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SoundsofLove Page 8

by Marilyn Kelly

  Her eyes widened as he set the cameo in her hand. “Oh, my lord, thank you. It’s the most beautiful brooch I’ve ever seen.”

  “I share your opinion, although there are many others I know you’ll enjoy equally.”

  She examined the workmanship with a satisfied sigh. “This will always be my favorite.”

  He took it from her and pinned it on her dress. “Mine, as well. It’s a very rare shell, and the likeness reminds me of you.”

  She headed to the mirror to look at her new acquisition. “It’s beautiful, exactly what I would have chosen. Thank you.”

  Her response pleased him. “Do you trust your staff?”

  “Yes, implicitly. The Lewin family has served the Sibleys for generations. Why do you ask?”

  “Servants often make the best allies when affairs become complex.” He walked over to unlock the door.

  “Are our affairs complex?” She bore the languid air of a satisfied woman, and he smiled as she approached him.

  He could come to love her, and he was uncertain how he felt about that fact. The only love he’d known was Fiona, and that was unrequited, which was a blessing and a curse. What if Cathryn also failed to return his deep affections? Love made men vulnerable, but surely it wasn’t a bad thing to love one’s wife?

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck as she straightened her hair in front of the looking glass. “Hedges should not be underestimated, and the courts are fickle when it comes to annulling marriage contracts.”

  She smiled at his reflection. “Well, Lewin will be your ally. All the Lewins seem to dislike Percival.”

  “With good reason, I’m sure. I want you to tell them of our understanding as soon as possible.”

  “They probably know already.” With a slight laugh, she turned and began to comb her fingers lightly through his hair. “You are a sight, my lord.” Her dark-brown eyes scanned him as she made him presentable, and his heart began to pound wildly at her touch. “I believe you are the handsomest man of my acquaintance.”

  He pulled her closer. “You are the beauty, Cat. I am more of a beast, truth be told.”

  She leaned forward and brushed her lips across his. He felt his desire rising as she said, “I’ll try not to break your spirit.” She nibbled on his lower lip for a tantalizing moment. “Truth be told, your wild streak matches my own perfectly.”

  He dared not deepen the kiss, or his animal nature would overwhelm his years of genteel domestication. “Let’s descend before I drag you back to the fire and ravish you again.” She cast him a daring look and he smiled. “I don’t want to give the staff reason to dislike me.”

  “Oh, you’ve charmed Lewin already.”

  “Good.” He opened the door and ushered her out into the chilly hallway. “I would like to have my solicitor review your contract with Hedges.”

  “Thank you. I didn’t want to take it to the Sibley man of affairs for obvious reasons. It’s in the study.”

  Lewin waited at the bottom of the stairs. From the pleased look on his face, he must have overheard the last of their conversation, at least. He was not holding Julian’s coat or hat, and he glanced at the cameo as he addressed Cathryn, “Mrs. Lewin has a fine roast nearly ready.”

  Julian’s hunger must have shown because Cathryn beamed. “Lord Ahlquist has asked me to be his countess. I think an early lunch is a fine idea.”

  “Congratulations, my lady, my lord.” Lewin bowed deeply. “I had Victor take your carriage for a ride around the park.”

  Julian grinned. “Is he wearing my coat and hat?” The delightful half an hour in the parlor was a grievous breech of etiquette. Lewin seemed to have saved Lady Sibley’s reputation with some clever thinking.

  Lewin nodded. “Several of our neighbors are notorious gossips, milord.”

  An earl’s carriage would cause a stir in a quiet neighborhood such as this one. Three days in a row could start a scandal. His desire for Cathryn was clouding his thinking.

  “Well done, Lewin. Let’s hope we don’t make the columns until after we’ve settled with Sir Percival.”

  * * * * *

  The Ahlquist solicitor’s demeanor was discouraging as he scanned the short contract. “I’m sure you are aware that such agreements cannot be broken for pleasure alone. Both parties must agree.”

  In spite of the cool weather, Cathryn began to flush as she turned to face Julian, seated beside her in the cramped quarters. She couldn’t lose a life of bliss with him for the dull security of Percival.

  Julian smiled reassuringly reached for her hand. “Were you under duress when you signed it?”

  She nodded. “It was my husband’s dying wish that his sister and I be cared for properly. Percival was the most expeditious way to secure our future. I’m not certain any of us was in our right minds.”

  “I would consider that duress, wouldn’t you, Mr. Curtis?”

  The solicitor picked up the line of questioning. “What were your thoughts at the time you signed the paper?”

  “Geoffrey wanted it…Hedges is not hideous…and Mrs. Pickering and I needed assistance.”

  Julian squeezed her hand, reminding her of his offer to provide for Mrs. Pickering.

  Mr. Curtis continued, “Did Hedges make a settlement on you?”

  “Yes, he gave us five hundred pounds towards our house, but only Mrs. Pickering and I share the deed.”

  Julian spoke tersely. “The man has abandoned her. There has been no correspondence outside the necessary for estate business for over two years.” He waved his free hand at the slim file on the untidy desk. “No love letters, no acknowledgement of their agreement.”

  “And there was no consummation of the contract?”

  “Consummation?” Cathryn started at the casual manner in which the solicitor asked the intimate question but quickly recovered her composure. “No. Sir Percival never even kissed my hand.” Julian stroked her fingertips, and she shot him a quick smile.

  “I see.” Mr. Curtis rose from his desk with the file in hand. “Please allow me to consult with my partners. I’ll only be a few minutes. Lady Sibley, Lord Ahlquist.” He bowed slightly before he scurried out the door and closed it behind him.

  Julian shook his head in bemusement and shifted his chair closer to hers. “I can’t fathom Hedge’s lack of interest in you.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed each knuckle slowly.

  Cathryn watched, fascinated at the shocks of desire that emanated from each brush of his lips. “I’ve only just come out of mourning.”

  “He should have been there when you did.”

  “Well, your curiosity over his motives should be satisfied soon.” The warmth of his touch radiated throughout her hand. “His note said he was free anytime on Sunday, so I thought to see him at noon.” Her lips began to ache for Julian’s.

  “We can return to London that night and announce our alliance publicly.”

  He pulled back slightly and she leaned into him, desperately wishing he would steal a kiss. “You assume he’ll release me.”

  “I assume nothing. I know he is a real threat, but I am the stronger man in every regard.” She straightened at his arrogant remark, and hoped he knew how mean-spirited Percival could be, but he defused her pique when he added, “And I have you by my side. Together we will not be defeated.”

  She nodded and wondered again how she had captured the attention of this incredible man. No one had ever told her she was particularly attractive, although she knew her features were pleasant enough. This man seemed to want her as much as she wanted him.

  This was all happening very quickly, and he was so deeply distracting. She had barely thought of anything besides their glorious lovemaking in her parlor.

  “Would you like me to send over the Ahlquist dressmaker, Madame Vichy?”

  He had read her mind. Well, part of it.

  “That’s very kind. I wondered how to have a suitable wardrobe made without alerting the gossip mongers.” Even if I had the
funds, she thought.

  “I want to squire you all over London once we’ve settled with Hedges. Vichy’s staff is very quick and the season is over, so my mother and sisters will not be overtaxing her time.”

  Before she had a chance to inquire about his family, Mr. Curtis knocked lightly before entering. He spoke as he crossed the room. “My partners and I are all in agreement. To avoid a breach of promise suit and the resultant likelihood of a public scandal,” he said as he took his seat, “the best course of action is to seek a mutual termination of the contract on grounds of incompatibility before Lady Sibley reveals any affection for another man. We suggest you two cease interactions until the situation is resolved.”

  Julian stood and leaned over the solicitor’s desk. “Are you saying we can’t win this case if we go to court?”

  “No, milord. The abandonment issue is real, and her distressed state of mind at the time is most reasonable. Unless you get the wrong judge, your case should hold. But the Ahlquist name will be badly soiled if Hedges fights you.”

  “Well, discretion will have to suffice.” He helped Cathryn to her feet. “Lady Sibley pours the best tea in London. I will not deny myself that simple pleasure.”

  Or any other pleasure, his sultry eyes signaled.

  Curtis rose to escort them out. “As you wish, milord.”

  Cathryn bit her tongue again. Julian was wonderfully arrogant, and she needed to trust his judgment. As his countess and future marchioness, her stature would be immeasurably elevated from that of a baroness with small holdings. She realized with a rush of power that she could do a great deal of good with such authority and wealth.

  She wanted to become an Ahlquist very badly. And she wanted the title untainted by scandal.

  Chapter Six

  All of Cathryn’s senses were on alert as she waited in the dimly lit private dining room at the King’s Arms Inn. A century of Oxford scholars tipping ale and whisky had imbued the floorboards with a pungent aroma, and the amber stain of tobacco smoke darkened the one small window. She had eaten in this very room many times with her family and, later, Geoffrey, and she hoped Percival would feel at ease here, as she usually did. He avoided London, except to hear lectures on his specialty, twelfth century Byzantine literature. Violet said he disliked crowds and incompetent public servants, and London had an overabundance of both.

  Perched on the edge of a wooden bench, she peered through murky glass to a partial view of Holywell Street. Bells chiming the hour alerted her to the coming confrontation. Tension cramped her neck as she scanned the busy thoroughfare for any sign of him, or of Julian. She traveled with only her maid and footman, who was today her driver of a fine hired carriage. Her two staff were brother and sister, and they dined just outside the door in the main dining room. Julian’s displeasure over her plan to dine with Hedges unchaperoned had been palpable, although his deference came with no argument, as if he respected her judgment. She suspected he or his men were lurking nearby.

  She could return to London this afternoon if Percival proved cooperative. She was prepared to stay longer if the baron needed more persuasion that she was not the right wife for him, but she suspected he would be relieved to be rid of his unwelcome obligation to her.

  No clear strategy was in play, other than to try not to be distracted by thoughts of Julian and to listen before speaking. Hedge’s lack of interest had a motive, and she needed to know why he had absented himself from her life when they could have wed by now.

  Her note to him had only mentioned discussing estate business, and she was in fact concerned about the lack of timely correspondence from the dependable Sibley steward. She did not want to be beholden to Julian for everything, and she was entitled to her dower’s portion.

  At five after noon, the tall baron came into her sights. He was leaner than she recalled, and she felt a twinge of guilt that she had shirked her duties as his baroness. His green long coat and beaver hat were the style in Oxford but looked odd compared to the newer London fashions. His face was partially hidden by a younger man’s head, a strikingly handsome blond boy who was hatless on the cool autumn day. The two men were engrossed in conversation, and they stopped at the corner in front of the King’s Arms, just at the edge of Cathryn’s view.

  Craning her neck slightly, she could see them plainly. Percival faced her now and he was much as she remembered him, long in the face and quite gaunt. He was jovial with the boy, and Cathryn was surprised when he mussed the blond hair playfully. The golden idol didn’t seem to mind, and he didn’t flinch when Percival patted his cheek. This appeared to be their farewell, as the boy turned and walked down Holywell.

  What happened next baffled her even more. Percival stared after the young man for a very long time, probably until the youth turned a corner. All the while, the baron’s face was quietly radiant and he seemed to be very content. With a deep breath, he turned and his face transformed into the man she knew—rather pinched and terse, very much like the villain in one of Mrs. Burns’ novels.

  In a minute, he would be in this room with her, and her mind was in a jumble with this new insight into his character. He held deep affection for that young man. Fanny Hill described a scene of two men engaged in sexual activities of a deviant nature. Could Percival be a sodomite? It was a startling thought.

  Cathryn knew some scholars developed deep platonic bonds with the young men they tutored. If he engaged in immoral activities, would he call attention to them in such a public forum? His change of demeanor, as if he were preparing to discharge an unpleasant obligation, made her even more uneasy.

  Trying to balance these new perceptions, she sipped her tea to calm herself. Julian would know what to do. She wished him beside her now, and her shoulders squared.

  Listen before speaking. Let Percival lead until I know his mind.

  When the inn’s owner opened the door to the private room for Percival, the baron wore the insipid look of one who does not acknowledge inferiors. Upon spying Cathryn, the look changed to one of unwelcome duty. He bowed slightly to her as he waited for the owner to leave them.

  “Lady Sibley, a pleasure to see you.” His voice was frigid, and she knew he lied. She began to rise from the bench, but he gestured for her to stay seated. “Don’t get up.”

  She nodded and resumed her seat. “It’s good to see you as well, Sir Percival.” He hung his coat on a hook near the door and came to sit across from her. She waited for him to initiate conversation.

  “You’re looking fit,” he said as he settled into his seat. His dull-brown eyes glanced at her face, but unlike most men, did not stray to her chest. “You must be relieved to be out of black.”

  So he was aware her mourning was over. “Indeed. My coloring is not suited to such a severe color.” Gray was worse.

  His glance held a hint of masculine interest. “That red gown suits you.” He made red sound offensive, as if it were a strumpet’s costume.

  She preferred burgundy, as Julian had labeled it, but said only, “Thank you.”

  The innkeeper appeared with a tray containing tea for the baron.

  “We’ll have the Sunday roast, with the cauliflower and red onion pie.” Hedges ordered without asking her opinion. “It’s the best item on their menu.”

  The innkeeper glanced her way and she nodded. “That sounds grand, thank you.”

  “And a bottle of the inn’s red wine.”

  A utilitarian choice. Clearly, he was not celebrating a beloved betrothal.

  When they were alone, Percival glanced around the room nervously. He sipped his tea and then rose to stand by the small fireplace. Cathryn held her teacup and waited for him to begin.

  “How’s Violet getting on?”

  “Very well, thank you. She sends her regards.”

  “Yes, well, convey mine to her as well.”

  He cleared his throat and his voice took on an ominous tone. “I heard you made quite a scene at the Philological Society meeting.”

  That was the
last thing she expected him to say, and he sounded quite cross about it. She struggled to maintain a placid demeanor. Before she could speak, he continued. “Why do you attend the damn meetings?”

  She was often asked the same question, minus the profanity, and she lied each time. She craved the intellectual stimulation the meetings presented, but she answered, “Widow’s courtesy. Geoffrey was an active member for many years.”

  “I’m aware of that, of course. And I know the value of the society. We have similar groups here, studying languages at every level. My friend said you took on an assignment with Lord Ahlquist.”

  Hearing her lover’s name set her heart racing. “It’s a minor thing.”

  “Yes, so I heard. A trivial word from a trivial writer seeking expert approval.” Percival spat the words at her and she cowered slightly. Julian had been right about this encounter. This was a mistake.

  “Are you so bored that you need to amuse yourself in such a demeaning fashion?” He shifted from leg to leg and clenched his fist, as if he planned to fight the next man who came through the door. “These men are toying with you, and Ahlquist is the worst. I want you to abandon this ridiculous pretense.”

  The words hung between them as a dare. Cathryn knew she had no future with this man. She straightened her back and deflected his command. “Why are you speaking to me in this rude manner?”

  He stepped towards her and placed his cup down with a clatter. “You’re my wife. Your actions reflect on me.”

  “I’m not your wife.” She spat the words out as she pulled her cloak tight and rose with the intention of leaving.

  He moved to block her way. “Yes, you are. I made a settlement on you.”


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