Called to Battle, Volume 1

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Called to Battle, Volume 1 Page 12

by Larry Correia

  Caspia: The capital of Cygnar and the only human city not to fall to the Orgoth. Also called the “City of Walls.”

  Ceryl: A large port city in western Cygna known for its long tradition as a center for the arcane arts.

  Consulate Court: The main governing body of the nation of Ios.

  cortex: The highly arcane mechanikal device that gives a steamjack its limited intelligence. Over time cortexes can learn from experience and develop personality quirks.

  Corvis: The northeastern Cygnaran city occupying the conjunction of the Black River and the Dragon’s Tongue River. Also called the “City of Ghosts.”

  Cryx: An island kingdom of necromancers, undead, and pirates off the southwest coast of Immoren and also known as the Nightmare Empire. Cryx and its ruler, Toruk the Dragonfather, have no problem sacrificing their soldiers to set up a greater victory elsewhere.

  Cryxlight: A yellow-green glow associated with the necrotic energies utilized by the forces of Cryx, also known as balefire.

  Cygnar: A southern kingdom ruled by King Leto Raelthorne and bearing the Cygnus on its flag. Generally considered the most prosperous and technologically advanced of the Iron Kingdoms.

  Cyriss (goddess): The goddess of physical sciences such as mathematics, astronomy, physics, and engineering and also known as the Maiden of Gears. Cyriss is an enigmatic goddess who only communicates with her followers through complex encrypted messages.

  Darius, Edward Dominic: A Cygnaran warcaster and arcane mechanik who is among the nation’s foremost experts on the construction of warjacks and related mechanika.

  Deepwood Tower: A northern Cygnaran border fortress that was destroyed in 608 AR.

  Defender: A formidable heavy Cygnaran warjack that entered service in 564 AR as a modification of the older Ironclad chassis. Its signature weapon is an intrinsic heavy barrel cannon offering unprecedented range and accuracy.

  dire trolls: Massive trolls that stand up to eighteen feet tall and possess oversized fists, huge claws, and jutting tusks nearly two feet long. They possess incredible strength and resilience as well as a nearly insatiable hunger that drives them to eat almost anything they can catch. The hunger and violence of the dire trolls is feared even by other troll species. Only in recent memory have trollkin begun to befriend dire trolls and employ them in battle.

  Doleth, Ascendant: Patron of sailors, boatmen, and fishermen. Doleth selflessly rescued victims of shipwrecks amid storms in the Meredius and followed a quiet, solitary path to enlightenment. He ascended in 1411 BR.

  Dragonfather/Dragon Lord: See Toruk, Lord.

  Eiryss: A renowned Iosan mage hunter who spent many years as a mercenary specializing in the elimination of enemy arcanists and warcasters. She kept her affiliation with the Retribution of Scyrah secret and used her mercenary work to gather information on the human armies.

  field mechanik: A mechanik of the Cygnaran Army tasked with conducting repairs on the field of battle.

  Gifted: Born with the capacity and potential to work magic. This term is applied to arcanists, warcasters, and sorcerers but not to priests.

  gobbers: A diminutive race of inquisitive, nimble, and entrepreneurial individuals that has adapted well to human cities. Most gobbers stand around three feet tall. Gobbers are known to have undeniable aptitude for mechanikal devices and alchemy.

  gorax: Hulking, primitive creatures with long arms ending in oversized claws. Their face sare distinguished by protruding jaws filled with fangs suited to tearing through flesh and bone alike. Gorax are known to appreciate the taste of human flesh, and some prefer it over all other fare.

  Grenadier: A Cygnaran light warjack that is armed with a mattock and an integrated grenade launcher and is frequently deployed to accompany units of trenchers. The Grenadier entered service in 605 AR.

  Greylords Covenant: An exclusively Khadoran arcane order whose members engage in a wide variety of occult research and mechanikal fabrication to advance Khadoran interests, including work on military weaponry, cortex production, and national security.

  grymkin: A greatly varied category of unpleasant and often dangerous fey creatures such as gremlins, imps, and rusalkas.

  gun mage: An arcanist capable of channeling arcane energy into rune shots fired from magelock pistols.

  heartfire: The coal-fueled furnace fire that empowers steamjacks throughout the Iron Kingdoms.

  Highgate: A Cygnaran coastal city that is home to the Southern Fleet of the Cygnaran Navy and the headquarters of the Cygnaran Third Army.

  Hunter: A Cygnaran light warjack that is armed with a battle axe and an integrated long arm cannon and is designed to seek out and cripple enemy ’jacks at range. The Hunter entered service in 603 AR.

  Imer: A relatively recently expanded city near the Erud Hills that is the capital of the Protectorate of Menoth.

  Immoren: The continent containing the Iron Kingdoms, Ios, Rhul, the Skorne Empire, and the lands between them. Much of Immoren remains unexplored, and its inhabitants have had limited contact with other continents.

  infernalism: The study and invocation of infernal entities, a discipline even more blasphemous and feared than necromancy. Most infernalists are arcanists who have bargained for additional power from enigmatic beings called infernals who exist beyond Caen, beings who demand payment for their services in living essence or preferably souls, including those stolen from others through ritual murder.

  Ios/Iosan: An isolationist nation east of Llael and north of the Bloodstone Marches founded long before the nations of men by survivors of a destroyed empire called Lyoss. It is inhabited by a long-lived elven race that has suffered a long, gradual decline and now faces an imminent cosmological catastrophe.

  Iron Kingdoms: Initially the four nations founded after the Orgoth Rebellion: Cygnar, Khador, Llael, and Ord. The Protectorate of Menoth, founded after the Cygnaran Civil War, became the fifth Iron Kingdom after declaring its independence from Cygnar. Most of Llael has since been conquered by Khador and the Protectorate.

  journeyman: An apprentice Cygnaran warcaster, generally a lieutenant in the Cygnaran Army. All Cygnaran warcasters must serve a journeyman tour under a senior warcaster before being promoted to the rank of captain and recognized as a full warcaster.

  kayazy: Literally, “merchant-princes.” A significant social class in Khador representing the leaders of the merchant class. Each kayaz is a wealthy and influential leader of some aspect of industry and commerce. The kayazy have gained a controlling interest over both criminal and commercial industry in Khador and often employ assassins as well as bratya street gangs.

  Khador: The northernmost of the Iron Kingdoms, formally renamed the Khadoran Empire early in 606 AR but still commonly called Khador. The Khadoran Empire is ruled by Empress Ayn Vanar.

  Khardic Sea: One of the northern seas of the Meredius, which borders Khador to the west.

  Korsk: Capital of Khador and that nation’s largest city, located on the eastern shore of Great Zerutsk Lake and between that lake, Shattered Shield Lake, and Lake Volningrad.

  Kos: A volozk of Khador that includes a large wilderness region in the northwest as well as what was once the ancient kingdom of Kos, which was absorbed by the Khardic Empire.

  Kossites: One of the major ethnicities of Khador, the descendants of the ancient kingdom of Kos. They are the majority population of the Kos volozkya but are also found throughout the northwestern region and in smaller numbers elsewhere.

  kriels: The most important divisions of trollkin culture and the equivalent of a trollkin tribe or clan, varying greatly in size but always comprising several affiliated kith. Members of the same kriel share the same quitari pattern on their clothing.

  laborjack: A steamjack used to perform heavy manual labor. Laborjacks come in both light and heavy variants and many different chassis, each designed for a specific type of work.

  long gunners: Cygnar’s premier ranged infantry. Long gunners use a repeating long rifle in battle, giving them exceptional
range and rate of fire.

  magelock: The signature weapon of a gun mage. Only the costly and difficult-to-fabricate steel alloys of these weapons can withstand the arcane stresses created by rune shots.

  magus: The third arcane rank in Cygnar. An individual who has completed his journeymanship is promoted to magus and becomes an acknowledged member of their particular arcane specialty. Few arcansists receive ranks higher than this.

  mechanik: One who builds, maintains, and repairs mechanikal equipment such as steamjacks.

  mechanika: The fusion of mechanical engineering and arcane science responsible for countless technological advances across western Immoren.

  Mercir: The southernmost Cygnaran coastal city, home of the Mercarian League.

  Minuteman: A rapid assault warjack that features underarm slug guns, short-range grenade launchers, and a unique advanced propulsion system enabling it to make tremendous leaps. The Minuteman entered service in 605 AR.

  Molgur: Primarily barbaric tribes of humans, trollkin, ogrun, and goblins loosely united in ancient times by a shared reverence for the Devourer Wurm, which was embodied in countless totemic forms. Also, the languages spoken by these tribes. While the Molgur no longer exists as a society, its languages survive in a variety of modern dialects.

  Morrow: One of the Twins, brother to Thamar, and a god who was once mortal but who ascended to divinity by achieving enlightenment. Also known as the Prophet, Morrow is a benevolent god who emphasizes self-sacrifice, good works, and honorable behavior. The organized religion of Morrow is the largest and most widespread faith in the Iron Kingdoms, the majority faith in Cygnar, Khador, Llael, and Ord. The Church of Morrow has considerable wealth and influence. See also Thamar.

  Nayl: A soulless Iosan mage hunter and a member of the Retribution of Scyrah.

  necrotechs: Undead mechaniks and necromancers of Cryx responsible for much of that nation’s war industry. They are capable of repairing warjacks in battle and creating explosive scrap thralls from corpses and the remains of destroyed ’jacks.

  Nyss: A race of nomadic hunters, sorcerers, and priests who are cousins to the Iosans and who once claimed the Shard Spires of northern Khador. Their numbers were decimated by the emergence of the Legion of Everblight, and the surviving Nyss are scattered as refugees or isolated bands, mostly in Khador.

  ogrun: A large and physically powerful race renowned for their great strength, honor, and loyalty. Most ogrun are citizens of Rhul, though they can be found throughout the Iron Kingdoms and are also present in the Scharde Islands serving Cryx.

  Order of the Golden Crucible: The most inclusive arcane order of western Immoren, founded in Llael in 25 BR and known for alchemical research and production. The order is credited with the invention of the firearm and blasting powder, which remains the primary source of its considerable wealth. It also possesses both significant power and maintains a reputation for having the finest alchemical laboratories and practitioners.

  Orgoth: A fearsome race of men from an unknown continent west across the Meredius who invaded western Immoren and enslaved it for centuries. The Orgoth were driven from Immoren just over four hundred years ago.

  primarch:The top-ranking leader of the Church of Morrow, chosen for life through a manifestation of archons after the death of the predecessor.

  Radiance of Morrow: The religious symbol of the Church of Morrow, a stylized sunburst design.

  rangers: Primarily those individuals trained by the Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service in methods of survival, stealth, and secret communications. Rangers fuction as the scouts of the Cygnaran military.

  Retribution (of Scyrah): Once outlawed as dangerously radical, this militant Iosan religious sect seeks to avenge the imminent doom of their goddess Scyrah by killing human arcanists, whom they hold to blame.

  revenant: A type of undead cursed to have its soul remain on Caen, bound to a particular place or object. The most notorious revenants are ruthless undead pirates cursed to haunt the waters of the Meredius as members of the vast Ghost Fleet of Cryx, bound to their leader Captain Rengrave, who is himself bound to the ancient Dirgenmast ship the Atramentous.

  Rhul/Rhulfolk: The northeastern dwarven nation bordering Khador, Llael, and Ios. Natives of Rhul are called Rhulfolk; although these include ogrun, the term typically is understood to refer to Rhul’s dwarves. This tenacious and skilled race who has long traded with the nations of man

  runeplate: A vital core component of mechanika that consists of a special metal plate inscribed with permanent arcane glyphs to grant an item specific magical effects.

  Scarsfell: A large, dense forest in northwestern Khador. This area is one of the great bastions of the trollkin kriels, with the largest concentration of these people living north of Cygnar. It is also inhabited by a large number of Kossites.

  scatterguns: Heavy, oversized rifles designed to fire a spray of grapeshot.

  Scharde Islands: An island group southwest of Cygnar, named after the largest island, which has become the heart of Cryx. The Nightmare Empire claims the majority of the Scharde Islands and preys upon those few that remain contested.

  scion: The antithesis of the saint-like ascendants of Morrow, the scions of Thamar have similarly transcended mortality by heeding their goddess’ teachings and seeking their own distinct paths of enlightenment.

  Scyrah: Once one of eight gods within the Iosan Divine Court pantheon, representing Spring, Scyrah has become the primary goddess of Ios. She currently languishes in a state of slow death mirroring the steady decline of the elven race, but this is a matter not discussed with non-Iosans.

  Seekers: Members of an Iosan minority religious sect who actively search for the solution to the mysterious ailment that has afflicted the goddess Scyrah, which they believe likely exists outside the borders of Ios. This motivates some Seekers to cooperate with and form alliances with outsiders.

  Shyrr: The capital city of Ios and home to the central fane, or temple, where the goddess Scyrah dwells and is attended by her highest priests.

  Sirac, Dexar: The former head inquisitor of the Cygnaran Inquisition, Sirac is responsible for uncovering the powerful, necromantic sword known as the Witchfire and returning it to the Iron Kingdoms after more than 1,600 years of abandonment in the ruins of Cryx’s Castle Moorcraig. He died in Corvis in 603 AR, killed by Alexia Ciannor wielding the Witchfire.

  steam armor: Mechanika armor powered by a steam engine which enables a person to move with much heavier armor than he could ordinarily carry as well as to wield massive weapons that might ordinarily be too cumbersome. Warcaster armor is the most sophisticated type of steam armor and utilizes an advanced arcane turbine to allow greater mobility and similar protection with less weight.

  Steelhead: Composed of serious soldiers and dispassionate killers, the Steelhead Mercenary Company includes chapter houses across all of western Immoren. Members are sometimes referred to as Steelheads.

  Talon Company: An alternate name for the Black Talon mercenary company, whose members are sometimes called Black Talons.

  Thamar: One of the Twins, sister to Morrow and a goddess who was once mortal but who ascended to divinity through occult study. Also known as the Dark Sister, Thamar is a widely despised god who emphasizes self-interest, self-empowerment, subversive acts, and freedom from the restraints of conventional morality.

  Toruk, Lord: The dragon that is both the oldest known entity on Caen and the progenitor of all dragons, Lord Toruk is the evil and vastly powerful ruler of Cryx. Also known as the Dragonfather, the Dragon Lord, and God of Caen.

  trollkin: A hardy and intelligent race that live both in their own communities in the wilderness and within cities of man. Distantly related to the more savage and monstrous trolls, trollkin possess a complex and rich culture, including their own written language. Most trollkin worship the goddess Dhunia.

  ulk: A hardy breed of large deer native to the cold northern areas of western Immoren.

  Vanished, the: The six missing an
d presumably deceased gods of the Iosan people. This term is not used among non-Iosans.

  Vardenska: A harsh and unforgiving region in northwestern Khador, one of the volozk of that nation.

  Volgorod: A large town in Kos volozk.

  Walker: Members of a significant sect of the Church of Morrow called the Walkers, who are devoted to making regular holy pilgrimages across western Immoren to sites of significance to Morrow and his ascendants. Walkers commonly wear gray robes or other distinguishing icons and are welcomed by pious Morrowans wherever they travel.

  Called to Battle, Volume One

  Copyright © 2013 Privateer Press

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