Brawler's Baby: An MMA Mob Romance (Mob City Book 1)

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Brawler's Baby: An MMA Mob Romance (Mob City Book 1) Page 14

by Holly Hart

  Nice guys don't get mixed up with gangs in my book.

  Sure they do. Case in point, you.

  I felt a twinge of conscience prick at me as I allowed my mind to journey back to those long winter nights I'd spent back home in Dublin pickpocketing wallets and robbing people’s houses. That was gang work too, wasn't it?

  So are you a good guy?

  That was different – I was young and what other choice did I have, with mom off her face on cocaine, crack and God knows what else. I needed to eat, and since I didn't even know my dad's name, or what he looked like, I knew I wasn’t going to get any help there.

  "But did you have to send him to the hospital? What's my dad going to say about that?" Maya frowned.

  I shrugged. "They didn't have to go to the hospital. Head wounds always bleed like that, Boris was just… soft. I told him he'd be fine, didn't I?"

  "Yeah, but…"

  "I wasn't lying, he will. And as for your dad," I continued. "You can always call him in a bit."

  "A bit?" Maya said, flushing. "What have you got in mind?"

  I closed my eyes, just savoring the smell of her. It was clean, floral, and a whole host of other adjectives that I didn't know. She was unlike any other girl I'd ever slept with. "I think you know."

  "We can't." Maya begged. "Not here…"

  I was done with talking. I'd waited too long to get her alone, and I wasn't going to risk wasting any more time. I knew she wanted me, and I sure as hell wanted her. That was enough for me.

  I leaned forward and softly took hold of the back of her neck, pulling it toward me with a gentle, teasing slowness that invited, practically begged her to resist. She did no such thing. I knew I had her.

  I pushed my lips against hers with an urgent hungriness. I needed to have her by my side, to hold her and never let go. I'd stopped searching for her once, and all it had succeeded in doing was sending me down, ever deeper into a hopeless alcoholic spiral which I didn't know whether I'd ever escape. I wasn't going to make that mistake this time.

  You need to tell her how you feel.

  But much as I wanted to, I couldn't. I'd never much liked talking, but around Maya it was worse, it was like my lips were sealed shut and my tongue was encased in cement. She had a hold on me that I’d never imagined was possible.

  She kissed me back with a tender urgency that said everything I couldn't. I knew that she felt the same way – at least, I suspected as much, but I couldn't be sure. I could tell she was holding something back from me, and I was desperate to know what it was. She had changed, or something had changed in her, since she'd left Dublin, and me, without so much as a word of explanation.

  I was still desperate to know why she'd done that as well. My mother's descent into addiction had pushed me toward this life in the first place, but when I first met Maya, I thought all that had changed.

  I thought I’d found someone who’d always be there for me.

  I pulled her toward me by her neck, tangling my fingers into her silky soft hair. I bit her lip gently, scratched my fingernails against the back of her scalp until she purred. I let my hands fall to her sides, and rubbed her outer thighs in circles, shortening the journey every time until my fingers made it to her plump, delicious ass. I couldn't help myself, I pulled her up onto me with one hand and, furious with desire, started to unbutton her pants.

  She pulled away sharply, panting. "Not here," she said, her face flushed red with exertion and desire.

  I groaned with pent-up frustration. "Why?"

  She jerked her head upward, toward a round, black protrusion on the ceiling. "Cameras."

  Whatever she was hiding, it had everything to do with her father. I could tell she was terrified of him, and I didn't understand why she stayed. Those two thugs that Mikhail Antonov forced her to take around with her everywhere weren't there to protect her.

  No, they were the Russian mobster's way of marking his territory, and they were a symbol of his utter domination of his own daughter. After all, I thought, what kind of man would watch a video of his daughter fucking?

  What kind of man would want to?

  "I can't see them," I said.

  “They’re around that pillar," she replied. "They'll catch us if we move. And I don't want your hairy ass caught on film." She grinned, trying to distract me – or maybe even herself, from the overbearing presence of her father that was making her do this.

  "And how would that make me look?"

  And then it struck me – from the moment she'd walked into that room, she'd known exactly where the cameras were, and what they could see.

  She knows she's being watched, wherever she goes, I thought. It's like she's had to acquire a sixth sense for danger.

  I bit down on my outrage. I wanted to leap up, to protest the unfairness of Maya's situation, but I knew that she was, first and foremost, her own woman. There was no way the girl I'd met would've wanted me to fight her battles for her, no matter what the stakes.

  That girl was strong, and independent, and wild – and she’d have saved herself. The fact that she knew where the cameras were, that she thought about it, kept it all in that gorgeous head, was just a sign of how damn strong she was.

  But then, the little voice said, why's she still here? It's been years, why hasn't she made it out?

  "The locker room," I said. "It's safe – no cameras."

  She looked at me, and I realized that I could still read her like a book. I could see the battle going on inside her mind – that on the one hand she was terrified of doing this, and of the consequences of getting caught, but on the other hand she still had the same impetuous, spontaneous personality I'd fallen in love with. It was also the part of her that won out.

  "Okay," she said, the set look on her face indicating that she'd made her decision. She repeated the word, as if to steel herself, like she knew she was breaking a little, and needed to talk herself into doing it.

  I looked at her, hiding the anguish that I felt inside me. I knew that if I could make her mine again, she'd never have to make that kind of sick, twisted decision again. A cold certainty was growing inside me – I needed to make this right, even if that meant doing something drastic.

  Whatever it takes.

  "We don't have long." She said swiftly, interrupting my train of thought. "I'll need to call in soon, or Sergei might send someone to look for me. Meet me down there, but go down the back stairs, okay?"

  I nodded, keeping my expression light to hide the darkness that was on my mind. I wondered what Maya's reaction would be if she knew that I was thinking about murdering her father. Would she stay with me? Did it matter? After all, I'd given that stripper tens of thousands of dollars just to make me feel less god damn miserable for a few minutes. What was a murder, after all, if it meant saving a person as wonderful as Maya?

  "You're the boss…" I winked.

  She smiled at that, her whole face brightening as if I'd made her day, and then spun on her heel and skipped away – almost girlishly, as if for a brief moment I'd lifted all her cares and worries from her shoulders.

  I'm going to.

  I counted slowly to a hundred in my head. Time seemed to slow as I waited, my cock still hard with anticipation. I was so hard, I could have counted the time by the thunderous beats of the blood rushing into my cock.

  I decided instead to tuck it under the waistband of my shorts, figuring that the last thing I wanted the cameras, and Maya's creepy father, to see was me being led along by an arrow in my shorts. That probably wouldn't be the subtlety she was searching for…

  The second my mental count reached the hundred mark I leapt off the gym bench. It took an incredible exercise of mental strength not to run straight for the locker rooms – and specifically, for Maya. But I knew I couldn't.

  Stay cool…

  The last few days, ever since I'd got Maya into my bed after so many years apart had been an exercise in torture. Sexual torture. I felt like my cock had been hard all week, and each night a
s I lay in bed – alone – I hadn't been able to resist the temptation to, uh, rub one out. Not that that had done much to lower my libido. If anything, imagining her naked, and all the things I wanted to do to her had just made me even hornier.

  It took everything I had to resist sprinting across the gym floor, but somehow I managed it. It wasn't until I reached the stairwell – which was thankfully free from surveillance, that I actually broke into a run.

  There was only one thought in my mind now – screwing Maya, and everything else was going to have to wait. I wasn't letting Maya's dad off, far from it, but right now I had more important things to deal with.

  I'm going to make him pay. I promise.

  "Hey!" Maya called through a cracked open doorway as I single-mindedly hared past her. "Where are you going?"

  Startled out of my revenge fantasy, I threw the brakes on. My feet were forced to scramble for purchase against the slick tiled floor to bring me to a sudden halt. "I thought you said the locker rooms?"

  She opened the door, smiling shyly, and my mouth dropped as I realized that she'd stripped down to her underwear. "I did." She said. "But I found somewhere better…"

  The massage room was kitted out with colorful mood lighting, and Maya had somehow figured out how to turn it on. The room was dark, and constantly shifting hues of blue and deep purple landed on her body. She was a delicious, sexy kaleidoscope of color, but I wanted more.

  I pressed my hand against the light switch. "I want to see you. All of you." I said huskily.

  "Don't!" She said nervously.


  "Don't," she repeated, this time in a calmer voice. "I like it like this."

  The thought that Maya was hiding something from me once again crossed my mind, but I was so driven by my libido and sexual frustration that I didn't have any spare processing capacity to delve into it.

  "Fine." I growled, jumping through the open door and grabbing her beautiful, taut yet perfectly curvy frame. "Have it your way. Like I said, you're the boss."

  She could only answer me with tiny, breathy gasps of pleasure as I grabbed her ass cheek and worked my way under her tiny silk thong. I lifted her as though she didn't weigh a pound, and her legs quickly found their way around my body, clasping tight like she never wanted to let go.

  I spied a massage table behind her, and I knew exactly why she'd chosen the room. If it was the perfect height for a massage, then I was sure it could be used for… other things.

  I felt my cock growing as Maya's soft flesh pressed against it, only the thin nylon of my gym shorts and a tiny piece of silk separating it from its rightful home.

  "Fuck," I groaned. "You haven't changed a bit."

  She shot me a frightened glance, one that I couldn't even begin to comprehend. It seemed like she thought I was kidding, messing with her, perhaps even taunting her. I didn't understand how she could possibly think that I would do that, but she smothered my mouth with hers and within a second I'd forgotten the look. For now, anyway.

  I tore my hand away from her ass and reached up to the clasp that held her bra strap closed, flicking the catch with practiced ease.

  "You've done that before," she gasped as I ripped the bra off her shoulders and tossed it onto the floor. I couldn't tell whether she was impressed, or worried – but since her nipples were quickly hardening with arousal, or the cool of the room, or both, I decided that she couldn't be too worried.

  "You don’t use it, ya lose it, girl." I replied quickly, with a broad, cheeky grin plastered on my face.

  If she was worried, she hid it well, by pressing her naked chest against my unclothed torso. I could feel her hard nubs against my pecs, and something else…

  "You've got goosebumps," I said with surprise.

  She looked at me and rolled her eyes. This was the Maya I remembered! "Goosebumps?" She said with a hint of frustrated exasperation. "You get me naked, with my legs clamped around your waist, and you're worried about goosebumps?"

  "Fair point," I muttered.

  If you want to play it that way, believe me, I can play.

  I decided to kick things up a gear. I grabbed the thin silk string that held her tiny thong around her waist, wound it around my little finger for second, then closed my fist around it and ripped it off her body.

  "Hey!" She said. "I –."

  I didn't wait for an answer. I pressed my mouth against hers and kissed her forcefully. She wasn’t interested in wasting time complaining, and she melted into the kiss without hesitating.

  I felt her fingers on my back, felt my skin tingle as she stroked her way down to the waistband of my shorts, and then felt as without a second's thought, she pushed them downwards. Gravity took over, and they fell around my ankles. I kicked them aside.

  "No boxers?" She whispered, her face half an inch from mine.

  "They just get in the way," I joked. Kind of joked, anyway, because it was kinda true.

  She glanced down and I saw her eyes widen as she saw the size of my cock. "Can I touch it?"

  "Trust me, lass," I growled. "You can touch it whenever you want."

  She didn't wait another second before reaching down, her tiny hands closing around my cock with delight. I wished I could see more, but the fading bluish hues that filled the room gave me barely enough light to see Maya's outline, her curves, the shape of her breasts and the way her chest rose and fell with her breath.

  "Fuck. I don't have a condom," I swore. I could have kicked myself. It wasn't like me. I usually carried one everywhere I went. After all, you never know when you're going to get lucky…

  "It's fine," Maya said.

  With any other girl, that would have been enough for me. I was pretty sure I didn't have a kid kicking around out there, though I guess you can never be a hundred percent sure. All I knew was that no baby mama had ever come tracking me down looking for child support – and it wasn't like I live my life under the radar. If they had, I'd have treated the kid right, even if I wasn't sure their mothers would.

  But Maya was different from just any other girl. She was my first, the best, and there was no way I was going to make her do anything that she didn't want to.

  "Are you sure?" I asked uncertainly. "I don't want you –."

  "I'm sure! Jesus, what does a girl has to do to get laid around here?" She asked, fondling my cock. It was the kind of catch twenty-two that could drive a man crazy, and it was having that effect on me.

  I had to close my eyes, because if I’d looked at her, even in this dim half light, I knew I wouldn’t have been able to control myself.

  "I'm just playing with you, I'm on the pill," she said,

  That was all the encouragement I needed. I didn't even bother saying a word after she gave me the go-ahead. I pushed her backward and felt my knees, so my head was barely a couple of inches from her pristine pink pussy.

  "Jesus, Maya," I groaned. "Don't do that to me again. I was this close to cracking!"

  I didn't give her a second to respond. I left my hands nestled in the little creases of skin where Maya's legs met her hips, and dove between her legs, blowing lightly against the slit that lay between them.

  "Hold my hands," I ordered. I felt her hesitation as she tried to get enough blood back into her brain to understand what the hell I was asking her to do.

  "What?" She croaked.

  "Just do it."

  Her fingers brushed against mine, and then held on tight.

  "Good girl," I said. "When it feels good, squeeze and I won't stop. Got it?"

  She squeezed my hands. I didn't wait for another sign, because I knew my cock would never forgive me. It was throbbing uncomfortably between my legs, and I felt an almost unstoppable urge to stand up, drag her back by her legs and enter her.

  But I could wait. I wanted Maya's slit to be hot, wet and ready for me; I wanted her to beg me to take her; I wanted her to be putty in my hands. I still remembered her body, how she responded, what she liked. I was going to give her the best god damn lay she'd
ever had.

  I leaned forward and licked her slit from top to bottom, feeling tremors of pleasure transmitted down through her hands to mine. She pressed her knees inwards involuntarily, but I let go of her hand briefly to grab them and push them back, spreading her legs so that I had complete access to her at her most beautiful, her most vulnerable.

  She moaned, resisting my touch, and I felt my cock jerk with anticipation at the sound. I licked her again, this time from bottom to top, and the resistance melted away. Another gasp escaped her lips as she writhed beneath my tongue.

  "Jesus, you're wet," I muttered with surprise. I pulled one of my hands away from her embrace, brought it to the slit between her legs and extended my index finger, tracing it around the soaking wet lips of her pussy, feeling like a king as I realized how completely I controlled her right now.

  Maya gasped as I slowly pushed my index finger inside her tight slit. She thrust her hips forward, desperate to feel me – any part of me – inside her, but I pushed her back. This was happening my way, my rules. She was going to have to wait.

  My finger inched inside her, gliding smoothly against her slick pussy. Fuck, she was so god damn wet, all I could think of was how fucking good she would feel around my cock. I dug my finger in until it was entirely buried between her legs, until my knuckle was nestled against her wet, pink flesh.

  "Oh God," she moaned.

  "Just call me Conor," I smirked.

  She looked down at me, rolling her eyes, but as she did so, I bent my head over her open legs and wrapped my lips around her engorged clit. I couldn't see her face, but I imagined her eyes rolling back in her head as I sucked on the tiny bundle of nerves.

  Her back arched, and she naturally thrust her pelvis outwards, but I kept on sucking, almost letting my face ride her bucking pussy, and kept rolling my tongue around the nub until she moaned yet again with sheer, unadulterated delight.

  "Fuck me, Conor." She groaned. "Jesus, I need to feel you inside me. I'm this close!"

  Not yet.

  Maya tried to sit up, and tried to pull my head up from between her legs, but I resisted – and I was far stronger than she'd ever be. I buried my head between her legs and held on tight with my lips. She stopped protesting the very second I next caressed her pussy with my tongue, lifting my lips from her clit for the briefest period of time to pay attention to the rest of her beautiful slit.


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