Chung, Karen, 367
Chung Ling, 357
civil war, 210, 223–24, 228, 253, 267, 380, 404
clothing, 205–6, 213, 313, 344
Cold War, 341
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 186, 216–17
Columbia University Press, 369–72
Communist Party: and assassination of Wen Yiduo, 189; Chi Pang-yuan and, 109; Chi Shiying and, 190; and civil war, 210, 223–24, 228–29, 253, 267, 380, 404; Communist textbooks, 331; and crisis in the northeast after victory, 264–67; early relationship with Nationalists, 29, 52, 63; and end of War of Resistance, 178–79, 210; expansion of influence following end of war, 187–90, 194–96, 224; and June 1 massacre (1947 Nationalist attack on Communist students and teachers), 221–26; and left-leaning Russian works, 109, 159; persecution of teachers during Cultural Revolution, 405–7; and politics at universities, 181, 404; recruitment of intellectuals, 159–64; relationship with Nationalists during War of Resistance, 160–61; and Russia, 210; Xinhua News, 161. See also Cultural Revolution
conferences and conventions, xxiv, 316, 347–52, 357, 358
Confucius, 407
cousins of Chi Pang-yuan, 9, 97, 229, 230, 393–96
Crouch, A. R., 326
cuckoo bird, 164–66
Cultural Revolution, 190, 226, 309, 336, 347–49, 351, 379, 405–6
Dadu River, 2, 134, 164–67, 180, 196
Dai Chaosheng, 256
Dai Liuling, 183
Daily Record of the Major Events of the Republic of China, 111–12
Dalian, 351, 375, 415–16
Dante Alighieri, 218–19, 378
Dawn Train (Sima Zhongyuan), 347
Daybreak (Zhu Xining), 347
debate competition (Nankai Middle School), 102, 105–6
Deeney, John, 323, 336
“Dejection: An Ode” (Coleridge), 186
Demers, Pierre E., 366
Deng Lianxi, 102, 103, 105, 217, 251
Dewey, James, 81
The Diary of Ranglu (Yang Jingyuan), 405
Dickens, Charles, 183
Digressions on Fifty Years of Taiwan Railways (Cai Renhui), 275
Ding Ling, 346
Ding Zhenwan, 313, 314, 320, 360
Divina Commedia (Dante), 218–21
Dong Ping, 279
Dong Qizheng, 72, 374
Dong Xiumin, 72
Dong Xiying, 180
Dream of the Red Chamber (Cao Xueqin), 99, 302, 308
“Dreaming of the South of the Yangtze” (Huang-Fu Song), 123
Du Fu, xxiv, 390
Du, Nancy, 366–67
Du Yuming, 265
Du Zhengsheng, 389
Duan Qirui, 121
Eastern Song Society, 343, 364
education: and abundance of literature in Taiwan, 324; compulsory education policy in Taiwan, 243–44, 328, 345; elimination of professional standards under communist rule, 188; as high priority, xxii, 45, 69–70, 81, 82, 110, 282, 375; Japanese policy of assimilation through education, 48; student movement/protest marches at universities, 187–90, 221–26; textbook reform in Taiwan, 327–34; and wartime conditions, 98–99 (see also air raids); Zhang Boling’s advocacy of, 81–82. See also Guilin Girls’ Middle School; Indiana University; Nankai Middle School; primary school; Sun Yat-sen Middle School; Wuhan University; Zhounan Girl’s Middle School
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 173
Emei Mountain, 134, 167, 180, 197, 201–3
Engels, Friedrich, 153
English language: Chi Pang-yuan’s early studies of, 35, 83, 105; freshman exams and Zhu Guangqian’s recommendation to switch to Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 140–42; and Fulbright exchange language training and practice teaching, 292–94; grammar, 283–84; and interpreting for visitors to Taiwan, 295–99; teaching English and English literature at National Taiwan University, 183, 311, 339–42; teaching English at Chung-Hsing University, 294–95, 311–15; teaching English at Taichung First Boys’ High School, xxiii, 283–84; translation of literature for Columbia University Press, 369–72; Wu Mi’s English poetry class, 216–17; Zhu Guangqian’s English poetry class, 101, 146–49, 157–59, 169. See also literature; teaching career; translation and editing
Evanston High School (Minnesota), 293
Everlasting and Unchanging (spoken drama), 185–87
examinations, 118–19, 283–87
Fact and Fiction (Russell), 153
The Fall of Berlin (film), 355–56
Fan Guang, 22
Fang Chong, 182
Fang Dongmei, 290
father of Chi Pang-yuan. See Chi Shiying
feminism, 291–92
Feng Jialu, 130
Fengtian Army, 16, 20, 21, 24–27, 31–33, 51
finances, 205–6, 230, 365–66
Flying Tigers, 123–25, 139–40
Forster, E. M., xxiv, 352
“Fragrant” (Bian Zhilin), 117
Frenzy, Horst, 302, 305
friendships: arrival of friends and acquaintances in Taiwan (1948), 250–53; college friends, 131, 133–34, 192–93, 192–204, 215, 226–27, 255, 390–91, 404–5; family friends, 231–36, 254–55, 374; friends in Germany, 354–55; friends in Taiwan, 238–44, 272, 276–77, 285–87, 362–64, 376–77; friends in the U.S., 303–6, 309–10; friendship and correspondence with Zhang Dafei, 68, 122–28, 138–40, 144, 152, 169–73; middle school and high school friends, 90–96, 116–19, 143, 161–62, 397–408; and Nankai Middle School class reunion (1999), 397–407; and politics, 159–64, 404–5; suitors and close male friends, 184–87 (see also Mr. Huang; Mr. Yu; Zhang Dafei)
Fries, Dr., 292, 293
From the Center of the Earth (Bernstein), 349
Fu Dongju, 121
Fu Guoyong, 86
Fu Qizhen, 161–62, 402
Fu Zheng, 386
Fu Zuoyi, 121
Fulbright Program, 284, 291–94, 300–311, 344; English language training and practice teaching, 292–94; studies at Indiana University, 305–11; teaching at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, 301–6
Gan Dawei, 391
Teacher Gao (physical education teacher), 87
Gao Xibing, 22, 46
Gao Yushu, 262, 384, 389
Gao Zhihang, 411
Ge Dingyu, 238
Ge Fujiang, 238, 242–44
Ge Wenhua, 33
gender, and university life, 136
A General History of China (Lin Ruihan), 332–33
A General History of China (Qian Mu), 335–36
Germany: Chi Pang-yuan as visiting professor at Free University in Berlin, 352–57; Chi Shiying’s studies in, xvi, 7, 11, 17–19, 52, 354
Gide, Andre, 109
girl scouts, 96–99, 166
Go Ok-nam, 344–45
Goldblatt, Howard, 367
Goncharov, Ivan, 184
Gou Yulun, 363
grandparents of Chi Pang-yuan. See Chi Pengda; Pei Xincheng; Zhang Congzhou
Grass, Günter, 358
Greening Tree (Zhang Xianliang), 351
Gregory, Sister Mary
Gu Baohu, 316
Gu Xianrong, 282
Gu Zhengding, 261
Gu Zhenguan, 401
Guangxi: travels through, during War of Resistance, xxii, 63, 69–72, 75, 415; and War of Resistance, 126, 144, 168, 404
Gui Zhiting, 137, 227
Guilin, 69–73
Guilin Girls’ Middle School, 69–70
Guizhou: schools and government facilities moved to, 63; travels through, during War of Resistance, 8, 69–70, 72–73, 75, 234, 415; and War of Resistance, 119, 144, 152, 404
Guo Feng, 415
Guo Guanying, 389
Guo Hengyu, 353–55, 357
Guo Songling: background and career, 19–22; Chi Shiying as supporter of, 4, 5, 19–24, 380, 387, 392; coup attempt against Zhang Zuolin (1925), xvi, 4, 5, 22–25; execution of, 24
Guo Tingyi, 240
Guo Weifan, 368
Guo Yuxin, 262, 384r />
Guo Zhichao, 306
Han Chunxuan, 249
Han, Pastor, 191
Han Qifeng, 252–53
Han Qinglun, 33
Han Shuxiu, 20, 24
Han Yunmei, 303
Hankou, 55–58, 63–65, 214–30, 410
Hao Lengruo, 46, 65
Hao Ran, 346
Hao Ran Foundation, 362
Haung-Fu Song, 123
Hayek, Friedrich A., 295–96
He Qifang, 109, 117
He Xin, 103, 323, 346
Heckelmann, Dieter, 353
Hei Ye, 326
Heng Gaoshou, 239
Hiroshima, 175, 356
History of Modern Chinese Fiction (Hsia), 350
homesickness, 119, 131, 138, 352; homesickness literature, 343, 344, 367
Hong Chan, 110, 113
Hong Juan, 110, 113
Hong Lanyou, 110
horseback riding, 94
hospitalization. See traffic accident; Western Hills Sanatorium
Hou Jian, 256, 336
Elder Sister Hou (college roommate), 159, 160, 162–64, 349
How Steel Is Tempered (Ostrovsky), 108–9
Hsia, C. T., 300–301, 347, 350
Hsiang, Sarah Jen-hui, 360
Hsiao, Norma Liu, 360
Hu Fo, 389
Hu Hongrui, 303–5
Hu Shi, 82, 121, 295, 299, 359
Hu Taili, 350
Hu Xuguang, 285
Hu Yaoheng, 310, 339
Hu Zhiwei, 73
Hua Yan, 240, 256, 296, 352
Huaiyuan, 71–73
Mr. Huang, 184–87
Huang Chunming, 346, 365
Huang Chunzhi, 320
Huang Fa’ce, 327
Huang Fu, 28, 29, 52
Huang Henghao, 45–46, 55
Huang Jilu, 334
Huangjuenya military area, 93–96
Hunan: Chi family in Yongfeng, 68–69, 172; travels through, during War of Resistance, xxii, 8, 63–65, 71–72, 415; and War of Resistance, 126, 144, 168–69, 404; Zhang Dafei shot down over Xinyang, 169, 209, 412
Hussein, King of Jordan, 298–99
Huxley, Aldous, 342
Ihira Naomichi, 386–87
“The Indian Serenade” (Shelley), 152
Indiana University, xxiii, 182–83, 302, 305–11, 345
Ing, Gly T. H., 361–62
Ing, Nancy, 360–66, 370
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 383, 385
Interviews with Chi Shiying (oral history project), 383–89
Japan: Chi Shiying’s studies in, xvi, 7, 10–11, 16–17, 29, 52; and end of war, 175; establishment of Manchukuo, 30–33, 52 (see also Manchukuo, Kingdom of); and history of northeastern China, xv, 52; and history of Taiwan, xv, 52; interests in northeastern China, 29, 52, 264; Japanese in Taiwan, 242, 283–84, 364; literature in Japanese, 344, 364; Mukden Incident (1931), 7, 30–33, 52, 234, 410, 414; Pearl Harbor attack, 107, 125; protection of Chi Shiying following General Guo Songling’s failed coup attempt, 25–26, 28; U.S. bombing of Tokyo, 154–55, 175. See also War of Resistance against Japan
Ji Chunyu, 319
Ji Xian, 365, 367
Ji Zhiwen, 177, 191, 246
Jia Wu, 102, 105
Jiading, 129, 134, 180. See also Leshan
Jiale Paper Factory, 134
Jian Chuhui (Jian Wan), 288
Jian Jinghui, 288
Jian Zhen, 109
Jiang Daoyu, 285
Jiang Gui, 299
Jiang Xianxue, 9
Jin Hengbiao, 350
Jin Shiguang, 75
Jin Shurong, 284
Jinan Incident (1928), 52
Jing Kedu, 33
Jingning Temple, 71, 74–75, 78, 234, 414
Mr. and Mrs. Jocobsson, 271–73
Kaei Fusataru, 27
Kang Guojie, 400
Kang the Junior (math teacher), 84–85
Kang Ningxiang, 385, 389
Kao Tian’en, 360, 367
Kashin-Beck disease, 180
Kawakami Hajime, 17
Ke Qingming, 329–30, 339, 359
Keats, John, 156–59, 166–68, 182, 217, 347, 381
Kennedy, John F., 295
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 293, 295
Kinkley, Jeffrey, 347
Know, Jeanne, 302
Korean War, 395
Koss, Nicholas, 366
Kuang Shufang, 215, 226–27
Kuomintang Party. See Nationalists
Lai Guangda, 399
Lai He, 344
Lai Ho, 354, 364
Lai Shuying, 399
Lamartine, Alphonse de, 398
“A Lament” (Shelley), 152
Lao She, 346
Le Daiyun, 347
Lee Ou-fan, 357
Legislative Yuan, 96, 250, 252, 261–62, 333, 385, 388
Lei Zhen, xvii, 262, 263, 382, 384
Leimaping’e (Leibo, Mabian, Pingshan, and Ebian), 156–59, 162
Leshan, 180; and beauty of nature, 164–66, 196–98; Chi Pang-yuan’s departure from, 201–4; Jaile Paper Factory, 134; Japanese bombing of, 180; journey to (August 1943), 129–31; map, xxii; teahouses, 136, 197; university life in, 131–77 (see also Wuhan University)
Letters to My Love—1945–1948 (Yang Jingyuan), 405
Lewis, A. B., 319–20
Leys, Simon, 349
Mama Li, 36–37, 43, 213
Li Bai, 166–67
Li Baochen, 113–14
Li Chiao, xxiv
Li Dazhao, 266
Old Li (doorman), 213
Li Fengmao, 350
Li Gongpu, 221
Li Guangbi, 75
Li Guangtian, 109
Li Huiyin, 22
Li Jinglin, 22
Li Mi, 93–96
Li Mingde, 350
Li Qiao, 365, 371
Li Qinglin, 318
Li Shifen, 67
Li Tao, 415
Li Wanju, 262, 384
Li Xi’en, 45
Li Xingtang, 75
Li Xiuying, 162, 164
Li Yuanhong, 121
Li Yunxian, 285
Li Ziyu, 297
Liang Heng, 348–49
Liang Qiqiao, 121
Liang Shiqiu, 326
Liang Surong, 33, 262–63, 370, 385, 388, 389
Liao Chunqin, 258–59
Liao River, 18, 25, 27, 415
Liao Yinan, 288
Liaoning. See China, northeastern; Shenyang; Tieling
Lin Biao, 266, 380
Lin Borong, 288–89
Lin Bozou Foundation, 366
Lin Changmin, 22, 25
Lin Haifeng, 277
Lin Haiyin, 355, 362, 364, 365
Lin Hengtai, 365
Lin Linxue, 239
Lin Liuchi, 378
Lin Qinnan, 39
Lin Quan, 383
Lin Ruihan, 332–34
Lin Shuifu, 387
Lin Wenyue, 339, 360, 362–64
Lin Xiantang, 282
Lin Xin, 90–96
Lin Xinqin, 348–49
Lin Xiongzheng, 282
Lin Yi, 331–32
Lin Yutang, 326, 359, 360
Lin Zhiping, 295, 312
Lin Zhongsheng, 383–84
Ling Guangwu, 75
literature: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Literature: Taiwan 1949–1974, 323–27; books read during air raids, 111; and Chi Pang-yuan’s correspondence with Zhang Dafei, 122–23; Chi Pang-yuan’s early love for, 14, 39, 40, 85–86, 374–75; The Chinese PEN (journal), 358–69; classical Chinese fiction, 99–101; and compassion, 57; defining Taiwan literature, 343–47; homesickness literature, 343, 344, 367; Hu Shi on, 299; Japanese-language literature in Taiwan, 344, 364; and mainland China, 345–52; reading at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, 305; Russian literature, 108–9, 159, 183–84, 220–21, 349; scar literature, 349; in Taiwan, 324–25, 343–47, 354, 358–72; teachers and classes at Chung-Hsing Univer
sity, 313–16; teachers and classes at Indiana University, 182–83, 307–8; teachers and classes at Nankai Middle School, 85–86, 99–101; teachers and classes at Terre Haute State University, 310; teachers and classes at Wuhan University, 180–84, 216–24 (see also Zhu Guangqian); and textbook reform, 327–32; and Time and Tide Bookstore, 108–9; translation of literature for Columbia University Press, 369–72. See also conferences and conventions; English language; poetry; teaching career; translation and editing
Little Western Hill, 5, 11–16, 394, 396–97
Liu Daoyuan, 295, 312, 321
Liu Kexiang, 350
Liu Maosong, 290
Liu Naicheng, 222
Liu Shaotang, 75, 389
Liu Shengbin, 102, 103, 105
Liu Shousheng, 408
Liu Zhiqi, 400–401
Liu Zuoyan, 318
Lo Fu, 365, 367
Long Shiguang, 75
Long Yingzong, 344, 364
Louis, Gross, 308
love: and Lamartine’s poetry, 398; and senior thesis on Shelley, 217; suitors and close male friends (see Mr. Huang; Mr. Yu; Zhang Dafei); Yang Jingyuan and, 405. See also friendships; marriage
Lu Chunfang, 22, 25
Lu Hanfen, 285
Lu Heruo, 344, 364
Lu Hongqi, 253
Lu Qiao, 100
Lu Qiaozhen, 115–16, 131, 132, 134, 163, 200–201, 390–91
Lu Wenjing, 398
Lu Xun, xx
Lu Youhui, 25
Lu Zhihong, 236
“Lucy” poems (Wordsworth), 147, 378
Luo Jialun, 359
Luo Longji, 189
Luo Pingyun, 334–35
Luo Yuchang (husband): background and early career, 241–42; and birth of first child, 258–59; career in railway administration and modernization, 257–59, 269–80, 321; and Chi Pang-yuan’s teaching career, 284, 286, 291–92; courtship and marriage, 243–50; first acquaintance with Chi Shiying, 239–42; loss of hearing, 280; and move to Taichung, 256–59; and move to Taipei, 278, 300; Order of the Brilliant Star, 280; translation of railway manual, 269–71. See also marriage
Luo Yunping, 321
Luo Zhiyuan, 288
Luojia Mountain: senior year at Wuhan University, Luojia Mountain campus, 214–18
Ma Baishui, 66
Ma Boshui, 46
Ma Guoguang (Liang Xuan), 232
Ma Shiyi, 406
Ma Tingying, 231–36, 242
Ma Yanchu, 121
Ma Yangfeng, 121
Ma Yifu, 181
Ma Zhanshan, 33
MacArthur, Douglas, 152, 292
Makino Nobuaki, 25
Malmqvist, Göran, 367, 369
Manchukuo, Kingdom of, xv, 30–33, 45, 48, 52, 178, 380
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