Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set

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Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set Page 56

by Lashell Collins

  “You are?” she smiles at me, and I nod slowly.

  “I am.” I kiss her deeply then, and all the tension of the last few hours floats away as if on a breeze, and it is just me and my Sunshine. We get lost in our kiss as we finish undressing one another, moving slowly, feeling our way. And her skin feels so good beneath my hands. Silky soft, sweet-smelling flesh. She tastes like heaven, my mouth on every inch of her. Her eyes locked on mine as I enter her, skin against skin, my cock buried deep, filling her completely. Her body moving rhythmically beneath mine. With mine. Her soft moans fueling my desire. Cries of passion resonating in my groin as her body bows and convulses uncontrollably. My name on her lips as she calls out. Ecstasy when I come deep inside her. Oh. My. God!

  I roll over onto my back, taking her with me, and we lay panting and spent in each other’s arms, her head resting on my chest and our intimate connection still intact. Gently, I pull out of her and tighten my hold around her waist, hugging her closely to me as I kiss her forehead.

  “I love you, Josh,” she whispers in the dark, and my heart trips over itself. This is how our day began. With those three scary little words and me wondering how to respond. I told her this morning how I feel about those words; why is she saying them again? Because she told you those words have meaning for her, and that she was going to keep on saying them.

  I kiss her forehead once more. “My Sweet Sam,” I whisper, not really knowing what else to say. She snuggles in close to me and quickly drifts off to sleep.


  I wake fifteen minutes before the alarm is due to go off and I prop myself up on my elbow and watch Samantha as she sleeps soundly beside me. I love this. The stillness of the morning and the light coming through the windows. And the only sound is Sam breathing softly, maybe the occasional moan or whispered word as she dreams. She is so beautiful.

  As I watch her, my mind drifts back over the events of yesterday morning and my conversation with her brother, trying to explain to him what Sam means to me. And then my shock when she told me about the birth control, and the intensity of our lovemaking afterward. And my complete and total astonishment when she said that she loves me. She loves me! That thought just floors me. I can’t wrap my head around it. How? Why?

  I’ve been wondering for days now if she was feeling anything close to what I’m feeling for her. Wondering if she could really be falling for me. Guess I got my answer. Only now, I’m not at all sure what the hell to do with it. I know that I can’t keep kidding myself; I can’t keep running from it. I am crazy about this girl. I feel things for her that I have never felt before in my life. Things that I’ve never allowed myself to feel before. She has me experiencing emotions that I never thought I was capable of. Things like passion and hope and joy. Happiness. The kind of happiness that I’ve never really believed existed. But with Samantha it does. Or at least … it seems to.

  Fuck. What has this woman done to me! It’s a question I can’t seem to stop asking myself lately. What has she done to me? I feel like a totally different person with Samantha. Someone I barely recognize. But strangely enough … I like who I am with her. I’m not angry all the time when I’m with her. And when I do get angry, it’s fleeting. How does she do that? How does she make the anger seem so unimportant? It just melts away and runs off of me in a way that it never did before. I don’t understand it. It’s like she has some kind of magic … some power over me. But I know that I need that. I need her. I …

  You what, Pierce? I roll my eyes at the question rattling around in my head. I know what I feel. I want to say those words to her. I know it’s what she wants to hear, and I want to be able to say it too. I just can’t. Those words are supposed to be special, they’re supposed to have meaning but … so often, they just don’t, and it’s something that people just say. Whether they really feel it or not. But I feel the emotion! And I want her to know that. How can I tell her that without words?

  As I’m trying to figure that one out, the alarm starts to beep at me and I quickly roll over and shut it off. When I turn back toward Sam, she stretches and looks up at me with beautiful, sleepy eyes, and I smile.

  “Were you watching me sleep again?” she asks softly. My smile gets bigger and I nod silently at her. She smiles in response and shakes her head slightly, rolling her eyes at me. Then she snuggles in close to me, running her palm over my chest. “Don’t go to work,” she purrs. “Stay here with me.”

  “Mmm, don’t tempt me, baby,” I say, leaning down to kiss her lips. “I have to go to work.” She gives me an exaggerated pout and I smile and kiss her lips once more. “What about you? You going to the museum today?”

  She sighs and shakes her head at me. “My boss told me to take a couple of days so, I’m going to take her up on it.”

  “I think that’s a good idea,” I tell her. “You should take it easy today. I need to get a shower,” I sigh, kissing her forehead.

  “Can I join you?” Her voice is playful and seductive, and I really wish I had the time.

  “You are such a bad influence,” I chuckle at her.

  “Is that a yes?” she asks brightly, wrapping her arms around me.

  “No,” I say sternly. “Because we both know that I’d never make it to work if you did.” I lightly bite her neck and she giggles sweetly and squirms. I kiss her swiftly and hop out of the bed and head for the bathroom to get ready.

  When I come out, I can smell the aroma of coffee and cinnamon. Hmm? Once I’m dressed, I venture out to the kitchen where Sam has a steaming cup of black coffee and a plate of French toast waiting for me, and I smile as I take a seat at the kitchen table.

  “You are magic, woman! How did you find the ingredients for French toast in my empty kitchen?”

  “I wouldn’t get too excited if I were you,” she answers, smiling at me. “I used the last of your eggs, and your milk has definitely seen better days.”

  I chuckle as I take a bite. “I guess I’ll have to stop at the market on my way home from work.”

  “No, I’ll do it,” Sam says brightly as she grabs a fork from the kitchen drawer and comes to sit beside me at the table. “I think I’ll call Megan. See if she can come get me and take me to my apartment to get my car.”

  “Well I can take you before I head to work if you want to just throw something on,” I say, taking another bite as I look her over. She’s wearing my flannel shirt from yesterday and nothing else.

  “No, that’s okay,” she answers, taking a bite of my French toast with her fork. And I smile at her as she eats off of my plate. “I want to spend some girl time with Meg before her big day.”

  I nod at her as I take a sip of coffee. We finish sharing our French toast and I lean in and kiss her tenderly, licking the syrup off her lips as I do. Then I stand to leave, checking my gun and placing it into my shoulder holster as Sam clears the table. Before I put on my jacket, I fish my keys out of my pants pocket.

  “If you’re going to venture out today, you’ll need this,” I say, handing her a key, and she looks at me in surprise. “Key to the house. I’ll have to remember to get a spare one made later but, for now … just use mine.”

  She looks at me for a long moment and then she smiles shyly as she takes the key from my hand. “I can have a copy made while I’m out today if you’d like.” Her voice sounds timid and unsure.

  “Yeah. That’d be good,” I tell her. We stare at each other a little nervously for a beat and then I caress her face. I kiss her tenderly for a long moment. “I’ll see you this evening,” I say softly, looking into her eyes, and she nods.

  I leave the house and slide behind the wheel of my truck, thinking about Sam and wondering if there’s any news on when Echols will be arraigned. And I think about how Lieutenant Marcos ordered me to stay away from Sam until then. If he had any clue she was at my house right now he’d probably go ballistic. And if that son of a bitch, Echols, has the gall to plead not guilty and this thing ends up going to trial, I don’t know what that will mean for
Samantha and me. I don’t know what we would do if the attorneys tried to keep us apart during that process. I don’t even want to think of the possibility.

  I get to the station just in time for roll call, and afterwards Conner and I put our heads together over the new case we caught this morning – two male college students, badly beaten after leaving a bar downtown. We go to the hospital to speak to the two victims, then head over to the bar to see if anybody saw anything. We get back to the station at about 10 am and we’re heading for the detective’s bull pen when we spot Claude Manning coming down the hall toward us.

  “Aha, just the two gentlemen I was looking for,” he says, looking us both in the eye, and I feel a frisson of anxiety in my gut. “Thought you’d like to know that Echols is being arraigned in about an hour.”

  “Really?” My voice sounds relieved, even to my own ears. “I was just thinking of giving your office a call; thanks for seeking us out.”

  “No problem. I wanted to let you know what we worked out,” he continues. “I met with the Colby’s criminal lawyers and with Echols’ court appointed attorney yesterday. The family is ready to go to war if they have to; they’re not fucking around. The public defender knows Echols has no choice but to play ball so, he’s advised him to take the deal we’re offering.”

  “What kind of deal?” I say guardedly, an unmistakable scowl on my face. I don’t want Echols getting a major reduction in jail time in exchange for cooperation.

  “We’ll drop the kidnapping charge, assaulting an officer, theft and auto theft. Echols will plead guilty to everything else and get some reduced time.”

  “How much reduced time?” I growl, and I know my voice sounds harsher than I mean for it to.

  “Don’t worry, not much,” Manning assures me. “With all the other charges and his history, he’s still looking at 10-15 here before he’s handed over to Oregon and California. Is that all right with you?”

  I appreciate the fact that he’s asking. It’s a courtesy that not all prosecutors extend to the arresting officers. It shows a certain decency and a mutual respect. I take a deep breath and think about his words, and I glance at Conner, who raises his eyebrows at me in a silent question. “Yeah, that sounds fair,” I nod.

  “How do you think the victim will feel?” Claude asks, looking at me pointedly, and I wonder if maybe word has already spread throughout the PD about my involvement with Samantha. Knowing how the rumor mill works in this place, I wouldn’t doubt it. I frown slightly at that thought and focus on his question.

  “Ten to fifteen years here before he does time in two other states, and she won’t have to go through a trial,” I reply with a shrug. “I think she’ll be happy with that.”

  “All right,” Manning nods, and pats me on the arm. “It’s over then, Guy.”

  “Hey, thanks a lot for everything, Claude,” I tell him, shaking his hand.

  “No problem. You guys did the hard part; you make me look good,” he smiles, and walks away.

  “Well you have to be relieved right about now,” Conner says, eyeing me with smile.

  “Yeah,” I mutter distractedly. It’s over. “Hey … can you cover for me for about half an hour?” I look at him expectantly and he doesn’t even have to ask what I’ve got on my mind. He easily guesses what I’m up to. He chuckles and rolls his eyes slightly.

  “Get out of here.”

  “I’ll be right back,” I tell him. Then I turn and sprint back down the hall, out the door and over to my truck. I know I could just call her but, I don’t want to tell her over the phone. And I don’t want her to hear on the news that Echols got a deal because, even though he did, in reality it’s not that great of a deal and I want to be able to explain that to her if she’s upset.

  I race through traffic to get home, my mind already imagining the way Samantha’s eyes are going to light up and sparkle at me when I tell her the good news. You are such a fucking goner, Pierce! I smirk at myself at the thought. I was a goner the moment I stepped into her hospital room three weeks ago. God, has it really only been about three weeks? I can’t believe how she has shaken up my life so much in such a short amount of time. She is so … incredible!

  I turn onto my street and, as I drive toward my house I notice a bright red car sitting in my driveway. But it’s not just any red. It’s the unmistakably vibrant shade of Ferrari red. And as I get closer, and the 2012 Ferrari 458 Italia comes into better view, all my thoughts of Sam’s incredibleness go flying momentarily out the window. There is a fucking $300,000 car sitting in my driveway, looking shiny and pristine like she just came off the showroom floor. I pull into my driveway behind it and park. Getting out of the truck, I walk slowly past the car, eyeing every inch of it as I do. By the time I get to my front door, I think I’m drooling. Who the fuck does she belong to?

  My question is answered as soon as I open the front door and step inside. Samantha’s cousin Megan looks up at me from her position on my couch and I stand stunned for a second. That’s a whole lot of car for such a little girl.

  “Hi,” I say a bit nervously, and I think I’m frowning at her.

  “Hi, Josh,” she says brightly, as if we’re old friends and it’s the most normal thing in the world for her to be sitting on my couch flipping through a Guitar Player magazine.

  “Uh … where’s Sam?”

  “I’m right here,” Sam says, coming down the hall, looking gorgeous in a pair of form-fitting jeans and a dark green blouse. She’s carrying a pair of green flats and her purse in her hands. “What are you doing home?” She stands in front of me, dropping her shoes to the floor and stepping into them, as she gives me a puzzled smile.

  “I just got some news from the prosecutor and I wanted to tell you in person,” I say quietly. Her expression immediately changes to one of frightened concern and Megan stands up and walks over to us. I clearly have their undivided attention, and I can tell that Sam is holding her breath. “Echols is pleading guilty to all the charges. There won’t be a trial. It’s over, baby.”

  The joy on her face is evident and she practically leaps into my arms, laughing softly as she sheds tears of relief. I hold her tightly to me for a long moment, kissing the top of her head, and I can see Megan watching us with a goofy smile on her face.

  “It’s really over?” Sam asks, looking up at me, and her magical green eyes are sparkling like emeralds.

  “It’s really over,” I answer, still holding her.

  Megan squeals. “Oh, this is such wonderful news; I am so relieved for you, Sam!” She is bouncing up and down like a five year old and I can suddenly see the family resemblance. I bet these two were a pair growing up. “Oh, my God, and this means now you can come to my wedding!” Her eyes are darting between me and Samantha and she is looking at us as if she expects us to bounce with her. I look down at Sam, still wrapped snugly in my arms and she is grinning indulgently at her cousin. When she looks back up at me, her expression changes. She’s nervous now.

  “Would you go with me to the wedding, Josh?” she asks timidly.

  Wedding? I don’t want to go a fucking wedding. “Um … sure, if you want me to.” My voice is small and guarded, but Samantha’s face brightens and her eyes light up like the Vegas strip. She throws her arms around my neck, prompting me to tighten my hold around her waist.

  “This is so awesome,” Megan squeals again. “Lobster or steak?”

  What? She really is a bubbly little force of nature. Sort of cute … in an annoying kind of way. Thank God Samantha is much more laid back than Megan obviously is. “Lobster or steak?” I repeat in total confusion.

  “At the reception,” she says, as if I should just know what the hell she’s talking about. Only I still don’t know what the hell she’s talking about, and the look on my face must reflect that.

  “For dinner at the reception. Would you prefer lobster or filet mignon,” Sam explains, and I can tell from her expression that I must answer this question correctly before Megan will allow us to move o
n. I frown at her and she turns her cousin and answers for me. “He’ll have the steak, Meg.”

  “Great. I’ll make a note of it,” Megan says, walking away and I shake my head slightly as I turn back to Samantha.

  “It’s really over,” she says, hugging me again, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

  I kiss her temple and release my hold on her. “I have to go, baby. I need to get back to work. I just didn’t want you to hear about Echols on the news.”

  “Thank you for coming home to tell me, Josh. That was a really sweet thing to do.”

  I reach out and caress her face with my hand. “You’re most welcome, baby,” I say softly, looking into her eyes. “I’ll see you tonight.” I lean down and kiss her quickly, aware that we have an audience. Then I open the front door and suddenly remember the Ferrari in my driveway.

  “Hey, Megan,” I say turning back toward them. “Nice car.”

  “Thanks, it was a birthday gift from Daddy a few months ago,” she says brightly.

  I smile slightly and nod at her. “You ladies be careful,” I tell them. Then I wink at Sam and I leave. I admire the Ferrari again as I walk down the driveway. A birthday gift. Must be nice! Then I slip behind the wheel of my truck and head back to work.

  When I get back to the station I am immediately summoned into Lieutenant Marcos’ office. I give Conner a questioning look and he shrugs at me. I head into his office wondering what the hell this is about. And I’m slightly startled to see Captain Skinner there too.

  “You wanted to see me, Lieu?” I ask as I close the door behind me.

  “Yeah, have a seat, Guy,” he says motioning to one of the chairs in front of his desk. I swallow anxiously as I take a seat next to Skinner, but I relax slightly as I note that the air in the room feels calm and easy. I don’t think I’m about to get ripped to shreds over disobeying his orders to stay away from Samantha.

  “I just got a call from Claude Manning,” Marcos says, getting right to the point. “Echols’ arraignment went as planned; his sentencing is scheduled for next month.”


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