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SoundsofLove Page 31

by Marilyn Kelly

  How else could he appease them after her blatant abduction?

  He nodded decisively. “You may leave after lunch.” He addressed a nearby footman. “Send to the Duck and Cock for the others, tell them that they may join us for lunch today.”

  Finally! “Thank you, Duke.”

  He started to leave the room but stopped midway and turned to Julian. “I hope you know what you’re doing, marrying an intellectual woman.”

  Julian’s arm tightened around her, and she deflected the insult as praise. Hadn’t the duke been ready to do the same thing? Julian’s voice was thick with relief and repressed anger. “I’ll keep you apprised of my progress, sir, every ten years until one of us passes on.”

  The door closed and she turned to Lawrence, who sat stunned in his seat. “You may join us for luncheon. Melina Burns, the novelist, will be here shortly, along with our dear friend, Fiona Aubrey. Have you heard of them?”

  He rose quickly, and she knew she’d struck a chord. “She’s a master of the sword?”

  “Yes. Would you like to sit beside her?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “After lunch, we’ll get you back to Lincoln. You can spend your nights there if you like, but I think the accomplishment will be worth your days at Bradford Manor this term.”

  “Yes, my lady. It will be a pleasure working with you, my lady.”

  “Excellent. Why don’t you go pack your belongings and meet us for lunch?”

  “Yes, my lady, and thank you, my lord.” He bowed on his way out.

  She faced Julian, and the magnitude of what she’d done washed over her. “I didn’t think I had that in me, standing up to the duke.”

  “Without offending him. You did very well. He would be a terrible enemy.” He dismissed the remaining footman, and they were alone. His voice held delicious promise. “You’re the perfect wife for me. I’m sorry I lost sight of that fact.”

  “Perhaps we could spend tonight at Gorham House, and finally enjoy the baths.”

  Chapter Twenty-five

  The first view of the Gorham baths literally took Cathryn’s breath away. Brilliant azure walls with high rows of massive stalactites reflected pink afternoon light, resulting in a surreal lavender glow. The bubbling springs of the huge cavern sent wisps of vapor dancing across the water. Outside the mouth of the cave, the sky was paler blue and a lake could barely be seen in the intense sunshine. “It looks like a postcard of the Blue Grotto I received once.”

  “I believe that was Melina’s intent. Of course she’s embellished the natural beauty a bit.” A single enormous body of water dominated the main chamber, with life-size statues of Greek and Roman design circling the space, looking down on the bathers with neutral expressions worn thin by centuries of exposure. Open clay stoves heated the air near the entrance to a comfortable temperature. “She hosts grand parties here in the summer—the whole district soaks in these waters.”

  Cathryn sniffed the air. “A bit of sulphur?” The smell was cleaner than she’d expected.

  “All the good minerals. It’s a rich spring, and the reason Melina bought the property. Cold this time of year, though.”

  Cathryn dragged her fingers over colorful mosaics that added texture to the high walls. “These are beautiful.”

  “You are beautiful.” He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck as he whispered, “I missed you so, Cathryn. Let’s never sleep apart again.”

  “Agreed. I never slept in a colder bed.” She turned in his arms and looked up at him. “We are much better together than alone.” His tousled hair and roguish features enchanted her.

  He kissed her lightly. “I was never lonelier than the week we were apart. I should have listened to your full explanation.”

  Embarrassed, she turned her face away and stared at the wall. “I have little defense. I was unfaithful to appease my loneliness, and I lied to save my pride.”

  He touched her chin and turned her face towards him. “I might have done the same, love. I saw that when I considered your situation fully.”

  Relief flooded her. “If it’s any consolation, I did learn that Hedges paid the doctor to seduce me.”

  “Truly?” Julian stepped back. “That bastard. He didn’t want children—I suppose he was testing your fertility.”

  That stung. “And my fidelity.” She took both his hands. “I promise to be faithful to you, Julian, and I’ll not wed until I conceive.”

  “We all do things we regret later, especially when sedated or foxed.” He squeezed her hand. “And I will wed you as soon as possible.” He let go of her hands and loosened the tie on her robe. “I want you as my wife, in sickness and in health.”

  She loosened his tie and his robe dropped open, displaying his thick urgency. “I want you as my husband, for better or worse.” He cupped her breasts gently, stroking his thumbs across the nipples until they peaked.

  A shudder of desire passed between them. He slid her robe off her shoulders and shrugged out of his own. “I will be faithful to you, and cherish you, until death us do part.” He removed the pins from her hair and dropped them on the floor, arranging her heavy locks around her shoulders and breasts with long strokes, frequently grazing her nipples with his fingers as he positioned the curls with great deliberation. Cathryn began to quake at each intimate contact, but all too soon, he stopped. He took her hands in his and kissed the backs of her knuckles as he gazed at her.

  Standing naked in the pagan cathedral, suffused by the amethyst glow and rich earthy smell of the waters, Cathryn filled with pure primal bliss at his clear adoration. Still, she could not be the first to say what she most wanted to hear. Tears welled in her eyes as she waited.

  He bent over her and brushed his lips against hers. “I’m in love with you, Cathryn. Deeply in love.”

  Her soul expanded and it took a moment to catch her breath. “Oh, Julian. I’m in love with you, too. Desperately.” She lifted her lips, and he answered her prayers with a long, deep kiss that sealed their vows.

  Her knees were weak when he pulled away and whispered, “It’s a fine feeling, being in love and being loved in return.”

  “Nothing could be finer.”

  He held her close for a long moment, and she savored the elation of finally having expressed herself. Now she could say it whenever she wished, what a welcome relief from the tension of restraint. His skin was cool as she stroked down his muscled back.

  He must have noticed the same on her as he rubbed down her spine and cupped her buttocks. “You’re chilled.” Taking her hand, he scooped up their robes and started walking towards a side doorway she’d failed to notice before. “There are warmer private baths.” He pulled back a dark curtain and urged her into the chamber beyond. The light was dim and she stood still for a moment to let her eyes adjust. He lit several more candles, and Cathryn stepped farther into the warm aquatic den. Tiles in shades of green and mirrors of various sizes lined the walls and low ceiling. The effect simulated a jungle feeling, with light shimmering through the thick brush. Rows of wooden benches and several open clay stoves surrounded a small pool of gently steaming water. A charming waterfall cascaded quietly at the far end of the bath, adding a tropical murmur to the air.

  Julian opened a cabinet along the wall and bent over something inside. His fine hips and thighs shone white in the candlelight and reflected in several mirrors at odd angles.

  Cathryn’s heart quickened. Something about his comment on being loved struck her, and she hoped to delve deeper. Perhaps a stab at levity? “You’re not shagging any of your housekeepers, are you?”

  To her relief, he barked a laugh. “Not a one. Not even a parlormaid. I plan to sleep in your bed every night and as many afternoons as possible.” His voice warmed. “And I did not sleep with any women when we were apart, in case you were wondering.”

  She was glad for the reassurance and quickly offered her own. “Thank you—nor did I. Sleep with any men.”

��Good.” He approached her with a champagne bottle and two glasses in his hands. “Do you fancy my father?”

  She laughed aloud. “No!”

  “Then we have no more worries.” He wore a broad smile as he handed her the glasses and loosened the cork.

  This was how she would always remember him. Naked and laughing, loving her completely in their decadent underground lair. He’s magnificent, and he’s mine. She drank in the image and impressed it upon her memory. “I hope we always love one another as much as we do at this moment.”

  “I’ll do my best.” He popped the cork and poured the champagne, setting the bottle on the floor before taking his glass from her. “I suspect I’ll grow to love you even more, as we share our joys and sorrows together.” He raised his glass. “I vow to do my best to earn more of your love. I want you to be proud of me.”

  Cathryn’s breath caught. That was all she could ask of a man. “I vow to do my best to earn more of your love and respect.” Eyes locked, they drank the toast, each draining the glass. Threads of bubbling warmth spread to her fingertips and toes.

  He took her glass and set it aside with his own, then circled her waist and kissed her with cool lips, teasing her with his tongue, his erection growing between them. Both of them were breathing heavily when he broke away, holding her gaze. “We’ve exchanged vows, Cathryn. I consider us married. I will never leave you again.”

  Tears flowed unbidden down her cheeks. “Thank you, Julian. It’s very kind of you to gamble on me, but you need an heir.”

  “I have an heir—a second cousin from Sussex.” He wiped a tear from her cheek. “And he’s happily married with six children, so you’ll never be forced to marry him.”

  Caught between a sob and a laugh, Cathryn hiccupped. The scent of champagne drifted between them and they both laughed again.

  He stepped back and appraised her openly. “You have all the appearances of a fertile woman—fine broad hips, generous breasts and a loving nature. Yes, love, I’ll wager on you.” He took her hand and led her to the water. “And I’ll win—I know it.”

  She flushed from her toes to the tips of her hair. He had placed his wager. It was time she placed hers. “A moment, sir.” She wiped away her tears and assumed what she hoped was a cheeky pose, hands on hips, as he stopped in place. “I should like to appraise your…assets…as a fertile man.” She winked and grinned. “Show me, please.”

  That pleased him tremendously. “As you wish.” He faced the candles and gave his cock a few long strokes before he puffed out his chest and stood proudly, hands on hips.

  She heated from her toes to the tips of her hair. “Yes, I think you’ll do quite well.” She pried her eyes from his stiff shaft, growing larger by the moment, and looked up to his smiling eyes. “I’ll wager on you…husband.”

  He shook his hips and his cock bobbed. “The race is on, my lady.” Reaching out, he grabbed her hand. “Into the water.” She followed him down a stair into the bath, relieved at the warm temperature. “I need a long soak to get the kohl out of my pores.”

  She put her hand on his shoulder. “Thank you again, Julian. I know that was a great sacrifice.”

  “It ended well—that’s what matters.” He let go and floated out into the pool, diving down for a long moment. He rose like a feline water sprite, brushing back his hair from his face. “That feels better already.” He swam away from her towards the waterfall. “If you want the water warmer, I can add more hot stones around the edges.” He pointed to a clay stove and she noticed large rocks on top. “Don’t step on the stones in the water—they stay hot for some time.” He stopped and stood, the water coming to the middle of his chest. “Can you swim?”

  Not really. “I had lessons as a girl.” She glanced around and noticed a ledge near the stairs. “I think I’ll sit for a while and watch you.”

  He walked towards her, holding out his hands. “You’ll feel better if you soak.”

  His boyish smile melted her reservations and she dove forward, eager to be in his arms. The water was deeper and the distance farther than she’d judged, and she went under rather less gracefully than she would have liked. Her foot hit bottom at the same moment that Julian reached her and she lunged into him, sending them both floating into deeper water. His hands lifted her as she struggled to untangle her hair from her arms, sputtering mineral water but relieved she hadn’t inhaled any.

  “Slowly, love, easy. Don’t kick, I have you.” His smiling face was inches from hers. “I have assets to protect.”

  She relaxed and let him hold her up. He cradled her as she arranged her hair behind her.

  “You have lovely hair. I should like you to keep it long.” He stiffened for a moment. “Unless you want to cut it, of course.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes again. Perhaps the champagne made her weepy, for it wasn’t her normal state. “I’m glad you like it. I’m happy to wear it any way that pleases you.” She smiled. “You’re the one who will look at it most often.”

  “Wear it down when we’re alone.” He didn’t hesitate, and she noted the preference.

  “As you wish. I like yours long or short equally—both suit you.”

  “Thank you. I plan to let it grow.” He guided her towards the ledge. “You incite me, Cathryn. Simple phrases make me want to pleasure you, everywhere.” He lifted her out of the water and set her down on a shallow ledge of smooth rock. She wiggled her bottom on the stone and wondered what he had in store for her. “‘Show me’, ‘as you wish’.” He stood between her legs, coming face to face with her. “This could make shopping a constant erotic adventure.”

  She giggled.

  He began with a kiss and she sighed, melding with him. He wrapped his arms firmly around her. “I love you, Cat.”

  “I love you, Julian.” How wonderful to have the words flow freely. Sweet sounds of love. “You call me Cat when we’re in the bedroom—or naked.”

  “I call you Cat when your hair is down and I want…intimacy.” He cupped her breasts, sending waves of desire surging throughout her. “Does that bother you?”

  “Nothing about you bothers me…at the moment.” Her nipples hardened and the surges increased in intensity. A whimper escaped. “Violet called me Cat, and it annoyed me at first, far too frivolous for how I saw myself.” His magical touch drew new pleasure forth with each caress. “But, now I see it…as my lighter side.” She leaned back on the stone edge of the pool to give him full access. All thoughts ceased as she gave herself over to the world of sensations.

  “A fine side of you it is, Cat.” Julian lapped at her breasts with his tongue, adoring each in equal measure. This woman, this beautiful body, was his to care for, and he intended to do her right. He laved her bosom, glad to hear her whimpers of pleasure. That was his intention for this evening—extreme pleasure. For both of them. But his cock was starting to ache, and Cathryn couldn’t be terribly comfortable lying on the rocks.

  He backed away and squeezed her breasts from more of a distance. Glorious. And mine. He huffed his approval as he backed away farther. “You’re a beauty, Cat.” He saw her wince when she rose from her elbows. “Let me get towels for us.” He left the pool by the stairs and headed for the linen closet, retrieving an armful of towels before returning to her, still seated on the side.

  “You’re very thoughtful, Julian.” She took a towel and placed it behind her. “I should find an endearment we both like—dear, perhaps? Thank you, dear?”

  He hovered over her, admiring her natural splendor, perfectly in harmony with the beauty of the surroundings. Most of his mistresses had called him “dear”. “No.”

  “Of course. You’re more a lion than a deer.”

  He smiled. “Beast. You can call me Beast if you want.” Her eyes kept darting to his cock. “That’s how I feel around you. It’s a trial being a gentleman with you—” She cut him off by grasping his prick firmly, sending a blast of raw sexual energy ripping through him. “Dear God, Cat.”

  “Cat doesn
’t like gentlemen much.” She pulled him to his knees in the best possible fashion and gave his prick an admiring once-over. “Cat prefers to feast on wild…meat, I suppose.” She kissed his cock and the jolt of desire set him back. “Have I upset you, Beast?”

  His cock spoke for him, pointing straight at her, shamelessly begging for more.

  “Perhaps not.” She leaned forward and opened her lips wide, taking him into her warmth.

  She had a glorious mouth, and she clearly enjoyed using it. He relaxed into the pleasure and savored the wet heat enveloping his prick. So sweet. She rocked back and forth, increasing the depth of her ravishment and adding more moisture with each delicious stroke. His balls began to tighten and he backed away reluctantly. “That was grand, pet, but—”

  “More, please.” She did not release him and continued to stroke.

  He would not come like a schoolboy, after only a few minutes, and he would not come in her mouth. She deserved better.

  But, she was beyond exciting, and it had been a bloody long week. She put both hands on him and he stiffened under her firm caress. “Oh, Cat.” She licked her lips enticingly when he became steely hard, and the tempo of her silken hands increased, bringing him perilously close to the edge. He rocked back with a bolt of sheer ecstasy as his cock erupted, spurting his seed across the stone as she milked him dry. Her eyes were wide as she watched, and even he was impressed when his erection barely subsided. “It’s been a very long week.”

  She nodded and finally dropped her hands away, still staring at his erection. “For me as well.”

  Now that his ardor was diminished, his guilt returned. He bent over to kiss the lips he cherished, so recently defiled. “Thank you, love, but…you seem too good to use in such a manner.”

  Her answer was a scorching kiss. His head was spinning when she broke away. “I want to be a good wife to a lusty man. I never want you to feel denied.” She gave him a challenging look. “I know you can satisfy my needs, and I want to fill all of yours.”


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