Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set

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Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set Page 49

by Lashell Collins

  “I’m here to see Mr. Lucas Colby,” I tell her quietly.

  “And you are?”

  “Detective Joshua Pierce,” I say, pulling out my ID, and showing it to her.

  “One moment, please.” She picks up a phone and presses a couple of buttons, and pauses a beat. “There’s a Detective Pierce to see Mr. Colby. Right away.” She hangs up and smiles at me again. “Mr. Colby’s expecting you. Please take the elevator to the left and I’ll buzz you up to his apartment.”

  “Thank you.” I turn and head for the elevators and I notice the receptionist following me with her eyes. As I wait for the elevator doors to open, I glance briefly back at the desk and she is still eyeing me with a small appreciative smile. I ignore her and step into the elevator and wait for the doors to close. When they do I am whisked upward with great speed to the thirty-fifth floor of the building.

  The elevator stops and I hear the ping of the doors, and I feel a sudden and unwelcome wave of anxiety wash over me. When the doors open I’m slightly startled to find myself looking into the stern, impassive eyes of a large, masculine woman dressed in a maid’s uniform. She must be in her sixties, tall and plump, and decidedly unfriendly. “Mr. Pierce?” she questions, looking me in the eye.

  “Detective Pierce,” I correct her, holding her cool gaze. Who the hell is this pit bull guarding the gate?

  “Hmph,” she snorts softly, looking me over, and I am hit with the notion that even the maid disapproves of me. “Mr. Colby’s expecting you. Right this way.” She turns and leads me through an opulently decorated foyer and through a set of double doors into a large living area. And as I walk in, I think my jaw actually drops.

  Holy shit. I thought Samantha’s apartment was the height of luxury. This place makes Sam’s look like a shack. It’s triple the size, and the place is all dark wood and black leather furniture with gold accents and fur trim. There are fucking fur pillows on all the couches and one of those fur blankets draped over the back of one! The statement made by this place is ‘I’m a fucking billionaire and I don’t care what you think of me.’ I swallow reflexively and that wave of anxiety hits me again. Over the lit fireplace there’s the largest flatscreen TV I’ve ever seen, and I notice Lucas Colby sitting back in a black leather chair, watching the action of a baseball game.

  “Mr. Pierce,” the pit bull announces, and Lucas looks up in surprise.

  He stands and walks over to us. “That’s Detective Pierce, Ida,” he corrects her as he strides over.

  “Hmph,” she snorts at me once again and walks off.

  “Hey, come on in, Josh,” he says, extending his hand for me to shake. “You a Mariners fan?” he asks jovially as we venture further into the room and I glance up at the TV set.

  “Um no, not really. I never got into baseball much,” I answer. Especially since the old man was fanatical about baseball and I never wanted to be anything like him. But Lucas doesn’t need to know all that. “I’m a huge Seahawks fan though,” I offer.

  “Ah, football,” he smiles. “Now there’s the sport of the gods, right?” He seems genuinely friendly right now. A far cry from our last encounter at Sam’s apartment this afternoon. When I left there, I had the distinct impression that he didn’t care too much for me. So I can’t help but wonder what’s going on here. “Hey, if you’re ever interested, my family owns a suite at CenturyLink Field,” he says, looking me in the eye. “You should join us for a game sometime.”

  What? Is he for real right now? He’s actually inviting me to watch a football game in his family’s private box? I’m dumbfounded. I don’t know what to think, and I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes out, and he just keeps right on talking.

  “In fact, this Sunday … after all the wedding hoopla is over. You and Sam should come to the game with us. I know Uncle Kenny won’t be there. He and Aunt Jen are going out of town to decompress once the wedding’s all over so, it would be just the four of us.”

  He sounds like we’re old buddies, making a date to watch the game on TV and my head is reeling from the whiplash. What is with the 180 turnaround he’s doing? “The four of us?” I ask distractedly.

  “Yeah, you and Sam, me and Karen,” he answers, and I am floored. He’s inviting me and his sister on a double date? And as my mind is furiously trying to connect the dots of this puzzle and wondering where the heck Samantha is, in walks an attractive young woman with strawberry blonde hair and pale blue eyes, and it hits me that I have seen this chick on magazine covers! I have seriously stepped into an episode of the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous! She smiles at me as she walks toward us and Lucas wraps an arm around her waist and kisses her temple.

  “Oh, right on cue,” he smiles at her. “Josh, this is my fiancée, Karen Pope.”

  “Hello,” she says quietly.

  “Nice to meet you,” I smile politely. I glance around nervously; where is Sam?

  “Now I see what Sam and Megan are talking about,” Karen says softly, looking me over, and I frown slightly. “You are a little bit yummy.”

  I think I actually blush. Yummy? Why do girls say shit like that to each other? I think they do it just to embarrass the fuck out of us guys.

  “You know, I am standing right here, cupcake,” Lucas teases her, “watching you flirt with my sister’s boyfriend.”

  She gasps and turns to him with big, surprised eyes. “I’m not flirting! I mean, he may be yummy but, he doesn’t hold a candle to you pookie,” she says lightly, and Lucas rolls his eyes playfully at her. “No one is sexier than my teddy bear,” she murmurs, wrapping her arms around him, and he smiles.

  “That’s better,” he smiles, and kisses her swiftly on the lips.

  I hate to break up this really weird and awkward conversation with people I just met but, I want to know where Sam is and I want out of here. Now! “Uh, where is Samantha?” I ask pointedly.

  “Oh, she just stepped into the bathroom,” Karen answers me, adopting a serious tone. “She’ll be right out.”

  Finally! Now maybe we can get the hell out of here. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the fact that Lucas Colby is being nice to me, and has invited me to his private box seats to watch the Seahawks play. I just don’t understand where this cat is coming from. Earlier today, he almost acted like he wanted to take my head off for even looking at his sister. Now he’s acting like we’re old friends or something. I don’t understand the switch and it makes me a little nervous. Maybe he’s just making nice because his girlfriend’s here. Or maybe he just doesn’t want to upset Sam. He did say before that he knew she wasn’t in any shape to have a second fight today. Maybe that’s it. But I don’t get a chance to mull that thought over because he suddenly turns to me.

  “Listen, Josh … while Sam is still out of earshot, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  Oh shit, here we go. Is this when he reverts back to the high-powered asshole I encountered this afternoon? “What’s that?” I ask, looking him in the eye.

  He takes a deep breath and then says, “I’m really worried about Sam. She’s still quite shaken up, although she tries to hide it. But she’s a mess. I’ve tried to get her to eat something, I’ve tried to get her to take a nap … even if it’s just here on the couch but, she wouldn’t budge. And I know she’s got to be tired. But if she’s not sitting, practically comatose, staring off into space, then she’s irritable and agitated. Fidgety. I really think she’s just been on pins and needles, waiting for you to get back,” he says, holding my gaze. “Shortly after you left her apartment, I found her on the floor of her bedroom in tears. She was inconsolable. And all she managed to say is that … she wanted you.”

  My eyebrows shoot up in surprise and I swallow nervously, not sure what to say. I knew when Sam called me before that she was barely holding on, I could tell that from the sound of her voice. I knew that she wanted me to hurry back, even though she wouldn’t say it. I knew that she needed me. Just like I need her!

  “Thank you for telling me,”
I say quietly, still looking him in the eye, and he nods at me.

  “Josh!” Sam’s tortured voice cuts through my fog and we all turn as one, to the side of the room and watch as Samantha comes barreling toward me. I know that my face lights up when I see her and I step forward and catch her just as she comes rushing into my arms. I hold her tightly, relieved and instantly calmed by the feel and the scent of her.

  “I’m so glad you’re back,” she sobs, crying into my shirt, and I squeeze her even tighter, kissing the top of her head.

  “Hush, baby,” I whisper to her as she softly cries. “Hush. It’s all right now; I’m here, Sam. I’m here. You’re safe.” Letting go of her, I gently take her face in my hands. “Baby, look at me. It’s over, Sam. Echols is behind bars, and he is going away for a long, long time. He will never be able to hurt you again. I promise,” I say earnestly, looking into her beautiful, tear-filled eyes. She nods her head at me and I wrap my arms around her again, holding her close.

  “How can you be so sure of that, Josh?” Lucas asks, eyeing me with concern. “I heard your Captain say that on the news; that you all are confident that Echols won’t be out again in just a couple years. How do you know that?”

  “Because we know that Echols is wanted in two other states for multiple rapes and assaults,” I tell him honestly, still holding Samantha tightly in my arms. “He’s also wanted for questioning in a murder case out it California. So, after he serves his time here, then Oregon and California get their turns. Echols is done.”

  “That son of a bitch was involved in a murder?” he asks, horrified.

  “I don’t have the details of that case,” I shrug, “but, it’s looking that way. One of the rapes he did out there … victim ended up dead.” At those words, Samantha shivers in my arms and I tighten my hold on her reflexively. “Our only worry now is whether Sam’s case will go to trial or not.”

  “I don’t want to go through a trial,” Sam says, looking up at me imploringly.

  “I know, baby,” I say, running my hand through her hair reassuringly. “I don’t want that either.” She is clinging to me as if she’s afraid I might get away, and she looks completely worn out. “You look exhausted, Sam.”

  She nods at me. “I am tired,” she says softly.

  “Then let’s get you home, get you to bed,” I say, still holding her close to me, and she nods again. “Where’s your bag?”

  “It’s in the other room,” she answers, and she looks as if she can’t possibly take another step.

  “I’ll get it, Sam,” Karen offers brightly and walks off down the hall.

  “Hey, Sam, I invited Josh to come watch the football game on Sunday,” Lucas says, and I get the feeling he’s trying to lighten the mood in the room. “You make sure he’s there, okay?”

  Sam rolls her eyes at him. “Thank you for everything, Lucas,” she says softly.

  “I didn’t do anything, Pita,” he replies. “You go home with Josh now and get some sleep. I’ll check on you tomorrow.”

  Karen returns with Sam’s bag and I thank her as I take it from her, and she gives Sam a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Josh,” Lucas holds out his hand to me and I shake it, wondering again about his turnaround. Is his kindness tonight genuine or is he just biding his time until Sam’s in a better frame of mind? The thought nags at me as he and his girlfriend escort us out to the foyer and I lead Samantha into the waiting elevator.

  They wave as the doors close, and once they do, and Sam and I are alone, I turn and pull her into my arms. I hold her closely and kiss the top of her head repeatedly as the elevator travels swiftly down. It stops only once on the way down, and two older gentlemen get on. As they do, I maneuver Sam and me to the back wall, never relinquishing my hold on her. They shoot us a couple of strange looks but I don’t give a shit. I just don’t want to let go of her.

  And I struggle with that as we walk out of the building and over to my waiting truck. I open the door and sit her bag inside, but I don’t want to let her go. We stand next to the truck for several seconds, just holding on to one another. Breathing in each other’s scent, reassuring and gaining strength from each other. She looks up at me and I kiss her forehead softly. “Come,” I say softly, looking into her eyes. “Let’s go home.”

  As I climb into the truck Sam moves her bag from the seat to the floor, down by her feet. Then she scoots over close to me and leans her head on my shoulder. I start up the truck and pull slowly out into traffic and then I wrap my arm around her and pull her close. “You should be wearing your seat belt, baby,” I whisper to her. “It’s the law, you know.” Sam giggles slightly and looks up at me, and it feels so good to see her smile, even if it’s just a small one. “There’s my girl,” I say softly, and kiss the top of her head.

  I hold her close the entire drive back to my place and once we get home, I keep a protective arm around her waist as we walk through the house, back toward the bedroom. I sit her bag down on the straight-back chair next to the chest of drawers and turn to her. She stands looking up at me, her big green eyes droopy from exhaustion. “Tell me what you need, baby,” I ask her. “You want to get a shower or have something to eat?”

  “No,” she says softly, shaking her head at me. “I just want you to hold me. And I want to go to sleep.”

  “I can do that,” I tell her, reaching out to caress her face. Then I lift her chin and lean down to kiss her lips tenderly. “You get ready for bed. I’ll be right back.”

  She starts to unzip the burgundy jacket of her sweatsuit as I leave the room and head to the kitchen. I’m not sure if Sam’s had anything to eat today, but at least I can keep her hydrated. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and note that there’s not a whole lot in the way of food in my fridge at the moment. When she does feel like eating, I’ll have to order takeout from somewhere.

  When I get back to the bedroom, Samantha is standing in her white cotton panties and tank top and nothing else, and she’s carefully folding her sweatsuit. She looks up as I enter the room and I take a sip of the water and then offer the bottle to her. She takes a drink and then carries the bottle over to the bed as I begin to take off my own clothes.

  “Can I stay here tomorrow while you’re at work?” she asks me softly as she climbs into bed.

  “You can stay here as long as you like, Sam,” I say putting my gun on my bedside table and continuing to undress. “But I took a personal day tomorrow so that I can take care of you.”

  “You did?” Her voice sounds disbelieving and her sad green eyes perk up a bit when she looks at me.

  “Yes, I did. I assumed you wouldn’t be going in to work.”

  “No. Lucas spoke to my boss for me,” she says quietly. “He told her I’d be taking a couple of days off.”

  As I strip down to my briefs, I watch as she drinks most of the water and I can see her start to relax a little. Glancing at my watch as I take it off, I see that it’s only about half past five in the evening but, with the day she’s had, I know that Sam is beat. She sets the bottle of water on the table as I climb into bed beside her and I reach for her and pull her gently to me. She melts into me as I wrap my body around her, holding her so closely. I kiss the top of her head and breathe in deep that soft citrus scent of her hair that I love so much.

  She shudders in my arms and I tighten my hold on her. And when she shudders again, I realize that she’s crying. Silently sobbing once more. “Oh, Sam,” I whisper to her, not really knowing what to say. “It’s all right now, baby. You’re safe now; I’ve got you.” At my words, she cries harder. Just completely falling apart in my arms, and I know that it’s just something she has to do. And I have to simply let her. I hold her gently and securely in my arms, so close that we can feel each other’s hearts beating, and I let her cry.

  I have no idea how long it takes for her to cry herself to sleep but, eventually she does, and I hold her for a long time, thinking about the events of the day and how it could be ending so terribly differen
tly right now if things hadn’t gone our way. The thought of that asshole with his hands on Sam makes my blood boil. And I know without a doubt that I could have killed him if she hadn’t stopped me. And that thought makes me sick to my stomach. I inhale deeply and breathe through the nausea. It’s not like I’ve never taken someone’s life before. God knows I have … twice. Once, during that armed robbery about five years ago, and once…

  Don’t think about all that shit right now, Pierce. Focus on Samantha; she needs you. She needs me. Even Lucas acknowledged that tonight, didn’t he? I mean, he didn’t say it in so many words but, he implied it. Maybe that’s why he was being so nice to me. Because he realizes that his sister needed me tonight. I sigh, wondering if I’ll ever figure him out. And as I do, I hear a soft buzzing noise in the room. I know it’s a cellphone but, mine is on the table beside my gun and it’s quiet as a mouse right now.

  Looking around for Sam’s phone, I realize the buzz is coming from her bag. I don’t want the noise to wake her up so, I ease my way out of the bed trying very hard not to wake her. Once I reach the chair where her overnight bag sits, I can see that her phone is tucked into a side pocket of it, and I pull it out. It says that it’s Megan calling. Not sure if I should answer or not, I turn and walk out of the room and down the hall toward the kitchen. Fuck it.


  There’s a slight pause, and then, “Hello? Is this … Josh?”

  “Yes, it is,” I say quietly.

  “Hi, this is Megan. I just saw the news and I talked to Lucas and heard what happened. I can’t believe this all went down hours ago and neither of them called me!” Her voice sounds slightly frantic and more than a little upset.

  “Well, they probably just didn’t want to put Sam through a lot of drama,” I tell her, and I realize that my voice sounds tired. “She’s in pretty bad shape emotionally right now, Megan. I finally got her to sleep a short while ago.”


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