The Calamity Falls Box Set

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The Calamity Falls Box Set Page 47

by Erika Kelly

  He stood there, a massive ball of confusion swarming in his head. As badly as he wanted to get her out of his room, he needed to haul her up against him. He wanted to kiss that mouth that said all the right things and shut those eyes that saw him better than anyone ever had.

  “You don’t think Ruby’s love is ugly, do you? You’re not repulsed by the way she wants you to carry her and hold her, right? Think about that, Will. Your mom’s reaction to you was twisted. There was something wrong with her—not with her beautiful little boy.”

  The force of that idea made his heart thunder. He told his feet to step back, to disconnect from the warm touch of her hands, but he couldn’t move. Because he wanted more. So much fucking more it terrified him.

  Her scent filled his senses, her touch enflamed him, and her words…Jesus, she wrecked him.

  “I’ll let you get some sleep.” Only instead of leaving, her fingers curled in his T-shirt. “Promise me you’ll think about what I said? The next time Ruby comes running at you with all that joy and love, let her see how much you care about her. You’re all about getting her settled in. You want to make her feel safe. Well, there’s only one way to do that. Love her.” She let go of his shirt and took a step back, the nightlight in the hallway casting a bronze glow to her body, accentuating the flare of her hips, the curve of her breasts, and making her hair gleam. “Spoil her with love.”

  The band of tension reining him in was a hair away from snapping. “Goodnight, Delilah.”

  But she didn’t go anywhere. Instead, she drew in a breath. “Since I’ve already gone too far, I might as well tell you one more thing. I think there’s a reason you’ve never had a girlfriend. I think you might be afraid that if you love somebody you’ll be too needy. It makes sense, right? That’s what happened with your mom, and I think if you see it—really get that—then you can get past it. And, once you do, you’re going to be an amazing boyfriend. Because, I’ve only been here a short time, but I can already tell. When you do fall in love? You’re going to love her so hard. And be loyal and generous and—”

  He closed the distance between them—a rush of air that kicked her scent up around them—bent his knees and cupped her lush ass.

  “Oh.” The breath whooshed out of her when her back hit the wall.

  His blood went hot, his cock turned into a steel bar, and he kissed her. Kissed her with all the desire he’d fought and stuffed down. You’re the only one I want like that.

  Her arms settled on his shoulders, her fingernails scraping into his hair, and her legs wrapped around his hips. All that silky hair slid over his arms, and his need for her split wide open. Desire gushed out, so raw, so primal, he knew he had to get to the bed where he could press himself fully against her.

  Kicking the door shut, he lifted her and, with his last thread of rational thought, remembered to lock it. He couldn’t stop kissing her, her mouth so soft, so warm, so thrilling.

  The moment he set her on the bed, she got up on her knees. “Wait.”




  But her greedy smile reassured him that she wasn’t anywhere near done with him. In fact, her teeth sank into her bottom lip and she looked like she was beholding a great feast. Her gaze flicked up, as she reached for the bottom of his shirt. “I get to unwrap you.”

  Oh, yeah, she was hot. She was everything he’d imagined her to be. Free, wild. Totally uninhibited.

  It took every ounce of restraint he had to keep from reaching behind his neck and tearing his shirt off, because the magnetic forcefield was so strong he needed their bodies pressed together right the fuck now. His soul contracted into a marble that rolled around in its empty chamber, and he knew the moment she wrapped herself around him, she’d set him free.

  But he would wait; she could do anything she wanted to him. Breathing erratic, limbs shaking, he stood there while she slowly lifted the shirt. Her warm hand caressed the flat plane of his abdomen, the sensation so erotic his muscles clenched, turning it concave. She swept up his ribcage, a finger circling his nipple. “You’re so hot, Will. I can’t believe I get to touch you.” Her palm fanned out, gliding up to his shoulder, and then she dropped the shirt and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I lied. When I said you don’t surprise me? You surprise me every day. With your honesty and your humility. Your kindness and loyalty. You’re the most caring and amazing man, and I just want it all. I want everything you’ve got.”

  “Done.” Grabbing her wrists, he pried her off and took a step back, so he could toss his shirt and yank down his shorts. Kicking them aside, he lunged for her. She fell onto her back, hiking herself on her elbows up to the pillows. All that pretty blonde hair spilling across his navy sheets sent a hard kick of lust to his cock, and he licked the smile right off her mouth. Oh, holy hell, the slick heat, the slide of her tongue, and the little moans of urgency worked him into a frenzy.

  Cool it. He didn’t need to overwhelm her. “You smell good.” As he kissed his way down her throat, she arched her back, her hips rising to grind against his.

  She grabbed his ass. “Oh, my God. I’ve never touched a body like yours. You’re so hot and hard and beautiful.”

  “Take off your shirt, Delilah.”

  She didn’t want to take her hands off him, but when he growled at her all commanding like that? She dragged up the hem, and he helped whisk it over her head. It went sailing. Her bra followed.

  “Look at you. Jesus.” Cupping a breast, he held her gaze as he licked a circle around her nipple. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she thrust upwards. Fuck, yeah. He sucked the hard bead into his mouth, letting his tongue swirl and flick the tip. He loved the way she squirmed beneath him. Lavishing the same attention on her other breast, his hand swept down her smooth belly until he found the wet heat between her legs.

  “Will.” She shifted restlessly, thighs parting, hips rocking. “Touch me.” She said it breathlessly, desperately, and it made him wild.

  Slipping a finger inside, he found her slick and ready for him, but he needed to give her more. She deserves everything. He pressed open-mouth kisses down her stomach until he reached the patch of curls between her legs. Holding her thighs, he licked until his tongue met with her soft, slick flesh. With one hand he reached for her breast, cupping it and gently pinching her nipple. He slid another finger inside her, and then a third, rubbing the sensitive patch that had her crying out.

  When his tongue found her pleasure point, her hands gripped his hair, tugging and pulling, her legs shifting restlessly on either side of his head.

  “Oh. Oh, God. I’ve never…it’s so good. Will.” She gasped, drawing her knees up. Her bottom arched off the mattress, as her body twisted and shook with an orgasm.

  His cock ached for release, but he stayed with her as she rode through fresh waves of contractions. The moment her ass hit the bed, she let out a deeply satisfied sigh, and he was on top of her, kissing her, licking into that mouth that turned him on in a way no other ever had.

  Reaching into the nightstand drawer, he grabbed a condom and tore off the wrapper with his teeth. Just as he lowered his hand, she sat up and grabbed it from him.

  “Hang on.” Pushing on his shoulders, she forced him to sit back on his heels, his cock jutting straight up. She reached for him. “I want to do it.” She said it with such hunger, a new wave of desire surged through him.

  He had to get inside her, had to be with her. “Do whatever you want.” I’m all yours.

  “Oh, lucky, lucky me.” When she gripped him at the base and squeezed, he thrust into her hand and let out a strangled cry.

  Her expression turned carnal. Keeping a tight grip, she slid her hand up to the crown, rubbing a thumb around it. He gasped at the almost painful sensation. “Too much?”

  “Nothing you do is too much.” I want everything. Every single thing you have to give.

  “How ‘bout this?” She lowered her mouth and licked a circle around the head.

extreme pleasure had his hips bucking. Her mouth closed over him, and she sucked him in so hard and deep he had to brace his hands behind him and rock into her mouth. “Fuck, Delilah. I can’t…fuck.” He was going to come. His limbs trembled, and a riot of sensation exploded at the base of his spine. “Let me inside you. Please.”

  Dammit. He hated how desperate he sounded. Fucking hated it. Get a hold of yourself.

  But her eyes went molten hot, and she released him. It took two hands to get the mouth of the condom around his head, and she licked her bottom lip while she tugged it down.

  Falling back on the pillows, she reached for him. “Do me.”

  He couldn’t help it. He laughed out loud. She was funny and fun and sexy and caring.

  She’s fucking everything.

  And Will wanted her with the kind of crazy abandon that scared the shit out of him.

  Because he could never have her. She lived in New York. That would never change. Her entire family lived there. She’d—

  “Hey.” She lifted up, scraping her fingers through his hair. “You with me?”

  Feeling a little foolish, he smiled. He had right now, and he’d take whatever she had to give. “Yeah.”

  “I mean, I already got mine, so if you need to flip through some nudie magazines or watch some porn to get yourself going again…feel free.”

  That teasing grin. He had to fist his cock, squeezing to alleviate some pressure. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

  “Show me.” She lay back down, reaching for him.

  Lowering himself, he felt electric energy spark between their bodies, the pull and draw, the force of gravity, his moon to her brilliant sun. He immersed himself in her scent, her smooth skin, and the grip of her fingers on his ass.

  “Now, Will. I want you so much I can’t stand it.”

  Squeezing his eyes closed, he eased into her hot, tight channel. He had to bite back against the powerful impulse to fuck her raw. Do not lose your shit on this woman. Once he’d buried himself inside her slick heat, he braced his hands on either side of her and started pumping, slow and with a flick of his hips so that he’d brush over her clit.

  He watched her expression, watched her eyes turn glassy, her jaw slacken, so he moved faster, and it felt so fucking good he almost couldn’t stand it.

  Her hands clasped his wrists. “I’m not some delicate flower.”


  “You’re holding back on me. I can feel it. Show me.”

  The beast growled, but he held her gaze, asking. You sure?

  Her legs squeezed his waist, and her eyes turned all sultry. “I want to feel it, Will. Show me how much you want me.”

  He transferred his weight to one arm, cupping her ass with the other, and nudging her to roll over. The moment she did, she got on her knees and hiked her bottom up in the air. He clapped a hand on one fleshy cheek and squeezed. Fierce need rolled through him. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  He lunged forward, his cock wedging in the crack of her ass, and cupped her breasts. She rocked hard against him, and he nuzzled her ear. “Then I’ll show you exactly how much I want you.” Sitting back, he grabbed her hips and pulled her toward him, thrusting inside.


  The louder her cries, the more frantic her rocking, the higher the tide of lust rose. Watching her ass cheeks shake, her hair shimmy and bounce, gleaming in the lamplight, unleashed all the pent-up desire, and he hammered into her. Her fingers gripped the sheets, pulling and twisting, and he reached between her legs to find her clit.

  Her head jerked back, and she moaned. “Oh, God.”

  Their skin slapped, the smell of their desire filled his senses, overwhelming him. Desperate for release, he let go of her hip and pinched her nipple while circling her clit faster.

  Her body stiffened, convulsed, and her head jerked back with a cry. Fuck, yeah. Delilah Lua was spectacular. Need turned desperate, frantic, winding him up so tightly he couldn’t breathe. He grabbed her hips and slammed into her with wild abandon.

  A freight train roared in his head, and he shot so hard spots danced behind his eyelids. Body rigid, he held her to him, as he shouted his released. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over him, until he nearly blacked out. “Jesus.” He collapsed beside her, throwing an arm across her back.

  She pushed the hair out of her eyes. “I know.” Grinning, she rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. “I don’t even know what just happened.”

  He felt good. Happy. It was like nothing he’d ever experienced. “Give me a minute to catch my breath and we can start over from the top. I’ll replay everything in slow motion.”

  “That’s my champion.” Her voice sleepy, she curled up against him, hitching one leg across his hip, an arm over his chest. Her head nestled in against his rib cage. “I tell you what, Will Bowie, you came right out of nowhere and stole my heart.”

  His phone vibrated on the nightstand, jarring him out of a deep sleep. So used to waking up alone, the body draped across him gave him a start. Slowly, images seeped in. Delilah’s hot mouth on his cock, the taste of her on his tongue, the supple weight of her breasts in his hands.

  Fuck, yes. Best night of my life.

  “Get it.” She nudged him. “Could be important.”

  He reached across her and grabbed it, but his vision was too blurry to read the screen. “Yeah?”


  The confusion in his manager’s voice snapped him awake. What time is it? Where am I supposed to be? “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “I thought you’d be out running. I was going to leave a message. Listen, I’ve got good news. The League’s got nothing, so they’re winding up the investigation.”

  “That’s great. I assume they’ll make a statement, fully exonerating me?”

  Delilah lifted up on an elbow, blinking sleepily, and gave him a thumbs-up.

  “My next call is your attorney. You bet your ass they’ll make an announcement.”

  “What time is it?” Delilah reached for the alarm clock, turning it in her direction. “Oh, my God. It’s seven.”

  “Shit, Ruby.” He threw off his covers and raced to the windows, jerking open the curtains.

  “Who’s that?” his manager asked. “Will, where the hell are you?”

  “I’ll get her.” Delilah turned her tank top right-side out. “Don’t worry.”

  “Listen, Alex, I have to go.” Where are my shorts? The bedroom floor looked like a Mardi Gras parade had passed through it. Since when did he let things go like this?

  “Why aren’t you on your run?” Alex asked.

  “I overslept.” He nabbed his shorts off the ottoman and stepped into them, tucking the phone between his cheek and neck.

  “You overslept? Will, who’s in the room with you? Tell me you’re not fucking your houseguest?”

  “Alex.” His tone held such threat, Delilah stopped hitching up her panties. “Don’t ever talk about her like that.”

  “Jesus Christ. Now is not the time to start something up with that chef.”

  He grabbed a T-shirt off the floor. “This is none of your business.”

  Delilah looked apologetic, and he shook his head. Not your fault.

  “It’s seven in the morning, and you’re not running. If you’re not running, I’m going to bet you’re slacking off in other ways. Did you get eight hours of sleep last night?”


  “Freefest is in five weeks. You’re supposed to be in peak training right now, and that’s my business. The details aren’t important—I don’t care if it’s the chef or a farm animal. What I care about is your schedule. There’s no winning without discipline, and you’re not showing discipline right now. Pull your head out of your ass before it’s too late.”

  His manager disconnected, and Will rubbed his forehead. When he turned, he saw Delilah had heard every word. But he couldn’t worry about her righ
t then. “I have to get Ruby.” He had his shirt on inside out, but he didn’t stop to fix it. He hurried out of his room.

  He couldn’t make his sister stay in bed until morning if he wasn’t going to show up on time. Dammit, he’d let her down. But the moment he got into the hallway, the smell of bacon hit him and he heard noises in the kitchen. Uncle Lachlan said something that made Ruby shout, “Dat not wight.”

  Will was thankful his uncle had stepped in this time, but next time—no. There wouldn’t be a next time.

  Delilah came up behind him. “You okay?”

  At the top of the stairs, he turned to face her. He thought about telling her they’d talk about it later. That they’d try to find a way to make it work out. Because he did want to be with her.

  Best night of my fucking life.

  But everything Alex said was right. He had too much on his plate already, and he had to focus on Freefest and Ruby.

  “I have to get back on track.”

  Hurt pinched the skin around her eyes. “And you can’t do that with me in your bed.”

  “No, I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  “So, what was last night? I thought you don’t do hookups?”

  “Honestly, Delilah, I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. But—”

  She lifted a hand to shut him up. “Yeah. I know. We got carried away.” She gestured toward the kitchen. “Sounds like Lachlan’s got everything under control. I’m going to shower.”

  Watching her walk away felt wrong. He should reach for her, kiss her good morning, and tell her how amazing last night had been. And, yet, there was no getting around it. Now wasn’t the time to start something up with her.


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