Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set

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Pierced: Pierced Trilogy Boxed Set Page 99

by Lashell Collins

  “You are talking about armed security patrolling our yard like we're royalty, or the family of a drug czar or something,” she says loudly. Then she rolls her eyes at us as she makes her way over to the table, standing between me and Lucas. “This is what I have been trying to avoid all of my adult life; I don't want to live like a prisoner in my own home!”

  “No one is talking about making you a prisoner, Pita,” Lucas speaks up. And suddenly, his aggravation turns to anger as he looks up at her. “This is what you never understood when we were growing up. Those guards were never there to keep you captive, Sam. They were there to protect you. To keep you and me and Meg and Dennis from being kidnapped like the twins were yesterday!”

  Samantha looks as if he's slapped her, and I brace myself for the explosion as she turns on him. “The twins abduction had nothing to do with being an all-mighty Colby,” she yells at him, and her bright green eyes are shooting sparks of fury. “This was a personal vendetta against Josh. And me, apparently. But Colby money had nothing to do with it!”

  “This time,” Lucas shoots back, his voice rising in frustration as he stands up and glares at his sister. “Colby money had nothing to do with the abduction this time! But what about next time, Sam? After all the dirtbags looking for a quick payday hear about what an easy target those Colby Pierce kids are, huh? Oh, but it'll be okay, because at least they won't feel like prisoners in their own home!”

  He pauses for a moment as they stare each other down, and the tension between them is thick and uncomfortable. “You are so infuriating,” he yells. “All night long, I listened to you cry about the twins being abducted. You worried yourself sick, literally! Now you have the nerve to stand here and object when Josh and I try to protect them so this doesn't happen again?”

  “I do not object to protecting them,” she yells back. “I am objecting to how you want to protect them!”

  “I am trying to keep you safe,” he yells, his voice booming around the kitchen. “I am just trying to do the job that Dad asked me to do! This is what he would have done, and you know it!”

  I have to stop this bloodbath. “Okay, both of you … just calm down a minute,” I tell them. I take Samantha by the hand and gently pull her to me. “Come here, Sam,” I say, pulling her into my lap. She is still fuming as she glances back at Lucas, and I take her chin in my fingers and turn her eyes toward me. “Look at me. I know that you have been in Mama Bear mode for the last several hours, and I understand that. But I need for you to back down now, okay? We are all on the same side here. And now, we're all going to get on the same page. Leo and Livvie are upstairs sleeping peacefully, safe and sound. And I intend to keep them safe and sound from here on out.”

  My voice is low and even, and my eyes bore into hers with an intense stare. And I can tell that she's about to speak up in protest, but I don't give her a chance.

  “Samantha, this morning before we got the call about the kids, you told me that you knew this had happened because we have been lax in the security department,” I say, reminding her of her earlier words of guilt. “You said that Lucas and I were right to want more security around you and the twins. Do you remember that?”

  “Yes, but …”

  “Did you mean that?”

  She hesitates as she tries to form an argument.

  “Did you mean that?” I repeat.

  “Well, yes, but …”

  “Then what is the problem, Sam? We agree that the kids need protection. And we agree that I can't be everywhere at once. I am just one man, baby. And as much as I would love to be with you and the kids twenty-four seven, I can't, because I have a job to do.” I smile slightly at her as a question forms in my mind. “Do you want me to quit my job and become your bodyguard?”

  “What?” she asks with a frown. “No.”

  My smile gets bigger as I watch her frown slowly fade as she realizes I'm just joking. She tries to hide the slight curl at the corner of her lips, and I lightly squeeze her to me. She takes a deep breath. I can feel her body begin to relax in my arms, and I know that she's beginning to see reason.

  “Later today, after you and I have had some sleep, we will sit down and talk about how we want the security to look around here, okay? But there will be security, Sam. There has to be,” I tell her.

  She says nothing for a long time. Finally, she nods her agreement and leans into me, and I lightly kiss her temple.

  “I'm sorry, Lucas,” she says softly, looking over at him.

  “I'm sorry too,” he says. “I don't mean to get angry, Sam. It's just … it frustrates me sometimes that you don't think more about safety. I realize now that Dad knew that. That's why he was so specific about it,” he mumbles.

  “What are you talking about?” she asks. “Specific about what?”

  Lucas hesitates and we make brief eye contact, which Sam picks up on, and she turns to look at me.

  “What is he talking about?”

  “It's nothing, baby. It's just … a private conversation between Lucas and your dad before he died. That's all.”

  Her gaze darts between Lucas and me. “Well, it must not have been too private since he's obviously shared it with you.”

  “Sam …”

  “Yes, it was very private, Pita,” Lucas speaks up. “And yes, I shared it with Josh … back before you two got married. Dad made me promise to look after you.”

  “He did?” Her voice sounds surprised.

  “Of course, he did,” Lucas answers. “He made me promise to always make sure you were safe. And I know now that he was so specific because you don't make that request easy. I remember now how you were always ditching your security detail. And Mom and Dad couldn't figure it out because it wasn't like you were out partying or sneaking around with boys.”

  “I just didn't want to be watched and followed all the time,” she says quietly.

  “Yeah, well I'm going to need for you to get over that,” I tell her, my voice carrying a very serious tone. “I told you about the note we found in the motel room, Sam. And about the connection between Bo Scruggs and Timothy Echols. We know that you are the next target, and I need to know that you won't be pulling any stupid stunts like trying to ditch your new security detail.”

  “Josh …”

  “I mean it, Samantha! This is not just about you. It's about him too,” I say, placing my hand on her baby bump. “I need to know that you two are safe when you're out of my sight!”

  “I promise,” she says, looking into my eyes as her hand covers mine. And I suddenly feel a tiny jolt beneath my hand.


  She giggles at me. “He promises too,” she smiles.

  “Well, it's good to know he's concerned about your safety too,” I say with a smile. “I hate to tell you this, but I think he might be a cop. Not an artist.”

  She giggles again. “They can all be whatever they want to be. As long they're all safe and healthy, I'm happy.”

  “Well, now that we've gotten that all cleared up,” Lee says, rising from the table and stretching. “I'm going into the family room to lie down on the couch for a while.”

  “Lee, why don't you go home and get some sleep,” I tell him. “I'm sure Molly's got to be worried about you. Nothing else is going to happen here for a while.”

  “With all due respect, son … you don't know that,” he says matter-of-factly. “No one knows where Scruggs is. His old address and old connections have not turned up anything. For all we know, that asshole is lurking outside somewhere as we speak. Watching this house and Sammy's movements, and just waiting for his opening. So, like I said before … I'll sleep when my family's safe. Besides, Molly will be back later in the day.”

  He winks at Sam and then turns to head into the family room. And something about his words stick with me as I watch him walk from the kitchen. Scruggs is probably watching this house and Samantha's movements. I frown at the thought as my mind starts to wrap itself around that idea. He's right. Scruggs is probably watching
. Scruggs is watching.

  “Well, I've already told Uncle Kenny that I'll be out of the office today,” Lucas says as he stands again. “But I will go home for a while. I'll be back after some sleep and a shower. Josh, the men are already in place forming a standard perimeter until you let them know any specifics you want. Clayton's ready to go over the particulars when you are.”

  “Thanks again, Lucas,” I tell him as Sam and I stand. But my mind is still trying work out the idea forming there. “I appreciate everything.”

  “I'm just glad you're finally doing it,” he says. He leans in and kisses Sam on the cheek. “One day, you'll thank me, Pita,” he whispers.

  He leaves, and I take Sam by the hand and lead her upstairs to our bedroom for some much needed sleep.

  Chapter Ten


  My eyelids are heavy. I try again to open them, but I'm still so tired. Slowly they open and focus on my surroundings. I see Livvie's big girl bed, covered in the brightly colored princess duvet that she loves, and I smile. As I study the bed something begins to gnaw at me, and I'm full of fear when I realize that the bed is empty.


  My voice is groggy as I sit up with a start, feeling Josh's arms tighten around me as I look frantically over at Leo's bed. Also empty.

  “Leo! Josh they're gone!”

  “Shh. Baby, baby … hey!” He gently takes my chin in his fingers and turns my face to his. “They're okay. Mom and Lois took them downstairs for breakfast a couple of hours ago. But you were sleeping so peacefully for a change, I just didn't want to move you.”

  I run my hand through my hair, feeling foolish as his words set in, and I relax against him. He kisses the top of my head as he pulls me into his arms again. We did go to bed after Lucas left early this morning. But as tired as I am, I just couldn't sleep being across the hall from the twins. I tossed and turned for over an hour. Finally, Josh got me up and walked me in here, and we curled up together in the comfy chair where I used to nurse them when they were little. I fell right to sleep.

  “Thank you, Josh,” I whisper as he holds me.

  “What for, baby?”

  “For taking care of me. For always knowing what I need.”

  He squeezes me to him and kisses the top of my head once more, but he says nothing. We sit this way in silence for a long time. Finally he sighs, and I get the feeling he's trying to figure out how to tell me something. And I think about a couple of days ago when he said that he knows me better than I know myself, and that I know him the same way. Perhaps he's right.

  “What is it, Josh?” I ask, looking into his eyes.

  He swallows, and I can see his mind working. “I've been thinking about something Lee said before.”

  He doesn't elaborate, and I can tell that he's still working something out in his head. “What did he say?”

  He hesitates just a fraction of a second. “He said that Scruggs is probably watching this house and your every movement. Just waiting for his chance,” he says softly as his eyes seem to study the Sesame Street blanket we're covered up with. “I haven't been able to let it go since he said it. Something about it just makes a crazy sort of sense,” he says, almost to himself. “It would work. I know that it would work.”

  “What are you talking about, Josh? What will work?”

  He looks up at my question, almost as if he'd forgotten that I was in the room. His eyes study mine for a minute before he answers me. “Scruggs. I'm tired of waiting around to see what the bastard's going to do next. Last time I did that, he walked off with our kids. I'm not letting that happen with you. What we need is to draw Scruggs out. To force him to show himself.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  “By giving him what he wants. You,” he says, looking at me pointedly.

  I frown at his words and smile nervously. “I don't understand.”

  “Lee said that Scruggs is probably watching this house, and he's right. He told us in that note that you were next, so that means he's going to make good on his threat. It's just a matter of time,” he explains. “A matter of finding the perfect moment when he perceives you to be alone and vulnerable. So what we need to do is give him that moment.”

  “Like setting a trap? Is that what you're talking about?”

  “That's exactly what I'm talking about,” he says. “We hold off on putting the security in place and send everyone away, back to their normal routines. And then we let Scruggs have a crack at getting to you. Or at least, he'll think it's you.”

  “I don't follow,” I say frowning at him once more.

  He looks me in the eye and says, “It won't actually be you because you won't be here.”

  “Who will it be?”

  “It'll be a cop, Sam,” he says. Then he shrugs his shoulders. “Anne Marsh maybe. She could pass for you from a distance; you're about the same height and coloring. We put her in some of your clothes and Scruggs won't know the difference.”

  “Okay. But where will I be?”

  “You will be as far away from here as you can get,” he says. “You and the twins will go to Lucas' or to your mom's or something. That way, I'll know your safe.”

  “But, Josh … what you're talking about. It could take days for him to take the bait, couldn't it?” I ask. “I don't want to leave my home indefinitely. It's almost Christmas; we have plans.”

  “It won't be indefinitely, baby. It'll just be until we catch this jerk,” he says. “A couple of days at the most.”

  “I don't like it,” I tell him. And I can see him growing irritated with me.

  “What don't you like about it, Sam?”

  “Well, I don't understand how this is going to work,” I try to explain. “You said everyone will go back to their normal routines. Does that mean you'll be sending Detective Marsh to the foundation each day? And what about the kids? Won't this Scruggs person notice that the kids aren't here anymore?”

  “Yes, he will. And we want him to,” he says. “We want him to see that we've sent the children somewhere safe. We want him to see that it's just you and me here, and that you are working from home for a few days. We want him to think that you are here alone and defenseless.”

  “But I won't be alone and defenseless,” I say as I start to see it in my head.

  “No. You … or Marsh, I should say, won't be defenseless at all. And you sure as hell won't be alone. But that's going to get tricky too,” he suddenly mumbles. And I can see him mulling something over.

  “What is it?”

  “Well, it's like you said,” he sighs. “This could take a couple of days, and we don't have the manpower to put a fake you here, with a full contingent of cops inside, all day everyday for what could potentially take a while.” He's quiet as he thinks for a moment, his mind trying to work out the kinks in his plan. “I can tell the Chief I need to be with my family for a few days, just until things calm down. But I can't ask for round the clock coverage for my family, that just wouldn't work. And all I really need is just two others.”

  I have no idea what he's mumbling about, but I can tell that he's modifying his plan in his head. Seeing all the different angles and all the possible ways to make it work in our favor. And I don't want to throw a wrench in whatever he's cooking up, but I have to say what I'm feeling.

  “Josh,” I begin quietly, “I'm not leaving.”

  He looks at me with a confused frown. “What do you mean, you're not leaving?”

  “I mean I'm not leaving,” I repeat, looking him in the eye. “I agree with you that the children should be sent away. And if they're going without me, then I want them to go to Olivia's. But I'm not leaving. I'm staying right here with you.”

  “Samantha, I don't want you here,” he says sternly. “This could get very dangerous.”

  “I realize that,” I respond. “But I'm staying.”

  “This is not a game, baby,” he says. “You do realize what Scruggs intends to do to you?”

  “Yes, I do. But
you said yourself that I won't be here alone. You'll be here with me. You and whoever else you have on the inside. And this way, you won't need to plant a fake me here all day. Possibly for days. And it'll look real to Scruggs because it'll be real.”

  “Sam …”

  “I want to do this, Josh,” I say, interrupting him. “Please. I've given in on the security issue and on the close protection. Please let me do this.”

  “Why do you want to be here?” he asks.

  “Because I don't want to be apart from you. And because I want to see this bastard go down,” I answer truthfully. “He threatened my babies, and I want to help make him pay for that.”

  He studies my eyes for a long moment, and then he reaches out and caresses my face. “I think you've been hanging out with cops too long, Sunshine,” he whispers. Then he softly kisses me, his tongue gently stroking mine for a few luxurious minutes. “If I let you stay here during this operation, you have to promise me that you will do everything that I say,” he warns. And his voice is every bit as intense as his gaze is.

  “I promise.”

  “I mean it, Samantha. No going off on your own. I don't want you anywhere near your studio by yourself. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes. I promise, Josh.”

  “Alright,” he sighs, after a long pause. “Well, we've got some things to work out. We might as well get it over with.”

  We stand and he takes me by the hand and leads me out of the nursery and across the hall to our room. We spend a few minutes getting cleaned up and presentable, then we make our way, hand in hand, downstairs. The scene looks much the way it did yesterday with family milling about everywhere. As we walk through the living room I notice that Lucas has set up a makeshift office at the small desk there, and he's working away on his laptop. But all the real action is, as usual, in the kitchen, and we find Lee and Molly there talking to Olivia and Megan.

  “Well, there you two are,” Meg says brightly. “Aunt Lois said you would probably sleep all day.”

  “After what they went through yesterday, I wouldn't blame them if they did,” Molly says.


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