gut. “If you’re sure.”

  “I am.” She met his eyes. “And no, I have not had too much to drink either.”

  “Shall we dance?” They walked to the dance floor, and he pulled her into his arms. The music was slow, and he held her close, swaying to the music. As they twirled around, he saw the happy faces of his friends. Friends who he thought of as family.

  Louise and Zak came their way, Storm held in their arms, between them. “Hey, there.”

  “Hi, Dean. You look beautiful, Elizabeth,” Louise said sincerely.

  “Thanks. But not as adorable as Storm. She was so good through the ceremony.” Elizabeth took hold of Storm’s hand. “You loved your bouquet of flowers, didn’t you?”

  Storm grinned. She had two front teeth breaking through her gums, which made her look cuter than cute. “She sure did. And Storm gets to do it all over again in a couple of months’ time.” Zak grinned. “We’ve set a date. Karen said we can use the garden. If you’ll help work your magic again, Elizabeth.”

  “I would love to.” Elizabeth’s face broke out into a smile to rival all the blooms in the garden. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” Louise kissed Zak’s cheek. “I can’t wait to make this man mine. He’s not allowed to go back to Australia without a ring on his finger. Not with all his adoring fans. Isn’t that right, Storm?”

  Zak laughed. “Lady, you know these lips and this body belong to one woman only.”

  Louise sighed. “You are so sweet.”

  “You two have fun. Don’t wait up,” Dean said as they moved away across the dance floor.

  “Another wedding.” Elizabeth looked across to where Suzie and Kit were talking to their guests.

  “Another wedding,” Dean repeated. He wanted to drop down on one knee and propose right here, right now, but he didn’t want to take the attention away from Suzie and Kit. “I’d like to help with the garden. For their wedding. I promise to do as I’m told.”

  “I’d like that too.” Elizabeth wrapped her arms around him tighter. “Do you still want me to move in with you?”

  “I do.”

  “After Zak and Louise move out. Is that OK?” Elizabeth quickly added, “Not that I don’t want to live with them, but life is going to get hectic and they don’t need me in the way.”

  “You won’t ever be in the way.” The song ended and they walked off the dance floor. “Shall we go and speak to Suzie and Kit before they leave?”

  “Yes, I haven't had a chance to speak to Suzie all day. I’m going to miss her so much while she’s on her honeymoon. This will be the longest we’ve gone without seeing each other.” Elizabeth held onto his arm and he guided them toward Suzie and Kit. She seemed so relaxed; not once during the day had he seen her lift her hand to cover her face. Not once had he seen her turn away and attempt to hide.

  “Elizabeth.” Fiona’s voice from across the room halted their attempt to reach Suzie.

  “Is everything OK?” Dean asked.

  “I want you to meet my good friend Carter Eden.” Fiona beckoned them toward where she was standing with Harlan, talking to a man he vaguely recognized, but couldn’t quite place.

  “He’s a movie star,” Elizabeth said, her voice tinged with awe.

  “A movie star? Oh, now I remember.” Dean glanced at the tall, broad-chested young man standing next to Fiona. He was not going to let himself feel threatened, he was not going to be an overprotecting boar of a bear.

  “This is Elizabeth and Dean.” Fiona smiled broadly. “And this is Carter and Caroline.”

  “Hi,” Dean said. “Good to meet you.”

  “You too.” Carter held out his hand and Dean shook it, before he offered it to Elizabeth.

  “Hello. My daughter loved your movies. Space Monkeys was one of her favorites.” Elizabeth looked uneasy.

  “Thanks,” Carter said. “They were fun to make.”

  “Suzie liked Space Monkeys?” Fiona asked incredulously. That woman was never afraid to sound rude.

  “Don’t sound so shocked, Fiona. A lot of people actually like Carter’s movies.” Caroline rolled her eyes affectionately. “Fiona has been telling us how you transformed the garden ready for the wedding.”

  “I did, with help,” Elizabeth admitted. “I enjoyed it. I like watching things grow.”

  “We own Bear Creek Honey Beer,” Carter began.

  Dean glanced at this young movie star and wondered if he was trying to impress everyone. It didn’t seem like it. “I like your beer.”

ks. So do I.” Carter received a dig in the ribs from Caroline.

  “Get to the point,” Caroline told him.

  “We are looking for a gardener for the estate. You don’t have to have any experience of growing hops. We’re looking for someone with a wide range of skills.” Carter smiled, as if he’d made the point clear.

  “Elizabeth,” Fiona butted in. “What Carter is so eloquently not saying, is would you consider working for him when you move to Bear Creek?”

  Elizabeth opened and closed her mouth, not knowing what to say. “I haven’t thought about it. I mean I haven’t thought about leaving my job. Or setting a date when I’m actually going to move in with Dean.”

  “It would save you a long commute,” Dean said, not believing he was throwing his woman into the path of another man, a handsome movie star at that.

  “I’m not sure.” Elizabeth flushed red, and he saw her hand twitch as she grasped her dress between her finger and thumb.

  “We are one big family. Walt has been maintaining the gardens for years, but he’s getting old. Not that he can’t manage, but he’s a proud man, and we’d like to help him before he needs help.” Carter gave Elizabeth his perfect movie-star smile, with perfect movie-star teeth.

  Idiot, his bear told him bluntly.

  He is, isn’t he? Dean replied.

  I meant you. This is where you are supposed to support Elizabeth. She’s your mate, remember, and this is a perfect job for her, and all you are doing is thinking of yourself.

  His bear was right. “I think it’s a great opportunity, Elizabeth. A new start.”

  Elizabeth looked terrified, but forced a smile onto her face. “Could I come and look around? Before I decide.”

  “Sure, whenever it suits you. We’re usually there.” Carter grinned. To him it was a done deal.

  “Carter will find some way to twist your arm,” Caroline said apologetically. “He likes getting what he wants, so make sure you drive a hard bargain. If you want to tear up the alpine garden and replace it with a Mediterranean garden, this is your chance to get it in writing.”

  “I thought you were on my side,” Carter told his wife.


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