Beast (A Faery Story Book 2)

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Beast (A Faery Story Book 2) Page 24

by Lexi Blake

  She preferred The Jennifer. Dante shouldn’t be allowed to name things. After all, he’d been the one to come up with shanimal first.

  He slapped her ass. “I heard that.”

  She shrugged as best she could. “I’ve decided I prefer werewolf. Though we simply called ourselves wolves.”

  “I’ll just call you mine.” He parted her pussy and worked the vibrator inside.

  She stopped thinking about anything but how full she was. She groaned as he placed the strap around her, and the vibe started to work. It was utterly soundless, but she could feel it fucking into her in slow, tortuous strokes.

  “Here’s the good part.” Dante finished strapping it on.

  She felt her eyes cross as the little cup latched onto her clitoris and began to suckle.

  Dante fell to his knees. “Oh, fuck. I’m sending Talbot a case of Scotch. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It feels like it’s milking my dick. Kaj, you have to shield that or I’m going to come. Please. Have mercy.”

  She thought of a wall between them. She could still feel him. He wasn’t shielding. His thoughts flowed over her wall like it didn’t exist. Perfect.

  He was shaking a bit as he stood. “Thanks. I have plans that don’t include premature ejaculation.”

  But she wasn’t going to wait. Her lower body was humming. Her pussy, her ass, and her clit were vibrating, and it sent her into shockwaves of pleasure. Her whole body shook as she let the orgasm run its course.

  Dante’s hand ran down her back. “Bad girl. I would spank you again, but your ass is the most perfect pink. I don’t want to ruin it. No more orgasms until I get inside you.”

  He pulled the dildo in her ass out. Kaja bit her lip as something even bigger than the dildo began to invade. Dante’s thoughts battered her.

  So good. He’d waited so long for this. For her.

  He pressed his cock to her ring and pushed inside. “That’s right, baby. Open for me. Let me in.”

  It felt so good. She was tight around him. Different. Darker.

  She closed her eyes and let Dante take over. His cock was squeezed deliciously. The pounding pulse of the vibe hit him like a rocket. He was caught between the vise of her anus and the vibration in her pussy. He wasn’t going to last.

  He gripped her hips. The sight of her naked and bound and submitting filled him with satisfaction. She was beautiful. So fucking gorgeous. She was his, and he wasn’t going to let a bunch of hack reporters make her feel like she was less than she was.

  What was she? Everything. She was his everything.

  He fucked into her ass. “Do you hear me, consort? I know what I’m thinking. I mean every word.”

  Tears blurred her eyes. More than his words, she felt him.

  I am a better man for loving you, Kaja.

  He was close. So close. She felt his orgasm start, but he kept pushing his feelings at her.

  She saw a picture of herself in his brain. She glowed. She was love and light and healing to him. She was comfort.

  “I love you, Kaja. I love you.” He gave over and let the orgasm take him.

  Kaja felt herself surrounded by Dante. His strength, his power, his love flowed through her system. He overpowered her. All of his thoughts, his feelings, his memories hit her as strongly as his pleasure. Her vision faded, and the world blinked off.

  She came to with the most languorous sense of awakening. And the feel of someone biting her thigh.

  She looked down her body, which was now on their bed. Her hands were free. She was spread out.

  And Dante was feeding.

  Such pleasure. He flooded her with it.

  He released her. “I was right. I like this vein because I can smell your pussy.”

  There was a drop of blood on his lips. He licked it up but didn’t move beyond letting his head nuzzle her pussy. He laid his head down on it as if it was a pillow. “Although, I swear, I can smell you all the time. I can smell everything, actually. And my eyesight is better. I have a theory.”

  She let her hand find his hair. Peace, blessed peace. “What’s your theory, my love?”

  His head came up. A smile crinkled his face. “I like that. Anyway, I noticed that I’m stronger.”

  She’d noticed, too. He carried her around like she weighed nothing. He was faster than he used to be.

  “I can see better than before. Everything physical about me is better.” He kissed her pussy, an affectionate gesture. “Pretty pink parts.”

  He was easily distractible. “Dante.”

  “Fine. I think it’s you. I think it’s your blood.” His arms surrounded her thighs. “When we’re connected, I see the world the way you see it. Experience it through your eyes, so to speak. You have better senses than I do. Feeding from you makes me stronger than I could have imagined.”

  “That’s good,” she said, but she wasn’t truly listening. She was thinking about fitting in. She couldn’t leave. She couldn’t ever leave him. Now that she’d felt his love for her, he would have to deal with her for the rest of his preternaturally long life. He would never be rid of her. She was the best part of him.

  “A fat lot of good all this strength is going to do me behind a desk.” He sat up, a frown on his face. “I have to meet Lodge. If I hurry, I can still make it in time.”

  He was leaving, but this time she was calm. He wasn’t leaving her. “I will wait up.”

  He got off the bed and walked to the closet. He pulled out a pair of pants. “I don’t want that.”

  She frowned. Well, she was tired. “I can go to sleep.”

  “No, Kaj. I want you with me.” He put on the pants and walked to the bed, holding out his hand. “Come with me.”

  She put her hand in his because she would follow him anywhere.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “And how do you know where they’re going to be?” Chalen asked his former mistress over their video connection.

  “I pay one of the maids to keep tabs on him,” Amanda replied.

  He had to give it to her. The girl was smart. “Did the maid tell you when he would be there?”

  “I know he and the shanimal left about a half an hour ago. They didn’t take the limo, and they left from one of the lower levels. The maid was surprised the beast was with Dante. They had been fighting earlier in the evening. She said they were arguing over the press coverage from earlier today.”

  Chalen felt a satisfied grin split his face. “I’m not surprised that he would try to evade the press. I’m sure the Dellacourts are perfectly horrified that their son is involved with an animal. Although I am a bit curious about her. Get dressed. I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes. I think it’s time for you to have a talk with Kaja. I think I’ve found another use for that tape you made of Dante. I’m not going to release it publicly. I like the narrative that he couldn’t find another consort. But I wonder what his new wife will think about the plan you helped him cook up. She might not like the fact that he married her to embarrass his parents. I belong to that club. I’ll get us in.”

  Amanda’s eyes widened in confusion. “Why would I talk to her? Everything is going along exactly as you planned. The press is tearing the Dellacourts apart. I just watched a news editorial on how we will all be copulating with animals if we don’t recognize Torin’s right to rule.”

  Oh, the net was tightening, but Chalen had plans for Dante that didn’t include simply hurting his feelings. And if he could make a profit while he was at it, that was all the better. The shanimal would be interesting to his medical division.

  “I don’t pay you to tell me what to do,” Chalen said. “I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes.”

  He closed the link between them and let the head of medical research know that he would have a new subject to test very soon.

  * * * *

  Dante held Kaja’s hand. He barely restrained himself from wrapping an arm around her and keeping her close to his body. He wanted contact with her. He craved it. He’d been fighting his instincts for weeks in a v
ain attempt to look normal.

  Normal wasn’t going to work for Kaja. Normal was going to stifle her. It was going to kill that sweet soul of hers in a way violence and neglect hadn’t.

  “Good evening, Mr. Dellacourt,” the desk clerk said.

  Dante nodded at the man who probably was well armed and trained. The doors to The Club opened, and he led his wife through.

  One day he would bring her here as a sub, not a guest. The BDSM club was known for its exclusivity. Royals only, and royals with money. Everyone else was well-vetted staff.

  He didn’t miss the way Kaja’s eyes took in the grandeur of the space. Julian Lodge didn’t do anything halfway. His entryway was a monument to decadence.

  “Dante.” Julian walked out of his office and into the grand entry. A mass of muscle was at his side, but then Julian rarely went anywhere without a bodyguard. It looked like that was the big guy’s job tonight. “You know Mr. Taggart.”

  Ian Taggart was the head of Lodge’s security branch. Lodge Corp was well diversified but in the last few years had come on strong when it came to security, and the turning point had been the hiring of Taggart. The massive vampire was one of those royals whose family hit hard times. He’d gone into the military and when he’d retired, every corporation on the plane had tried to hire him. Including his. Lodge had sweetened the deal by offering Taggart a membership to the exclusive club. It had also been said that Taggart brought with him a network of spies. Lodge would definitely know how to use that. “Taggart. I promise I’m not going to mangle your boss.”

  Taggart grinned, a completely predatory look. “Oh, please, feel free. I would pay to see that show.”

  Lodge simply sighed and held out a hand. “Welcome back. It’s been a long time since you came in.”

  He shuddered. “Well, seeing my sister bound to a Saint Andrew’s Cross while her consort whipped her made me swear off sex for a long time.”

  Kaja stared up at him.

  “Three days is very long for me,” Dante conceded.

  Julian laughed. “Truly, it is. This is your consort.” Julian bowed in the formal fashion. “Greetings, consort.”

  She smiled at Julian. That smile. Gods, it got to him. Especially since he knew she’d never smiled before she met him.

  “Hello,” Kaja said.

  Taggart bowed her way as well. “Welcome to The Club, Mrs. Dellacourt.”

  Dante gave in and pulled her close. Another royal was staring at his consort. Despite the fact that he knew Julian had a consort of his own—if rumors had it right, he had two—Dante felt his fangs lengthen. His hold on Kaja tightened. Julian wasn’t exactly ugly, and all the subs lusted after the big blond guy. Taggart was actually quite brutal when he wanted to be. He was very alpha. Taggart hadn’t taken a consort yet.

  Kaja snorted. “He is not my type.”

  It would take a while to get used to this whole telepathic thing. She’d obviously heard his thoughts. “I better be your type.”

  “Yes. You are my type.”

  She looked gorgeous, her brown-and-gold hair forming a halo around her head. Her blue eyes were wide and dominated her pretty face. She was everything to him. How had that happened? She’d become the sun in his sky. He’d fought it, but now he couldn’t remember why.

  He was going to leave his home to save her.

  “Dante, if you’ll join us.” Julian gestured toward his office door.

  He pulled Kaja along.

  Julian stared at him. “Your consort is welcome to have a drink at the bar.”

  “Or she could come with me.” He didn’t want her running around an infamous BDSM club alone.

  Kaja patted his hand. “I would love a drink. Don’t worry. I won’t allow myself to be carried off. If anyone tries to harm me, I will show them my beast.”

  His beast. He loved the beast inside Kaja. And she was the reason he would leave his home. Kaja needed something she couldn’t get on this plane. And she also needed trust.

  He leaned over and brushed his lips to her forehead. She understood. He’d felt her love. She loved him. He was her world as she was his. Even when she shielded, she couldn’t hide that fact from him. It made him feel ten fucking feet tall. “Go on, love. Have a nice drink and meet the other subs. I won’t be long.”

  She went up on her tiptoes and planted the sweetest kiss on his lips. She was his. “I will wait for you, my love.”

  She’d started using the endearment, and it went straight to his cock. She’d only ever called him First or Dante before. My love was new. “I love you, Kaj.”

  That was new, too. He wouldn’t stop. He loved her. He was better for loving her. His heart was different—fuller. Everything was different. He’d gone into this relationship with bad intentions, and now he couldn’t imagine his life without her. How quickly that had changed.

  She merely smiled as though she knew. He didn’t have to tell her. He merely had to open himself and she could feel how much a part of him she was.

  “I love you, too. I will not stare at strange vampires. I will tell everyone that I am taken and require nothing more than my husband.” She wrapped her arms around him, squeezed, and walked away. Her glorious ass swayed as she walked. “I still feel your hand and your cock there, love.”

  Oh, she was his fucking mate.

  “You seem to have chosen well,” Julian said with a self-assured smile.

  “I was infinitely lucky.” Dante watched her until the moment the door closed and she was no longer visible.

  “If you need someone to deal with the press, I’ll do it for free,” Taggart said, a fierce frown on his face. “I might even pay you.”

  Letting Taggart murder a couple dozen members of the press would make him feel better, but it wouldn’t help Kaja. They would always look down on her. “I appreciate the offer. I think my wife would have a problem with it.”

  Taggart shrugged. “Wasn’t planning on telling her.”

  “You’ve obviously never been married. They always find out.” He turned back to Julian. “Now, tell me why you pulled me from my bonding time.”

  A shadow moved from the corner. A familiar British voice spoke up. “I’m afraid that’s my doing, Mr. Dellacourt.”

  And just like that his mood went from sunny to kill.

  Without a thought, he moved, his legs crossing the distance between them. Instinct led him. Dante had his claws around Roan’s throat before the fucker could think to move. He slammed Roan against the wall and could smell the other man’s fear.

  “Now see, this is why I’m here,” Taggart drawled. “I wanted to see if you could kill Roan. Hey, my offer is rescinded if he kills you.”

  “You’re faster than I suspected,” Julian Lodge said. If he was angry about the violence in his establishment, it didn’t show.

  Roan held himself perfectly still. “He’s much faster than the last time we tussled.”

  Anger pulsed through him. “Tussled? Is that what you call nearly getting my consort killed?”

  Roan’s eyes held his. “It wasn’t your consort who nearly died. It was you. She was the one who brought you back. And I was the one who told you how. Now you can take off my head because I can’t seem to stop you or you can listen to me.”

  “I am not cleaning that up,” Taggart said, taking a step back. “I told you we should have put down a tarp.”

  Julian crossed his arms over his chest and leaned negligently against the wall beside them. “He didn’t come here to fight. He came here to talk to you. He has information.”

  “I don’t care about his information. This motherfucker has tried to kill me twice. I don’t think I trust him to tell me the truth.” A nasty thought ran through his head. Kaja. He’d sent Kaja to the bar alone. “If you took my consort, I swear they will be picking up pieces of you for weeks.”

  Now Julian didn’t look so unconcerned. “Back down, Dellacourt. I don’t give a shit if you don’t trust him, but don’t you dare accuse me of allowing a consort to be abused in
my club.”

  The club owner and, if rumors were true, mobster, was frowning ferociously, his fangs out. Julian Lodge could be a friend or a foe. Dante’s choice.

  And he had an easy way to check on his consort. Hopefully the whole telepathic thing worked when he didn’t have his mouth on her pussy. Kaja?

  He felt her surprise, and her deep satisfaction, at the connection. Yes?

  How did he put this without scaring her? You don’t happen to be surrounded by mercenaries? He’d never been good with subtlety.

  And she was smiling. He couldn’t see her, but he felt that smile. No. I am surrounded by liquor, however. I like margaritas, Dante. They taste good.

  Behave, love. He wanted to be there with her as she tried tequila for the first time, but he shut down their connection. She was safe. He let the fucker-asshat-cocksucker fall to the ground and turned to Julian and Taggart.

  “So, you’re willing to vouch for him?”

  Tag nodded and the tension in the room seemed to deflate. “Yeah, I worked with him when I was in the military. He’s a proud dumbass who should have come to me when he cashed out, but no, he had to form his own crew and take on a bunch of shitty jobs to prove he could.”

  Julian’s fangs receded. “Many of those jobs were for me. He’s done good work for me over the years, including retrieving my promised consort from the Seelie plane a few years back. Though he brought along an extra bit of baggage.”

  Roan’s hand was on his throat. “Well, I couldn’t kill the young man. He wouldn’t allow your consort to go without him. He was lucky you’re a vampire with an open mind.”

  Julian smiled, a genuine, affectionate smile. “I’ve forgiven you for that bit of business, Roan. It all worked out in the end and after this is over, Roan’s decided to join the team.”

  “Well, I am sick of working for unsavory characters,” Roan admitted. “Taggart can’t be worse.”

  “I can try,” Taggart quipped. “And I plan on you working with the Unseelie, so you might want to rethink your stance on unsavory characters.”


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