by Alan Sipress
viral features. See genetics, bird flu virus; mutation of virus
bird flu transmission
and agricultural practices
from China
and cockfighting
and droppings
and ducks
and family clusters
and globalization
home-raised poultry risk
human-to-human. See human-to-human transmission
live poultry markets
merit birds risk
out of Asia
preventing. See prevention
and smuggled birds
species barrier broken
and swans
See also specific countries
birds, wild, and flu viruses
Black Death. See bubonic plague
brain, viral attack of
Brown, Dr. Caroline
Brudon, Pascale
bubonic plague
origin and spread of
Buddhist custom, merit birds
Byrne, David
bird flu outbreak
merit birds, dangers of
poultry infection, first report
rapid-response system
Sovann, work of
Tonle Sap
Canada, SARS misdiagnosis
Cantlie, James
Captan Boonmanut
Centers for Disease Control (CDC). See specific persons by name
Fukuda at
H5N1 investigation
International Emerging Infections Program
Uyeki at
Vietnam investigation
Chan, Anson
Chan, Dr. Margaret
culling ordered by
H5N1 investigation
and Indonesia sample sharing conflict
as SARS inquiry victim
at WHO
Chan Man-kei
Charoen Pokphand
Cheng, Maria
Cheung Sha Wan
chicken farming
agricultural practices, risky
chicken hotels
preventing epidemic. See prevention
Thailand, growth of
U.S., disease prevention
See also poultry
amantadine, illegal use of
bird flu outbreak (2004)
and bubonic plague
H5N1 outbreak (1997)
H5N1 spread from
as influenza epicenter
market reforms, impact of
meat output
poultry infections, reports of
Qinghai Lake/Bird Island outbreak
research, attack on
SARS containment
secrecy about outbreaks
whistleblowers, punishment of
WHO, lack of cooperation with
See also Hong Kong
Chinese flu (1888)
Chulalongkorn University
civets, and SARS
and disease transmission
historical view
restriction, difficulty of
roosters, culling
roosters, devastation by flu
computer simulations, of flu pandemic
Corlett, Richard
Cornaro, Markus
Cox, Dr. Nancy
cruise ships, outbreaks on
CSL Limited
cullers, lack of infection to
Hong Kong
Cultural Revolution
cytokine storm
Dakun (witch doctor)
Death Railway
De Jong, Jan
Delgado, Christopher
dengue fever
Dharma, Dr. Surya
antibody tests
flu test inaccuracy
Western blot
Diamond, Jared
disinfection procedure
Domenech, Joseph
Dongmen Market
and mutation
and vaccination programs
overseas manufacture of
See also drug-resistance; Tamiflu; vaccination
agricultural practices, risky
and bird flu transmission
duck blood, recipe with
East Asia
chicken farming, rise of
economic boom
Ebola virus
economic costs, of influenza pandemic
Egypt, bird flu outbreak
emergency preparedness
globalization, impact on
rapid-response system, Cambodia
and speed of infection
Tamiflu, use of
U.S., limitations of
U.S., system for
ventilators, requirements
WHO guidelines
dangers of infection to
field versus lab
information gathering methods
protective garments
puzzling scenarios
small animals, testing of
See also specific persons by name
Europe, transmission to
false negatives
false positives
family clusters
Ferguson, Neil M.
flu and flu pandemic. See entries under influenza and bird flu
Franklin, Benjamin
Fukuda, Dr. Keiji
CDC, role at
H5N1 investigation
personal characteristics of
professional credentials
on rapid response
SARS investigation
on U.S. health care system
Vietnam investigations
as WHO influenza chief
Gendreau, Mark A.
genetics, bird flu virus
and family clusters
intermediate hosts
PCR testing
pedigree of virus, tracing
RNA viruses, flu as
species barrier, breaking
swine flu, development of
See also mutation of virus
Ginting, Dowes
bird flu tracked to
transmission, source of
witch doctor, interventions
Ginting, Dr. Diana E.
Ginting, Jones
Ginting, Rintang Boru
Ginting, Sanita
Global Influenza Surveillance Network
and agricultural practices, risky
emergency preparedness, impact on
and spread/speed of transmission
Govorkova, Elena A.
Greenfield, Karl Taro
Grein, Dr. Tom
epidemiology investigations
Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Diseases (China)
H1N1. See also swine flu
China, origin and spread from
China outbreak (1997)
Fujian-like subtype
Hong Kong outbreak
human-to-human transmission
immune response to
initial identification of
mammals, transmission to
mortality predictions
mortality rate
pandemic risk
progression of infection
resurgence patterns
species barrier broken
swine flu, relationship to
Thailand outbreak
victims, age of
Vietnam outbreak
virulence of
global spread of
protective to poultry
Hall, Dr. Julie
Heymann, Dr. David
Hien, Dr. Nguyen Tran
HIV-AIDS, as pandemic
Hong Kong
Ap Lei Chau cases
bird flu strain. See H5N1
Chan investigation of
Chinese flu (1888)
first report of illness
flu victims, symptoms
Fukuda investigation of
as global city
impact of flu on
Lam Hoi-ka, infection of
medical tests/treatment, refusal of
merit birds, dangers of
pandemic, aversion of
plague (1894)
poultry, devestation of
SARS outbreak/spread
second case
transmission, points of origin
wet markets, perils of
Hong Kong flu (1968)
victims, age of
Horby, Dr. Peter
Thailand investigation
Vietnam investigation
Horvath, Dr. John
hospitals, emergency preparedness, lack of
humans, signs and symptoms. See diagnosis; symptoms
human-to-human transmission
contagion and stage of illness
dangers of
first case
and Indonesia outbreak
and mutation of virus
and Thailand outbreak
and Vietnam outbreaks
immune response
to H5N1
to Spanish flu strains
chickens, significance to people
economic boom
flu victims, symptoms
Ginting family outbreak
H5N1, spread from China
home-raised poultry, dangers of
human fatalities, first
human-to-human transmission
locals, tests/treatment, refusal of
locals’ denial of flu
and pandemic risk
poultry, devastation of
poultry infection, first report
prevention, neglect of
secrecy about outbreaks
tests/treatment, refusal of
transmission, points of origin
Uyeki investigation
WHO, lack of cooperation with
WHO actions
witch doctors
influenza pandemics
Asian flu (1957)
China as epicenter
computer simulations of
conditions for
economic costs
globalization, impact on
H5N1 risk
H9N2 risk
halting, ingredients for
Hong Kong flu (1968)
and Indonesia
inevitability of
mild, impact on population
pandemic risk (2005), investigation of
pandemic risk (2005), Vietnam
Spanish flu (1918)
swine flu as unpredictable
U.S emergency preparedness, lack of
victims, age of
influenza virus
and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
A and B types
cellular attack, mechanisms of
first recorded outbreak
flu test inaccuracy
genetic factors. See genetics, bird flu virus; mutation of virus
seasonal. See seasonal flu
spread, factors in
International Emerging Infections Program, of CDC,
International Health Regulations
Japfa Comfeed
Jatinegara Market
Jennings, Dr. Lance
Jeremijenko, Andrew
Jia Youling
Karo, Manajus Boru
Komsan Fakhorm
Kramat Jati Market
Krisana Hoonsin
Kumnuan Ungchusak, Dr.
Ky, Van Dang
Lam Hoi-ka
H5N1 infection
transmission of flu to
Laos, poultry infection, first report
Legionnaires’ disease
Liem, Nguyen Thanh
Lim, Dr. Wilina
Liu Jianlun
live poultry markets, as infection source
livestock revolution, economic impact of
Longini, Ira M., Jr.
Lubis, Dr. Nur Rasyid
lungs, viral attack of
Madagascar, flu outbreak
Begu Ganjang, conjuring of
and medicine. See witch doctors
Mai, Dr. Le Thi Quynh
economic boom
spread of disease to
Manh Thang
Marburg hemorrhagic fever
Marek’s disease
Mariner, Jeffrey
Marriott, Edward
medicine men. See witch doctors
merit birds
mutation of virus
and agricultural practices
antigenic drift/antigenic shift
and drug-resistance
genetic reassortment
and human-to-human transmission
influenza virus
and livestock revolution
Vietnam outbreak (2005), novel strain
virus, strengthening of
See also genetics, bird flu virus
Nabarro, David
Naipospos, Tri Satya Putri
Nam, Hoai
Nanshan Zhong, Dr.
Naresuan, king of Thailand
Narti, Made
National Pediatric Hospital (Vietnam)
Naval Medical Research Unit 2 (NAMRU-2)
Newin Chidchob
New Territories
Ngoan, Nguyen Thi
Nicoll, Dr. Angus
Nidom, Chairul A.
Nigeria, bird flu outbreak
Nik Aziz Nik Mat
Nikon Inmaee
Nirundorn Aungtragoolsuk
Nirun Phitakwatchara
Omi, Shigeru
Orussey Market
Oseltamivir. See Tamiflu
Oshitani, Dr. Hitoshi
Osterhaus, Dr. Albert
Osterholm, Dr. Michael T.
on emergency preparedness
Oxford, John S.
Palese, Dr. Peter
conditions for
influenza virus. See influenza pandemics
preparedness for. See emergency preparedness
Peiris, Malik
Pennsylvania Hospital
Perdue, Dr. Michael
Phalla, Kong
Phapart Thieuviharn
Philadelphia, Spanish flu (1918)
Philadelphia General Hospital
as intermediate hosts
See also swine flu
plague, origin and spread of
Plant, Dr. Aileen
Plummer, Dr. Frank
politics, interference with prevention efforts
Polo, Marco
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Potter, Dr. Ellen C.
agricultural practices, risky
Asia, significance to people
devastation by influenza
disease transmission by. See bird flu transmission
slaughter of. See culling
See also chicken farming; cockfighting; ducks
Pranee Thongchan
Prasert Thongcharoen, Dr.
professional credentials
Thailand investigation
Prasetyaningsih, Rini Dina
Prathum Buaklee
chicken business, development of
rebuilds chicken business
amantadine, illegal use, China
disinfection procedure
donations needed for
drug-resistance issue
failure and politics
flu testing problem
poultry, slaughter of. See culling
and poultry farming practices
scientific constraints to
Thailand campaign
Prince of Wales Hospital (Hong Kong)
Purba, Agenda
Qiao Songju
Qinghai Lake/Bird Island
quarantine, noncompliance
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Hong Kong)
Queen Mary Hospital (Hong Kong)
Rafei, Iwan Siswara
Ram Khamheng, king of Thailand
researchers. See epidemiologists; World Health Organization (WHO)
Reye’s syndrome
rice farming, Thailand
RNA viruses, flu as
Rodier, Guenael
Rohland, Klaus
Roongroje Thanawongnuwech
RT-polymerase chain reaction
Russian flu
Ryan, Dr. Michael
as Alert and Response Operations director
epidemiology investigations
SARS containment
Ryan, Jordan
Sakuntala Premphasri
Samaan, Gina, Indonesia investigation
Samida, Ibu
Samrouy Buaklee
San Francisco, plague (1894)
Sangwan Klinhom
SARS. See severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Scotland, H5N1 detected
seasonal flu
fatalities from
flu outbreak (2003) in U.S.
origin of
progression of
Sembiring, Tempu
Senne, Dennis
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Canada, misdiagnosis
China outbreak (1997)
civets as carrier
civets, culling
epidemic, end of
compared to flu
government inquiry into investigation
human-to-human transmission
identification of
transmission/speed of infection
WHO response to
wild-game markets, testing animals
Yi Guan investigation
Shantou University Medical College (China)
Shortridge, Kennedy
Sims, Dr. Les
Siriraj Hospital (Thailand)
Sitthidej Sanrin
Slingenbergh, Jan
Soendoro, Dr. Triono
Soeroso, Dr. Luhur
Soeroso, Dr. Santoso
Sompao Hoonsin
Somporn Panyastianpong
Southeast Asia. See specific countries
Sovann, Ly, Cambodia investigation
Sovanratana, Khy
Spanish flu (1918)
dead, burial of