Wolf's Run: A BBW Shifter Romance

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Wolf's Run: A BBW Shifter Romance Page 9

by Cameron, D H

  “Maybe, I’ll protect you from harm,” I said and he lifted his head. He wore a funny smile.

  “You’re pretty bad ass...for a fur ball,” he joked. I slapped his rock hard ass and we laughed together. Yeager attempted to pull from me, his knot gone now, but I held him there with my legs still wrapped around him.

  “When are you going to learn not to take that from me until I’m ready,” I admonished him playfully.

  “I knew you were a special bitch,” he told me and I giggled at the canine reference.

  “I’ll gladly be your fluffy bitch,” I replied and then we kissed again, reveling in our passion. We lay there in the meadow for some time enjoying the peace and solitude. It was possible we were the only shifter couple in the entire world and it was pretty special. We slept there that night out in the open but as wolves, snuggled close for warmth and security.

  Come morning, we regained our human forms, found our clothes still waiting folded where we’d left them and dressed. We rode back to Gold Canyon the next morning and the little mountain town was returning to normal. By that afternoon, only a few bikers remained. Gold Canyon had survived but things had changed for me. I had found my destiny and I knew I had to let go of the past. The diner, my mom’s dream, would pass away like she had but I knew it had to be that way. I had my own life to live and like Edie had said, that’s what my mom really would have wanted.

  Sheriff Jones visited me that afternoon and though I wasn’t sure he bought my story about running off with Yeager and then getting bit by a dog, he didn’t challenge me. I claimed Edie’s missing person report was just a mix up. I hated to lie about my involvement in Jimmy’s death but what was I going to say? I just told him I didn’t know anything about it. My story kept Yeager out of the picture too. I think Sheriff Jones had some suspicions but he accepted my story and wished me well. I think he was as eager to let the past fade away as I was.

  Yeager stayed behind after Wolf’s Run cleared out of town. I had a lot of thinking to do and he gave me the time and space to do it. We went for our share of runs in the woods and had our share of torrid trysts under the stars, however. Within a week, I’d pretty much accepted the inevitability of my fate. It wasn’t hard once I was able to clear my mind and think straight. Nothing else made sense.


  I was amazed that that the desert floor felt as luxurious under my paws as the forest’s. I trotted towards the old motorhome with the motorcycle parked out front and the biker with the amber eyes sitting in a lawn chair naked. “I was afraid I’d have to come looking for you,” he said. The sky to the east was already getting light. I’d been running all night with my mate but as I approached the motorhome, I shifted and became my human form once again.

  I walked toward Yeager and took a seat in the lawn chair next to his. The quirky residents of Slab City barely paid attention to the strange couple that sat naked most mornings outside their home on wheels. We were just like most of them, a bit odd and living life on our own terms. Yeager poured me a cup of coffee from a green thermos bottle and handed it to me after adding two lumps of sugar and a splash of hazelnut creamer.

  “Thanks. I was chasing those damned ground squirrels,” I told him. Yeager laughed.

  “You know you can’t catch them. They’re not as dumb as rabbits. Then again, you couldn’t catch a rabbit either, fur ball,” he remarked and sipped his coffee with a self-satisfied grin. Fur ball had become his pet name for me and I liked it. I found it funny that as a human I was a big girl, soft you might say, and as a wolf I was fluffy as well.

  “I’m going to catch a squirrel one of these nights and leave it on your pillow,” I assured him playfully. He only laughed. I’d closed the diner and sold it off. I felt a bit guilty for doing it but I know my mom wouldn’t have wanted me to live my life trying to keep her dreams alive. She would have wanted me to follow my own path. I’m not sure what she would have thought about all of this, but I think she would have approved once she got used to it.

  I moved to Slab City near the Salton Sea south of Palm Springs with Yeager. There was plenty of room for two mated shifters to roam and stay hidden. Yeager worked as a kind of handyman though mostly in the evening hours and I worked the swing shift at a diner nearby. It worked out well. We had our nights free to roam the desert and we slept during the heat of the day. Neither of us knew how long we’d stay but for now, it was perfect.

  Murphy and Rex found us before they left Gold Canyon for home. They were as amazed and befuddled that a female shifter existed as Yeager but they promised to keep it to themselves, at least until we could figure out what it meant. None of us were sure but we all agreed it was probably best kept under wraps. For now, we let the implications, if any, lie and Yeager and I just enjoyed my ability to become a wolf and didn’t worry about the future.

  “Geez! Can’t you guys ever put on some clothes?” Edie asked as she jogged up to the motorhome. She’d moved here with us and lived in an old camper she bought that rode on the back of her pickup.

  “Take us as we are, Edie,” Yeager told her. Edie giggled.

  “At least you guys aren’t doing it like last week,” she told us referring to the morning she caught Yeager and me getting amorous in front of our motorhome while out for her morning run.

  “Oh, don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy the show, Edie,” I teased. She screwed up her face in mock disgust but then grinned despite herself. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, you sicko,” I said.

  “Whatever. Call me what you will, but I don’t grow a tail when I have sex,” she said. Yeager and I both laughed.

  “Coming over this weekend?” Yeager asked Edie.

  “Wouldn’t miss it. I’ll bring the tequila,” Edie remarked.

  “And we’ll drink it,” I assured her. Edie laughed as she arched her back, her hands on her hips and stretched.

  “Better get going before I cool down. Later,” Edie replied and ran off down the dirt road. We bid her goodbye and watched her go.

  “You know, Yeager, most people would look at us and think we must be miserable. I’d have thought that a few months ago if I’d seen us living here like this. But I’m happy here with you. This is like heaven,” I said as I looked towards the purple and pink hues coloring the eastern sky.

  “A little freedom and someone to love is all you need,” he replied. I couldn’t agree more. That’s all that really mattered. I took another sip of coffee and then threw the rest on the ground, stood up and walked to the door of the motorhome.

  “Coming?” I asked seductively, flashing Yeager my fangs and wagging the fluffy tail I’d grown that Yeager found such a turn on.

  “Damn right, my sexy little fur ball,” he said as he hopped up leaving the thermos outside. He followed me inside and closed the door behind us as he did.


  Thank you for reading Wolf’s Run. Don’t forget to visit me at: cameronromance.com

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  If you enjoy more traditional or historical romances, my novel Havana Curves is a satisfying and exciting story set in 1950s Cuba during the revolution. It features heart-warming romance and exciting action set against one of the most significant events of the late 20th century. Please enjoy this excerpt:

  We had just enough time to maybe share an intimate moment, get our belongings and drive to meet the charter boat to America. However, we never made it to Marco’s home. As we approached the row houses in Marco’s Cadillac, we saw men waiting outside. There was no doubt why they were there. Marco took a side street before they could identify us and we drove away towards the docks. “We will buy clothes in Florida,” he said and squeezed my knee to reassure me.

��What if we’d been home?” I asked but Marco only looked at me. His eyes told me what I suspected already. We’d have been arrested. Marco took us out of Havana, choosing side streets instead of the wide boulevards to avoid being seen. We drove in silence. Every car we passed I was sure would turn and chase us down. I had never wanted to be somewhere else as much as I did right then. When Tony threatened me, it was only I that would suffer. Now Marco would suffer too if we were caught. I couldn’t bear the thought.

  Finally, we arrived at the docks after what seemed like hours. The docks served fishermen mostly and the boat Marco had charted seemed far too big next to the small dock. It wasn’t a large boat but it dwarfed the fishing skiffs that would normally use the wooden docks. Many of the other refugees were already there and waiting including Enrico.

  “Ah, Marco. I was worried,” Enrico greeted us.

  “With good reason, my friend. Castro’s thugs were waiting for us at my home. If we wouldn’t have left to get dinner, we wouldn’t have been able to join you,” Marco explained. Enrico didn’t look surprised.

  “I have heard rumors. I am sure I am on their lists too,” Enrico told us.

  “We must leave right away,” Marco said.

  “Some of the others haven’t arrived,” Enrico told us. Marco looked at his watch. It was nearing midnight.

  “We will wait for a little longer. Take Nancy to the boat and I will wait for the stragglers and keep watch,” Marco told Enrico. I looked at Marco, taking his hand and squeezing. “We will leave as soon as they arrive,” he assured me. Enrico led me to the boat and I took a seat near the stern. It was a charter fishing boat and lacked any real comforts but it was only ninety miles or so to Florida.

  “I will go to wait with Marco,” Enrico told me. I was nervous but not for myself. I was worried about Marco and until he was on the boat and we had departed I couldn’t relax. Only a little while more.

  “Thank you,” I said but as soon as I had, Marco began shouting.

  “Salir, salir!” he yelled. Enrico went to the side and then turned to the passengers and told them to get down in Spanish. I rose and pushed my way to the rail on the opposite side from the dock. Two cars skid to a stop as Marco ran towards the boat but before he could get to the dock, men emerged from the cars and shouted for him to stop. Marco didn’t halt immediately but when the men fired their guns into the air, Marco stopped just short of the dock.

  “Marco!” I yelled as the boat’s engines roared to life. Enrico hesitated to order the boat to leave but Marco told him to go.

  “Tell Nancy that I love her,” Marco shouted. I tried to climb from the boat as it drifted away from the dock but Enrico grabbed me and held me.

  “No! Marco! Marco!” I shouted as the boat turned. The men seized Marco and more pointed rifles at the boat and yelled for the captain to stop. The captain shook his head and once he had the room, he turned the boat and threw the throttle all the way forward. The boat lurched forward and began to gain speed. The men fired on us and Enrico shouted for the passengers to get down once again as he pulled me to the deck. I struggled but he was too strong. “Marco!” I yelled.

  Soon the boat was out of range of the gunfire but when Enrico let me go I forgot about Marco for a moment. The woman I’d been siting next too was dead from bullet to the chest and lay lifeless next to me. I looked at her in horror and then back at the shore as I got to my feet. Marco was gone, only his Cadillac remained behind. I fell to my knees and began to sob. Enrico consoled me as he lifted me to my feet again.

  “We will get him back,” he assured me.

  “They will kill him. We need to go back,” I wailed.

  “We cannot,” Enrico told me. I knew he was right but right then I didn’t care. He took me into the cabin where I collapsed crying. Enrico sat next to me and held me as I sobbed. Marco was gone and there was nothing I could do to get him back. I was sure he would be tried and executed like so many others and I was helpless to save him. My world was as dark as the night that swallowed the fishing charter as it sailed for Florida. The engines droned on as I wept.


  About the Author

  D. H. Cameron enjoys writing stories with a heart and a little, or a lot, of erotic sizzle. Ms. Cameron also writes fantasy under another pen name. Besides writing, Ms. Cameron enjoys music, specifically hard rock and heavy metal, cooking, clothes and photography. Ms. Cameron is happily married with two wonderful children. Home, where Ms. Cameron writes full time, is in Nevada.

  Copyright © 2014 D. H. Cameron. All rights reserved worldwide.

  This is a work of fiction intended for mature adults. Names, characters, places and events are purely the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to actual places, events and/or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.




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