Heal Me, Daddy

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Heal Me, Daddy Page 25

by Roberts, Laylah

  Doc winced. He didn’t turn. “She won’t go for this unless I’m okay with it. And I’m not okay with it.”

  He stormed away.

  Archer stared at the door for a few beats. That could have gone better. He sighed, and ran his hand over his face. He could have chosen a better time. A better way.


  Now, Issy was going to dig his heels in. What if he poisoned Caley against Archer?

  No. He wouldn’t do that. This might be a shock, but he knew his brother. He tended to react first and think after. He’d think about this. And hopefully, he’d realize this was what was right for all of them.

  Archer would give him time, much as it killed him. But while he was doing that, he’d get the ball rolling in other areas.

  Because he wasn’t giving her up.

  He took out his phone and found the number he’d put in there.


  “Hello, Kent? It’s Archer Miller. About that job offer…”


  Caley looked out the windshield at the cute cabin. It was surprisingly pretty. It had a small porch out the front, but she knew from Doc’s description that there was a larger one out the back. It was bigger than she’d thought it would be considering she knew it only had two bedrooms. She knew he had a clinic at the main JSI headquarters which was a few minutes’ walk away. The drive here had been picturesque. There were cabins dotted through the trees, most down on the flat but some further up the mountain where JSI headquarters were.

  So, this was home.

  She’d been discharged from the hospital this morning. Thank God. She hadn’t thought she could stand another night in there. Issy had seemed just as eager to get home as she was to leave. She’d thought about asking to go up to see the remains of her cabin, but she wasn’t ready to face that yet.

  He’d bundled her into the car. She was surrounded by pillows to cushion her hands and to allow her to nap. And she’d actually managed to have a small one.

  “What do you think?” he asked as he stopped his truck. Kent had arranged for it to be delivered to him.

  A pang of sadness filled her as she thought of Archer, she didn’t understand why he’d left without saying goodbye. Issy had told her he had to get back to work. Which was likely true, but he couldn’t have taken a few minutes to say bye? And since he’d left, Issy had been acting odd. Withdrawn. Quiet.

  She hoped he wasn’t regretting letting her move in with him. Worry churned in her gut.

  “It’s really cute.”

  “You sound so surprised.”

  She was. He didn’t seem the type to care about where he lived. But then again, he was a neat freak, so it was no wonder everything looked spotless. How quickly would she drive him nuts with her messiness?

  Self-doubt was really killing her. She could barely do anything for herself with her hands bandaged. Nightmares were tearing up her sleep. And she felt kind of bereft, lost. Maybe it was just because she was missing work.

  “Of course not.” She gave him a bright smile. He didn’t look like he bought any of it.

  She wondered what she was going to do about clothes. She could buy some stuff online, but she couldn’t use her computer yet. Not that she had one. She sighed sadly.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? You don’t like the cabin?” He reached over and grasped hold of her chin gently turning her face to him. “You don’t want to live here?”

  “No, the cabin looks lovely. Far nicer than mine.”

  “You’re worried about moving in here? With me?” There was something vulnerable in his voice that she wasn’t used to.

  “No,” she said firmly. “I want to live here, with you. I’m just…” Just tell him, Caley. “Do you regret it? Offering me a place to live? If it’s too soon, I can find somewhere else, somewhere close by. You don’t have to do this just because I have nowhere to live. And I’m injured.”

  His eyes had grown wider with each sentence. “What the hell? What nonsense are you spouting? I asked you to move in with me before I left, remember? This has nothing to do with the fire. What part of ‘I love you and I’m not letting you out of my sight’ did not compute with you?”

  “It’s just…I guess you’ve seemed a bit quiet since Archer left. And I was worried…”

  “That I’d changed my mind?”

  She nodded.

  “I have not.”

  I have not? That was it? She gave him an exasperated look.

  “Baby doll, you are mine. You’re staying mine. End of story.”

  “But what if I annoy you? I’m not easy to live with. I’m messy and I spend a lot of time in my own head, I don’t always notice what’s going on around me and I—”

  “Baby doll, I know all this. I’ve lived with you.”

  “Only for a short time.”

  “Nobody is perfect. We both have flaws. I’m a neat freak.”

  “And bossy.”

  “That too.”

  “And blunt, anti-social, temperamental—”

  “Okay, you need to stop now before you talk yourself out of living with me,” he grumbled.

  That wasn’t going to happen but she nodded.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been quiet and withdrawn. I’ve had stuff on my mind.”

  “Archer?” she guessed.

  “Yeah, that’s some of it.”

  “Will you tell me what happened?”

  He sighed. “Can you give me a while? I’ll tell you eventually. I just need to process it all.”

  She nodded. She could do that.

  “All right, let’s get you inside and into bed.”

  “Nooo, I don’t want to go to bed. I’ve spent days in bed.” She pouted.

  “Because you’re injured and recovering. Wait there for me.”

  He walked around to the passenger side and reaching in, undid her belt, pulling her out into his arms.

  “I can walk. It’s my hands that are injured.”

  “Are you forgetting about your ankle?”

  “It was just a twist; it’s not even swollen anymore.”

  He just grunted and carried her inside. To her surprise, the door was unlocked. But then she guessed security wasn’t much of an issue around here. They walked straight into the cozy living room, where the fireplace was already lit and crackling away. The fireplace had built-ins on either side, half-filled with books. There was a rug on the floor and a sectional in front of the fireplace. Mounted up high was a large T.V. The kitchen was towards the back of the room, making a big, open-plan area. It was warm and inviting. But that wasn’t what caught her attention.

  Across the beams of the ceiling was a large banner that read,

  Welcome Home, Caley

  It looked like it had been hand-painted. There were also pictures of flowers, hearts and stars. And a big heaping of glitter scattered on top.

  “Looks like the Littles have been busy,” Doc commented, walking to the sofa and setting her on it. “You can stay up for a while before you go down for a nap.”

  “That was so kind of them.”

  Doc grunted, looking at the floor. “And seems they left a trail of glitter in their wake. Gonna need the vacuum cleaner.”

  She bit back a smile at his grumbling, knowing it was hot air without any real heat behind it. He walked towards the small, circular table set between the living and kitchen area. It had a series of gift-wrapped items.

  “What are those? It’s not your birthday, is it?”

  “No. These are all for you.” He pulled out his phone as it buzzed. “It’s Kent. He says everyone wanted to replace some of what you lost in the fire. He forced them to leave all the gifts here because he thought you might be overwhelmed by their presence here when you got home.”

  That was thoughtful. And kind. From Kent and all the Littles. She didn’t even know how many there were or their names, other than Abby.

  But she was going to have to learn sometime. And they’d already shown that they were incredibly kind. She’d never ha
d someone do something like this for her. Not even on her birthday. And she didn’t even know them.

  You’re going to need to be brave.

  “Tell him they can come over.”

  He eyed her. “You sure? They’re all very kind and caring, sometimes a bit bratty but I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed or pressured.”

  “I don’t. I won’t.” She tried to brush her hand through her hair. “I probably look like a fright though. I haven’t had a shower in days. What if I stink? Is there a mirror somewhere?”

  He walked over and crouched down beside her. Then he kissed her forehead. “You look beautiful as always. You don’t need to do anything. They’re going to love you the way you are. Remember, I would never allow anyone to harm you. In any way.”

  She stared into his firm gaze.

  “All right. I’ll tell them they can come over and give you their gifts but only for an hour. You need a nap.”

  She sighed. He could go from sweet to bossy in two seconds flat.

  But she kind of liked it.

  However, she’d never tell him that.


  “Oh, you poor thing,” Abby said, sitting next to her on the sofa and staring down at her bandaged hands.

  She and Kent had arrived soon after Issy texted Kent back. They’d been the first to get there. And Abby was just as sweet as she’d imagined. They were followed quickly by Ellie and her husband, Bear. He was as quiet as his wife was bubbly. Then Zeke had pushed in his girlfriend, Eden who was in a wheelchair. She was also Kent’s sister.

  Clint and Charlie, Kent’s brother and his fiancée, had come with them. Last had been Macca and Gigi, who had the most gorgeous accent.

  Now all the men were in the kitchen area talking quietly while all the women had gathered around her.

  “I’m all right. It doesn’t hurt too much. And they will probably heal up in another week or so.”

  “But you can’t even open your presents,” Ellie said, sitting down on her other side. “I’ll have to help you.”

  Eden rolled her eyes. “Like that’s a hardship. Ellie loves to open gifts.”

  “Who doesn’t?” Gigi said with a smile.

  “Ari says she wishes she could be here, but she and Bain had to go to New York to meet with her record label,” Abby told her.

  “She’s amazing. She hasn’t lived here long, but she’s so kind and lovely,” Ellie told her.

  The door opened and she turned her head to see a dark-haired woman bounce in, followed by a big, fierce-looking man.

  “Sorry we’re late. I was finishing up some editing.”

  Caley knew that voice. She’d spoken to her several times but never seen her in person.

  “Daisy?” she asked.

  The woman paused and so did the man behind her, looking her up and down, assessing.

  “Yes?” Daisy asked warily. “Do I know you?”

  “I’m Caley.”

  “Yes.” She still looked puzzled.

  Caley blushed. Idiot. “You know me as CJ?” She made it into a question in case she was wrong.

  “CJ?” Daisy squealed. “Oh my God! How did I not know it was you? Why did Doc not tell us!”

  “Tell you what?” Issy asked, coming over.

  “That she’s CJ Bennett!” Daisy said. “I would have come to the hospital if I’d known. Oh, CJ your house. All your stuff. Your laptop!”

  Tears started to roll down Daisy’s face and a comically horrified look filled the face of the man behind her, who could only be Jed.

  “You’re CJ Bennett!” Gigi gaped at her. “I love your books so much.”

  “Wait, you’ve read her books?” Issy asked. “That’s your pen name?”

  She nodded, embarrassed.

  Daisy moved away from Jed who had been hugging and talking to her quietly. Abby moved over and she sat next to Caley.

  “Of course!” Gigi answered. “You mean, you haven’t?”

  “I haven’t been allowed to yet,” Issy said dryly. “And she’s never told me the name she writes under.”

  She blushed slightly.

  “They’re amazing books,” Gigi said.

  Caley shook her head, looking over to Daisy. “I should have put it all together. I knew when Issy mentioned JSI that I’d heard of it before. I don’t think you ever mentioned the name of the ranch you lived on and it just didn’t click. I can’t believe you live here.”

  “And now so do you! Imagine what we can get done together.”

  “Get done?” Issy asked.

  “Issy?” Jed asked, his lips twitched.

  Issy glared at him. She looked up at him, worried that she’d messed up by calling him that. But he must have caught her thought because his face softened.

  “I’m CJ’s editor,” Daisy explained.

  “Caley,” she said softly. “Call me Caley.”

  Daisy sniffled. “Oh, Caley, I’m so sorry about your home.”

  “It’s all right,” Caley said, looking out at them all, feeling more at ease than she’d have thought possible considering they were a room full of strangers who knew her deepest secret. “It seems I have a new home.”

  * * *

  I want to share her.

  Fuck Archer. Just fuck him. How could he just lay that on him? Share her? Was he fucking kidding? Why would Issy do that?

  Except maybe…maybe this wasn’t about him. His brother was miserable. That was easy to see. Issy had the girl. He could keep Archer from her.

  Except what did Caley want?

  Issy glanced over at Caley to check on her. She looked pale and tired. But there was a smile on her face. And there was a lightness to her that he hadn’t seen before. He knew then that this was the right move. For too long, she’d been on her own. She needed people around her that cared. That would look after her if anything ever happened to him. He never wanted her to be on her own again.

  “She looks better than she did,” Kent commented to him.

  Only Daisy, Jed, Clint, Charlie, Kent and Abby were left, the others having gone once the presents were opened. He could tell by the shocked look on Caley’s face that she hadn’t imagined anyone doing something like this for her. She was now surrounded by a pile of gifts, from soft blankets to bumblebee slippers to fuzzy socks.

  He was going to have to figure out how to spoil her.

  Better but not great. He knew she was hurt by the way Archer just left. And he couldn’t tell her that was his fault. That he’d snapped at his brother and told him to fuck off.

  Christ. What had he done?

  “Half expected Archer to be here with you.”

  “Why is that?” he asked, stiffening.

  Kent took a sip of the beer he’d helped himself to from his fridge. “Offered him a job.”

  He spun to gape at his boss. “You did? Why? Why would you need a shrink?”

  Kent looked around then nodded to the back porch. “Come talk out here.”

  Doc glanced over at Caley. Kent turned to his brother. “Clint, watch Caley, will ya?”

  “Why? What trouble can she possibly get up to when she’s bundled up in a blanket with both her hands bandaged?”

  Kent just stared at him.

  “Yeah, okay,” Clint replied. “Clint’s Little-sitting service is here.”

  Doc rolled his eyes at Clint’s grumbling. Truth was, the big guy watched over and protected everyone on this ranch. Whether they wanted his help or not.

  Doc walked out with Kent. “Well? Why’d you offer Archer a job?”

  “Is that so bad? Are you not getting along with him again?”

  He ground his teeth together, looking out at the woods. “He loves Caley.”

  “Told you, did he?”

  Doc swung back to him. “You know?”

  “It’s pretty damn obvious. I think the only one who doesn’t know is Caley.”

  “So you knew he loved her, and you offered him a job? Have I done something to piss you off?”

  “Pretty much dail
y. And yet I still care about you. Which is why I’m going to tell you this, don’t let your pride get in your way of happiness. Yours, your brother’s, but most importantly, Caley’s.”

  “What the hell are you saying?”

  “Archer loves Caley. You love Caley. You and Archer love each other. So…”

  “You think we should share her?” he asked. Had everyone around him taken fucking crazy pills?

  “Is that so crazy? I know several ménage couples. Hell, Bain was telling me that Ari’s three best friends are looking for a woman to share and there’s three of them.”

  “Yes…but…what…” He tried to speak. To protest. To tell Kent he was way off base.

  But what if he wasn’t?

  “You left something out.”

  “What’s that?” Kent took another sip of beer, looking completely relaxed.

  “How Caley feels about Archer.”

  “So I did.” Kent turned towards him. “How do you think she feels about Archer?”

  Unease churned in his gut.

  “Look, I shouldn’t be interfering. This isn’t my relationship. It’s just…I love you, man. I don’t want to see you throw something away that could work. I don’t want you to lose your brother just when you’ve found him again. What if you could have your girl and your brother in your life? A permanent ménage ain’t for everyone and I’m not saying it will be easy, but it could also mean that one of you was always watching over your girl, there to see to her needs, giving her twice as much love and affection. Your brother loves her, he’d be there for her no matter what. And for someone who has lost as much as she has, well, she deserves as much love as possible, don’t you think?”


  Hours later, as he helped Caley into the bath, Kent’s words were still plaguing him.

  The bastard.

  After everyone had gone, he’d put Caley down for a nap and tidied everything up. And he’d discovered there was one gift that hadn’t been opened. It had been lost under a pile of wrapping paper. But he’d recognized the handwriting on the card.

  Knowing he shouldn’t, he’d opened it.


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