Running With The Tiger

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Running With The Tiger Page 8

by Bonnie Burrows


  “No, but I’m doing my best to compromise.”

  “And what about the people that are after me?”

  “What about them? They’ll eventually give up and stop looking. You’re wanted for questioning, you’re not actually suspected of anything.”

  “I just wonder if it was that woman Grace who gave my name to the police.”

  “It’s likely. Your people did kidnap her, tie her up and torture her for information.”

  “I didn’t. I was nothing but nice to her. I can’t believe that this is how she would repay my kindness.”

  “You mean you don’t understand why she couldn’t see the good in you, even though you were one of her captors? You can’t believe that she would hate you for being nice, but not freeing her and helping her escape?”

  His voice was incredulous and it took a moment for Cambria to figure out what he was getting out.

  “Our situation is different. You just came into my home and kidnapped me for no reason.”

  “I had a reason.”

  “A stupid one.

  “It is just as valid to me as the reason your people thought that Grace deserved to be held and tortured. The ends justify the means.”

  Cambria wanted to argue, but he was right. Their current situation was no different than what Cambria had done to Grace. Except, Egan was unfailingly nice and willing to negotiate with her.

  It was more than she’d given Grace.

  Egan held out his hand and stood, waiting for Cambria to offer her hand in the dark so he could help her up.

  They walked back to the car in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Egan opened the door to the passenger side and closed it behind her before getting in himself. He turned over the engine, driving in silence for nearly thirty minutes before he finally spoke.

  “I didn’t know that you knew I was a shifter,” he said softly.

  “I knew the minute you told me your name. Laskin told us all about you and your brother. It wasn’t hard to figure out who was who.”

  Egan chuckled. “I guess not.”

  “I’m sorry I ran.”

  “No you’re not. You’re sorry you got caught.” He laughed again, the sound open and genuine without any noticeable irritation.

  He was being honest when he said, “You’re quite fun. I knew you were feisty, but I hadn’t counted on this. I like it.”

  Cambria smiled to herself in the darkness.

  No one had ever told her that her attitude was any less than rude and disdainful. It was nice to have someone like everything about her for once, instead of trying to bend her to fit a mold that wasn’t meant for her.

  She was starting to think that he wasn’t so bad after all.

  “I’ll come with you, but on my own terms. I don’t want to be forced into anything against my will.”

  “Agreed. Anything else?”

  “Yes. The handcuffs get trashed here. From now on, only one of us will ever get tied up, and it’s not going to be me.”

  “Fair enough.”

  They walked to the car and drove away. Egan paused by a trashcan at the exit and dumped the cuffs in the bin.

  It’s not like she knew he had another pair buried in the bottom of his bag.


  Egan pulled into a motel parking lot and Cambria looked at the time. It was nearly two in the morning and they are not more than an hour’s drive to Wichita Mountain.

  “Why are we stopping?” she asked.

  “It’s too dark to hike into the woods tonight and we both need rest before we make that journey. It’s not an easy one, but I think you can handle it. There are no motels there, so we’ll have to make do with this one.”

  He smiled at her, and she was surprised when she smiled back. She didn’t know when her feelings towards Egan had started to change, but she couldn’t help herself. His smile and his warmth were infectious.

  “I’m going to run in and get our room key. Please don’t leave. I’m pretty exhausted and I just don’t have the energy for a repeat of earlier.”

  Cambria was glad it was dark as the color crept up her neck. She felt badly about what happened earlier, though she wasn’t quite sure why. Whether he was a nice man or not, the fact remained that he kidnapped her. She didn’t know why she felt bad for running away, but she did.

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  Egan smiled again, this time the smile was bright and almost boyish. He got out of the car and jogged up the walkway into the office. Cambria watched him go, marveling at how Egan moved so freely and confidently. His body was a well-oiled machine and Cambria couldn’t help but think about the night before; his naked body stretched out beside her as he slept so soundly. He was a handsome man.

  He was back within minutes, driving around the back of the motel and parking in front of the last room on the row. The single-story building was a little rundown, but it wasn’t the worst place Cambria had ever spent the night.

  Egan got out of the car and ran around to open her door. He offered his hand to her, and though she didn’t need his assistance getting out, she accepted his offer. His touch sent bolts of lightning through her and she wondered at her body’s reaction to this man. As much as she’d tried to force herself into hating him, she just couldn’t. He was much too sweet.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  His question startled her, and she realized that she was still holding his hand, even though she’d already stood up from her seat.

  She shook her head, wiping the goofy smile away and hoping that he didn’t realize the effect he was starting to have on her.

  “Nothing. I’m just really tired, but I need a shower.”

  “Me too.”

  He winked at her as he unlocked the door and carried both of their bags into the small room. In the middle of the room was a single, full-sized bed. Cambria fought back a groan. The bed was so small. The only way they would both fit was if she hung precariously on the edge, or she would have to lie close to him.

  Egan latched the chain on the door and tossed their bags on the single desk. He walked to the bathroom, checking the room first before motioning to it with his head.

  “There’s no window, so have at it.”

  “You mean you’re not going to watch me?”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  “Uh, no.”

  She walked by him, but he didn’t budge, forcing her to turn sideways to squeeze between him and the door jam. His scent enveloped her as she moved passed him. She closed the door behind her and locked the flimsy thumb-latch behind her.

  She could hear him laughing through the thin door, but she didn’t care. She knew the lock wouldn’t keep him out, but that little bit of reassurance made her feel better. She stripped out of her clothes while the water heated.

  Stepping into the shower, she was delighted when the heavy spray hit her skin. This was so much better than her shower in the cabin. Sample-sized shampoo and conditioner sat on the ledge. She wished she had her expensive brand from her room, but she quickly pushed that wish aside. Even if she could find the exact brand, she would never again buy something that reminded her of her life with Laskin and the other members of the brotherhood. That time was behind her, and there was no going back.

  This shampoo smelled faintly of coconut and a hint of something else she couldn’t place. The effect was very pleasant and she dumped half the tiny bottle into her hair and worked it into a rich later. The scent filled the tiny bathroom, mingling with the steam that was building.

  She worked the soap across her skin as the suds from her shampoo slid down her body. It had been years since she’d had a shower with so much water pressure. She turned slowly in the spray, letting it work the kinks out of her muscles and wash away the events of the last few days.

  Cambria applied the conditioner and let it sit for a minute before rinsing it out. She stood in the hot spray for a minute longer, loathe to exit the stall and return to r

  She stepped out, pulling a large towel from the rack and set to work drying her hair. She looked at the pile of dirty clothes on the floor in dismay. Cambria hadn’t remembered to bring fresh clothes into the bathroom with her.

  Opening the door a crack, she called out to Egan.

  “Can you bring me some clean clothes?”

  “Of course.”

  Egan handed Cambria her clothes and she thanked him before locking the door again.

  She shook the pile, expecting to see more than panties fall out of the oversized t-shirt. But there was nothing else. Cambria thought about arguing, but decided against it. The shirt was large and they only had a short while to sleep before they would be up and on the road again. She could survive a few hours in a large tee and panties.

  Stepping out of the bathroom, she hung her wet towel up on a rack and went to the sink. Egan had already laid out her toothbrush and mouthwash. He was standing behind her, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

  “I’m going to take a shower. Please don’t leave. I know you don’t trust me yet, and I understand, but I don’t want to chase you. But it’s important that you know, that the force that brought me all the way from Canada, that isn’t going to just go away. If you run, I’m just going to look for you again until I find you. It’s not something I can control, and I can’t just decide to give up. It eats away at me. I can’t fight it.”

  “A tiger can’t change its stripes,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Egan was surprised by her words, but she made no other mention about him being a shifter and hadn’t since they’d talked in the woods. He knew she’d been brainwashed to hate his kind for most of her life and it was going to take some time for her to break the hold that kind of indoctrination had on her.

  “I’m not going to tie you up, and I’m not going to sleep with one eye open. I need some solid sleep tonight and we only have a few hours. Run or don’t, but know that I will find you, no matter what you do.”

  “I gave you my word and I’m not going to break it,” she said.

  “Forgive me if I’m still a little leery of that. You fooled me once before.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to respond, just slipped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She quickly brushed her teeth and brushed her hair.

  Cambria turned off the overhead light and left a small lamp on the night stand on. Hurrying so she could pick her side before he got out of the shower, she slid into bed, careful to leave plenty of room for him on the other side of the bed before curling onto her side and closing her eyes. She was starting to fall to sleep when she heard the bathroom door open and Egan walked out.

  She cracked one eye open, startled to see that he was naked, walking around the room checking the window locks and the door between their room and the next while he toweled his hair dry.

  Cambria watched his muscles move beneath his bronze skin, admiring the strength of his body. He was a very handsome man, and Cambria was surprised again that he was so smitten with her, of all people. His reddish brown hair was short and wavy, his overall appearance well-kept without being fussy. If they’d met under different circumstances, she never would have worked up the courage to make eye contact with him, let alone speak to him.

  She caught herself before she laughed at the thought. Being handsome didn’t make him special. He was human, just like any other man.

  Except he wasn’t. He was everything she’d fought so long against, and she was terrified of what he could become if angered enough. Everyone had their limits.

  If he was pushed too far, would he lose the calm exterior he seemed to have and shift in anger, destroying everything and everyone in his path? That’s what she’d been taught to believe. Even with the proof in front of her, she still struggled to let go of the lies that have been fed to her for the last six years.

  Or maybe he’s as good at hiding his true self as Laskin was, she thought angrily.

  But she knew that the two were nothing alike. She’d always felt a little uncomfortable around Laskin, even though he’d never given her any reason to feel that way. He’d been unfailingly kind to her, but she always suspected that there was an ulterior motive to every interaction. He’d been grooming her from the very beginning. For what, she had no idea and probably would never know. She hadn’t seen much of the scene in the woods, but it was obvious that neither Tom nor Gary had known about Laskin. Cambria doubted Laskin had told them anything of any substance over the years.

  Egan leaned over the sink, spitting mouthwash out before he took a swig of cold water out of the faucet and turned off the tap. She could see him very clearly in the soft glow of the bedside. Very clearly.

  Cambria blushed hot red at the sight of him and wondered about his expectations. He was clearly aroused, and Cambria wasn’t interested in being another man’s little plaything.

  She’d learned that lesson with Tom. In hind-sight, she knew that he’d never felt anything deeper than physical attraction for her, and that he had played her time and again to get what he wanted from her. She had been used, but she’d let it happen. Cambria didn’t ever want to feel that kind of shame again.

  He caught her looking and winked at her. Egan strode to the bed, confident and immodest. He pulled back the covers, sliding into his side of the bed and rolling onto his side to face her. His eyes bored into her soul and she felt exposed, even though the blankets were pulled up to her chin and she was clothed.

  Egan reached out and touched her cheek, but Cambria retreated to the edge of the bed. His smile was soft and understanding as he pulled his hand away.

  “I don’t know what’s happened to you over the years, though I can’t imagine that men have treated you kindly, the way you act. I just want you to know that, no matter how badly I want you, I will never force you.”

  “Wasn’t kidnapping me forcing me?” she knew that wasn’t what he meant, but she couldn’t help it. He could say anything he wanted, but that fact would always remain a source of contention between them.

  “Someday, you’ll see it the way I do. The facts are simple; had I not shown up when I did, you would be dead, or at the very least in prison with the rest of them. Isn’t this much better?”

  Cambria didn’t answer him. She didn’t know how she felt. Since she’d watched him from the woods, looking so lost and so forlorn, her perspective had changed. He had kidnapped her against her will, of that she would always be certain. But she knew without a doubt that he had done so for reasons that were entirely and completely based on love, however misguided it might seem to her.

  And the more she got to know him, the more she wondered if he wasn’t right. About everything. It was such a confusing position for her to be in.

  “Do you want the light off or on?” he asked.

  “I’d like it off.”

  He reached behind him, pulling the chain that hung from the fixture and plunging the room into darkness.

  Cambria held perfectly still, afraid to close the distance between the two of them. Within minutes, he was snoring softly and Cambria wondered again how he could fall asleep so quickly.

  She hung part way off the bed in her effort to keep from touching him, and already her body was sore from holding herself so rigidly to keep from falling. If this were a decent hotel, she might consider sleeping on the floor. But it wasn’t. It was the best they could do in the area in the middle of the night, but otherwise, it was not the sort of place she would stay in.

  Her only other choice was to move closer to Egan. He was deeply asleep now, his breathing long and slow. If she moved a little a time, she wouldn’t wake him and she could move a few inches without touching him.

  Taking her time, she eased away from the edge of the bed, moving until her knee was merely an inch from his. If their knees touched in the night, she could handle that. Already, the tension was easing out of her body and she was starting to feel sleepy. She heard him chuckle in his sleep, and fell asleep wondering what he was dreami
ng about that was so funny.

  Cambria woke up a few hours later, the gray light of approaching dawn casting an eerie light throughout the room. She was warm and well-rested, despite the fact that it couldn’t be later than around five.

  She closed her eyes and dozed for a few more minutes, enjoying the feel of the blankets that wrapped around her with delicious warmth. When she finally opened her eyes and tried to stretch, she realized that it wasn’t the blankets keeping her warm.

  His soft breathing warmed her neck, his heavy arm thrown over her carelessly in his sleep. At some point, she’d abandoned the edge of the bed in favor of his beckoning warmth. In sleep, her body had betrayed her.

  She was nestled up against him, her backside snuggled against him, his legs beneath hers. Tom had never spooned with her before, preferring to leave immediately after love-making for his own bed. And here she was, trapped in the arms of a man who had complete control over her, and he hadn’t once pushed her to do anything sexual.

  Cambria was starting to realize that she had horribly misjudged Tom. And herself.

  His embrace was wonderful, but Cambria had needs that couldn’t wait. She gently moved his arm, wiggling down in the bed in an attempt to free herself from his grasp without waking him.

  But he didn’t budge, and Cambria was firmly stuck. She would have to wake him if she wanted to get up.

  “Egan,” she half whispered.

  He didn’t respond.

  “Egan,” she was louder this time, gently elbowing him in the ribs to wake him.

  “Yes?” His voice was sleepy, and waking him had the opposite effect. He pulled her even closer, wrapping his arms more tightly around her and burying his face in her hair before falling back to sleep. One hand had come to rest over her breast, the other placed lazily on her hip.

  Well that’s just great, she thought.

  She elbowed him again, this time a little harder while she said his name.

  He finally woke up enough to be coherent, his voice still heavy with sleep.

  “I see you came to your senses,” he breathed the words into her neck but didn’t move to let her go.


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