Hazy View: Souls of the Vanished

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Hazy View: Souls of the Vanished Page 9

by Ink Blood

  “I don’t know. An investigation like this could be too tiresome or dangerous for a small child.”

  “So far it’s easy on her, but if needed she can spend time with her father. It’ll distract her from her friend and do her and her father the world of good.”

  “Would you allow a paranormal investigator to investigate the house?”

  “Yes, by all means.”

  Andrew fell silent again, his mind mapped out the tasks he needed to complete. ‘Good. I’ll track down Martin’s whereabouts, and then I need to go and see him and find out what he’s hiding.’

  Andrew swallowed hard, tears started to collect in the corner of his eyes. His hands and voice were trembling. He cleared his throat but it worsened and took more effort to hold back the tears. His stomach twisted and knotted. He seemed pale and weak.

  “Do you remember the last time you saw them, what they said, what they looked like?”

  Andrew searched his mind for the most soothing memory. “They were kind and gentle, never did harm to anyone, they were willing to help where they could…”

  Helen interrupted. “...Hold that memory no matter what. You can’t think of them in any other way. If you do, just for even a second, grief will take everything that’s good about them and turn it into something dark and sinister that will haunt you for the rest of your life.”

  Andrew stood up slowly. “Can I make a few calls?”

  Helen pointed to the phone on the wall.

  “Sure, you can use this one I need to check on Olivia.”

  “Andrew waited a moment before dialing the office. The phone rang a few times before Yvonne answered.

  Yvonne was standing at her desk. Deputy Davis was struggles with a drunken man, swept items fell off a desk and a chair knocked over. Cursing and screaming echoed through the phone.

  “Sheriff, we could use you help at the office. We’re struggling with a fender bender that turned into a brawl ending in a smashed shop window.” Yvonne said trying to catch her breath.

  “Yvonne, please... get one of the deputies deal with it. I need you to run a search of activities on Martin’s social security number and bank cards. You’ll find all you need in his personnel file. While you’re busy with that I’d like you to do the same with Janet’s. I need it as soon as possible. Phone the phone company. I need phone records for all calls received and made from all the lines in the office. Especially get the records for the phone in Martin’s office from the last two weeks. I need you to also find a forensics lab in the city. I’ll be at the office just now, still need to make a few stops.” Andrew instructed and ended the call before dialing a new number. “Are you still at the lake? Did you find anything yet? I’ll be there shortly...” He ended the call and turned to Helen.

  “I have a few stops to make. I’ll speak to the investigator in a moment. Maybe it’s best if you’re not in the house for a few days? Especially while the investigators busy. I mean it’ll be best for Olivia’s sake, just in case something goes wrong?”

  Helen wrote on a piece of paper. “We’ll stay here until the investigators done set up, and then we’ll go to the guesthouse. I’m giving you this number in case you need to get hold of me.”

  “I’ll call you soon.”

  Andrew greeted and left the house hastily. Just outside the property he stopped suddenly, his eyes filled with tears, his hands shook and his heart was too heavy to breathe. He released a screamed so deeply and sorrowful that he broke down and sobbed.



  Martin walked through the house like a person in search of something. Outside rain hammered the old farmhouse roof, wind ripped at the large trees surrounding the house and property. Inside an imaginary heat made sweat pop out on his skin and streamed down his face. His body trembled from the cold. He lit a cigarette and smoked it hastily before he stomped it out in one of the many empty plates scattered throughout the lounge. His eyes were bloodshot from tiredness and alcohol abuse. Stubble dotted his face, his clothes creased and untidy. It seemed like he wore it for more than two days. He looked tired and his feet drag as he walked.

  He bumped into the doorway as he stumbled into the kitchen. He collected a six-pack of beer cans from a shelf in the fridge which mainly held backup beers and leftovers. Martin was so drawn into himself he had stopped caring about how he lived. He’d been staying at the house only a day but it looked like he’d been there weeks.

  He grabbed a box of yesterday’s leftover pizza from the center counter. He pulled a fresh pack of cigarettes out of a drawer beside the sink that held with few dishes and a burned pot. Water dripped into dishes, filling some and overflowed into others. Flies swarmed around the dirty dishes.

  He stumbled into to the lounge where scattered clothing draped the furniture. The rest of the house remained dark, dusty and disused.

  Martin sat down on the couch, clicked the TV on with the remote and threw it on overflowing ashtrays on the coffee table. He grabbed a slice of stale pizza after he opened the beer. He took a bite of pizza and washed it down with a few sips. After finishing two slices he opened another beer. Lazily he slumped back into the couch and waited for the darkness to exit his soul and consume him. He felt ready to die, even if it meant he had to drink himself to death. To end it quickly wasn't an alternative. Suffering was a small way for him to redeem his soul. At least that was what he believed in the depth of his sick and twisted mind. He owed it to Janet and Christopher to suffer to the very end and suffer he would.



  In the cold murky water of the lake the divers continued their search. They searched from where Tom found boat to the north. Bubbles popped on the surface betraying their position, halfway from the boat to the rock face. They used hand signals to communicate as they advanced. They searched an early eighteen century sunken ship, reduced to nothing more than broken and raided history. They searched an old vehicle wreck, the accident long resolved.

  It wasn’t clear what they hoped to find in the dirty murky water, but it could be anything relating to the suspected ghosts. Once they found the bodies they would divide into two teams. One team would recover the bodies, the other continued north. Maybe they could end the curse on the lake and solve the mystery.

  The divers continued in a line. They searched with as little movement as possible, trying not to disturb the muddy bottom any more than they needed too. Finding the boys was priority, one which Mr. Craft insisted on.

  The divers pressed forward signing as they went. They checked cracks and crevices under the water. They moved forward in a line that drew closer to the infamous rock face.

  In the distance something bright shone in their underwater lights, coming through the gloom like a ghost ship out of the mysterious fog. It wasn’t clear what it was, it could be anything. Yet this thing was so alluring it called out to them.

  Four divers broke the formation to investigate.

  Out of gloom and murky water the colorful object became brighter and larger. Other forms became noticeable, a leg, an arm and on closer inspection the lifeless bodies of Ivan and William came into focus.

  Three divers continued towards the rock face. Slowly they disappeared into the darkness of the lake, in time their lights had also vanished only air bubbles popping on the surface gave away their location. They made slow progress as they got closer to the traitorous water and the lair of the beast.



  Andrew approached Mr. Craft as he emerged from the back of the panel van. An ambulance parked closest to the pier. A group of people had gathered. The sun was high, hot and bright. From the East small cotton-like clouds were rolling in.

  Mr. Craft walked over to Andrew. “Did you hear I believe the divers had found something?”

  Andrew walked to the pier, Mr. Craft followed.

  “I haven’t heard anything yet. It must’ve been recent, the divers hadn’t checked in with me.”

  Passing the ambulance
the paramedics followed with two gurneys. At the edge of the pier the divers had returned with the bodies and laid them side by side on the pier.

  Andrew walked swiftly and blocked the way. “Are you ready for this?”

  Mr. Craft paused “No, but it doesn’t matter, is anyone ever ready for something like this?”

  Andrew retreated slowly. “Well you go ahead, and once again, I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “So am I.” Mr. Craft said and continued to the edge of the pier alone.

  Andrew walked to his vehicle as Tom joined him.

  “Afternoon Tom, I see they found the brothers. Where did they find them, do you know?”

  “A distance from where I found the boat.” Tom said sadly.

  “Did they find anything else?” Andrew asked hopeful.

  “Not as far as I know but there’s still a team out there working towards the rock face. Although I think they might be returning. The boat had already left to pick them up.” Tom replied glaring at the lake before turning to Andrew “How do you like the signs? Once the divers leave the water I’ll put them up.”

  Andrew noticed Tom was upset. “Thanks, it looks great.”

  Andrew looked at Mr. Craft that had finally given into his grief at the sight of his lifeless sons. He turned and glanced over the lake while Andrew walked towards Mr. Craft slowly. Mr. Craft was still staring out over the water probably hiding his emotions. He gave more than his moment of silence for his sons taken so violently and suddenly that his heart felt too hurt and overwhelmed to face anyone.

  Andrew laid his hand on Mr. Crafts shoulder and spoke in a soft and gentle voice. “If you need time to deal with the loss of your sons and grief I can wait for you. A day or two would make very little difference in this case.”

  “Let me know when I can start with the arrangements. I’m sure that your coroner would like to see them first.” Mr. Craft replied with extreme difficulty.

  “Sure I will. Are you sure you’re okay still working, take a day or two to attend to your sons.”

  Mr. Craft’s eyes were red his voice trembled. “Thank you. I’ll do that as soon as the coroner’s done. Besides I’m fine. It’s better to stay busy and distracted. We still have a crime to solve and the quicker the better, before more innocent people fall prey to her rage.”

  Andrew hesitated a moment.

  “I have just found another hot spot for haunting. It’s definitely Janet and Christopher. I was hoping you could set up some cameras there maybe we find something.”

  Mr. Craft didn’t take in anything Andrew said. His attention remained with the ambulance driving away slowly. Even the crowd dispersed toward the parking lot, leaving Tom, Andrew and Mr. Craft standing on the pier deep in thought and silence.

  Tom stood close to offer sympathy and support should his old friend need it. He felt he didn’t belong and didn’t know how to deal with the situation. He didn’t want to get in anyone’s way. He remained where he stood, head dropped forward and he fiddled with his cap clenched in his fist. He was angry that something like this could’ve happened and had gone unnoticed for so long.

  “Do you think you could set up some equipment at the house and get something that we could possibly use?” Andrew repeated sympathetically.

  Mr. Craft turned to Tom. “Looks like I’m going to need your help, want to hunt some ghosts?”

  Mr. Craft and Tom walked to the van. Andrew turned to the lake, noticing the boat was returning with the rest of the divers. He lit a cigarette and waited from them to reach the pier. The leader walked up to him.

  “Did you find anything out there?”

  “We couldn’t get close enough.”

  “What, the water’s not dangerous it’s not the open ocean.”

  “No, I mean, the closer we got the dirtier the water became. Something kicked up mud from the bottom, preventing us from getting too close.”

  Andrew stood for a moment in thought. After a brief silence he continued. “It couldn’t have been that muddy, could it?”

  “Well we tried and after a while we started to feel our way through. Close to the rock face we believe we had run into boulders that blocked our way. It was so dark that we couldn’t use our flashlights, because they didn’t even penetrate the mud.” The leader reported.

  “How far did you get?”

  “I’m not sure but I called it off after we couldn’t see our hands in front of our faces. I didn’t want to risk injury to any of my men. I’m sure you can understand that.”

  “What do you think kicked up the mud?”

  “I don’t know, but whatever it was, it was fast and large.”

  “Thank you for trying.” Andrew said disappointed.

  Andrew walked to the panel van and knocked on the back door.

  “Sheriff, want to come in?” Mr. Craft invited.

  “That’s fine. I’m heading to the office, something’s going on there, and I’ll meet you at the house in about an hour. Tom knows where it is.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to do this.”

  “Thank you for offering. The case would take too long if I didn’t have your help. We need results as soon as possible, and you happened to have the right equipment. Thank you.”



  Before he headed to the office Andrew stopped off at home. He collected a cylinder of scrapings, photos printed from his cell phone and a shoe still sealed inside a bag he found in the forest. He concealed the items in a small bag and walked out.

  Andrew entered the office and stopped for a moment. Deputy Davis was still struggling to get a drunken man under control.

  “Thank God, finally.” Davis remarked out of breath.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Andrew asked agitated.

  “You’re finally here. I don’t know what to do with him anymore. He’s been throwing up everywhere and had been giving me ten sorts of hell.”

  “Put him in the holding cells, let him sleep it off and then deal with him when he’s a little more cooperative.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “You’re not the sheriff. You’re nothing more than a cheat.” The drunken man screamed spitting and cursing.

  “What are you talking about? I’m the sheriff and you need time-out.” Andrew scolded.

  The drunken man stomped towards Andrew.

  “It’s your fault Martin’s wife left him and now you took his job and threw him out.” The man continued and grabbed a bottle of alcohol on the desk.

  Davis pulled him back and restrained him with force.

  “I do believe you had more than enough to drink.” Andrew grabbed the bottle first and emptied it in the bin.

  “You’re messing with Martin’s wife and when he kicks her and your whelp out, you took his job. Shame on you, you shouldn’t be sheriff.”

  “Get this man out of here, there’s no way of talking to him like this. When he wakes up make a note of this accusations. I’d like to know what he’s on about.”

  Davis pushed and pulled the man past desks and chairs. They stumbled down the hall towards the holding cells. The man fought and cursed as he tried in vain to escape Davis’s grip.

  Andrew walked into his office and came out ten minutes later. He stood at Yvonne’s desk.

  “Did you find the information I asked for?”

  Yvonne handed him a paper. “Yes. I found a lab, here’s the number and as far as the other information, Martin had activities on his credit card as well as Janet.”

  Andrew examined the information. “It doesn’t look like he’s trying to hide at all. He’s probably not expecting me to be looking for him. The last activity was last night. The question’s how was Janet’s credit card used when Martin was here?”

  “Wasn’t he on leave just after Janet left? I believe it’s around the same time the mayor gave him time to deal with the break up.” Yvonne said handing over another paper. “From his service record, I took the liberty of checking.”

  “I can see wh
y Martin thought you are an asset to the office, if only everyone thought on their feet like you?”

  “Thanks. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “But it still makes no sense, even if he was on leave, he was here.”

  “How sure are you?” Yvonne asked.

  “What do you mean?” Andrew asked confused.

  “It’s the oldest trick in the book. Have you never slipped on school? Make people believe you’re one place when you’re really somewhere else. Maybe he slipped away on a little road trip.”

  “He was at home, I went to see him.” Andrew insisted.

  “Did you speak to him face to face?”

  “Come to think about it, no. A woman was in the house saying she was helping him out with cleaning and sorts. I believe he was sleeping. I didn’t physically see him.” Andrew replied thoughtful and sat in a nearby chair. “I didn’t see him for a few days actually.”

  “There you go.”

  “Someone’s lying. Either the woman’s covering for Martin or he’s covering his tracks even from day one. What about the phone records I asked for?”

  Yvonne handed over the records. “Do you know who the woman was?”

  Andrew sat for a moment in silence scanning the records.

  “I think so, but I’ll get her later. This is interesting. There were no incoming or outgoing calls from outside town. This only means one thing. The person who called Martin on the day he left called from town, by the looks of it from a phone booth. I bet you anything it’s near the trailer park.” Andrew stood up and walked toward the office then stopped.

  “Wait a minute before I forget.”

  Andrew turned to Yvonne. “What’s it?”

  “The hospital phoned about two hours ago. Dillon Adams had developed complications because of the infection he’d picked up.”

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  “No sorry, he died because of it.”

  Andrew fell silent, and then mumbled. “That’s four deaths now, how many more people need to die? Did the sketch artist get to see him?”


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