Cowboy to the Rescue

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Cowboy to the Rescue Page 9

by Ann B. Harrison

  He didn’t even pause. “Nobody out here to see you, but if you’re sure this is what you want…” Jethro scooped her up in his arms and fumbled with the door handle, ended up using his boot, and pushed his way into the house. He kicked the door behind him and strode down the cramped hallway and into a bedroom where a big old four-poster bed took up most of the room. He dropped her on it and lay over her body, their lips touching.

  “Please tell me you want this as much as I do.”

  Sadie gave a frustrated laugh. “I swear, Jethro, if you don’t do something, I’m going to have to do it myself, and even though it embarrasses me to tell you that—it’s how it’s going to be.” She raised her eyebrows. “Understanding me here now? Do I have to get physical and take advantage of you, or are you game?”

  “I’m game. In fact, I’m more than game for you, Sadie.” He raised her hands over her head and kissed the hollow of her throat. Bursts of heat pooled between her legs as he nibbled his way around her neck. She spread her legs under him, allowing him to lay between her thighs, getting as close to him as she could. When she started to move her hips to rub against his hardening erection, he stopped what he was doing and looked into her eyes.

  “Do I take it that you haven’t had sex in a while?”

  “Uh-huh. You got that in one.”

  “So you don’t want me to take things slow, then?”

  She shook her head. He understood. Thank God! “Not the first time, no thank you.”

  Jethro laughed. “I like how you think!” He undid the buttons on her blouse and kissed his way down to her breasts, pushed the bra up so he could wrap his lips around her nipple. She squealed and arched up, gripping his hips as she pushed against him, heat flooding her sex.

  “Don’t… please don’t do that anymore.” She gritted her teeth when he went to the other side, teasing and pulling with his teeth. “Jethro!”

  “Hang on a minute, sweet thing. I’ll make it worth your while, promise.” He slid down, trailing kisses down her stomach until he came to her shorts. With quick movements, he flicked the buttons, slid down the zipper, and pulled them down with her panties in one swift move.

  Before she knew what was happening, Jethro was between her thighs, his mouth pressed against her burning flesh. As his tongue swiped the tightly budded nerves, she screamed out his name and came apart.

  Chapter Twelve

  Her eyelids fluttered open as she tried to bring her breathing back to normal. When she said she was in a hurry, she wasn’t wrong. He’d like to think it was his charm, personality, or good looks that got her so hot and bothered, but he’d only be lying to himself. Especially when she admitted it’d been a while for her. Heck, it’d been more than a while for him, too, but he wasn’t going to come across as desperate. Glad to see Sadie was a bit more relaxed in the sexual needs department and wasn’t shy in coming forward with her demands.

  A satisfied smile brought out the dimples in her cheeks. “Thanks. That was all kinds of wonderful.” She rolled over and rested her head in one hand, a big sigh of pleasure lighting up her face.

  “You’re welcome.” He reached out and touched a finger to her nipple and smiled when it budded up again. “Do you need a rest, or are you keen for round two?”

  Sadie pushed him back on the bed and brushed aside the pillows as she straddled him. “I think round two should be with me leading, since you have to catch up. What do you think?” A wicked grin and a jaunty lift of her shoulders left him sending up a silent prayer of thanks.

  He’d died and gone to heaven. There was no other explanation for it. Having a woman as cute as Sadie lying across his body, working her way down to his painful erection was like being in a dream. His jeans came off and hit the floor. His boxers followed.

  He hissed out a breath as her lips touched his skin and backed off again. “Don’t you dare tease me, Sadie. I beg of you, all or nothing now before it’s too late.” Last thing he wanted to do was embarrass himself by losing control before she made a move.

  He lost all sense of reality as warm lips circled his cock, taking him in deep. He reached down and gripped her hair, holding her in place until he could gain control. Sadie wasn’t having any of it. She shook him off and shuffled down even farther. His throat worked as he tried to focus on the line of cracked paint going from the corner of the ceiling to the central light bulb. Anything to keep his attention away from his tingling balls and the featherlight kisses raining down on them.

  The pop of her lips as she treated his dick like a lollypop almost tipped him over, but he held back, straining to last longer than the five seconds he expected.

  “Stop being a hard-ass and let go, and then we can take the next one slow.”

  The crack in the ceiling faded in and out of his vision as his body took over, refusing to bow to his demands. Without any conscious effort from him, his hips started to mark time with her sensual, demanding, and oh-so-sexy mouth.

  A shimmer of energy started down the backs of his legs, a tenseness of muscles he couldn’t control. Jethro gave over to his body’s demands, past caring about the need to look like anything more than what he was—a horny cowboy with a woman in his bed who made him crazy.

  Sadie kneaded his balls as she sucked him deep into her throat, making any thought of control slip away. His toes tightened and curved, legs stretched and trembled as the sparks short-circuited his brain. With a final thrust of hips, Jethro spilled into her mouth as his world spun around him.


  “Now we’re even.”

  Jethro opened his eyes and stared at her with a more than satisfied gleam in his eyes.

  “I doubt we’ll ever be even. That was incredible.”

  Heat flushed over her skin, and she moved over him and lay down at his side. Jethro slid an arm around her body and pulled her in tight, cocooning her in his warmth. Nervous at first about what she demanded of him, now Sadie was relieved. Not to mention sexily boneless and relaxed. Only one thing niggled her, and she might as well get it out in the open.

  “I don’t want you to think I’m easy.”

  He pulled her away and looked into her face, his eyes dark. “What the heck?”

  “I don’t do this kind of thing. You know, take a client to bed like this. I don’t want it to change things, but I’ll understand if you want to take your business to someone else.” Embarrassment started to make her edgy. Layla would kill her for losing a client. Especially Jethro, whom she’d developed a liking for. And what if she’d just blown any chance she had of a friendship with this man? She was such an idiot. There was a reason she stuck to her plans—they worked. All the organizing, the plotting, made sure there were no mistakes, no missteps that could come back and bite her in the ass.

  Jethro relaxed against the pillows and pulled her onto his chest. “You crazy thing. Just because we hit it off together doesn’t mean I’d be that rude to you or even think like that.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Besides, I thought we were way past the client thing. We’re friends, Sadie. Damn good friends.”

  Relief flooded her system. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin their friendship, but the need to take him to bed was overwhelming. And it’d been worth it to connect with Jethro in this way. It felt right, and it felt so much better than she’d hoped.

  “You’re good with that, right?”

  “Yes. Yes, I am.” Sadie lifted herself up and leaned on his chest. “I like you a lot, Jethro, and this is the icing on the cake. Sex with you is all I thought it would be.”

  He slid his hand behind her head, pulled her mouth down to his lips, and gave her the softest, gentlest kiss she could imagine. “I’m glad.”

  She rested her face on his chest and relaxed fully for the first time in weeks. This felt like home, where she belonged, and she was in no hurry to go back to Denver. Jethro had been right. She needed to take things easy and go with the flow. Everything would fall into place.

  He smoothed one hand over the back of her hair whi
le the other cupped her butt. “Relax for a while then let me know when you’re ready for round two.”

  “I will.”

  “Talk to me, Sadie. Tell me what makes you tick.”

  She touched the tip of his nose with her finger and grinned. “How about I tell you ten things about me, and then you can tell me ten things about you?”

  “Sounds the perfect way to get to know each other better. Me first.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sadie ferreted through the hay bales in the barn for eggs. The chickens seemed intent on hiding them from her, and Jethro had pointed her in this direction, knowing his animals’ habits way more than she did. She reached down between a couple of bales, searching for eggs. Her fingers skimmed over something soft seconds before a sharp, stabbing pain shot through her hand and she stumbled back and landed on her butt. “You mongrel bird.” Sadie wiped at the blood trickling down between her fingers, her stomach lurching dangerously. She didn’t need to see blood any time soon.

  An angry chicken squawked and flew out of her hiding place. Sadie backed away, terrified it would attack again. “What the heck did I ever do to you?” The chicken dusted off her ruffled feathers and gave her a look that conveyed her dislike at being disturbed.

  “Thanks for nothing.” That little fright had taken years off of her life. “All I wanted was to make Jethro an omelet for breakfast, for goodness’ sake.” After spending the last couple of weekends at the ranch, Sadie thought she was capable of egg collecting. She might have to rethink her ideas.

  When her heart rate settled down, she searched the spot where the chicken had been. Hidden down in the hay was a clutch of eggs. She put them in the pail she found in the barn and said to Clumsy, “Thank goodness for that. For a moment there, I thought I’d gone through hell for nothing.”

  “You always talk to yourself like this?” Nate walked into the barn.

  “Yes, I guess so.”

  “So, you and Jethro. You really like him, huh?” He put his hands on his hips and stood in front of her, but his intimidating skills left a lot to be desired.

  “Yeah, I really do. Not that it’s any of your business, Nate, so stand down and stop being so protective. Jethro’s a big boy and can look after himself.” She brushed past him, but he grabbed her arm.

  “I’m not trying to intimidate you.”

  She frowned and held her ground.

  “Okay, so maybe I am. But hear me out, all right? He’s our big brother, and we can’t lose him, not even to you.”

  Sadie put the pail on the ground and faced him. “Nate, I’m not taking him anywhere. You’re not going to lose him. That’s just silly talk.” She swirled her foot in the dust, making patterns as she chose her words. “Jethro and I… well, it’s kind of complicated.”

  “You don’t have to take him anywhere for us to lose him. You break his heart and he’ll withdraw from us and the ranch. This place is his new focus, his new life. Crease and I understand that.” He moved a step closer to her. “You see, he wasn’t anyone until he realized how much this place meant to him, and it’s saved him in more ways than one. I don’t want you taking that away from him by messing with his heart.”

  “I’m not messing with him. I’m really enjoying the time we spend together, but don’t you think that’s something between me and Jethro? It’s not your business.”

  “Really? Just let me make something clear, Sadie. If you hurt him, you hurt us.”

  “I have no intention of hurting anyone. What I mean to say is, my life is complicated. What I feel for your brother isn’t.”

  “Maybe if you put him first and not your job, things will become uncomplicated.”

  Sadie stared at his back as he walked away, thinking how much it made sense. Her relationship with Jethro was more important than her job. A relationship was forever. A partnership could be dissolved, the company brought out, and then where would she be? Or the company she wanted might not want her. There was so much more to think about when someone had everything in little boxes the way she did.

  Sadie still had that thought rolling around in her mind the next day when she was back in the office.

  “Miss St. Martin?” The woman opposite her knocked her knuckles on the desk to get her attention.

  “What? Oh, sorry, Mrs. Lanyard. Forgive me, please. Where were we?”

  Her client pulled a sheet of paper from her handbag. “I want you to make these changes to my will. Ms. Cox said I was to give it more thought, and I have. I’ve written down what I want to change, and I want you to act as executor so’s there won’t be any fighting among the children when I go.”

  “But surely you mean for Ms. Cox to be your executor. You’ve only just met me.”

  The gray head shook vigorously. “Nope. I know my own mind. I might be getting on in years, but I like you and I get to choose who I want to represent my wishes when I go. You’re young and new in town, but so far you’ve proven yourself more than capable of taking on anyone and getting the job done.” She smiled, easing the handbag to the floor. “You’re making friends for the work you’ve done in the short time since you’ve been here. I like to think I’m one of them.”

  “Thank you.” Sadie cleared her throat, but emotion still stopped her from speaking for a moment. “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know everyone, and I’m honored you would want my name on your will. But let’s hope you live long enough to annoy your children.”

  Laughing, she was seeing Mrs. Lanyard out of her office when as her phone rang. “You get that, love; I can see myself out. Give me a chance to catch up with Emily.” She closed the door behind her as Sadie ran for the phone.


  “Sadie. I have news.” Her father didn’t pause for breath or her greeting. “This is what you’ve been working for, Sadie. I spoke to James Milton last night over dinner, and he wants to see you. I’ve told him that I’m prepared to give you the money as your partner contribution if they take you on, but it means a face-to-face meeting.”

  “I can’t, Daddy. I’ve already told you why. I won’t let Layla down after all she did for me.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he brushed her off. “It’s a small-town law firm that deals with wills and traffic fines. I’m sure the country won’t come to a grinding halt if you take a few days off to sort out your own future. Goodness knows it isn’t in Cowsville, Montana.”

  “Don’t be facetious, Daddy. It’s Marietta, not Cowsville, and I like it here. It’s interesting.” How was she going to tell him her goals might have changed? Her life was no longer the rigid plan on her whiteboard.

  “I’ve told him you’ll be back next week. Your mother and I think you should make the effort after all we’ve sacrificed. I’m sure once you get back and have your meeting, you’ll make the right decision.”


  “Stop procrastinating, Sadie. It’s what you’ve been aiming for since you were a little girl watching Perry Mason reruns. Now’s your chance to make your mark on the legal world. Good heavens, if you play your cards right, you could end up as a judge by the time you’re fifty.” He gave a satisfied harrumph. “Your mother and I would be incredibly proud of you.”

  “I can’t promise anything. Layla’s on leave for another month.” And it gives me more time to think. Something you don’t seem to want me to do.

  “Leave it with me. Your mother will call and tell you the arrangements. It’ll be like old times, having you home again.” He hung up before she could protest again.

  A knock on her office door and Emily popped her head into the room. “Don’t forget you have a court appearance in half an hour.” She walked in and dropped a file in front of Sadie. “What’s that look for?”

  Sadie waved a hand in the air. “My father. Wants me back in Denver for a meeting I’m not sure I want to take part in.” She opened the file and skimmed over the top sheet.

  Emily folded her arms. “I can juggle your appointments if need be. Not that you have much
booked in next week anyway.”

  “I’ll let you know, Emily. I’m not sure which direction I want to go yet.” She flicked over the page and then closed the file. “Guess I’d better see if my client is going to appear in court today. Nothing about this case has been easy, and I can see it going bad if we don’t sort it out.” She stood up and reached for her purse.

  “Don’t be too harsh on Cyril. Poor man has been through a lot lately. Lost his wife and his daughter ran off with some no-good drifter. Poor man’s been holding the rest of the family together with a wing and a prayer.”

  “I understand that, but the judge isn’t partial to drinking and driving. Got him off the last time, don’t like my chances again unless I can come up with such a brilliant idea that I can get a sympathetic plea bargain”

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something. Layla wouldn’t have hired you if you weren’t so good at what you do.” She turned and walked out, pausing at the door. “You aren’t thinking of leaving us now, are you?”

  Sadie let the words roll over her shoulders. Was she? “I don’t know what’s going to happen. When Layla comes back, I doubt she’ll need me. This business is only really big enough for one lawyer. Guess I’ll be heading back to her old company—that’s if they’ll have me back.”

  “I thought that was the agreement she put in place before she asked you out here.”

  “It was. But things move fast in the city. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve filled my spot.” Sadie collected the file, scooped up her handbag and ushered Emily out to reception. “I’m sure things will work out fine, and I’ll let you know about next week too.” She headed out of the office and strutted toward the courthouse, enjoying the sunshine and the peaceful surroundings on her way.

  Her client was waiting for her outside on the front steps of the courthouse. “Mr. Thompson.” She shuffled her files into her other hand so she could shake his. “Let’s go inside and find a seat where we can talk, okay?”


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