Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set

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Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set Page 81

by Lashell Collins

  I nod silently. Taking a nervous glance around the gallery, I look at my artwork adorning the walls. Here, in this setting, my paintings and sketches do look amazing. Some of them, I almost don’t even recognize myself; Lola has done a wonderful job of seeing that each piece is perfectly placed and lighted.

  “Okay, Sam,” Lola says as she approaches us, smiling broadly. “Doors are about to open; you ready for this?”

  Instantly, I am hit with a wave of nausea. I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!

  “Breathe, baby,” Josh whispers, wrapping his arm around my waist and giving me an affectionate squeeze. I watch in terrified silence as Lola opens the doors and the first gallery goers begin to trickle in. To say that I have butterflies right now would be such an understatement!

  I am slightly shocked as I witness the gallery filling up so quickly, and I see many faces that I recognize from the art community. People that are known to be patrons of the arts. And my stomach rolls slightly as I watch them moving slowly around the space, taking in my work.

  “There’s the woman of the hour,” I hear a familiar voice say behind me, and Josh and I turn as one to see Lucas and Karen smiling at us. “This is incredible, Pita. I can’t believe my baby sister did all this,” he says looking around at my work. I hug him tightly and he laughs slightly at me.

  “I am so impressed, Sam,” Karen says, glancing around at the walls.

  “Thank you both for coming,” I tell them with a nervous smile.

  “Are you kidding? Where else would I be, Sam?” Lucas says looking at me with a frown as he shakes hands with Josh.

  We chat with the two of them for a few moments before Lola interrupts us, saying she has some people I should meet. I glance anxiously at Josh and he smiles at me. “Go on,” he whispers, looking me in the eye. “You can do this.”

  I return his smile and give his hand a nervous squeeze as I step away, following Lola. She leads me over to a man and woman who I soon learn are Mr. and Mrs. Blankenship. I’ve never met them before but, their names are quite familiar to me as they are both members of the Pryor Art Museum’s Board of Trustees. I am stunned that they’re here. We talk for several minutes and I learn that Mrs. Blankenship is an avid collector of nudes and she wants to purchase one of my paintings. I am completely speechless!

  My astonishment only grows as the evening wears on. The gallery is packed with people and Lola appears to be in her element, flitting from person to person, making sure I spend a few moments speaking to all the right people. I spend over an hour being led around by her as she introduces me to several art collectors and patrons, and reacquaints me with others from the art community whom I’ve met over the years. And she stands by proudly listening as I discuss my art with many of them.

  By the time I free myself from making the rounds with her and get back to Josh, my head is spinning and I feel breathless and invigorated. He stands talking to Lucas, Karen and Dennis, and also his mother and aunt, and I’m so surprised to see them here. I walk over to them and Josh smiles down at me as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me close and lightly kissing my temple.

  “Does Lola know you’ve sneaked off?” he asks, smirking at me, and I roll my eyes.

  “I think I’m safe for a few minutes,” I giggle.

  “Samantha, honey, I am just so impressed with your art work,” Olivia says as she hugs me. “Josh said you were very talented but, I had no idea!”

  “It’s all so beautiful, honey,” Aunt Celeste echos, and I blush at their words.

  “Thank you both so much,” I answer meekly. “I’m really touched that you’re here; I had no idea you were coming.”

  “Oh, we wouldn’t have missed this for the world! Are you kidding?” Olivia smiles.

  “And Paul and Pamela are around here too,” Aunt Celeste says, pointing to the other side of the gallery where I see Paul Jr. and his wife standing back admiring a series of sketches. And I am suddenly overwhelmed by the sense of love and acceptance I feel from Josh’s family. I knew they were all aware of my art show but, I never expected them to make the effort to come out and show their support.

  Josh gives me another affectionate squeeze and I smile up at him. “There are a few other people you might know lurking around here too,” he says quietly, and points to the side of the gallery where Lee and Molly Parson are sipping glasses of wine as they study the sketches I did of Josh working out. Then Josh points to the other side of the room and I see Dave and Lindy Conner milling about, as well as my Uncle Kenny, Aunt Jen and Grandma.

  I can feel myself starting to get emotional when I feel a light tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I actually squeal out loud when I see Meg smiling back at me! I practically throw myself at her, I am so excited, and we embrace in the biggest bear hug imaginable.

  “Megan, what are you doing here? I thought you weren’t getting back until Sunday!”

  “You think I’m going to miss your first gallery opening to prolong my honeymoon a couple of days?” she asks incredulously. “That is not how we roll!”

  I hug her once more and I smile at Scott who is standing directly behind her. I feel so loved at this moment, as I stand in Josh’s arms, surrounded by our families, looking around the crowded gallery in wonder and delight. And all I can think about right now is how I really wish my dad could be here.

  “Excuse me, Samantha?” It’s Lola, stepping into our little family circle and lightly touching my arm. “I’m sorry to interrupt but, there’s someone else you really need to talk to. A reporter for the Seattle Times art section is here and wants an exclusive with the artist.”

  “You’re kidding?” I say softly, feeling myself grow queasy. I don’t want to talk to the press.

  “Hey, Lola,” Lucas speaks up, getting everyone’s attention. “I’m just curious. The place is packed but, is anybody buying?”

  “Is anyone buying?” Lola repeats with a laugh. “I’ve sold seventeen pieces already and it’s only nine o’clock. At this rate, the entire collection will be sold out before the evening is over. And the show is scheduled to run for two weeks.” She sounds extremely pleased and I can’t believe what I’m hearing. People are actually buying my artwork. Holy cow!

  Lola takes my hand and begins to pull me gently away toward the front of the gallery, where the reporter stands waiting to talk to me. And I hold tightly to Josh’s hand, refusing to let go for a moment. I glance back at him and he’s watching me intently, his blue eyes shining brightly at me.

  “Samantha?” Lola’s voice is insistent and questioning.

  Still holding Josh’s hand, and his gaze, I look at him imploringly. And he reads my silent plea astutely, lightly squeezing my hand as he steps forward and, together, we follow Lola to the front of the gallery. And as I talk with the reporter, nervously answering her questions, Josh stands by quietly with Lola, watching and listening, just being my moral support.

  We talk for several minutes and I try not to let my nerves get the best of me as the reporter asks question after question about my artwork and my inspiration. She even asks about my father, saying, “Ms. Colby, your father, Richard Colby was as famous for being a patron of the arts as he was for his shrewd business acumen. What do you think he would be feeling tonight, watching you debut your work to the art world and, setting up the art scholarship in his name at the University of Washington?”

  “Oh, gosh,” I sigh, as I think about her question. “Throughout this whole process, I have often wondered what Daddy would think. I’m really not sure. I know that he would be encouraging me to pursue my dreams because he was always just the most supportive person in my life. But as for what he might be feeling right now … I’m afraid I can’t answer that. I can only hope that he would be proud of me for trying. And for doing something positive with the legacy he left behind.”

  “I’m sure he would be,” the reporter offers. “And I notice that you’ve done several sketches of Detective Joshua Pierce. I loved the ‘Body in Motion’ series of work
out poses; it’s simply beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” I smile shyly, stealing a quick glance at Josh who looks slightly embarrassed.

  “I wonder, what do you think your father’s reaction would have been to your steamy relationship with the handsome Seattle Detective?”

  I stare at her in wide-eyed, shocked silence. What a completely inappropriate question! I feel my face flushing, and another glance at Josh tells me immediately that he’s pissed. I open my mouth to respond, having no clue what it is that I’m going to say, when I suddenly hear a very cool voice say, “Well I can answer that question.”

  Shit! Looking to my left, I see my mother strolling up to my side. Her sheer presence stuns me, and I feel like everything is moving in slow motion. Why is she here? My eyes lock with Josh’s and his pissed off scowl only grows deeper. And, from the corner of my eye, I see Lucas with a harried expression, trying to pick his way through the crowd to reach us.

  “I can tell you exactly what my husband would have thought of our daughter’s relationship with Detective Pierce,” mother says to the reporter, who’s now looking at her very expectantly. “First of all, he would have been extremely grateful to the detective for coming to our daughter’s rescue and saving her from that psychopath. Something our entire family is indebted to him for,” she smiles sweetly, easily charming the reporter. And although her tone carries that cool, crisp manner of hers, I sense that she’s actually being sincere. My mother’s version of warm and heartfelt.

  “As for their personal relationship…,” she pauses, and I’m not sure if it’s for affect, or to gather her thoughts. “I believe Richard would see exactly what the rest of our family sees. That Detective Pierce is a highly decorated officer of our fine city, and a good and honorable man. And he obviously cares a great deal about our daughter. My husband would be impressed with Samantha’s behavior, and he would be nothing but supportive and proud of her accomplishments here tonight. As am I.”

  I am completely dumbfounded by her words and I stare at her in silence for a moment, not really believing that any of that just came out of her mouth.

  “Well, thank you so much for your input, Mrs. Colby,” the reporter smiles at mom. “And Ms. Colby, thank you for your time. Congratulations on your success tonight.”

  “Thank you,” I say, shaking her hand. And as we wrap up our interview, the photographer covering the event with her begins to snap away, taking shots of Lola and me, of Josh and me together, and of the two of us with my mother. It’s a very surreal moment.

  As Lola finishes up with the reporter I slip my hand in Josh’s and turn toward my mom, not really knowing what to say. “I’m surprised to see you here, Mom. I know how you feel about my artistic endeavors,” I say quietly. She says nothing as she stares at me, and I get the feeling she’s not exactly sure what to say.

  “It’s quite a turnout,” she says finally, glancing around the gallery. “Your father would be so delighted with what you’ve done here.”


  “Samantha,” she says, turning back to me and cutting me off. “I know you probably don’t want me here, and I suppose I can’t blame you after the deplorable way I behaved at the wedding. Not to mention … the way I behaved toward you, Detective,” she says quietly, glancing at Josh. “And if you really want me to go, I will. I have no intention of ruining your big night, Samantha. But I’d like to stay for a while. Have a look at your artwork. If you’ll let me.”

  “I suppose you’re welcome to stay, Mom,” I say softly, lightly squeezing Josh’s hand as I talk. “But I’d like to know something first.”


  “The things you just said to that reporter. Did you mean any of that or was it just good press?” My voice sounds wary, and I know it’s because I’m not sure I want to hear her answer. But she surprises me.

  “I meant every word, Samantha. And I’m here tonight because I know that I owe you a huge apology. Both of you,” she says glancing at Josh once more. “I realize that the tension in our relationship over the years has been mostly my fault, Samantha. It is your life, not mine. And as Lucas keeps pointing out to me … if I want our relationship to improve, then I need to take a step back and embrace the fact that you’re going to live your life as you see fit. Not as I do.” She pauses for a brief moment and then says, “I’m not saying things will change overnight but … I am attempting to take Lucas’ advice. And I just wanted to tell you that,” she finishes quietly.

  “I’m not sure what to say, Mom.” My voice is small and unbelieving.

  “Then don’t say anything, sweetheart,” she smiles sadly at me. “Just give me a hug?” I chew anxiously on my bottom lip for a moment, wondering frantically if I can trust this change of heart she’s professing to have, and step timidly into her embrace. “I really am very proud of you, darling. And I know you’ve made your father very happy tonight.”

  Her words are my undoing and the tears fall unbidden down my cheeks. I pull away, embarrassed, and Josh hands me his handkerchief. And as I’m dabbing at my eyes, I hear Mom say, “I hope you’ll accept my apology, Detective. I would very much like a do-over with you.”

  One glance at Josh and I can clearly see the wariness and distrust in his eyes as he glances from Mom back to me. And I notice Lucas standing by listening, watching the scene closely.

  “I don’t blame you for being skeptical, Detective,” Mom says. “My behavior toward you has been deplorable. I had no right to try and exploit your family’s sorrow.”

  Josh stares at her in silence for a few seconds more. Finally, he takes a deep breath, and the caution in his eyes is easy to read. “If you’d like to start over, Mrs. Colby, why don’t you begin by just calling me Josh.”

  I actually see the hint of a smile on Mom’s lips and she stares at him. “All right. Josh. And you can call me Lois,” she offers timidly. “Perhaps you would like to introduce me to my daughter’s work?”

  Josh looks momentarily stunned, and I wonder how he’s going to maneuver his way out of this. But he shocks me when he steps forward and offers my mother his arm. “I’d be honored to, Lois,” he says quietly, holding her gaze with a slight scowl. I watch in awe as she takes his arm and he leads her away, and I wonder which one of them I should feel more afraid for.

  “Do you think one of us should rescue him?” I say to Lucas when he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

  Lucas chuckles at me. “Nope. I think we’re just gonna have to let the two of them figure out who’s top dog.”

  I feel a small frisson of fear at his words and I want to follow them around the gallery but, I am quickly besieged by various people, all wanting to chat with me for a few minutes. I talk to my coworkers from the museum and others from the art community, I chat with Dave and Lindy Conner for a while and with my Grandma. And when I tell Lee Parson that Josh is escorting my mother around the gallery, I can see that he’s as shocked as I am.

  I point them out to him and we watch for a moment as Josh and my mom have what looks to be a very involved conversation about the drawing I did of two lovers embracing, and I remember him saying that it was his favorite of all my sketches. They are standing arm in arm as they talk, gazing from the sketch to each other and back again, and the discussion appears to be riveting. I would give anything right now to know what they’re saying and how they’re faring with one another.

  “Well, they’re both still in one piece for now,” Lee says softly, voicing my unspoken fears.

  At the end of the night, Lola gets everyone’s attention and thanks them for attending my debut art show, and she announces that the proceeds from tonight’s opening will be going to help fund the art and music programs in the city’s public school system.

  “From the very beginning of this little project, donating all of her proceeds from tonight’s opening is something that Samantha felt very strongly that she wanted to do,” Lola tells the crowd. “Something she felt her father would have done. So, I am very pleased to announ
ce that, with the sale of fifteen of your sketches, Samantha, and seventeen of your paintings … we have raised just over $90,000 tonight for the school’s art and music programs!”

  There is an audible gasp from the crowd and I am floored at this news. The applause sounds deafening to my ears and I feel slightly lightheaded from the excitement of it all. I feel Josh’s arms go around my waist from behind, and he kisses my temple as I am congratulated by various family members and friends. What an amazing feeling!

  When the gallery finally clears out about a half an hour later and Lola is busy with end-of-the-event duties, Josh and I finally have a few minutes to ourselves once more. I leave Lola’s office and find him standing in front of the sketch of two lovers embracing. His arms are folded across his chest as he studies it and I wonder what he’s thinking.

  Walking up behind him, I wrap my arms around his waist and he caresses them with his hands. We stand this way in silence for a few seconds before he says, “It’s sold. Someone bought it.” His voice is soft, and I am touched at the level of disappointment I hear there. He said before that this sketch was his favorite and that he’d like to have it.

  “I know it’s sold,” I answer quietly. “But we’ll have to wait until the show closes in two weeks before we can take it home and hang it.”

  He turns around and stares at me in disbelief. “You bought your own sketch?”

  “I prefer to think of it as donating to a worthy cause,” I smile coyly at him. “Besides, I had to. My boyfriend told me that this sketch was his favorite. I couldn’t just let it go to some stranger when I knew that you wanted it.”

  “You are something else, you know that?” he smiles at me and takes me into his arms. “And in case I haven’t said it before now … I am so proud of you, Sam. For having the courage to do this show and put your artwork out there. And for donating all of the money and starting the scholarship. You’ve done an amazing thing, baby. Two amazing things!”

  “I couldn’t have done any of it without you, Josh.”


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