The Sextet Presents... Small, Medium, and Large [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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The Sextet Presents... Small, Medium, and Large [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 9

by Cheryl Brooks

  Of course he did. He gave himself a quick mental slap for doubting it even for a moment. Renee was the best thing that ever happened to him, bar none, and judging by the way Toby was bouncing off the walls, he obviously felt the same way.

  But what would happen if she didn’t show? The sinking feeling in his chest was enough to assure him that life would never be quite the same again. Knowing what they’d had—what they could’ve had—and then lost would be devastating to both of them. Whether she knew it or not, Renee held both men’s hearts in her hands. The question was, did she care enough for them to come back?

  He prayed with all his might that she did care, because if not, they were both fuckin’ screwed.

  * * * *

  Any doubts Renee might have had vanished when Toby came flying out the front door as soon as she pulled into the driveway. Yanking the door open before she even had a chance to put the car in park, he didn’t say a word, but leaned in and kissed her. His warm lips melted her fears, turning her body to mush.

  “Oh, Toby,” she whispered. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”

  “I might,” he said. “Welcome home, Renee.”

  Lance had followed Toby out of the house, albeit more slowly. Nudging Toby aside, he knelt down, taking her hand. “You look plumb wiped out.”

  Renee had to blink back tears before she replied. “It’s been a helluva week.”

  Toby peered into the backseat. “You are staying, aren’t you?” His look of dismay almost made her break down and cry. “Don’t you have any suitcases?”

  Renee nodded. “In the trunk. I had to leave work early today. Couldn’t stand it another second.”

  “Me, neither,” Toby declared. “Pop it open and I’ll get them for you.”

  Renee punched the release on her key and swung her feet out of the car. She felt at least a hundred years old. “So, did you miss me?”

  “Are you kidding?” Lance held out his hand, and she placed hers in it, allowing him to pull her to her feet. A second later, he swept her up in his arms. “Toby’s been about to blow a gasket all afternoon—all week, actually. He was scared to death you wouldn’t come back. I’ve been trying to be the calm, reassuring one, but it hasn’t been easy.”

  “And here I’ve been thinking you guys wouldn’t need me anymore. Although you can’t tell me you haven’t been getting any.”

  “You might be surprised,” he said with a chuckle.

  Toby dragged out her bags and closed the trunk lid. “He can’t get it up when you’re not here. I tried, but dammit, Renee, it’s just not the same without you.”

  Her eyes darted back and forth between them. “Don’t you love each other? I’m sure I heard you say you did.”

  “We do,” Lance said. “But there’s a little problem with that. I think the reason neither of us ever fell in love with a woman was because we knew if we did, it would split us apart. Then we found you, and you turned out to be perfect for both of us.”

  “And then when it was just the two of us, we felt like we were cheating,” Toby said. “We need you, Renee.”

  There was no mistaking the sincerity in his eyes. Renee knew she was going to cry now. First smiling, and now crying. What would happen next? “You guys are so sweet. I don’t deserve you.”

  “Oh, yes, you do,” Toby said. “One good pervert deserves another.” He held the door for Lance. “So, Lance. Is your dick hard?”

  “Like a baseball bat,” Lance replied. “How much longer ’til the lasagna’s done?”

  “It’s ready now,” Toby replied. “But so am I.”

  Renee inhaled the orgasmic aroma of baking lasagna as Lance carried her across the threshold. “I hate to be a bad sport, guys, but I’m starving.”

  Toby set down her bags. “No worries. We’ve waited all week for this. We can wait a little longer. How about a little wine before dinner?”

  Renee sighed. “That would be wonderful.”

  Lance laid Renee on the couch and knelt beside her, combing the hair back from her face with a touch so tender it took her breath away. “Bad week, huh?”

  “The absolute worst. Not sure it’ll get any better, either. The thought of seeing you guys again was the only thing that got me through.” That and buying presents for them. Renee had certainly broken some new ground there.

  “Well, if you ever decide you want out of there, I have a business proposal for you.” Raising her hand to his lips, he kissed it lovingly. “We can talk about it over dinner.”

  “If it’s about your organic fertilizer, which I assume is why your yard looks like a jungle, you can count me in.” Renee gave his hand a squeeze. “Can’t wait to hear all about it.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. I’ve got lots of ideas, but when it comes to the business end of it, I’m lost.”

  In truth, Renee was already itching to accept his offer, and had been ever since the board meeting. Once the fur started flying, she realized she didn’t care what the board or anyone else had to say, and was within a hairsbreadth of getting up and walking out. There were some who would’ve said she’d lost her edge, but she hadn’t. She’d simply lost the desire to stay with a company that would overlook Muntan’s thievery and try to keep profits up by cutting jobs, never bothering to search for the root cause. She was sick of implementing policies that only made sense from a management point of view and wreaked havoc on the employees. No matter how much she told them it was for the good of the company, if it wasn’t good for the people who worked there, it wasn’t good for anyone.

  Toby returned with a glass of red wine. “I’ve got something to show you, too. You inspired a new video game!”

  Renee accepted the wine with a grateful smile and took a sip. “Oh, really? What’s it called?”

  Toby gave her a wicked grin. “Dominatrix: Madame Renee’s Dungeon of Desire.”

  Renee nearly choked. “Sounds pretty racy.”

  “Oh, it is,” Toby assured her. “It’ll definitely get one of the more mature ratings, but I bet we make a fortune with it.”

  “Thought you’d already done that.”

  “Not quite. And besides, sex toys are expensive. We’re gonna need all the money we can get.”

  Since Renee had already spent a small fortune herself, she could certainly vouch for the expense. “Been shopping again?”

  “You bet we have.” Lance waggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Want to come check it out?”

  “Okay, this I’ve got to see.” Renee set down her wine to take Lance’s proffered arm.

  “We put it all in my room since I’ve got the biggest bed,” Lance said as he escorted her to his room. Toby followed with her suitcases.

  Renee stopped short at the threshold. “Oh, my God…” Hanging from four eyebolts in the ceiling, any one of which could’ve easily supported the weight of a cruise ship, was a hammock-like sling made of black leather. Renee didn’t have to ask where it came from—or who picked it out.

  “Cool, isn’t it?” Toby said. “It’ll even hold Lance. We got a swing, too. Oh, and we got this neat set of cushions.” He unfolded two fabric-covered foam wedges, one much larger than the other. “You can stack them up and use them to fuck in almost any position. They even stick together.”

  Renee shook her head in disbelief. “With all this stuff lying around, I can’t believe you two haven’t done each other.”

  “Well, it’s true. We haven’t,” Toby replied, his voice sounding rather strained. “But I’m about to die right now.”

  A mental image of Toby laid out on the sling with his cute little butt just waiting for her to fuck sent a rush of heat to her pussy. “Um, that reminds me; I got each of you some presents.” Unzipping her suitcase, Renee pulled out a wide leather strap with loops sewn into both ends. “I got this plow belt especially for you, Toby. You put it around the front of you while I hold the loops and pull—”

  Toby cut her off with a whimper. “I know how it works.”

  Lance chuckled. “You
can really nail him deep with that one.”

  “You bet I can.” She held up a dildo with enough veins and ridges on it to satisfy even the most discerning critics. “Especially with this in the harness.”

  Judging from the look on his face, much more of this and Toby was liable to ejaculate.

  “Hold that thought,” Renee said. “And, Lance, I got you this.” She held up a diamond-studded leather collar. “What every fashionable Swedish giant is wearing this year.”

  “Aw, thanks, Renee… You shouldn’t have.” Lance took it from her and buckled it around his neck. “How’s it look?”

  “Hmm… Goes great with those cutoffs, but you need to lose the shirt.” She gave him a quick survey. “The pants, too, because I got you something else.” Unwrapping the delicate silver scrotum shield, she held it up. “I can’t wait to put this on you. It’s even got a matching leash.”

  “The hell with dinner,” Lance said. Yanking off his shirt, he skimmed off his cutoffs and kicked them across the room.

  Renee sighed. “I just love a man who goes commando. And I, uh, see you weren’t kidding about the baseball bat thing.”

  “No, ma’am. I wouldn’t lie to Madame Renee.” Lance grinned impishly—an odd expression on a man his size. “She might beat me.”

  “Let’s get this on you and then you can go get a whip.” The elastic band just barely fit around his cock and balls at the base, and the chain that held the shield in place was snug, allowing each testicle to hang separately. “Wowza! That looks so hot.” Unable to resist, she leaned closer and licked each of his balls, then sipped the pre-cum oozing from the head of his huge cock. Lance’s soft moan had her pussy aching with need, but she had another slave boy to attend to. “Don’t worry, Toby. I got one for you, too. Only yours is a little different.”

  Toby had already stripped off his clothes. Offering her his rigid cock, he shivered with excitement as she slipped the silver chain over his dick before fitting the soft elastic band into place behind his scrotum. A small, penis-shaped charm dangled from the chain, and she placed a matching pendant on another chain around his neck. She ran a fingertip down the length of his stiff shaft. “And now that my little slave boys are properly attired, let’s go have some of that lasagna.”

  “Aw, Renee!” Toby protested. “My dick is killing me!”

  Renee didn’t doubt that for a moment. Bending down, she kissed the pearl of fluid from his slit, delighting as much in the flavor and texture of his juice as the hot slickness of his cockhead. Not to mention the way it pulsed as she pressed it to her lips.

  “My darling Toby,” she murmured, “I really missed you this week.”

  Toby groaned as Renee ran her tongue over the glans. “We missed you, too, Renee. This has been the longest week of my life.”

  Renee glanced up as Lance returned with his favorite whip and a cock as hard and shiny as Darth Vader’s helmet. Heat flooded her core, making her muscles tighten and her clitoris tingle. “Oh, my God, you look like a Viking on VIAGRA.”

  Lance handed her the whip, a sly grin curling his lips. “That’s your fault, Renee.”

  Taking a deep breath, Renee lifted her chin and slapped the whip across her palm. “Okay, my little slave boys. We’re gonna have a race to the dinner table. The winner gets his butt fucked by Madame Renee and the loser gets the ass whipping of his life. On your mark… Get set… Go!”

  Toby let out a squeal and took off running while Lance sauntered slowly toward the kitchen. Renee followed, watching the play of muscles in his back and world-class buns. “I just love my little slave boys.”

  Toby was already in the kitchen, donning a pair of red oven mitts. “And your little slave boys love you, too, Renee.”

  Lance nodded his agreement as he pulled out a chair for her. “More than you will ever know.”

  Wearing nothing but oven mitts and his penis bracelet, Toby took the lasagna out of the oven, looking cute and sexy at the same time—a lethal combination in Renee’s eyes. “Sure wish polygamy was legal,” he said wistfully.

  “Why, Toby,” Renee said, taking her seat, “are you asking us to marry you?”

  Toby set the lasagna on the table. “Absolutely.”

  Inhaling the heavenly aroma of hot food and even hotter men, Renee gazed up at big, sweet, handsome Lance. “What about you?”

  With a broad grin, Lance put an arm around Toby as he took Renee’s hand. “I’d marry you both in a heartbeat.”

  Through tears of joy, Renee smiled up at her two wonderful guys. To search any further for love was pointless. “Then, as ruler here in Madame Renee’s Dungeon of Desire, I hereby decree that we are now husbands and wife. You may kiss the Queen.”

  As each of them kissed her in turn, she patted them on the butt. “Better eat up, boys. You two are gonna need lots of energy tonight.”

  “So are you.” Toby grinned wickedly. “We haven’t even used the vibrating cock rings yet.”

  Lance nodded. “And we can fuck for days wearing one of those.”

  Renee’s eyes widened. This ought to be interesting. “Good thing you made plenty of lasagna. What’s for dessert?”

  “Chocolate cock sundaes,” Lance replied.

  “With whipped cream and nuts,” Toby added.

  Renee licked her lips. “Mmm… It’s good to be Queen.”



  A native of Louisville, Kentucky, Cheryl Brooks is a critical care nurse by night and a romance writer by day. Utilizing her rich fantasy life and a knack for unobtrusive boy watching, she is currently branching out from paranormal romance into erotic novellas, both contemporary and paranormal, with her Sextet sisters, and loving it!

  A lifelong lover of horses and animals in general, she lives with her husband, two sons, two horses, four cats, and two dogs in rural Indiana. She enjoys cooking, gardening, and has played guitar since the age of ten.

  A member of the RWA and IRWA, her previously published works with Siren include contributions to the Sextet Anthologies: Sharing, Dirty Dancing, Occupational Hazards, Mistletoe & Ménage, and Entanglements.

  Also by The Sextet

  Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 1: Sharing

  Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 2: Dirty Dancing

  Ménage Everlasting: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 3:

  Occupational Hazards

  Everlasting Classic: The Sextet Anthology, Volume 4: Entanglements

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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