Jedi Apprentice 11: The Deadly Hunter (звёздные войны)

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Jedi Apprentice 11: The Deadly Hunter (звёздные войны) Page 1

by Джуд Уотсон

  Jedi Apprentice 11: The Deadly Hunter

  ( Звёздные войны )

  Джуд Уотсон

  Nobody knows her name. Nobody knows when she will strike. All they know is that she is a deadly bounty hunter — and her latest mission has taken her to Coruscant, home of the Jedi.

  Her target: an old friend of Qui-Gon Jinn's.

  Qui-Gon and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, make an attempt to catch her…and fail. Now they are her targets, too.

  The Deadly Hunter

  Chapter 1

  Obi-Wan Kenobi slung his survival pack over his shoulder and yawned. It had been a long journey.

  Around him rose the many levels of Coruscant, the city that covered a planet. He was standing on a landing platform at one of the high levels of the city, surrounded by tall buildings with spires and turrets. The mists around him could be atmosphere or clouds. The sky was filled with transports, large and small, that negotiated the air lanes with skill and daring.

  Obi-Wan watched as his Master, the Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, thanked the space hauler pilot who had let them hitch a ride to Coruscant. He noted the respectful way Qui-Gon bowed to the scruffy creature. His manner was gentle, yet strength was behind every word and gesture. Obi-Wan hoped that one day he would have his Master's grace and assurance with other living beings. Often he just felt awkward with the many characters they met on their journeys.

  Time passes and it teaches, Qui-Gon had told him. You are fourteen. You have much to see and much to experience. Do not hurry the knowledge you seek. It takes its own time.

  "Sorry I can't bring you all the way," the pilot said to the Jedi. "But there are plenty of air taxis cruising this neighborhood."

  "We are grateful for your help. I wish you a safe journey home," Qui-Gon said in his quiet way.

  "Always glad to help out the Jedi," the pilot answered, giving them a cheerful wave.

  Qui-Gon slung his survival pack over his shoulder and gave a satisfied look around. "It is good to be back," he said.

  Obi-Wan nodded. Coruscant was where the Jedi Temple was located, and the Temple was home. It was almost time for the midday meal, and Obi-Wan had been thinking about it as the kilometers went by. He and Qui-Gon had been traveling throughout the galaxy for some time.

  "Look, here comes an air taxi." Obi-Wan started forward.

  "Wait, Padawan."

  Obi-Wan turned. Qui-Gon hesitated and waved him back. "I have another idea. Would you mind if we made a stop first?"

  Obi-Wan tried to hide his disappointment. "Whatever you wish."

  Qui-Gon smiled. "It won't take long. There's someone I'd like you to meet — a friend. It's not far. We can walk there."

  Qui-Gon strode to the end of the landing platform and activated a temporary crossing bridge to the next level. Here in the Senate district, the buildings were close together and the walkways were easy to navigate without relying on air transport.

  Obi-Wan caught up to Qui-Gon's long stride. He waited, knowing that if Qui-Gon wanted to give him more information about this friend, he would.

  "Didi Oddo runs a cafe near the Senate building," Qui-Gon explained. "He's an informant, of sorts. Many Jedi come to him for information. We don't pay him, but we try to watch out for him in return for his help. He knows all types on Coruscant — from Senatorial aides to gamblers to various beings who find laws a hindrance to their… operations." Qui-Gon gave a brief smile. "Everyone knows Didi's Cafй. I first met him when I was only a bit older than you are now."

  Obi-Wan detected fondness in Qui-Gon's tone. His tiredness lifted. It would be interesting to meet a friend of Qui-Gon's. And a cafe meant he might be able to have a meal.

  They traveled along a pedestrian walkway past shops and restaurants, all catering to the tourists and business people who traveled to Coruscant to either tour the Senate or offer petitions there. Occasionally they would have to activate a pedestrian bridge to move from one level to another. The walkways were crowded with beings from all over the galaxy. Talk bubbled around them in Basic as well as several languages unfamiliar to Obi-Wan.

  Qui-Gon stopped before a small cafй on a corner. It appeared shabby beside the grander restaurants next door. An attempt had been made to improve it by painting the windowsills and doorframe a cheerful shade of blue. But the fresh coats of paint only made the cracked and pitted stone walls appear more run-down than they were.

  Still, Obi-Wan noticed that the restaurant next door was empty, and the dingy cafй was packed. He could see everyone inside, sitting at small tables crowded together, all talking, gesturing, and eating enormous plates of food.

  "Do not engage with anyone," Qui-Gon instructed him. "There are all types here, and fights are common."

  He started for the entrance, then stopped and turned. "Oh, and one more thing. Whatever you do, don't eat the food."

  Suppressing a sigh, Obi-Wan followed Qui-Gon into the bustling cafй. Tables were packed so closely together they could barely squeeze through. Obi-Wan nearly knocked one customer's plate to the floor. The customer, a Togorian, grabbed at it, snarling.

  "Clumsy fool!"

  Obi-Wan kept walking, carefully following Qui-Gon's graceful threading through the narrow spaces. Finally, they reached an open area near the back. A long bar ran along one wall. It was crowded with customers.

  "That's enough for you there, Andoran," a cheerful voice called. "Finish your ale and get a plate of food to eat. You need food, not drink, my good friend. Pilus, do you call this a tip? You just made a fortune running spice to the Quintus system. You can do better — manys the favor I've done for you, and I have a daughter to raise. Nadarr, let me refill your tea. No, no, don't pay me, save it for your wife's care. Funny how we all get better when we can afford to pay the doctor."

  Qui-Gon grinned. "That's Didi."

  Obi-Wan still couldn't see anything. Then a small, round man with a melancholy face jumped onto a stool behind the bar. He reached up to grab a bottle, then turned and saw them.

  "Stars and planets, it's Qui-Gon Jinn! Clear the way, friends, I have a greeting to bestow!" The mournful face creased into a smile. With surprising agility, Didi leaped onto the bar, then onto the floor.

  He threw his short arms around the tall Jedi. Obi-Wan stepped back, confused. He had never seen anyone hug Qui-Gon. The Jedi was such a private man that Obi-Wan expected him to disengage himself from the embrace. Instead, he pounded Didi on the back.

  "It is good to see you," Qui-Gon said.

  Didi released Qui-Gon. "You rogue, you stayed away too long. But my eyes thank me as they look upon your person."

  Qui-Gon gestured at the cafй. "There have been changes. You've dressed up the place. New paint, new decoration. It looks nicer." He cast an eye along the food bar. "And cleaner."

  Cleaner? Obi-Wan thought. You mean it looked worse than this?

  "My daughter Astri's doing." Didi shrugged his round shoulders. "She's trying to attract a better clientele. Wants me to get rid of tables, have more elbowroom. Buy new plates… do renovations. She's even taken cooking lessons! She'll either ruin me or make me a fortune; I haven't decided which. And who is this delightful young man with you?"

  "This is my Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi," Qui-Gon said.

  Obi-Wan nodded at Didi. "I'm happy to meet you,"

  "And I you." Didi's face turned serious. He touched Qui-Gon's arm. "I think fate sent you to my door, my good friend."

  Qui-Gon shot him a keen glance. "Is everything all right?"

  "Everything is…" Didi paused. "We can't talk here. Come into the office."

sp; Obi-Wan followed behind as Didi slid the panel open and ushered them into a cluttered back room. Supply boxes were stacked to the ceiling, and the desk was littered with account records, folded napkins, and a food-spattered apron.

  As soon as the door swung shut behind them, Didi's cheerful face crumpled. He rubbed his plump hands together and fixed Qui-Gon with a mournful gaze.

  "My friend," he said, "I am afraid. Danger stalks me. I need your help."

  Chapter 2

  "Tell me," Qui-Gon said. "You know I will help if I can."

  Didi took a deep breath. "Only two days ago, I was almost kidnapped. I was simply walking down the street when a woman wearing plastoid armor came at me from behind on a swoop. Some sort of whip wrapped around my body and I was yanked toward her. Luckily a Cavrilhu happened to be standing near. He didn't like the fact that she knocked off his visor as she passed. He gave chase with a rather large vibroblade and she had to abandon her attempt. She left him with a lashing to remember her by."

  "Who was she?" Qui-Gon asked.

  "A bounty hunter," Didi said in a whisper. "I asked around. Nobody can be in this sector without information getting back to me. No one knows her home planet, but she's humanoid."

  Qui-Gon received this news with dismay. Didihad always managed to stay on the right side of the law — barely. Qui-Gon gave his friend a piercing look. "A bounty hunter? Why is she after you?"

  "It was not me, I swear," Didi said fervently. "I may feed, let us say, some dubious creatures in the underworld, but I am no criminal. You know this, my friend. All right, all right," he said before Qui-Gon could speak, "perhaps I have once or twice bought my provisions on the black market. Maybe I've made a gambling bet or two. That doesn't mean I break laws."

  Qui-Gon sighed. "It is against your best interest to gamble in such a way on Coruscant, Didi."

  "Of course it is! How well I know that!" Didi cried, bobbing his head furiously in agreement. "But I'm convinced the bounty hunter is not after me. No doubt some government on another world has confused me for someone else. It happens, you know."

  Qui-Gon saw the disbelief on Obi-Wan's face. He knew that his Padawan did not approve of Didi. He had not seen Didi's generous heart, the way he took care of the many beings who crowded his cafй without letting them know it. One of the lessons Obi-Wan needed to learn was to look beneath the surface. Perhaps this was one way.

  "What would you like me to do, Didi?" Qui-Gon asked.

  "Talk to her and tell her that there's been a mistake. Convince her that I'm innocent," Didi said earnestly.

  "How would I find her?" Qui-Gon asked.

  Obi-Wan shot him an incredulous look. Qui-Gon answered him with a glance that spoke as clearly as words. Wait, Padawan.

  "I know where she is staying. An inn not far from here," Didi said rapidly. "You could go right now. For a Jedi, this is a tiny favor. It will take five minutes of your time. So easy for one as wise and strong as yourself. She cannot ignore a Jedi. You know how I love your person, Qui-Gon. I would never endanger you. Your life must be long, for I value you so."

  Qui-Gon's eyes twinkled. "Ah, I see. I must live a long life for your sake, Didi."

  "Ha! And you are so clever, too. Jedi wisdom, it catches me every time! Of course I didn't mean you should live long for me only," Didi said hurriedly. "So many depend on you. Like your Padawan here. Is that not right, Obi-Wan?"

  Obi-Wan did not look pleased to be dragged into Didi's coaxing. "Excuse me, Didi," he said. "But if you're innocent of any charge, why can't you see the bounty hunter yourself? Ask her to do a retinal scan or check your identification papers. The matter can be cleared up in seconds."

  "That would be a very good plan, were I not such a cowardly person," Didi told Obi-Wan earnestly. He turned back to Qui-Gon. "You see how he worships you. Just as I do. You question my love for you, and it hurts me." Didi dabbed at his dry eyes with a napkin he swooped up from a stack on the desk.

  "All right, Didi," Qui-Gon said, bemused. "You can stop all this drama. I will see your bounty hunter."

  Didi beamed. "She is at the Soft Landings Inn. It's in the third Senate Quadrant on Quarter Moon Street."

  "We'll return shortly," Qui-Gon said. "Try not to get into any more trouble while we're gone."

  "I will remain here and be very good," Didi assured him.

  The Jedi quickly made their way through the crowded cafй and reached the street.

  "I don't understand," Obi-Wan burst out as soon as they were in the open air. "Why do you trust him? What if Didi actually did commit a crime and he's using you to get the bounty hunter off his trail? His story doesn't make sense to me. Bounty hunters can be unprincipled, but they rarely make mistakes. Why did you agree?"

  "Didi might seem disreputable to you, but I've never known him to lie," Qui-Gon answered calmly. "And he's right — he knows all the criminals on Coruscant, but he's not one himself."

  "Master, it is not for me to question your decision," Obi-Wan said. "But it seems to me that you are involving us in something that is bound to be dangerous and is none of the Jedi's concern. Here is a man who seeks out criminals and the dregs of the galaxy in order to get information, which he then sells to the highest bidder. If you live in that sort of world, you deserve whatever bad luck comes your way."

  "Perhaps," Qui-Gon said.

  "I don't understand why you're helping him," Obi-Wan said, frustrated.

  Qui-Gon hesitated. Then he said, "It's because he is my friend."

  Chapter 3

  "This place doesn't look as if it provides a soft landing to me," Obi-Wan observed, casting a dubious eye at the Soft Landings Inn. "More like a full-scale crash."

  "I've seen many places such as this," Qui-Gon said. "It is a place for space travelers to get a few hours of sleep. It's not arranged for comfort."

  The building was made from salvaged materials — durasteel sheets and conductor pipes that wrapped around the building as though they were strangling it to a last gasp. The entire structure leaned to one side. It looked as if a small push could knock it over. The stairs leading up to a battered durasteel door were lined with overflowing garbage bins.

  "Well," Qui-Gon said philosophically, "we might as well get this over with."

  They mounted the stairs and pressed a button to access the door. A voice came from a speaker mounted next to the frame.

  "Na hti vel?"

  "Visiting a guest," Qui-Gon said.

  The door slid open. A small Togorian female shuffled out.

  "We're looking for a woman," Qui-Gon said. "She's humanoid and wears a plastoid armor plate —"

  "Third level. Number two." The Togorian swiveled to return to her room.

  "What's her name?"

  The Togorian didn't turn. "Who cares? Pays in advance."

  Qui-Gon lifted an eyebrow at Obi-Wan. Obviously, the Soft Landings Inn didn't worry about security.

  They hurried up the creaking stairs to the third level. Qui-Gon knocked on the door marked 2. There was no answer.

  "I am Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Knight," Qui-Gon called through the door. "We mean you no harm. We just wish to ask you some questions. I respectfully request permission to enter."

  Again, there was no answer. But after a moment, the door slowly slid open. Obi-Wan sensed a slither of movement near the floor, but no other disturbance. The door seemed to have opened on its own. It was dark inside the room, and he could not see anyone. He felt danger shimmer out at him like cracks in broken transparisteel.

  Qui-Gon must have felt the warning as well. Yet he walked boldly into the room without drawing his lightsaber. Obi-Wan did the same.

  Qui-Gon headed directly to a window. He tilted the shade and pale yellow light filtered in.

  The bounty hunter sat facing them on a stool, her back against the wall. Her shaved head picked up the light and gleamed like a pale moon. Her dark eyes studied her visitors without interest. Underneath the plastoid chest plate and thigh-high boots, her body was powerful and st
rong. When she stood, she would be close to Qui-Gon's height.

  "We come on behalf of Didi Oddo," Qui-Gon said politely. "You are trying to capture him, yet he has done no wrong. He requests that you check your information or contact the government or party that has sent you. He is sure that you have located the wrong person. Will you do this?"

  The bounty hunter said nothing. Her eyes stayed on Qui-Gon, but they were expressionless.

  "Didi Oddo runs a cafй," Qui-Gon said. "He is not a criminal. He rarely leaves Coruscant." Silence.

  "If you would allow me to check the warrant, I could clear this up immediately," Qui-Gon said. "Then we could be on our way."


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