by Charae Lewis
Asia rolled her eyes at Dinero then looked back at Keith. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too. Li’l Dinero caught like a mothafucka,” Keith kidded.
“Aye, what I say,” Dinero spat, not liking the way Keith was looking at Asia.
Keith threw his hands in surrender. “I ain't do shit.”
“Yeah aight,” Dinero nodded and then looked at Asia. “What are you doing here?”
“I'm getting my car washed, and I wanted to see your mean ass.”
“Asia, since you're wifey now, tell your hubby to give us some raises,” Terri said.
“I got y’all,” Asia assured them.
“She don’t run shit. Don’t let her gas y’all asses up. Now I said y’all not getting no raises,” Dinero snapped.
Asia twisted her lips. “Just give me one night with him and he’ll be singing a different tune.”
“Damn Dinero she got you trained like that?” Keith teased.
Dinero smacked his lips. “I know y’all not listening to this shit she kickin’. Don’t let her fool you.”
Asia opened her mouth to respond to him, but the door swung open, and Dinero almost pissed on himself when Cadence walked in.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Dinero mumbled to himself.
When their eyes connected, Dinero hurried and looked away. He never told her about his car wash and he couldn’t understand why she was there.
She walked up to the desk and smiled.
“Cadence?” Keith said.
“Yeah, it’s me. How are you?” she asked.
“Damn girl, I ain't seen your ass in forever,” he said and then looked at Dinero. “Aye, you see who it is?”
Dinero clenched his jaws and gave Cadence an intense look. “Yeah, I see. Come on, Asia.”
Dinero pulled Asia toward his office in attempt to get away from a scene that could really go bad. Although he had not done anything with Cadence, he still didn’t want to set himself up. The couple walked into the office where Dinero sat on his chair, and Asia sat on his lap.
“Who was that girl?” Asia asked.
“A girl we used to go to high school with,” he replied, telling half of the truth.
“Oh, another reason I stopped by was because I wanted to tell you that I'm hanging out with the girls tonight.”
Dinero nodded. “What time you gon’ be home? We need to establish a curfew,” he joked.
Asia sucked her teeth. “Boy bye. I'm grown as hell.”
“Man, what time are you coming home?”
“I don’t know. I guess when I get there,” she quipped.
Dinero pulled out his phone to look at the time. “It’s like four o’clock now. So have your ass home by midnight.”
Asia busted out laughing and stood from his lap. “You got me all twisted if you think I'm going to listen to you. Don’t nobody come home at midnight. Rude boy, stop it.”
Dinero looked and saw that he had a text message.
Cadence: I was getting a car wash and decided to stop in and say hi. I didn’t know that your wife would be in there. I'm sorry.
Dinero hurried and erased the text before Asia could see it.
“Did you hear me?” Asia asked.
“I feel like going shopping. Can you give me some money, please?” she asked while batting her eyelashes.
“How much do you need?”
“Just give me your credit card.”
Dinero went into his pocket to retrieve his card. Before he handed it to her, he said, “Don’t be buying dumb shit, Asia.”
“Thank you, baby. I’ll see you later tonight,” she said and then kissed him before she left the office.
Meanwhile, Cadence sat inside of her car in the parking lot of Dinero’s car wash feeling sick. Seeing Dinero with his wife caused a wave of nausea to overcome her. It also didn’t help that Asia was absolutely beautiful. Cadence thought that maybe Dinero had married a girl that was just basic looking, but to see Asia live in the flesh created an insecure feeling. She didn’t know if she could compete with Dinero’s wife. Cadence knew that she wasn’t ugly, but she didn’t feel like she could come close to replacing Asia.
Cadence watched as Asia emerged from the inside of Dinero’s car wash. The envy invaded her body like a deadly disease. She loved Dinero a great deal, but Cadence didn’t want to interfere with his marriage. She wasn’t that kind of woman to be the cause of someone else’s marital demise. But every time Cadence thought about the memories she and Dinero shared, she couldn’t help but yearn for him. Her love had multiplied since being away from him, and she didn’t think it would go away anytime soon. Cadence pulled out her phone and dialed her mother. She needed someone to talk to.
“Ma, I saw his wife,” Cadence said dryly.
“Girl, how did she look?”
“Pretty, actually gorgeous. I can’t compete with her.”
Carlotta sucked her teeth. “Cadence, don’t start that insecure bullshit. You probably look better than that bitch. Don’t let her get inside of your head. Now if you want your man, I suggest you start making your moves. Shit, he was yours first. Fuck his wife,” she snapped.
Cadence shook her head. She didn’t know why she’d called her mother. She knew Carlotta’s advice would be something she didn’t want to hear.
“Ma, but I don’t wanna interfere with their marriage. Do I look like a home wrecker?” Cadence retorted.
“No, but you look like a miserable woman who’s just letting the man that she loves ride off into the sunset with another woman. If you're too scared to get Dinero back, then stop calling me with this bullshit. I’m trying to school you on a come up for us, and you’re acting scary.”
“Okay, Ma. Chill. I guess I’ll go talk to him. I’m still at his car wash.”
“Good, and show him that he chose the wrong girl to marry. Bring out your inner Alicia Keys,” Carlotta joked.
“Ma bye,” Cadence spat and then hung up.
She sat in her car for a couple more minutes before going back inside to talk to Dinero.
Keith walked into Dinero’s office and sat. Dinero gave him one look and shook his head. Keith burst into a fit of laughter.
“Bro, what kind of shit are you on?” Keith questioned.
“Man, I didn’t know Cadence’s ass would come up here. I never told her about my car wash,” Dinero explained.
“So where that bitch been all of this time?”
Dinero smacked his lips. “She came up with some lame ass story talking about her mama set somebody up, so they had to move out of town.”
“Man, I don’t know about that shit. This situation can get real sticky. Does she know that you're married?”
Dinero nodded. “Yeah she knows, but I'm trying to stay away from her because she told me that she still loves me.”
“You sure you don’t wanna get a sample of that just one last time? It looks like she’s down for the cause,” Keith said with his crooked grin.
Dinero laughed. “I wouldn’t mind it, but I'm trying not to. She’s making that shit hard coming up here with her titties all out and shit.”
“Bro if I was you, I would give her the dick one last time and then I wouldn’t answer her calls no more,” Keith advised.
“Man, I ain't listening to you. You trying to get me fucked up. Plus, I think Asia is low-key crazy and I ain't trying to be sleeping with one eye open.”
In the midst of their talk, Terri walked into the office. “That one girl wants to see you. She said her name is Cadence.”
Dinero released a deep breath because he wasn’t equipped to deal with Cadence at that moment. She was like a bowl full of temptation, and he was trying his best not to devour her. He was still weak, and he knew if the opportunity came about, that he would possibly cheat on Asia, and he didn’t want that to happen. That’s why Dinero was trying his best to stay away from Cadence, but he couldn’t seem to
escape her.
“Send her back here,” he told Terri.
Keith looked at him and laughed. “Aye bro, get you one last sample and dip. I'm about to go see my girl. I’ll get up with you later,” he said and then gave Dinero a handshake.
Dinero watched Keith walk out of the office and then saw Cadence come inside. She looked good, and he hated that he still had somewhat of an attraction to her. She sat quietly in the chair right in front of his desk.
“What's up?” he asked.
“I just wanted to say hi. I saw your wife leave out so I figured the coast would be clear.”
“What do you want from me? I told you that I was married, and you keep coming around. I'm trying to be a good nigga.”
Cadence ran her fingers through her hair. She honestly didn’t know what she wanted from him. All she knew was that she wasn’t ready to let him go.
“I just want to be around you.”
“How does that look that I'm hanging around my ex? Especially when you told me that you still love me,” he spat.
“I'm not trying to intrude on your marriage, Dinero, and it’s true that I still love you. I just want you in my life. I don’t care if it’s just a friendship.”
Dinero sucked his teeth. “You don’t want no friendship. You missed this dick don’t you?” he asked putting her on the spot.
Cadence smiled coyly. “No, I don’t.”
“Yeah okay,” he shot sarcastically.
“Anyways,” she said and then rolled her eyes. “Can I see you tonight?”
“I can’t. I’ll be at the bar with my brothers.”
“Well, can I come have a drink with you at the bar?” she asked shyly.
Damn this bitch is making shit hard for me, he thought to himself. He was trying his best not to fall under her spell, but she was making it difficult for him.
“If you want, you can come by. I'm not going to stop you.”
Cadence smiled then got up from her seat. “Well, I’ll see you tonight,” she said and left the office.
Dinero sat in deep thought wondering how he was going to handle this situation. He wasn’t trying to hurt Cadence’s feelings, but he was really trying to be faithful to Asia. Yes, he had love for Cadence, but he was in love with Asia. Dinero knew this game that Cadence was playing could turn out to be a dangerous one, and he didn’t want to be on the losing end.
Chapter Eight
Asia sipped on her Patron margarita as she danced along to Bitty Mclean’s “Walk Away From Love”. The reggae tune gave Asia’s hips a mind of their own as she whined to the beat. She was posted at Aimee’s house along with Paris and Camara. The women were enjoying a night full of chicken wings and drinks. Since Aimee couldn’t go out due to her pregnancy, she invited them all over so they could have a girl’s night in.
“I wish you would sit your ass down,” Aimee kidded.
Asia stuck her middle finger up and continued to dance. She had just submitted the pictures from her recent photo shoot to Braylon, and he approved. Asia couldn’t contain her excitement knowing that this photo shoot could potentially give her the recognition she needed to exalt her career.
“Don’t be mad because your ass winded your hips so good that now you're knocked up,” Asia retorted and then winked.
“Umm hmm, Big shot up her club quick too,” Camara added.
“Both of y’all can suck it. Shit, I can’t wait to get this baby out of here,” Aimee complained as she rubbed her belly.
“Girl, you got three more months to go and baby Big will be here. Did you guys decide on a name?” Paris asked.
“Of course, Big wants him to be a junior. But I want the baby to have his own name,” Aimee pouted.
“Aimee, that’s Big’s first son. So you gotta let him be a junior, sis,” Asia reasoned.
Aimee shrugged. “I guess.”
Asia could hear her phone ring in her purse. She walked over to retrieve it but didn’t recognize the number. Thinking that it may be a potential client, she hurried and answered.
“Can I speak to Asia?”
“Who’s calling?”
“It’s Sheek.”
Asia could feel her heart rate speed up a bit. Negative thoughts immediately began to swarm her mind. She thought that maybe he didn’t like the pictures and was calling to inform her.
“Oh hi, how are you?” Asia asked as she held in her breath.
“I'm good. I was calling to see if you'll be available to shoot Fabian this coming week?”
Asia threw her hand over her mouth and began to jump up and down. The girls looked at her curiously as she threw her fit.
“Yes, I'm available,” she replied in a calm tone.
“Aight, I’ll email the details to you later this week,” Sheek assured her.
“Okay, thank you.”
“No problem.”
Asia hung up and screeched, “Arrrggghhh.” She couldn’t believe that she had just booked a photo shoot with one of the most famous rappers in the entertainment business. Not to mention that Fabian was one of her favorite hip-hop artists.
“Girl, what the hell is wrong with you?” Aimee questioned.
“That was the president of Fabian’s label. He wants me to shoot Fabian later this week. I'm so excited,” she squealed.
“Aww congratulations, boo. I can’t wait to see how the pictures turn out,” Paris told Asia.
“Come through, Asia!” Camara yelled excitedly.
“Y’all, I am too lit right now. Let’s go celebrate. I need something stronger than this margarita,” Asia said and then grabbed her purse.
“Let’s go to Big’s bar,” Paris suggested.
“Yeah, let’s make sure my hubby is staying out of trouble aka pussy,” Camara joked.
“Girl, Kiyan ain't thinking about no other girl, but y’all have fun. I'm about to get a nap in before Big gets home. You know he likes to wake me up when he gets here,” Aimee stated and then got up from her seat.
“Big about to put an arch in that back,” Asia teased.
“Sure is,” Aimee said and laughed.
Aimee walked Asia, Paris and Camara to the door. The threesome all got into Asia’s car and made their way to Big’s bar. Asia couldn’t wait to share her news with Dinero.
Dinero sat at the bar with Big, Keece, and Kiyan. This was their usual hangout spot on Friday nights. The bar was packed to capacity as men mingled with women and shot back drinks. The crew was in their usual spot toward the back of the bar where the pool tables were.
“Dinero, did Pops call you?” Kiyan asked.
“Hell yeah. He was talking shit too,” Dinero said and laughed.
Kiyan chuckled. “That nigga couldn’t believe you got married. He would not believe me for shit, so I told him to call you and see for himself.”
“I don’t think nobody believed that shit. How has that married life been working for you?” Keece asked.
Dinero shrugged. “It’s cool, but Cadence keeps poppin’ up making shit hard for me.”
Big shook his head. “Bro, stay away from that bitch. Didn’t you say that her mama was setting niggas up?”
“Hell yeah. That’s why I’m trying not to be around her ass, but she popped up at the car wash today talking about let's be friends and shit.”
“That’s the same shit that Riley was on, and you see how that turned out. Don’t fall for that shit,” Keece advised.
“I ain't gon’ lie; I've been tempted like a mothafucka. Y’all don’t know how bad I want to fuck the shit out of her and then put her on the block list,” Dinero told them.
“You think you can get away with it?” Kiyan asked.
Dinero nodded his head eagerly. “Hell yeah. Asia wouldn’t know shit.”
“Nigga, I know you didn’t invite her ass up here?” Keece asked as he saw Cadence walk in.
Dinero followed his gaze and saw that Cadence was making her way to the table. Dinero licked his lips admiring
the way her jeans hugged her thick hips. He knew his brothers were probably shaking their heads at his decision, so he got up from his seat and instructed Cadence to follow him to the bar area. As he was walking away, Dinero looked back at his brothers and saw that they all had smirks on their faces. He knew he would hear them fussing later on. Dinero and Cadence sat at the bar and ordered some drinks.
“Thanks for inviting me,” Cadence said and smiled.
“I didn’t invite your ass. You invited yourself.”
She laughed. “I see your mouth is still reckless. You're still mean as hell.”
Dinero smirked at her and then took a sip of his drink. “I was never mean to you so stop lying.”
“No, you were pretty cool, but you were still mean sometimes,” Cadence interlocked her arm into his. “I've missed you, though.”
Dinero scoffed. “You ain't missed shit. You were too scared of your sheisty ass mama to reach out to me.”
Cadence hit his arm. “Stop talking about my mama like that. You act like you’ve never made a mistake in your life,” she snapped.
“I have, but I ain't never set anybody up to be robbed.”
“Whatever,” she said and then rolled her eyes. “Where is your wife?”
“She’s hanging with her people. Do me a favor and don’t ask about her again, aight?”
Cadence nodded her head not understanding why he requested that. She wouldn’t dare question his reasoning. Cadence knew Dinero had a temper, and she didn’t want to set him off.
“So tell me what's been up in your world since I've been gone.”
Asia had just pulled up to the bar and parked. She couldn’t wait to see her honey and tell him all about her good news. Asia, Paris and Camara all got out of the car and strutted to the bar. The bouncer let them in where they were greeted with the sounds of Kevin Gates blaring through the speakers. They all began to walk toward the back, but Asia suddenly stopped in her tracks. What she saw was enough to make her vomit. Dinero sat at the bar with the same woman from the car wash earlier. But what made her hairs stand up on the back of her neck was how the woman had her arm intertwined with Dinero’s. Without even thinking about it, Asia stormed over to where they were and pushed Dinero hard on his back.