Once she was safely enfolded in his warm embrace, her fury lessened. Julian would help her make things right. She couldn’t change the past, but she could face the future with courage. “He’s a dreadful man.” Julian started to release her, but she wrapped her arms around his waist and held him, anxious to have the truth between them. “There’s something else. Please, let me tell you without looking at you.”
He went still, and his heart pounded wildly beneath her cheek as she collected her thoughts. “Geoffrey was unfaithful to me…throughout our marriage…and he may have a daughter.” Her distress boiled over and she began to sob softly into his chest. “I might be barren.”
His arms tightened. “Oh, love, you’ve had a bad accounting of men today.” He swept her up and carried her across the room to the fire. Being carried by him was a pleasant distraction from her misery, and she was feeling distinctly better when he sat on the settee and settled her on his lap. “Let me make amends for our deficiencies.”
He brushed the hair away from her face, and scanned her, as if looking for signs of abuse. With a small smile, he kissed her lips gently. “Tell me about Hedges. How did he hurt you?”
Cradled in Julian’s arms, she felt safe. “He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me, then he shoved me back into my seat.” She rubbed her left shoulder. “I’m a bit tender, but nothing to be concerned over.”
“I’ll send the Ahlquist physician over in the morning.”
“Thank you.” She leaned her head on his chest and stared into the fire.
“What was Hedges angry about?”
She couldn’t help a chuckle at the memory of Percival’s reaction to her falsehood. “I told him you were working on the same translation he is—the Digenis Acritis.”
Julian didn’t respond for a moment, and it occurred to her that he might be upset with her, but he soon chuckled himself and said, “Good girl.”
His chest seemed to be swelling beneath her, and she sensed he was truly proud of her. She shifted so she could see his eyes. “Do you know of it?”
He smiled down at her. “I know it slightly, but I know someone who knows it well.”
“Someone you trust?”
“My brother-in-law. He’s a don at Cambridge.”
Her spirit brightened. “Then it’s not so preposterous that you could be involved.”
“No, love, you’ve done very well. Now Hedges will come to me.”
“Yes, I thought we could take him on together this way.” She brushed his hair back from his face. “He plans to wed me at Christmas.”
Julian caught her hand and kissed her palm and then pressed it against his face. “That will not happen.”
The heat within her began to rise at his touch and she smiled. “He told me to tumble you if need be, so I can find out your progress and report back to him.”
Shock flickered across his face. “He spoke to you such?”
“Yes, as he was grabbing me. He hates you. When he chastised me for making a scene at the Philological meeting, he mentioned you specifically, saying you were toying with me—” She stared at him and realized the truth of Hedges’ words. Julian had been toying with her. His first visit had been outrageous, bringing her Fanny Hill. A tantalizing temptation to see if she was willing to play his game.
“Wait, please. Start at the beginning and tell me everything.”
Was he still taking her lightly? She searched his face for the answer.
“What is it, darling?”
“Why did you bring me Fanny Hill?”
His eyes narrowed, and he took a moment to consider his response. “I found you attractive and available.” He stroked her cheek. “If you had not been receptive, I would have taken the book home with me.”
“You thought to scare me away from the society meetings, didn’t you?”
He shrugged lightly. “I was unhappy that you had challenged me publicly, but once I tasted you…my thoughts became…predatory.” His glowing eyes reflected her deepest desires, and she wished he would claim her. “I believe you are the woman for me, Cathryn. The last woman I will ever share intimacies with.”
There was nothing light about such a declaration. “But, I could be barren.”
“We have until Christmas to prove Hedges wrong.” His hand strayed to her breasts and brushed across them, causing all thoughts to flee. “I will enjoy finishing inside you.”
She flushed at the brazen comment. “I want that, too.”
He bent over her and his hand wandered under her skirts. She wanted nothing more than to make love with him now, to affirm the good in life.
His lips had just found hers when a knock on the door interrupted them. She slid from his lap with a regretful sigh. “Come in.”
Violet’s timid voice called out. “So sorry to disturb you, but—”
“What is it, Vi?”
“The Lewins have all left the house, Cat.” She walked over towards them slowly, and Cathryn straightened her skirts.
“Edna went to her sister’s, and she took Molly. Nathan left soon after, and Victor was worried, so he’s gone to look for him.”
Julian looked confused, so Cathryn explained. “Edna Lewin was Geoffrey’s lover, and Molly may be his daughter.”
“Oh, hell,” he muttered.
“Come sit with us. I was just telling Lord Ahlquist about Percival.”
Violet headed for the sideboard instead. “Sherry?”
Cathryn and Julian both nodded.
“Your coachmen are in the kitchen.” She poured three glasses and put them on a small tray, then added the decanter and brought it to the table in front of the fire.
They each reached for a glass and drained it. Violet refilled their glasses and then stepped back.
“Cat, I’m so sorry.” She looked down at her with tear-filled eyes. “I didn’t know, I swear.”
“No, it seems they were very discreet.” Cathryn shifted and patted the cushion beside her. “Come, join us. This has been a shock for you, as well.”
Julian moved to the end of the couch and Cathryn held out her hand. “Please, Violet. I know you thought your brother a saint.”
Violet finished her drink and sat down on the edge of the cushion. “I never heard a cross word from him, and he seemed so devoted to you.”
Melancholy crept over Cathryn. “And to you. Percival said Geoffrey and Edna were lovers before Molly was born. I don’t think you or I share any blame in this affair.”
Violet rose and walked over to the window. “I just feel awful.”
Cathryn looked at Julian mournfully, uncertain how to proceed. “Perhaps we should make it an early evening and we can talk on the morrow.”
He poured her more sherry and handed it to her. “No, ladies, I cannot concur. If ever there was a time to get socked and go prowling for trouble, this is it.”
“What on earth do you mean?” Cathryn watched him fill his own glass.
“I planned to take you to a private party at Vauxhall tonight, love, and stroll with you down a dimly lit Lover’s Lane.” He raised his glass with a wicked grin that warmed Cathryn’s heart. “There’s a warm breeze tonight, and the ton have left London.” He drank it all. “And it’s Sunday, so the pious are at home. I could stop by my club and find a suitable escort for Mrs. Pickering.”
Violet joined them on the couch, clearly interested in Julian’s offer. “The new gowns arrived today. Thank you so much, Lord Ahlquist. Cat, you’re going to love yours.”
Madame Vichy’s stock had included several gowns in Cathryn’s size nearly finished.
Julian held out his hand, and Cathryn took it as he said, “Living well is the best revenge.”
His good humor was infectious, and she did want to forget what she had learned today, if only for a few hours. She began to nod but stopped when she considered the consequences of being seen with him.
Without giving her an opportunity to change her mind, he kissed her hand and let it go. “If I stop by the club now, I can
be back in an hour with a friend. Do you have a preference, Mrs. Pickering?”
Violet giggled. “Tall, dark, handsome and rich. A title’s of little import.”
He chuckled. “I know just the man. He’s American, will that suit you?”
“Tonight, that would be perfect.”
“Excellent.” He reached the door. “Mrs. Pickering, did you say the staff are gone?”
“Yes, and it’s Violet, please.”
“And you must call me Julian. Will you ladies need assistance? Hot water?”
Violet giggled like a schoolgirl. “No, thank you, Julian. That’s very kind of you to think of our needs.”
“I’ll leave a man here, just in case. He can tend to your fires, at the least.” He straightened. “Tonight, I will try to anticipate all your needs, both of you. I’ll be representing the best of the male species, to try to counteract the balance of your day.” He looked longingly at Cathryn. “I wish you would leave your hair down.”
She and Violet both laughed. After all he had done for them, she wished she could, but leaving her hair down would make her look like a lady of the night.
“It seems the rest of the world has been carrying on without us, perhaps it is time we had a taste of wickedness,” Violet whispered.
A taste of wickedness was undeniably appealing.
* * * * *
Violet pulled Cathryn’s hair back and fashioned a loose chignon, then she teased loose several long brown tendrils that fell gracefully around Cathryn’s bare shoulders, and placed three pins strategically. “There. It will fall out at the slightest provocation but it’s easy to repair.”
Cathryn laughed as she considered how wicked she had been the past few days. “You’ve made me look very like this cameo.” The round image of a Greek woman set against a deep-brown background hung between her breasts.
“It’s the finest sardonyx cameo I’ve ever seen. Ahlquist has exquisite taste.”
Cathryn stared at her reflection and could scarcely believe the transformation from an hour before. A touch of rouge on her cheeks and lips, a hint of kohl on her eyelids and lashes, and the most elegant gown she had ever owned made her feel like an exotic princess swathed in copper silk. Tonight she would follow Julian wherever he wanted to take her, and she was eager to begin the journey.
“Are you certain you want to join us? I imagine you’ll be left alone with this gentleman for some time, and your mother does not approve of Americans.” The elder Lady Sibley was a renowned bigot.
Violet nodded vigorously as she smoothed her sapphire-blue satin gown. “I’m ready for some male companionship, and Mother is far away. Watching you and Ahlquist interact has been quite…stimulating.” She glanced down at the creamy white tops of her breasts, exposed by the low cut of her lace-trimmed neckline. “I think a man’s attentions are exactly what I need to get over my distress. Perhaps it will help me to understand Geoffrey’s motives.”
Cathryn stiffened. It stung her pride badly that her husband had sought another woman, especially when she would have welcomed him to her bed twice a week, or even more. However, Edna had come early in his life, and Geoffrey’s motivation seemed clear. “I think he loved her from his youth and having her available was too much temptation.”
Violet paused to consider this. She nodded, and then added. “And poor Nathan…married over twenty years.”
“Yes, poor man. I dread what we’ll face tomorrow with the Lewins.” Icy currents of fear over what was to come in the next months crept over her, and she shuddered.
Violet caught her shiver. “Are you chilled? I’ll fetch our new cloaks.” She left Cathryn’s bedroom through an adjoining door to the dressing room they shared, calling out along the way. “I thought perhaps it would be a good time for the Lewins to take their holidays.”
“That’s a good thought,” Cathryn agreed as she slipped on her new doeskin shoes. She could not resist feeling better at the supple comfort and sleek design. The evening had been a seesaw of emotions, from dread to joy. She wanted to stay on the joy side and forget the dread existed. “Julian thought of everything, didn’t he? These slippers are heavenly.”
Violet emerged with a stunning cashmere cloak, chestnut colored in background but elaborately embroidered with moss-green vines and ferns.
“That’s the most beautiful cloak I’ve ever seen.” The cost would have been out of the question a week before. Today it was a casual gift from her new lover. The days of scrimping were over.
“It has the most divine ermine collar, and it matches your dress perfectly.” Violet wrapped the exquisite creation over Cathryn’s shoulders and the two women stood in front of a long looking glass.
“It’s been quite some time since I exposed so much of myself.” Cathryn’s off-the-shoulder bodice draped just above her nipples and the cameo weighed the center down to reveal even more of her breasts.
“It’s been five years for me.” Since Mr. Pickering had died. “And I’ve never worn my hair like this in public.” Red curls framed Vi’s face and cascaded down her back.
“Well, I think Julian’s right. We should break out of our shells tonight and put the past behind us.”
“Don’t worry about me, Cat. I am ready for nearly anything tonight, if the man is right. I want to scream at the world, if you know what I mean.”
“Yes, exactly. Let’s go raise a ruckus in Vauxhall.”
* * * * *
Julian was unprepared for his reaction to seeing Cathryn in her copper silk gown. As she descended the stairs and smiled at Violet by her side, a rush of images poured through his mind. Cathryn in her bridal gown of ivory lace, the new Countess of Trenchford presented to the Queen, Lady Ahlquist greeting guests at Lindenhorn, Cathryn surrounded by their children. She was going to be the perfect wife for him, gracious and sensual, beautiful and modest, bold and tenacious—everything he wanted in a mate.
He stepped forward to greet her at the bottom of the stairway and took her cloak from her as he bowed. “I am humbled by your beauty.” His eyes met hers and he felt as if he had come home after a long journey. All he could think of to say was, “You will marry me, won’t you?”
“Yes, my lord.” She placed her hand in his, and he kissed her knuckles lightly. He inhaled deeply as she finished, “But not tonight.” Her glove smelled of soothing lavender, and her warm eyes promised that tonight she would make him the happiest man alive.
A throat clearing brought him back to the cold foyer.
Julian kept her hand as he turned to face his friend. “Pardon me, I’m hopelessly distracted. Lady Cathryn Sibley, Mrs. Violet Pickering, may I introduce Mr. Rune Darbonne, who hails from Boston.”
“Well done, Julian,” Violet muttered to him as she set her cloak on the banister and extended her hand to the tall, dark-haired American. “Mr. Darbonne, it’s a pleasure.”
“I assure you, Mrs. Pickering, the pleasure is all mine.” He bowed over her hand in a manner that suggested he was comfortable with English customs.
“Well, I hope not,” she teased, and his eyes widened.
“Mr. Darbonne,” Cathryn interrupted with a sidewards glance at Violet. “It’s very nice to meet you.” Julian still held her right hand, so she extended her left and the American bowed.
“Lord Ahlquist told me I would be thanking him for this introduction, and I can see he was right.” He scanned them appreciatively. “I do believe you are the most beautiful women in all of London. I only regret not meeting you sooner.”
Julian watched with amusement as the man charmed the ladies, but he was not exaggerating. This was going to be a night to remember. Violet’s suggestive comment meant she was in the game, probably due in part to the sherry he’d seen her consume on an empty belly. He knew Darbonne would treat her well. The American was a student of Master Aubrey. Julian had fenced against him several times in the past months and seen him pay proper deference to the extraordinary Fiona. He might lack the refinement of an Englishman, but one did not need
a coat of arms to be noble in character. He was rumored to be heir to an enormous fortune, but he had the democratic manners inherent to the colonists. Julian found him refreshing.
“We would like to offer you a challenge, gentlemen,” Violet said coquettishly. “No talk of the past tonight, only the present and the future.”
Cathryn continued the plea. “We’ve just come out of mourning, and we’ve had a dreadful day, Mr. Darbonne. Lord Ahlquist hopes to divert our attentions, and we are most in need of diversion.”
“The earl told me some of your situation on the way here, and I gladly accept your challenge. Let’s move forward and see what pleasant mischief we can find. Ahlquist has a unique evening planned.” He picked up Violet’s royal-blue velvet cloak and helped her put it on.
Julian finally relinquished Cathryn’s hand and held her cloak up for her. She turned her back to him and he leaned into her, nuzzling her neck as he settled the ermine around her shoulders. Her hair smelled of lemon and herbs, rather like a summer garden. The embroidered cashmere cloak suited her perfectly. “Thank you for indulging me and wearing your hair loose.”
“I hope we’re not seen by anyone we know.”
Julian smiled as he turned her to face him. “I have a very private evening planned.”
“In Vauxhall?”
“It’s closed to the public tonight. The owner offers it for private parties on occasion.”
“You’ve rented Vauxhall just for us?”
“Not all of it, only one of the Chinese pavilions.”
“What if I had stayed in Oxford?”
He answered her with a quick kiss on the cheek. “I believe there should be forfeit required if we speak of the past this evening.”
Cathryn blushed, but she smiled. “If kisses are the penalty I think you will spend the evening trying to lose.”
“Your point is well taken, my lady. Perhaps something less tempting but equally stimulating to the evening.” He offered Cathryn his arm and started for the door.
Violet giggled and said, “Perhaps a secret?”
“Yes, good.” He smiled her way and returned to Cathryn. “We shall have to tell a secret.”
SoundsofLove Page 10