Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Davis, Keyonna - Nowhere to Hide [Pine Valley] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 11

by Keyonna Davis

  As if sensing her indecision, Logan sat up. “Hey, you don’t have to do that. We can do whatever feels comfortable to you.”

  “I want to. It’s just that…well…I was told that I was no good at it. I haven’t done it very often. Sam was always too rough and the last time he made me do it was about four years ago, he cut off my air supply and held my head so I couldn’t move. I panicked and bit him. I received a broken jaw, but he never asked me to suck him again.”

  “That bastard wouldn’t have gotten what he deserved even if you had bitten his cock off. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I want to.”

  “Okay, I will lie here then and try my best not to move if that helps. Just, no teeth,” he said with a huge grin. Instantly Cane felt comforted. I can do this. Nodding, Cane pushed gently on his shoulder and eased him back down on the bed.

  Returning to his belt, Cane unbuckled it with trembling fingers. After a few tries, she managed to get his pants unbuttoned and unzipped. She lowered his pants and boxer briefs together as Logan lifted his hips to help. She was rewarded with his large, swollen cock that lay fully erect against his belly. She reached out and ran her finger down then underside tracing the vein that ran there. Once she reached the base, she wrapped her hand around him and gently squeezed. She felt Logan’s thighs tense as he moaned.

  She looked up. “I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  “No, it feels good. Keep going.”

  Gaining a little more courage, she leaned down and swiped her tongue across the head of his cock licking the small bead of pre-cum. She instantly fell in love with his taste, slightly salty and sweet. She moaned as she swallowed and sucked him into her mouth. Using her hand she pumped up and down as she licked and sucked. Soon she could hear Logan moaning, and she felt him ease his hands in her hair, Cane froze.

  “Sorry, baby, just reflexes. You are driving me crazy. Your hot mouth feels so good on my cock. I’m trying my best not to lose control.”

  Spurred on by his words, Cane continued. It made her feel good that she was able to make him lose control like this. She didn’t feel threatened and knew he would never hurt her like Sam. Cane increased her efforts wanting to see how far she could push him. Still squeezing the base of his cock, she used her other hand to lightly massage and roll his balls. Using her mouth, she sucked as she flicked her tongue under the sensitive tip. She could feel his cock throbbing and swelling.

  “Oh God, baby, I’m gonna come!”

  Releasing his cock from her mouth, she pumped him twice more and watched as he shot his cum on her chin and chest. She continued to pump him until he wrapped his hand over hers and held it.

  “No more. Damn baby, you are going to kill me.”

  “Was that okay?” Cane couldn’t keep the fear that it was bad out of her voice.

  Rising up, Logan grabbed her and quickly flipped her on her back. Once he was on top of her, he kissed her deeply. “Baby, anything you do to me will be good because I love you.”

  He loves me. Gasping for breath, Cane couldn’t hold back the tears as they began to flow. I’m turning into such a crybaby. I have cried more in the few days that I have been here than in the past eight years combined.

  “Do you really mean that?” she asked.

  “Baby, I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. I know it hasn’t been that long, but I love you. I know in my heart that you were meant for me and Duncan. I would die if you left or if anything happened to you. You belong here with us.” Cane wrapped her arms around Logan’s neck and buried her face in his chest and sobbed.

  “Shh, baby, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Sniffing, Cane looked up at him and gave him a watery smile. “I’m not upset, Logan. I’m happy. I have never been this happy in all my life. I love you, Logan. I love you and Duncan with all my heart. You are right, this is where I belong. Of all the possible places I could have ended up when I got on that bus, I am glad I ended up here.”

  Hugging her, Logan whispered, “Me too, baby. Me too.”

  * * * *

  Duncan finally arrived home from work. He ended up getting a call right when he was about to lock up and head home. Mrs. Jessup called scared because she thought she saw a strange man lurking in the woods behind her house. She was eighty-two years old and lost her husband last year, so Duncan took the call. It turned out to be nothing like he figured, but he stayed for dinner to keep her company knowing she was a lonely old woman. Now it was eleven p.m., and he was tired and the only thing he wanted to do was take a shower and curl up around Cane and sleep. He missed her. He didn’t think there was a minute of the day that went by that he didn’t think about her. Getting out of the SUV, he quickly climbed the steps and entered the house. He found Cane in the living room curled up on the couch with Ali watching a movie. They were eating popcorn and laughing. Duncan leaned against the door and watched them. It was amazing how much they were both alike. They both had scars from their past both mentally and physically, but seeing them together laughing like they had been best friends for years made Duncan’s heart melt. He already knew he loved Cane, but this just was just icing on the cake. She belonged here and he had no plans of letting her go. Easing back out of the room so that he wouldn’t disturb them, Duncan turned and headed toward his room to take a shower.

  Duncan found Logan sitting on his bed when he went into his room. “Hey, Logan, what’s up?” Frowning when he didn’t immediately answer, Duncan sat beside him and patted him on the back. “What’s going on, Logan? Did something happen today with Cane?”

  “I told her I loved her.”

  “Wow. Did she say it back?” Logan just nodded his head. Still not understanding what the problem was, Duncan remained quiet.

  When it became clear that Logan wasn’t going to say any more, Duncan spoke, “Okaaaay, you are going to have to help me out here buddy because I’m not seeing the problem here.”

  “I’m scared. I don’t want to lose her. The only other person I have ever said those words to was my mom and she left me. What if Cane does the same thing? I don’t think I could handle it.”

  Duncan was shocked. He had never seen Logan like this. He was the one who never showed his feelings, always keeping them hidden. Duncan knew the reasons why Logan never showed emotions had a lot to do with his mom dying and then his dad beating him, but he never pushed Logan to open up. For him to be about to have a nervous breakdown over one small woman was a lot to take in.

  “Listen, Logan, Cane loves us, and we love her. We are meant to be together, and it will all work out. We will keep her safe and here with us where she belongs. I have never been in this situation before either so we will just have to take it on day at a time.”

  “You’re right. I’m just panicking for no reason.” Logan sighed and changed the subject. “How is Mrs. Jessup doing?”

  Duncan laughed. “Don’t even get me started, she swears that there was a man walking in her woods, but I think she was lonely and just wanted company.”

  “I’m glad you got the call and not me. I had a great afternoon with Cane.” Logan wiggled his eyebrows up and down and grinned. Duncan laughed and headed to the shower.

  Turning the shower on and making the water as hot as he could stand it, Duncan climbed in. Groaning, he leaned his head against the tiles and let the water spray down his back. Standing there with his eyes closed, he heard the shower door open. Cane wrapped her arms around him and placed a small kiss on his back.

  “Hey, sweetheart, I missed you today.”

  “You sound tired,” she said.

  “I was tired, but I feel better now that I am here with you.”

  Kissing his back again, Cane began to massage his chest. One hand rubbed small circles on his stomach while the other inched closer to his nipple. Her finger circled his nipple a few times causing it to harden.

  “God, sweetheart, that feels so good.” She pinched and pulled his nipple and the other hand slipped
down to his cock. Already hard, she wrapped her hand around it and began to pump. Duncan couldn’t hold back the moan that ripped itself from his throat as Cane tortured his nipple with one hand and his cock with the other. His hips began to move involuntarily, and he threw his head back. He felt his balls draw up and used all his control not to come.


  Grabbing her hands, he turned quickly and pinned her against the shower wall. Grabbing her butt cheeks, he lifted her and wrapped her legs around his waist. Without saying a word, he thrust into her burying himself deep with one shove. Cane screamed, and Duncan stilled.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I don’t know what I was thinking. Did I hurt you?”

  He began to pull out but Cane tightened her legs around him. “You didn’t hurt me. I like you like this, out of control. I want it hard and fast. Can you do that for me, Duncan?”

  God I love this woman.

  Using all his power, Duncan kept from coming from the words she spoke. He pulled out and slammed into her again, drawing another moan from her. All thoughts went out the window as he thrust into her again over and over. When he thought he couldn’t hold back any longer, he felt Cane’s hot pussy tighten and pulse around his cock. As she screamed through her orgasm, he picked up the pace thrusting hard and deep to draw it out. Finally, he couldn’t hold back anymore and yelled as he came. He continued to thrust as he pumped spurt after spurt of cum into her. Resting his forehead against Cane’s, Duncan looked into her eyes.

  “I love you, Cane. God, sweetheart, I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Duncan. You have no idea how much I love the two of you.”

  Chapter 14

  Sam couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Kevin was right. The little slut was sleeping with three men. He had been there for six days, and he saw her in town with all three of them. She spent her days with one guy and her nights with the two officers.

  Where did I go wrong with her? I gave her everything she ever wanted and this is how she repays me.

  So far she didn’t have a clue he was in town. After the little incident of the old woman spotting him in her yard as he surveyed the town, he hadn’t had any more problems. He would wait it out one more day and watch her. He knew her routine now, and he would have her. Maybe he would get the nice little girl at the diner that Cane had been hanging around as well. Cane owed him for the hassle of having to track her down so maybe he would use her friend as part of the payment.

  Smiling, he watched from behind his newspaper as the young girl that ran the diner busied herself behind the counter. She couldn’t have been older than eighteen. She was a nice, sweet, young thing. Probably still a virgin. Sam adjusted the seat of his pants as his cock began to swell. What he wouldn’t give to be between her thighs right now. He would show her how a real man took a woman. He knew she was young, but maybe that’s where he went wrong with Cane. He waited too late, and she was beyond training. He tried his best, but he could tell as he watched her over the years that he would eventually have to kill her.

  Maybe that is what he should do now, he thought.

  Yeah. Suddenly he smiled, a plan forming in his head. He would get his revenge on Cane, and after he was done with her, he would kill her and take her friend. She was young, and if she was still a virgin, then she would be that much easier to train.

  “Can I get you anything else, Mr. Robinson?”

  Looking up, he noticed the young girl’s breast.

  Soon, Ali, he thought.

  “No, darling, you have been great.”

  Reaching out he rubbed the back of her hand that rested on the table. He watched as the blood rushed to her cheeks as she blushed and ducked her head.

  Oh yeah. I am going to have fun with her.

  Every day, he came into the diner, and he always made it a point of touching her or flirting with her some kind of way. She always blushed, but she never turned away from him. She was ready for him, and she would be his very soon. Leaving a nice tip and winking at her, Sam left the diner and headed back to his room knowing that his erection was not going to go away until he did something about it. He knew he wouldn’t last long with thoughts of the innocent little Ali and her delectable body running through his head.

  * * * *

  It had been six wonderful days since the guys told her they loved her and she said it in return. Cane laid in bed her body still tingling from the sex they had before they left for work. Never in her life had she felt this satisfied with sex.

  Must be love, she thought with a grin. Rolling out of bed, she groaned. Her muscles were well used and sore due to the guys’ constant need for her. Well, she couldn’t blame it all on them. She did attack them a few times, too. After brushing her teeth, Cane turned the shower on and stepped in. She couldn’t believe how her life had turned out in just two short weeks since she arrived here. Thursday had come and half the day had gone by before Cane even realized that it was the day the bus was supposed to come. Cane smiled, knowing there was no way she would be on that bus now. She could never hurt her two guys by leaving them and she didn’t want to leave. She loved it here. It was home. She knew she was safe and loved here and it felt good to feel that way for a change. Who knew that as she lay in a hospital bed over six months ago and planned her escape that she would end up here? She was only looking for freedom, but her courage to escape was rewarded with so much more.

  Once she had showered and had her clothes on, Cane left the room to find Riley. He was in his usual spot at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

  “Morning, Riley.”

  “Morning, lazy, I thought you would never get out of bed.”

  “Hey, don’t blame me, blame your brothers. They are the ones that keep me up all night long,” Cane said, laughing.

  “Don’t remind me. I’m buying all three of you gags for Christmas.”

  Cane felt heat rush to her cheeks. “Are we that loud?” Riley snorted but didn’t answer.

  Thinking of a quick subject change, Cane asked, “So, how are things going with you and your little librarian?”

  “I haven’t approached her yet, but I’m working on it. I found out something interesting about her the other day, and I’m trying to figure out how to use it to my advantage.”

  “Just be careful and make sure it isn’t something that is going to hurt her or ruin your chances with her.”

  “Trust me, I have loved her since the third grade, and I have waited this long. I have no plans of messing this up.”

  “What are we doing today?” Riley asked as he stood to clear his dishes.

  “Well, I didn’t have anything planned. Maybe we could go for a hike and then have lunch at the diner?”

  “Sounds good to me. I have plans tomorrow evening, so do you mind hanging out with Ali at the diner for about an hour until Duncan and Logan get off?”

  “Not a problem, I know you have better things to do than babysit me. I will be fine with Ali. Besides, it’s a public place. Nothing will happen there.”

  “Are you still getting the feeling that someone is watching you?”

  “I got it yesterday while we were in town, but it quickly went away. I haven’t felt it since,” Cane replied.

  Grunting, Riley narrowed his eyes at her. “I still think we should tell Duncan and Logan about this.”

  “Hey, it’s no big deal. You said it yourself that you haven’t seen anyone strange in town. Ali also hasn’t noticed anyone acting weird and she would be the first to know since she works at the only restaurant in town. They would have to eat sometime.” Nodding, Riley crossed his arm and walked out to go get ready.

  Sitting down to the table, Cane thought back over the past three days. She hadn’t been honest fully with Riley, but she knew he would tell the guys, and she didn’t want to worry anyone. She felt someone watching her at all times. The only peace she felt was when she was with Duncan and Logan. Even when she stepped out on the back patio she felt watched. When she was in town, she tried to se
e if she saw anyone that looked like they didn’t belong, but having only been here two weeks, she didn’t know enough people to know who belonged here and who didn’t. You are just being paranoid, she tried to tell herself, but knew to trust her instincts, and they were telling her that something was wrong. Pushing the feelings away, Cane told herself that she was safe as long as she was with someone. Vowing to herself that she wouldn’t go off on her own, she followed Riley out the door.

  After their hike, they went to the diner to meet Duncan and Logan for lunch. Cane noticed the stares when they both gave her a long kiss and hug, but she didn’t care. These were her men, and she wasn’t going to let town gossip or anything else make her hide again. Once they settled at the same back table that they always sat at, Ali came over and hugged Cane.

  “Hey, kiddo, it looks like I will be hanging here tomorrow night till the guys get off. Someone has a hot date.”

  She winked and smiled at Riley to let him know she was joking and saw the blush on his cheeks. Duncan and Logan saw it, too, and couldn’t help tease him about it.

  “You finally decided to ask her out?” Ali asked. Riley’s eyes widened, but he just nodded his head. Of course then the other guys wanted to know who it was that he was going out with and spent the rest of lunch questioning, or should she say interrogating him to find out who his date was.


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