English Horse

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English Horse Page 9

by Bonnie Bryant

Lisa looked up and saw her mother hurrying down the stairs. “The diAngelos’ chauffeur just dropped off an envelope for Tessa,” she said. “I guess it must be something about her judging or something.”

  “Oh, my,” Mrs. Atwood said. “Well, you’d better give it to her so she can open it right away. It’s probably important.”

  Lisa hurried into the dining room with her mother on her heels. She handed Tessa the envelope, explaining where it had come from.

  “Weird,” Stevie said. “Are you sure it’s from Mrs. diAngelo and not Veronica? Because it might be a letter bomb or something.”

  Mrs. Atwood shot Stevie a disapproving glance, then smiled at Tessa. “Open it, dear,” she urged.

  Tessa slit the envelope open with the pencil she had been using. She pulled out a piece of thick paper the same color as the envelope and scanned it. “Oh,” she said flatly. “There’s a meeting of all the judges at the diAngelos’ house. Tomorrow afternoon.”

  Stevie glanced over her shoulder and gasped. “But it starts at almost the exact same time we’re supposed to meet Phil!” she protested.

  Tessa nodded. “I’ll have to call Mrs. diAngelo and tell her I can’t make it.”

  Mrs. Atwood looked shocked. “Oh, you mustn’t do that!” she exclaimed. “I’m sure the meeting won’t take long. And your friends will understand if you’re a little late for your pizza party.” She frowned slightly. “I don’t remember hearing about a judges’ meeting,” she muttered. “I must have forgotten to put it on my schedule.”

  Tessa was looking at the note again. “There’s a dress code,” she said. “There’s a line at the end saying I should wear whatever I’m planning to wear to the judges’ reception afterward, so they can make sure it’s appropriate for this sort of social event.” She grimaced. “Whatever that means.”

  “Oh dear,” Mrs. Atwood said, her hands fluttering worriedly. “I do hope you’ve brought something that will do, Tessa. If not, I’m sure we could squeeze in a quick trip to the mall, and—”

  “No, no,” Tessa broke in hurriedly. “Mum packed my suitcase, and she always throws in everything but the kitchen sink. I’m sure there’s a nice dress or two in there.”

  “Does that mean you’re going?” Stevie was dismayed. “But Phil—”

  “Of course she’s going,” Mrs. Atwood said firmly. “I’m sure she’ll be finished in plenty of time for pizza. I’ll pick her up and drive her there myself if you like.”

  “It’s all right, Stevie,” Tessa said. “Phil won’t mind if I’m a bit late, will he?”

  “I guess not,” Stevie said. But she didn’t sound very happy about it.

  “Good.” Mrs. Atwood seemed relieved. “Would you like me to call Mrs. diAngelo for you and confirm?”

  “That’s all right,” Tessa said politely. “I can do it. The number’s right here on the note.” She headed for the kitchen.

  Lisa followed her. “What a bummer,” she said as Tessa picked up the receiver. “Leave it to a diAngelo to mess up our plans.”

  “At least the meeting’s not on Friday. That would mess things up even more,” Tessa said. The Saddle Club had been planning all week to take Tessa into nearby Washington, D. C., on Friday to show her the sights. “Stay here while I call,” she added. “If Mrs. diAngelo’s anything like her daughter, I may need moral support.”

  Lisa grinned and leaned on the counter beside Tessa. She was close enough to hear when Veronica answered on the other end of the line. “Yes?”

  Tessa cleared her throat. “Er, Veronica?” she said in her most polite voice. “This is Tessa. I was wondering—is your mum in?”

  Lisa leaned closer so that she wouldn’t miss anything.

  “My what?” Veronica replied. “Oh. You must mean my mom.” She stressed the vowel. “What do you want to talk to her for?” She switched to an exaggerated baby voice. “Are you going to tell her I was mean to you?”

  Lisa gritted her teeth. Somehow Tessa maintained her polite, cheerful tone. “Actually, she asked me to come to a meeting of the judges for the point-to-point,” she explained. “I was just calling to confirm.”

  “Oh.” That seemed to shut Veronica up for a second. “Hold on. I’ll see if she’s here.”

  Tessa put one hand over the receiver as there was a loud clatter of the phone being dropped on the other end. “What a charming girl,” she muttered sarcastically, crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue.

  Lisa giggled. That was one of the things she loved about Tessa—she could act like a perfect young lady one second and a total goof the next.

  After a couple of minutes Veronica returned to the phone. “Are you still there?” she demanded sullenly.

  “I’m here,” Tessa replied.

  “Mom’s in a bubble bath,” Veronica said. “She can’t come to the phone. But she said you can consider yourself confirmed.”

  “All right, thanks,” Tessa said. “Um, did she happen to mention how long the meeting will take? I’m supposed to be somewhere afterward.”

  Veronica sighed noisily. “I suppose you want me to go find out,” she snapped. “I’m not your servant.” Before Tessa could respond, there was another clatter as Veronica dropped the phone.

  Carole stuck her head into the kitchen. “What’s going on?” she asked. “You left me alone in there with Stevie, and she’s muttering all sorts of things about how sorry Veronica is going to be as soon as our probation is over. It’s making me kind of nervous.”

  Lisa giggled. “Well, speaking of Veronica—”

  “Hush,” Tessa hissed. “I hear footsteps returning.”

  This time Lisa and Carole both huddled around the phone.

  “She said it won’t take long,” Veronica said abruptly at her end. “Probably about half an hour.” She paused, then snorted. “She even said our chauffeur can drive you wherever you need to go afterward. In fact, she suggested you ride home with me from Pine Hollow after lessons.” She spoke slowly on this last part, as if the very words pained her. Carole had to clap one hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.

  “Brilliant!” Tessa exclaimed. “That’s so nice of her.”

  “Yeah,” Veronica snapped back. She let out a short laugh. “I, for one, can’t wait to see what kind of outfit you’re planning to wear to this thing. I just hope you haven’t been taking wardrobe tips from your Slobbo Club friends. Or with my luck, Mom will make me lend you some clothes.” There was a sudden click and then a dial tone.

  “Wow.” Carole laughed. “It sounds like somebody’s not very happy that you’re coming to visit.”

  Tessa rolled her eyes. “The only one less happy about it is me.” She frowned. “And how dare she make fun of my wardrobe? Wearing expensive clothing doesn’t make one stylish, you know.” Her eyes flashed angrily. “I have half a mind to go all posh and make her eat her words.”

  Her friends smiled sympathetically and headed back into the dining room.

  Stevie looked up. “Oh,” she said blankly. “Where did you all go?”

  Tessa quickly filled her in, doing a pretty good imitation of Veronica’s snotty responses. “So it’s all set,” she finished. “Their driver will even drop me at the pizza place, so I won’t miss much.” She smiled wryly. “Now all I have to do is pick out which cutoff jeans and tank top I’m going to wear.”

  Lisa laughed. “What happened to putting her in her place by showing her how a real English lady dresses?” she teased.

  Stevie sat bolt upright. “That’s a great idea!” she exclaimed. “Make her eat her obnoxious words for once. It would totally kill her if you went to her house dressed better than she was.”

  “Hmmm,” Tessa said, looking thoughtful. A mischievous smile started to play around the corners of her mouth. “Now that you mention it, I suppose that could be fun …”

  “DON’T WRINKLE IT,” Lisa warned, reaching out to help Tessa hang an overstuffed garment bag from a hook in the student locker room.

  “Don’t worry,” Stevie put in wi
th a grin. “A few wrinkles aren’t going to make any difference. In that outfit, Tessa is going to look so fantastic for that stupid meeting that the diAngelos will be blinded by her!”

  “Are you sure we didn’t go a bit too far?” Tessa asked worriedly, glancing at the bag. “It’s a bit dressy.”

  Stevie waved one hand airily. “It’s perfect,” she insisted. “Veronica and her mother don’t know the meaning of the word overdressed. They’ll think it’s a compliment.”

  Carole smiled reassuringly at Tessa. “Don’t worry,” she said. “The only people who will see you in it are Veronica and a few of her fellow snobs.” She held up the department store shopping bag she was carrying. “You can change back into your normal clothes before you come to meet us for pizza.”

  Other students started to trickle in to get ready for the lesson, so the girls changed the subject. Most of the other students at Pine Hollow seemed to have forgotten all about Veronica’s rumors, but a few still gave Tessa odd looks once in a while. The girls didn’t want to give anyone any further cause for suspicion. They chatted about the point-to-point and other things as they pulled on their riding boots. Then they headed for the tack room.

  Mr. French, the rider who worked for the State Department, was standing in the hallway. “Oh, hello,” he said cheerfully when he saw them. “Is this your British friend I’ve been hearing so much about?”

  “Hi, Mr. French,” Lisa said. “Yes, this is Tessa.” She quickly made the appropriate introductions.

  Mr. French shook Tessa’s hand. “Well, you don’t look like a spy, young lady.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Tessa said with a smile.

  Mr. French chuckled. “I must admit, I don’t quite get the joke myself,” he said jovially. “But someone’s been leaving little notes in my horse’s stall warning me that you’re a British spy trying to find out American military secrets.” He chuckled again and shook his head. “You kids are always joking around. It certainly keeps things lively around here.”

  Stevie managed to wait until Mr. French had bid them good-bye and wandered off before she exploded. “She’s at it again!” she cried. “Doesn’t she ever give up?”

  “Why should she?” Lisa answered grimly. “She knows we can’t stop her.”

  “Forget it, Stevie,” Tessa said. “If that ridiculous spy story is the best she can do, I think I’m safe. Anyway, we’ve got a plan now, remember?”

  Stevie nodded. “Right,” she said, clenching her fists. “And now I really can’t wait to see Veronica’s face when you get into her car looking like a million bucks.”

  Tessa grinned. “Make that a million pounds,” she corrected in an exaggerated upper-crust accent.

  AFTER THEIR LESSON was over and their horses were put away, the girls hustled Tessa into the bathroom for her makeover. Carole even remembered to bring a large, clean horse sheet to put over Tessa’s outfit when she was ready.

  “We can smuggle you out so nobody sees you,” she explained.

  Tessa nodded. “Good,” she said. “The last thing I need is for everyone here to see me looking like some kind of posh society princess. Then they’ll really hate me.”

  “No one hates you,” Lisa assured her as she pulled a comb out of the bag. “Well, no one except Veronica. And that’s practically a compliment, if you think about it.”

  It didn’t take long for Tessa to get dressed and fix her hair. Soon she stepped back and twirled around in front of the bathroom mirror, looking satisfied. “Well?” she asked. “What do you think?”

  Stevie did her best wolf whistle. “Awesome,” she said happily. “You’ll knock Veronica’s one-hundred-percent cashmere socks off.”

  Tessa did look wonderful. She was dressed in a shimmering silk dress and tastefully sparkling jewelry. Her hair was swept up on top of her head and fastened with a fancy comb. Her patent leather high-heeled shoes were polished and spotless. Overall, she was the very picture of a proper, wealthy young lady dressed to impress.

  “Wonderful,” Carole said. “You look totally snooty.”

  Tessa stuck out her tongue. It only ruined the effect a little bit. “Thanks a lot,” she said. “Come on, I’d better hurry. I don’t want the limo to leave without me!”

  Lisa helped Tessa wrap herself in the sheet. Stevie and Carole went out first to make sure the coast was clear. Before long all four girls were outside checking for the diAngelos’ car.

  “There it is,” Lisa said, spotting the Mercedes and chauffeur pulling up. She pulled the sheet back and winked at Tessa. “Have fun.”

  Tessa gave a rather unladylike snort. “Right,” she said sarcastically. She took a deep breath. “Oh, well, stiff upper lip and all that British sort of rot. I’ll see you at the pizza place as soon as I can.”

  Stevie shoved the bag containing Tessa’s normal clothes into her hand. “Don’t forget this,” she said. “We’ll try to keep Phil from eating all the pizza before you get there.”

  Tessa took the bag and tossed her friends a mock salute. The others stood and watched as she headed toward the Mercedes at a stately walk befitting her appearance. She was almost there when Veronica emerged from the stable and spotted her.

  “Here we go,” Stevie breathed eagerly.

  Veronica stared at Tessa for a moment with a surprised look on her face. Then she glanced down at her own expensive but plain black breeches and white shirt. She scowled and hurried toward the car. Tessa smiled at her, but Veronica didn’t even meet her glance. She just climbed into the backseat and slammed the door.

  “That was sweet,” Stevie said with satisfaction as the car pulled away a moment later.

  “Sweet enough to make up for cleaning Tessa’s tack?” Carole teased. The three friends had offered to finish Tessa’s stable chores. They had plenty of time before they had to leave to meet Phil.

  They headed to the tack room and got to work. After a few minutes, someone wandered in and greeted them politely.

  It was Miles Pennington. “Oh, hello,” Lisa said, surprised. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the diAngelos’?”

  The older boy looked confused. “What do you mean?”

  “There’s a judges’ meeting for the point-to-point today,” Carole explained. “Tessa just left.”

  Miles shrugged. “I didn’t hear anything about a meeting,” he said. “Maybe Mrs. diAngelo forgot to call me.”

  “She didn’t call Tessa,” Stevie said. “She sent her a written invitation.” She frowned. “Hey, now that I think about it, that’s a little weird, even for Mrs. diAngelo.”

  “Maybe she did it because of Tessa’s title,” Carole guessed. “That makes people like her go a little crazy sometimes. Just look at Veronica.”

  “Maybe,” Stevie said. She was starting to get a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach, though she wasn’t quite sure why. “Or maybe something even stranger is going on here.”

  “COME ON, STEVIE,” Lisa protested a little while later as the three girls hopped off the bus in front of Papa’s Pizza Palace. “Mrs. diAngelo may be strange, but she’d never agree to help Veronica kidnap Tessa. That’s a ridiculous theory even for you.”

  Stevie didn’t answer. “I hope Phil and A.J. are here,” she said instead, hurrying up the walk to the front door of the pizza place. “They have pretty devious minds. Maybe they can help us figure out what Veronica is up to.”

  Once they got inside, the girls spotted Phil and his best friend, A.J., right away. They were saving a large table in the center of the room.

  “Hi, A.J.” Carole sat down across from the two boys. “Hi, Phil. How was your vacation?”

  “Never mind that,” Stevie snapped. “Listen, guys. We’ve got a problem.”

  “I missed you too, Stevie,” Phil joked. “Hey, where’s your friend Tessa? I thought that was the main reason we were all getting together.”

  Lisa was scoping out the restaurant. Papa’s had opened just a month earlier, and she had never been there before. The larg
e, cheerful main room was decorated with huge photos of delicious-looking pizza. But that wasn’t what Lisa was looking at, even though she was hungry after all the riding she had done that day.

  “Hey, check it out,” she told her friends, twisting around to look at the tables behind her. “It looks like we weren’t the only ones at Pine Hollow who decided to come here today.”

  Carole turned to look. “You’re right,” she said in surprise. Betsy Cavanaugh and Meg Durham were crowded into a booth with Adam Levine and Joe Novick, right underneath a huge picture of a pepperoni-and-mushroom pizza. Helen Sanderson was sitting with her brother, Tom, and several friends near the door. Polly, Britt, Anna, and Lorraine were giggling over a large cheese pie. Even some of the younger riders were there—Liam’s teenage sister was sitting with Liam and a group of his friends from the beginners’ riding class.

  “Did Max hand out coupons and we missed it?” Lisa joked.

  Stevie looked annoyed. “Who cares about that?” she said. “Aren’t you the least bit worried about what Tessa may be going through right now at Veronica’s house of horrors?”

  “Shhh,” Carole warned. “Keep it down. We don’t want the whole stable to know what’s going on.”

  Lisa nodded. “Good point,” she agreed. “Otherwise it might get back to Max that we’re plotting against Veronica, and then …” She made a cutting motion across her throat with one finger.

  Phil and A.J. were looking from one girl to another, their faces increasingly confused. “What exactly is going on here?” Phil asked plaintively. “Why is Tessa at Veronica’s house?”

  “Why are you worried that Max will get wind of what you’re doing?” A.J. added.

  “Why is Stevie drumming her fingers on the table like she does when she’s worried about something?” Phil went on.

  Carole and Lisa laughed. Stevie just rolled her eyes, but she stopped drumming her fingers and leaned closer to the boys.

  “Okay,” she said crisply. “Here’s the story. Now listen up, and don’t interrupt. We may not have much time.” She quickly filled them in on everything that had happened in the past week, from their misguided attack against the Penningtons to Tessa’s departure for the diAngelos’ house.


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