Passion Overtime

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Passion Overtime Page 11

by Pamela Yaye

  Soft music played in the background, enhancing the peaceful ambiance. A server offered Terrence a glass of Shiraz, but he politely declined. Sipping wine and nibbling on hors d’oeuvres wasn’t his style, but Kyra would be in attendance and Terrence liked the idea of spending the night talking to her outside the college.

  “There’s the man with the lightning-quick speed!”

  Terrence cast a glance to his left. His friend, Kevin Stayton, was grinning like a leprechaun. “You all right, man? You look a little banged-up.”

  “I took a hit in practice today,” he explained, remembering how the defensive linemen had slammed him to the ground. By the time he’d returned to the rental house that afternoon, his knee was killing him. If not for the aspirin and several shots of whiskey he’d downed an hour ago, he’d still be writhing around on the couch in pain. “I underestimated how good the Hollington Lions defense is and they hammered me every time I caught a pass!”

  Kevin tasted his wine. “I’m glad things are working out for you, T. I know you miss playing ball, but life isn’t over just because you’re not in the NFL.”

  “You’re right, it’s not. We’ve all had our share of disappointments and everyone in here has a story to tell. All we can do is get up, dust ourselves off and keep trucking.”

  “Did you tell the players that before or after they knocked your ass down?”

  Both men chuckled. They stood around, talking about Kevin’s newest business ventures, tomorrow’s football game and the parade on Sunday afternoon.

  “Have you seen Kyra?” Terrence asked, trying to appear nonchalant.

  “Yeah, she’s around here somewhere. And looking mighty fine, too.”

  “Back off, Kev. Go get your own girl!”

  Laughing, Kevin rested his empty glass on one of the raised tables and smoothed a hand over his tie. “Speaking of which, it’s time for me to introduce the woman of the hour. See you around, T.”

  Terrence nodded and watched the successful entrepreneur approach President Morrow, who was standing near the small, raised stage. Kevin raised the microphone to his mouth and greeted the stylish, thirty-something crowd.

  “Good evening everyone,” he said. “I want to welcome all of you to Hollington’s annual homecoming weekend, and the tenth anniversary of class of ’99!”

  The group broke into feverish cheers and applause.

  “I’m Kevin Stayton and I want to take this time to acknowledge the woman who is responsible for planning and organizing this event. Chloe Jackson has been working tirelessly to make this weekend a success and…”

  Terrence caught sight of Kyra and his jaw went loose. Always chic and well put together, she wowed in a crimson vest, fitted white blouse and matching pants. Dangling silver earrings and a wide bracelet accessorized her attractive designer outfit.

  Watching her, he battled feelings of desire. A part of him wished that they could go back. Start over. Pretend that they didn’t have a past. Truth was, he’d loved her deeply and wanted to marry her. But Kyra had never been able to fully open up to him, and despite his commitment to their relationship, she’d always doubted his love. He’d felt under the gun, scrutinized, as if she were just waiting for him to mess up. Her blunt, tough-girl exterior eventually drove a wedge between them, and when he was nominated for the Heisman trophy, they began arguing more and seeing each other less.

  Terrence stood there, in complete awe of her beauty. Kyra emanated confidence, sophistication and sensuality in equal parts and when she laughed the sparkle in her eyes brightened the entire room.

  Content to simply observe her, Terrence stood with his elbows resting against the bar, studying the petite woman he couldn’t seem to get out of his mind. She was having a very animated discussion with some other faculty members and as the minutes ticked by, he considered interrupting her. He grew restless as the reception began to wind down and worried that Kyra would leave before he got a chance to speak to her.

  Determined to connect with her, Terrence strode over to where she was standing. With all the other noises in the room and the music playing, he could hardly hear what Kyra was saying. Coming up behind her, he rested a hand on her lower back. Kyra spun around. Her shoulders squared when he tried to pull her close, and her tight, guarded smile conveyed her disapproval.

  Terrence frowned. Was he missing something? A week ago, they’d shared a passionate, head-spinning kiss in the foyer of her house and now she was giving him the evil eye. Before he could ask Kyra what was wrong, Professor Griffey shoved a glass of red wine into his hand and greeted him affably.

  “It’s good to see you again, Terrence. We were just discussing where to go when this little soiree wraps up. I bet you know the best places to kick back and unwind.”

  “There are a few cool spots in walking distance from here,” he said. “Why don’t we all head over to the Azure Bar & Lounge? It’s a mature crowd and the drinks are—”

  “Terrence, can I have a word with you?” Before he could answer, Kyra spun on her heels and marched off. He caught up to her in the private tasting room at the back of the bar. “Tomorrow’s the big game.”

  “I know,” he said, confused by her cold, brisk attitude. “What is this all about? Why are you getting upset?”

  “Because we’re all depending on you.” She cleared her throat, but the hostility in her tone remained. “If you show up at the game hung over, you’ll be sending the wrong message to the players. In case you haven’t noticed, they all look up to you.”

  “I haven’t had anything but soda to drink all night. And just because I’m going to the club tonight doesn’t mean I’m going to shrug off my responsibilities.”

  “Great, I’m glad we cleared that up.” Back in control, she turned and started toward the open door. “Have a good night.”

  “You can’t drive me away this time, Kyra.”

  She stopped. Hands clenched at her sides, she pivoted back around. Her eyes narrowed dangerously and were filled with contempt. “Drive you away?” Her words came out in an angry shout. “Is that how you assuaged your guilt? By convincing yourself that I was the one to blame for our breakup?”

  Terrence dragged a hand down his face. This was it. The moment he’d been waiting for. Ready to set the record straight, he pushed out a breath, saying, “Kyra, I loved you deeply, but you never gave me your whole heart. Just a piece. I thought getting engaged would bring us closer together, but it only made things worse.” Honesty was cathartic and as Terrence spoke, he felt like a weight was being lifted off his shoulders. “Getting engaged only intensified your doubts. You were convinced that I was going to find someone else and leave you, but that was never the case.”

  “But it was the case. You dumped me the second you landed in Dallas and never looked back.” Her eyes misted with tears, but her voice was strong. “And as for me pulling away from you, you’re right, I did. It all became too much. The girls, the parties, the recognition. Everyone wanted a piece of the great Terrence Franklin and I knew it was just a matter of time before I got replaced.”

  The desire to comfort her was unbearable. Moved by her words, he placed his hands on the side of her shoulders, hoping to offer comfort. “Kyra, look at me.”

  She kept her head down. Lifting her chin with his finger, Terrence searched his heart for the right words. “You are, and always will be, the only woman I want.”

  Kyra remained silent. Voices drifted in from the bar, intruding on their conversation.

  “The past is behind us.” With the tension at its breaking point, he went one step further. “I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel like you do, Kyra. You’re the one I let get away, and I still love you. I know you don’t trust me, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to have you back in my life.”

  Pulling away, she held up her hand to prevent him from going any further. “I can’t deal with this right now.” The animosity in her tone gave him pause. “There’s a lot going on and I…I need to get back to the party.”r />
  Deep inside, Terrence knew she was lying. That was fear talking. Watching her leave, he decided he’d waited long enough to make his move. He’d been the one to break things off, so it was up to him to get them back on track. Their physical attraction was explosive, and they shared the same hopes and dreams for the future. As he stood there, thinking about Kyra, he remembered something his high school coach once said. If you’re not going to give a hundred percent, why play at all? The words registered, inspired, imbued him with self-confidence. Terrence hadn’t become one of the greatest running backs in the NFL by playing it safe, and he refused to lose Kyra again.

  The seconds on the clock ticked down. Staring intently at the scoreboard, face pinched in concentration, Terrence rubbed a hand across his sweaty forehead. The clouds parted, making room for the sun and as his gaze panned the sold-out crowd he spotted Mr. Morrow. That had to mean Kyra was nearby. And she was. Seeing her striking two noisemakers, decked out in a cute red Hollington Lions shirt and fitted jeans, brought back memories of all those times he’d looked into the stands and saw Kyra cheering him on.

  A broad grin fell across his lips as he studied her. The chemistry between them had never died; it was as clear as the morning sky and Terrence wanted her more than ever before. A slim Mexican guy took the seat beside Kyra, and his smile faded. Watching her talk to the handsome stranger was enough to make Terrence lose his lunch. If Coach Mayo hadn’t gripped his arm and pointed him toward the field, he would have stormed over and told Ricco Suave to take a hike.

  Terrence turned just in time to see the football fall to the ground. One of the Hollington players scooped up the ball, broke tackle and sprinted down the field at breakneck speed. Vigorously pumping his fist, Terrence shot up off the bench. Cupping his hands over his mouth, he ran along the sidelines, yelling, “Go all the way, Earl. All the way, big guy!”

  The freshman sailed into the end zone, and the fans went wild. When the referee blew his whistle, signaling a touchdown, Terrence jumped into the air, applauding the home team. Ten, nine, eight, he recited. The play clock ran down to zero and the entire Hollington team flooded the field. The Lions had beaten the defending state champions, and the energy in the stadium was exhilarating.

  From her third-row seat, Kyra watched the action on the field, impressed by the athleticism and tenacity of the Hollington Lions. Caught up in the excitement, she clapped exuberantly as the marching band wowed the crowd with their spirited moves.

  Fans whistled as the school mascot ran through the stands waving the Hollington flag. A cool breeze swept over Kyra. Pulling on her jacket, she watched Terrence celebrate with the team and laughed when the players hoisted him up on their shoulders.

  On a high, she waved, hoping to catch his attention. Terrence gave a thumbs-up sign, and Kyra sucked in a breath. Terrence was naturally cool. Without even trying. He just was. And the sports hero looked good in everything—jeans, suits, T-shirts—all looked fabulous. Ultracasual in Nike sportswear and sneakers, the former NFL running back emanated a suave, sexy vibe that attracted women by the dozens.

  Recalling what happened last night at Cork made knots form in the pit of her stomach. Offended by his comments, she’d stormed out of the private tasting room, desperate to put some space between them. Convinced Terrence would show up later at the Azure Lounge & Bar, Kyra had decided against joining her colleagues at the popular nightspot, and headed home. Running away from Terrence wasn’t one of her finest moments, but she couldn’t risk being alone with him again. Not when there was so much at stake.

  Part of her wanted to believe him, but another part—a bigger part—feared that he would hurt her again. And what would she do then? Kyra tried not to think about Terrence and the love they’d once shared, but she was reminded of him at every turn. Even at night her mind wouldn’t rest. She thought of him and nothing else. But how could she still desire a man who had once so callously dumped her?

  His words rang in her ears. Kyra, you never gave me your whole heart. Just a small piece…Was it true? Had she unknowingly driven him away? Soul-searching didn’t provide any answers, but it gave her the strength to face the truth. Deep down, Kyra had never felt that she was good enough for Terrence. She’d always worried that he’d find someone else. Someone younger, thinner, more beautiful. Being replaced terrified her; in the end, her darkest fears had been realized.

  Last night he’d looked at her with such affection, and sounded so sincere, she’d almost forgotten their bitter past. Could Terrence have been acting? The less she seemed to care about him, the more interested he was in her, but that didn’t mean he was lying, did it? Tired of analyzing everything Terrence said and did, Kyra struck the thought from her mind. The schism between them wasn’t going to be solved overnight, but she was ready to move on. She’d always had a sweet spot for Terrence, and time had only intensified her feelings. Their familiarity with each other was unparalleled, and Kyra liked that she could be herself around him.

  Intent on speaking to him, Kyra collected her things and hustled down the steps. Anxious to put the past behind them, she walked into the tunnel leading to the locker room. Young, attractive girls were lined up along the wall, fluffing their hair, adjusting their miniskirts and applying lipstick. Hands molded to hips, shoulders thrust back, the group resembled a hoochie mama chorus line.

  Feeling dowdy in her jeans and red Hollington sweatshirt, Kyra waited patiently as Terrence made his way through the tunnel, praying inwardly that he’d pick her. He did.

  “Kyra, we won!” Grinning, Terrence held his hands up high above his head in triumph. “I’m so proud of the guys. They fought hard for that win, and if they keep it up, there’ll be no stopping them this season!”

  “All they needed was to get their confidence back,” she affirmed. “I know you haven’t made a decision yet about the coaching job, but I hope you’ll take the time to seriously consider coming back to Hollington. The team needs you.”

  People rushed past them, waving, screaming and shouting greetings at Terrence. They stood there, staring intently at each other, oblivious to the world around them. Breaking the silence, his face weathered in concern, he spoke softly to her. “I’m sorry if I upset you last night at Cork. I just wanted to apologize for how things ended between us, and clear up any misconceptions.”

  He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, and her thoughts took a detour. It was a classic Terrence Franklin move, but Kyra didn’t pull away. She wanted him to touch her. To kiss her. To love her just one more time. And the gentle yearning of his voice made her instinctively inch forward.

  “Why don’t we go to Ralph’s Kitchen for a celebratory burger?” he asked, reaching for her hand. “You used to love eating there.”

  A smile came. “You’re right, I did, but Ralph’s closed years ago.”

  “Then,” he leaned heavily on the word, winking at her as if he were letting her in on a secret, “we’ll have to find somewhere else to create new memories.”

  Chapter 13

  Chloe Jackson was the first person Kyra saw when she sailed through the elegant, gold-encrusted doors of Bollito Nightclub on Saturday night. The much-in-demand event planner was standing outside of the coatroom, chatting with a woman in a black cocktail dress and long, straight hair.

  As she shouldered her way through the crowded lobby, she caught a glimpse of Chloe’s companion. It was her long-time friend and sorority sister, Tamara Hodges. Forgetting that she was at Atlanta’s trendiest nightclub, she shot across the dark, gleaming floors, calling their names. “Tamara! Chloe! Wait up!”

  Tamara glanced over her shoulder and shrieked so loud, the security guard standing nearby dropped his walkie-talkie. “Hey girl!” Kyra threw her arms around them both. “I almost didn’t recognize you, Tamara. You look amazing!”

  “Thanks, and I love your dress. Très sexy. ”

  “The VIP area’s been set up just for the reunion party, so let’s go hang out in there,” Kyra suggested. “We can ta
lk without being interrupted.”

  “I can’t stay long. I have to check in with—”

  “Chloe, we’ll have a drink and then you can go about your business.” Kyra linked arms with her. “Now come on, I want to hear all about you and Kevin!”

  Gold velvet drapes separated the private balconies from the rest of the club. Plush leather sofas, glass tables and flickering candles accented the muted brown walls and hushed lighting. While they waited for their drinks to arrive, the three women chatted about last night’s reception at Cork and that afternoon’s nail-biting football game.

  “Do you think you could introduce me to Justice Kane?” Kyra asked, facing Tamara. “I read your interview in Luster and he seems like a really cool guy. President Morrow is big on fundraising and wants the Winter Wonderland Ball to be a smash.”

  Tamara tasted her soda. “I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t promise you anything.” Head tilted back, she studied Kyra for a long moment. “How has it been with Terrence being back in town?”

  Dodging Tamara’s question, she turned to Chloe and said, “Is Kevin around? I’d like to congratulate him on the success of the club.” Admiring the lavish decor, she ran a hand along the back of the plush couch. “This place is real classy. We need more establishments like this. The over-thirty crowd likes to party, too, you know!”

  “I heard that,” Tamara agreed, sensing her friend’s desire to change the subject. “I like being around people my own age. No offense to any of these young whippersnappers who snuck in here tonight, but they need to take all that bumpin’ and grindin’ somewhere else. This is a sophisticated club. No hoochies allowed!”


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