Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 7

by Keyonna Davis

  “That was the best good morning kiss that I have ever had,” he said and turned toward the bathroom. Looking down at the bed, Cane sucked in a deep breath when she saw Duncan. He was still lying on the bed watching her. The look on his face told her that he was fighting for control, but it didn’t scare her. Cane knew that he would never hurt her in any way. The look that she saw was pure lust. She reached her hand out to him and Duncan took it raising himself off the bed.

  He brought his other hand up and cupped her cheek. “That was some kiss,” he said. “You wouldn’t want me to feel left out, would you?”

  Cane couldn’t help but to grin back at him. She felt her heart fill with joy because she knew at that moment she never had to be afraid of this relationship not working because her two men would never be jealous of each other.

  “No, we wouldn’t want that to happen.”

  Taking her answer as permission, Duncan covered her mouth with his. He easily took control of the kiss wrapping his hand in her hair. He tilted her head to the side to get a better angle and plunged his tongue into her mouth. Cane clamped her lips on his tongue and began to suck on it and he thrust it in and out, causing a growl to come from him.

  When he pulled back, they were both panting for breath, and Duncan leaned down placing his mouth beside her ear and whispered, “I’m going to have to agree with Logan about that being the best good morning kiss ever.”

  With that, he swirled his tongue in her ear and nipped her lobe before turning and heading into the bathroom that Logan had just exited. Feeling a shiver go down her spine and her knees go week, Cane sat on the side of the bed. She felt the heat between her legs and knew that her panties would be soaking wet. Taking a few deep breaths and gaining her composure, she exited the room and went to Ali’s room to find her clothes and take a shower.

  Cane left Ali’s room fully dressed after showering. She could hear voices coming down the hall and headed toward the kitchen. The whole family was already seated around the table when she got there. Cane went directly to the seat between Duncan and Logan where she’d sat last night. She was embarrassed about what happened last night, and she didn’t know if the two men had filled the rest of the family in on her background. She really liked this family and didn’t want them to think differently of her or pity her. She wanted to put the past behind her and move on with her life. She felt like she was starting over and was determined that this time she was going to do it right. Finally glancing around the table, she saw that no one was really paying attention to her. They were going on like nothing happened last night and that Cane was a regular member of the family. She couldn’t help but to breathe a deep sigh of relief and smile. Filling her plate, she began to dig into her breakfast.

  * * * *

  While Cane was in the shower, Duncan and Logan took the time to fill the rest of the family in on what happened to Cane and why she was really in town. Chase, Riley, and Ali were all worried about her after the nightmare that she had the night before. It made Duncan feel good that his family liked Cane enough to be concerned about her. When he told them about Cane and how she had to run away to get away from an abusive relationship, both his brothers had the same reaction that he and Logan had. They looked like they wanted to kill the guy if they ever met him. Ali didn’t say anything, but Duncan could see the concern in her eyes. He couldn’t help but to think that she and Cane were so much alike. He knew that they would be good for each other and could help each other heal.

  When Cane came into the kitchen, Duncan saw that she was nervous. He immediately wanted to go hug her and tell her it would be okay, but he knew that was not what she needed at the moment. He knew that she had to see for herself that his family did not care about her past and would not judge her. It made him feel good that she immediately came and sat between him and Logan, knowing that they would protect her from anything. Duncan held his breath as he watched Cane. When she finally looked up and saw that no one was judging her and began to relax, he let out the breath and relaxed himself. She belonged here with them and he decided at that moment that he would do whatever possible to make her see that and to convince her to stay. He looked over her head at Logan and watched as he finally relaxed the tension in his shoulders. Logan looked up at him and smiled and nodded his head. Having been best friends and together for so long, Duncan did not need words to know exactly what Logan was trying to tell him. He felt the same way as Duncan. Cane was right where she belonged.

  * * * *

  Breakfast was an interesting experience for Cane. She could tell that the rest of the family knew her situation, but from what she saw no one judged her for it. Not once did she see pity, only concern, and that quickly went away as well. Cane learned about each of the Matthews as she ate. She found out that not only was the house huge but it sat on 300 acres of land. Chase worked the land and raised cattle and a few horses.

  No wonder he is so huge, Cane thought. No doubt working on a farm would be hard work and produce the kind of muscles that he had. He was also retired from them military, but she wasn’t sure what branch. He changed the subject quickly when it was brought up, and Cane didn’t push to find out any more about his past. She learned that Riley was in college and was only home for summer break. He was about to head back to school in a few weeks to study accounting. According to him, someone had to manage the family business of the farm and the diner, and also it seemed that their father came from a rich family and left all the money to the Matthews children.

  “Why pay someone to manage our money when we could do it ourselves?” Riley asked. Cane had to admit he had a point. After spending almost eight years having to ask someone else for money and having to explain why she wanted it, she knew exactly how he felt about not wanting someone else managing his money. It was ironic that Logan and Duncan were in law enforcement since they caused the majority of the trouble in town when they were growing up.

  Ali was another story. It turned out that she was pretty much a genius. She was so smart that the school in town couldn’t keep up with her, so her mom had to homeschool her. At the age of fourteen, she completed high school. Since she was too young to go to college, she started working in the diner with her mom. She decided that she loved cooking so much that she wants to go to culinary school so that she could come back and work at the diner and create new menus instead of the standard hamburgers and fries. The way Ali talked about working at the diner and cooking, Cane could tell that it was her passion and wished that she had something to feel that way about in her life. Even when she was in college, she didn’t know what she wanted to do other than own her own business. She decided that she had time to make up her mind while she went through her standard classes, but dropping out at Sam’s insistence after he graduated, she never had a chance to make up her mind. The only thing that she had ever been good at was cooking and cleaning and even then it was never up to Sam’s standards. Maybe once she knew that she was truly safe she would sit down and think of what she wanted to do with the rest of her life.

  Cane was amazed at the Matthews family. They all knew exactly what they wanted out of life and went for it. They all looked out for each other and made sure that they were all happy. Even their parents’ tragic death didn’t tear them apart. In fact it seemed, if it was possible, it made them all closer, including Logan. The family moved as a well-oiled machine. Cane was amazed when Riley and Chase stood up and started to clear the table and she tried to help, they refused.

  Wow, she thought, Sam would have never offered to do the dishes. That was always her job. According to him, men earned money and women stayed home and took care of the house. Cane wouldn’t have minded to stay home and take care of things if it had been her choice and not something she was forced to do. Pushing the memories of Sam out of her mind, Cane focused her attention back on Duncan and Logan. They were both dressed in their work uniforms. Her eyes trailed them from head to toe, and she couldn’t stop the shiver that went down her spine. Damn, these men were sexy.
How did she get so lucky? As if they felt her watching them, they both turned and looked at her at the same time. She saw desire, lust, and something else that she couldn’t quite name in their eyes. Feeling a little overwhelmed, she turned away.

  I’m losing my heart to these guys.

  Chapter 9

  It had been two hours since he and Logan had dropped Cane off at her room, and Duncan couldn’t stop thinking about her. He tried to get work done, but it seemed that his thoughts kept straying toward her. Last night had been fun having her with him and his family. Waking up with her wrapped in his and Logan’s arms had been the best feeling in the world. For the first time he felt complete and he knew that Logan felt the same way. The fact that Cane didn’t go running and screaming when she found out that he and Logan liked to share women said something about her, but the way she responded to the two of them when they kissed her this morning told them everything they needed to know. She was meant for them. Now all they had to do was make sure she was safe and eliminate the threat to her. He had no doubt in his mind that Cane would not hesitate to run again if she thought there was a possibility that she may be found by Sam.

  “We can’t let her run again, Logan.”

  “I know. What are we going to do? I don’t think I can give her up.”

  “I feel the same way.” Sighing, Duncan rubbed his hands over his face and stood up to pace the room. Before he could say anything else, the door to the sheriff’s station opened and Dr. Barnes walked in with a folder in his arm.

  “Hey, Doc, what can we do for you today?”

  “Well, Duncan, I know I’m not supposed to show you this, but I felt you needed to see it.” Curious, both he and Logan walked over to the desk and looked at the folder that Dr. Barnes had opened on it. It was Cane’s medical records. Looking them over, Duncan felt his stomach roll like he was going to be sick. Cane obviously sugarcoated her injuries when she told them about her past. He didn’t know how she survived the hell that bastard put her through. Looking over at Logan, he saw that he was barely holding back his anger. He knew that Logan knew exactly what Cane went through because he went through the same thing with his father.

  “Shit!” Logan yelled. “How did you get this info?”

  Not understanding what the problem was, Dr. Barnes frowned and said, “I saw her ID when you guys went through her bag the other day at the office. I submitted it online to have her medical records sent because I was worried about her. Based on her records, I had a good reason to be worried.”

  “Damn, can anyone have access to the website that you used to access these records?” Duncan asked.

  “Well, in theory, no,” Dr. Barnes said, “but anyone with a login ID and password can log on. Why all the questions? What’s going on?” Although Duncan knew he shouldn’t be mad at the doc, he couldn’t help the anger in his voice.

  “She is on the run from an abusive boyfriend, and you may have just told him exactly where she is.”

  “We have to warn her,” Logan yelled as he started for the door. Duncan didn’t say anything, just followed Logan out of the station.

  * * * *

  Sighing, Cane sat the book down that she was attempting to read. There was no point in trying to read it when she couldn’t concentrate. She had been staring at the same page for about fifteen minutes now. Her mind only wanted to think about one thing. Well two things, she thought, laughing. Duncan and Logan, the two men had somehow worked their way past her defenses, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. Strike that, she knew exactly how she felt. She was in love with the both of them. That was the scary part. Cane was not so naive to think that she was out of danger, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before Sam used his resources to find her. Cane didn’t even want to think of what he would do when he found her. Maybe she should leave now. He couldn’t find her if she just kept moving. But then she would have to leave the two men that she had come to love in just a short amount of time. The thought of leaving them made her heart hurt and it hard to breathe. What was she going to do? She couldn’t leave them, but she couldn’t put them or the rest of their family in danger either.

  You have certainly gotten yourself in deep this time, she thought. Deciding that she needed some fresh air, Cane went to the small safe that Duncan insisted that she have and took out a little cash. Ali was working at the diner, maybe she would go see if she needed a little help. Cane was not used to just sitting around doing nothing, and it was starting to get to her.

  As she walked down the street, Cane looked at her surroundings. Could she see herself living in this town? Never being a fan of big crowds, she liked the fact that it was small and not very many people lived in it. Not really paying attention to where she was going, Cane didn’t hear when someone came up behind her and grabbed her arm. Screaming, she turned and swung with her fist connecting with someone’s face.

  “Cane! Cane!” Gasping for breath, she realized that Duncan was yelling at her.

  “It’s just us, sweetheart, calm down.”

  “Oh God, I’m so sorry, but you can’t sneak up behind me like that.”

  “Damn, baby,” Logan said, rubbing his jaw and smiling. “You can really hit.”

  Cane’s heart was racing, and she couldn’t hold back the tears that started flowing. Would Logan hit her back for punching him? Sam certainly would have, even if it were an accident. When she reached up to wipe away the tears, she noticed that her hands were trembling. Not wanting them to see her like that, she turned and walked away. Before she could take a few steps they grabbed her and both pulled her into a hug.

  “We are sorry, baby. We didn’t try to sneak up on you,” Logan said. “We yelled your name a few times, but you didn’t answer us.”

  “I guess I was just lost in thought and didn’t hear you.”

  It felt good sandwiched in between them. She felt safe and comforted. She couldn’t believe that they were holding her like this out on the street where everyone could see. She tried to move, but they held her tight and didn’t budge.

  “Um, guys? People are starting to stare.”

  “Let them look,” Logan said. “We don’t care what people think.”

  It shouldn’t have, but that comment made her feel like she was the most precious thing in the world to them.

  “Sweetheart, why were you out wandering around by yourself?”

  “I got bored and decided to go for a walk and then see if Ali needed any help at the diner. Why were you guys looking for me?”

  “Come on,” Duncan said, “let’s go back to your room. We need to talk.”

  We need to talk? What was going on? The serious look on their faces told her this wasn’t going to be a good conversation. Afraid her voice would give away the chaos going on in her head, she just nodded and followed them back to the room. Once they were inside, Cane sat on the bed and stared at the two men waiting for them to tell her the bad news that she was sure was coming. Duncan sat next to her and grabbed her hand while Logan paced the room like an angry wild animal ready to break out of his cage.

  “Whatever it is, just tell me please. I can handle it.”

  After a few more minutes of silence, it was Logan that finally spoke. “We may have a problem. Dr. Barnes submitted a request to have your medical records sent. Now he assures us that the site he used online is secure, but anyone with a login ID and a password can access the requests and see where those files were sent.”

  For a second, Cane thought she might pass out. It seemed as though her lungs had stopped working and she couldn’t draw in a breath.

  Oh God! I knew it was a mistake to stay here. I need to leave as soon as possible. He could already be here or on his way.

  She couldn’t stop all the thoughts from running through her head. Jumping up from the bed, Cane ran to the closet. She grabbed her suitcase and backpack.

  “What are you doing?” Duncan asked.

  “I’ve got to leave as soon as possible. He could be here at any moment,”
she yelled. Knowing that she might have to leave at a moment’s notice, she never unpacked, so she was ready to leave in no time at all. Before she could make it to the door, Logan grabbed her arm. Worried about where she would go and what she needed to do next, Cane couldn’t help but to let out a gasp and to flinch when she felt a firm hand grasp her wrist. She was used to a slap or a punch following whenever Sam grabbed her like that. Even though she hadn’t known these two men long, she knew that they were nothing like Sam and would never hurt her. Looking up, she saw the frown on Logan’s face as he blocked the door. Duncan stood up and walked over with his hands raised as if any sudden movements would scare her away. He slowly placed his hand on her back and began to rub small circles.

  “You know that we would never hurt you, Cane. Let us protect you. We won’t allow that bastard to harm you ever again,” he said. Logan nodded his head in agreement and cupped her cheek.

  What were these men doing to her? They gentle way they touched and held her made her feel safe. She wanted to stay in their arms forever, but she would never allow this family to be harmed because of her. She knew Sam and how ruthless he could be. He had a lot of friends and connections and wasn’t afraid to use them. Cane had no choice. She had to leave. She would never forgive herself if anything happened to them.

  “I have to leave as soon as possible. He will kill me, and he will kill you if you get in his way. I can’t let that happen.”

  “Damnit, Cane!” Logan yelled as he walked away. “Let us help you. You can’t run for the rest of your life. We don’t want you to leave.” Duncan, who was still rubbing her back, spoke next. “Give us a chance to help you. Logan is right, we don’t want to lose you. I know it has only been a few days, but we think we could really have something special with you if you would only give us a chance. If you don’t feel safe here anymore, then stay with us.”


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