Capturing Carolina

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Capturing Carolina Page 11

by Jane Jamison

She waited, again with no answer. “All right. If that’s how you want to do this, then fine. I’m going back to the main house and getting those apples for Queen.”

  She gasped as someone grabbed her from behind, slapped a piece of duct tape over her mouth, then threw a hood over her head, plunging her world into darkness.

  Chapter Seven

  Carolina was on her back before her instinct to struggle kicked in. Someone sat on top of her, pinned her arms down, and thrust them over her head. She cried out, but the sound was muffled by the tape over her mouth. A cloth covered her eyes. It only took one hand to hold her wrists together long enough for him to wrap another piece of tape around them.

  His hand found her breasts, digging his fingers into them. Even with her bra and shirt in the way, he still managed to dig in hard. She tried to scream again, but it was still no use. She fought him, but he was too strong, holding her legs down as he straddled her.

  Panic overwhelmed her, threatening to rid her of any thought. All she could do was fight as hard as she could. She kicked, but her strikes were as useless as her hands tied above her head.

  To her horror, he bent over her and licked her neck, dragging his tongue along her skin upward to stick it in her ear. She cried out again, this time in fear and in rage. Yet she knew real terror when he clutched her by the neck and started squeezing the breath from her.

  Oh, God, please someone help me.

  She sucked in as much air as she could, but his hand around her neck as well as the tape covering her mouth left precious chance to breathe. Kicking out again, she did everything she could to get away. She hit him as hard as she could, anywhere he could, but his hold never lessened.

  An evil chuckle assaulted her ears as dizziness hit her. She found she couldn’t fight any longer, couldn’t find enough strength to strike out again. He had her down on the ground, helpless to resist.

  Even the jerking on her jeans couldn’t get her to summon more energy. He was unzipping them, and although her mind screamed at her to keep fighting, her limbs wouldn’t obey. His hand groped her, cupping her mons then shoving her panties aside to sink a finger into her pussy.

  “Carolina? Where are you?”

  Her captor stilled at the sound of Charlie’s voice.

  “Hey, Carolina, are you out here?”

  At Jesse’s call, her attacker released her, letting her head drop to the ground. Her head whirled and her stomach threatened to revolt. When he released her, she was too spent to rejoice. Instead, she closed her eyes, giving into the darkness at last.

  * * * *

  “Who the fuck did this to her?”

  Charlie. Aw, I love Charlie.

  “I’m going to claw his guts out.”

  “Jesse, calm down.”

  I love you, too, Jesse.

  “She’s safe now.”

  Why would Charlie say that? I’ll always be safe with you and Jesse.

  The ache around her neck, the memory of her throat hurting, of pain searing through her head hit her, jolting her into the world beyond the darkness. She sucked in a breath, opened her eyes, and bolted into a sitting position.

  Jesse and Charlie were by her side in an instant. Lisa-May stood at the end of the bed, worry making her look older while Ms. Millicent turned from the window to set her keen gaze on her.

  “Hey, sugar.”

  “Carolina, take it easy. You’re safe now.”

  Breath was still hard to find. Not because of the pain in her neck, but because of the fear tightening her chest.

  “He was going to…” She shook her head, denying the possibility of what might have happened. Or had he taken her and she didn’t remember? “Did he…?”

  “He didn’t, babe. He didn’t.” Charlie cocooned her against him, his strong arm a protection against all the evil in the world.

  “I’m so sorry, Carolina.” Lisa-May’s voice trembled. “After I chased the deer your way, I thought I heard more of them and went to investigate. I shouldn’t have left you alone, but I never thought anything bad would happen. Not here.”

  Her nerves took their time to calm down, but they slowly came along. Besides, she couldn’t let the sweet girl go on blaming herself. How could she have known? “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

  Her voice sounded harsh, bruised. But she could’ve felt worse, so much worse.

  “I’m glad you’re all right, Carolina.” Ms. Millicent’s tone was controlled, as though she were discussing the weather. “Please believe me when I tell you that this kind of thing never happens at Two Forks. I hope it’s all right, but we had the doctor examine you. He says you’re a bit bruised, but you’ll be fine. Still, that’s only taking your body into account. You’ve been through a terrible ordeal, so, of course, you’re going to need some time to get over it.”

  “I’ll be okay. I don’t remember much anyway.” It was a lie she was sure they could see right through. Better to lie than to tell them how fragile she felt.

  “Trust me, Carolina. We’ll find whoever it was that did this to you. Do you know anyone who would want to hurt you?”

  She couldn’t stop the shudder that racked her body. Clinging to Charlie with one hand, she reached for Jesse with the other. “No. No one.” Another shudder hit her. “I was so scared.”

  “It’s okay, babe. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Jesse leaned closer, seeking her eyes. “Listen to my brother, sugar. We’ll die before we let you get hurt.”

  If anything good could’ve come from the attack, it was the knowledge that Charlie and Jesse cared for her. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes.

  “Get some rest, babe. We’ll leave a man standing outside your door. And Lisa-May will be here if you need anything.”

  She couldn’t say anything, finding it difficult to even nod.

  * * * *

  Charlie studied the ground where they’d found Carolina, and once again, came up with the same answer. “It had to be a werewolf.”

  Jesse was on the verge of losing control of his wolf. His eyes flamed with amber, and his nostrils flared. The way he was clenching and unclenching his fists was a sure sign that his fight to keep his wolf at bay was taking its toll on both of them.

  Charlie understood exactly how his brother felt. If he found the man, the werewolf, who had attacked her, he’d shift and tear his throat out. Then again, maybe he wouldn’t. Tearing his throat out with his bare human hands might be more satisfying.

  “The question is whether he’s one of ours.”

  Charlie didn’t want to believe that. Trust and loyalty were the foundations of any pack, but especially the Sterling pack. “Or a rogue. He could’ve been a loner passing through when he saw her.”

  “She wasn’t that far from the main house. Even a rogue werewolf would’ve recognized that she was protected by our pack.”

  “Then maybe it’s someone she knows.”

  Jesse snarled, his anger at her attacker boiling over into his tone. “Don’t you think she’d be aware of it? You heard her. She said she didn’t know anyone who would want to hurt her. Naw, it’s something else.”

  “Then an enemy of the pack.” Charlie straightened up, perusing the area once more, then gave up. Two hours of studying the place had given them zilch to go on.

  “Could be. We’ve had our fair share of problems with other shifters. But those were mainly werebears, not werewolves.”

  “Maybe someone’s trying to get revenge on the pack and Carolina happened to be the most vulnerable.” He hated to think she was paying for the actions of the pack or even only one of their members.

  “Fuck. If that’s true, it doesn’t narrow down the field of suspects much.”

  “Maybe we should take her back to the city. Maybe she’s safer there.”

  “We don’t know that. If someone’s targeting her, then I want to stick close by.”

  “Could it be someone from the Ribsom pack?”

  He’d had the same thought. “Could be. Aft
er what went down with Wyatt and Stone, I wouldn’t put it past them to want payback.”

  “But killing Jac wasn’t the pack’s fault. He got free from them and dodged into traffic. It wasn’t our fault that he got hit by a bus. We told them how it happened when we took his body back to his pack. He caused his own death.”

  The Sterling pack had cornered Jac Ribsom and part of his pack on the Skywalk Bridge in Nashville. They’d meant to banish Jac from Nashville for his attack on Wyatt Montgomery, his friend Stone Garrett, and their mate, Rae Barnes. But Jac had broken free and run straight into the road.

  It was almost laughable when it was said out loud. Getting run down by a bus? What werewolf ever died from getting hit by a bus? His werewolf healing powers should’ve saved him, but the bus had been going so fast that he’d been decapitated. There was no coming back from that.

  “The Ribsom pack may not see it that way.” Charlie put his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

  “Fuck. That means one or more of them got onto Two Forks.”

  “It’s not like we had the place on lockdown, and there’s no way we can guard that many acres. He could be anywhere on the ranch. But I know one thing. We can’t let her roam around by herself any longer. From now on, someone has to stay with her. At least whenever she’s outside.”

  “You’re right. We have to stay on our toes. Don’t lose control now. Not when she needs us.”

  Jesse’s fight to keep from shifting showed in the strain on his face, the tension in his body. “I don’t know if I can hold it together if anyone else threatens her.”

  “Then go for a run and blow off some steam. It won’t help her any to find out about us. Even before the attack, she wasn’t ready.”

  “I know.” Jesse’s growl slipped from his lips. “I’m doing the best I can.”

  “We both are.” Charlie pivoted, ready to leave the scene behind. “Let’s see how she’s doing.”

  * * * *

  Carolina was waiting for Charlie and Jesse when they walked through the front door. She stood up from the steps, then came at them. “I need you.”

  “Sugar, is anything wrong?”

  She took hold of Jesse’s T-shirt. “Not now.”

  “What’s going on? Where’s Lisa-May? And the guard?”

  She grabbed hold of Charlie’s shirt, too. “I told them to leave. I don’t need a babysitter, and Lisa-May was driving me crazy with all her endless talking.”

  “What?” Charlie gave her a hard look. “You shouldn’t be left alone.”

  “I’m not alone. You two are with me.” She tugged on the shirts as she took a step back. “Upstairs. Both of you. Now.”

  If any men had ever deserved her thanks and a reward to show them how grateful she was, it was her men. And no matter what they said, she was determined to give them all she had.

  Yet if she were truthful with herself, what she wanted to give them was exactly what she needed for herself. She needed to feel them next to her, to know that whether rough or tender, their touches were given with love and not hate. It was their caresses, their voices that would wash away the lingering pain.

  She turned their shirts loose and started up the stairs. Their hot gazes burned into her ample butt, desire flooding her from behind. In fact, each step she took with them watching her made her hotter than ever. At the top of the stairs, she kept moving, knowing that if she stopped, they’d either talk her out of it—probably saying that she needed to rest and that it was too soon—or they’d end up doing it in the hallway. That idea wouldn’t work since Ms. Millicent and Lisa-May would check in on her.

  “Babe, what’s going on?”

  “Shut up, bro. Can’t you tell what she wants?”


  She smiled as she threw the bedroom door open and marched inside. Taking her shirt over her head, she unzipped her jeans and let them fall to the floor. She’d dressed for them, leaving her bra and panties off.

  She heard their breathing quicken and felt the singe of the heat ripple in the air as they perused her naked body. When she turned around, taking it slow and easy to give them the full effect, she wasn’t disappointed in their reactions.

  “Babe, as hard as it is for me to say this, I have to. Maybe we should wait.” Yet the craving in Charlie’s eyes told a different story.

  “No. I can’t wait. You’re the only way I can take my body back.”

  Jesse’s heated look took on a note of pity. “Sugar, the doctor said he didn’t think—”

  “No.” She trembled. Could she have survived if that monster had violated her? “He didn’t. But I have to get rid of his touch on my skin. Showering isn’t enough, but your hands will be.”

  “Still, maybe Charlie’s right. You need time.”

  She clenched her hands. “No! I need you. Are you saying you won’t do this?” She couldn’t hold back the horrible thought. “Are you saying you don’t want me any longer? Since it happened?”

  “Of course we do.”

  “We always will,” added Charlie.

  A shiver raced over her spine as they stood on either side of her, like personal guards, ready to die to keep her safe. And yet as fanciful as that thought could’ve been, she sensed it was the truth.

  A frisson of awareness skimmed along her neck seconds before Charlie slid his hand under her hair and cupped the back of her neck.

  “I have to ask one last time. Are you sure, babe?”


  She shuddered as Jesse ran his palm along her arm. “We’ll do this however you want it.”

  “I want it both ways. Rough and soft.”

  “Rough? After how he treated you?”

  She was tired of hearing sorrow in Charlie’s voice. “Yes. Being treated roughly by him isn’t the same thing at all. It’s all about intention. He wanted to hurt me. Not for any pleasure I might get out of it, but for his own demented fun. He took from me. When we play rough, it’s more about giving than it is about taking. Am I right?”

  “You are.” Jesse took her hand.

  She closed her eyes. How could she make them understand how much she needed their love, both rough and easy? “Please. Can we get to more loving and less talking?”

  She was relieved to see the smile on Charlie’s face. Jesse moaned, then took her breast and cupped it.

  “Look at me, sugar.”

  She obeyed Jesse’s order. Not complying wasn’t an option even if she’d wanted to balk at it. God knew she didn’t. “Yes.”

  “We’re going to give it to you both ways. Hard and soft.”

  “Good. Then show me how that’s done.”

  She reached for him, but they took her arms and pulled them to her sides.




  Jesse’s command was harsh, but his hard tone sent wetness rushing between her legs. It was all she could do to obey and not feel his skin under hers.

  Charlie stepped away, going to the nightstand. “We left a few things in this room before you were attacked. Remember, babe, anytime you want to stop, just say so.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Jesse took her chin and made her gaze into his dark eyes. “Don’t talk. Just enjoy. Got it?”

  “Got it.” She bit her lower lip when he raised his eyebrows as if to warn her that she’d spoken out loud again.


  “Ow. Why’d you spank me?” It wasn’t a complaint, but her way to play along.


  Jesse shot her a look. “You’re a smart girl. Figure it out.”

  She’d spoken again. And yet the rebellious part of her, the part that like to tease and play came out. Was that the real reason he’d spanked her? “Yeah, I am. I just can’t believe you did it.”

  Smack. Smack.

  “Want to try for another? Or tell us to stop?”

  She shook her head. She’d like another spanking, but letting him think she was going to obey had its perks, too.r />
  Charlie held up a pair of fur lined cuffs. “Put your arms behind your back.”

  She hadn’t planned on being restrained and couldn’t fight the spark of alarm that whipped its way into her stomach. And yet, the alarm wasn’t alone. Excitement came along with it. But what would happen if she didn’t go along willingly?

  Jesse took her by the chin and again made her face his irritation. “Do as you’re told, sugar.”

  Without another word, he nodded at Charlie, who took the wide leather cuffs, brought her arms behind her back, and wrapped them around her wrists. She tugged at them, hoping the strip of chain between them would give a little, but they held fast.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Didn’t I tell you not to speak?” Jesse grabbed her behind the neck and pulled her to him. His mouth crushed to hers, taking away her breath and any resistance she had left. He plundered her mouth, at first intense, then going soft, only to grow intense again. She moaned and leaned into him, but he held her, controlling even how much she could kiss him back.

  Having them control her set her mind against her body. She had no doubt she wanted to play, wanted to have them spank her and more, but her mind fought against it. She’d always had control, always done and said as she liked. To have two men take over everything she said and did was against all she’d thought she was. And yet, her traitorous body thrilled at their domination. Her breasts swelled and ached. Her nipples gorged into small, hard mountains yearning to be conquered. Juices flowed from her legs as her pussy clenched and unclenched, preparing to accept their cocks.

  Another slap struck her rump, sending the pleasurable pain racing over her skin. Her body hummed, singing for yet another spanking.

  “Damn, but she’s fucking hot, bro.”

  Jesse laughed, stepping back to rid himself of his clothes. She loved the way he took each button, one at a time, and if he were moving any slower, she would’ve thought he was doing a strip show for her. His boots and jeans soon lay kicked to the side.

  Her mouth watered at the sight of his hard, muscular body. A dark sprinkling of hair trailed down from his belly button to the curly patch below. His cock, erect and ready to please her, pointed at her like a needle of a compass, and a fresh wave of juices flowed out of her. She gritted her teeth, holding back, certain that if she let go, she’d have an orgasm.


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